Utilisateur:SenseiAC/Chronologie des modifications de pays et de capitale

Cet article présente une chronologie des modifications de pays et de capitale à travers le monde. Il inclut les dates d'indépendance, de changement de nom des pays, de changement de capitale ou de nom, et les changements territoriaux significatifs.

 Années 2000   1900   1800   1700   1600   1500   1400   1300   1200   1100   1000 
 1er millénaire   1er millénaire avant J.-C.   2e millénaire avant J.-C.   3e millénaire avant J.-C.   4e millénaire avant J.-C. 

Afrique Asie Europe Océanie Amérique du Nord Amérique du Sud Antarctique

Ère commune


Années 2010

Année Date Évènement
2013 7 janvier Le Congrès national libyen change le nom du pays de Libye en État de Libye qui sera utilisé jusqu'à l'adoption d'une nouvelle[1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6].
2012 12 juillet L'État indépendant de l'Azawad reconquis par les forces qui le considèrent comme partie intégrante de la République du Mali.
6 avril L'État indépendant de l'Azawad proclame son indépendance de la République du Mali, non-reconnue par l'ensemble de la communauté internationale. Gao en est la capitale.
1er janvier La République de Hongrie change son nom en Hongrie. Budapest reste la capitale.
2011 16 septembre Après une guerre civile et l'occupation de la capitale par l'Armée de libération nationale, la Grande Jamahiriya arabe libyenne populaire et socialiste change son nom en Libye. Tripoli reste la capitale.
9 juillet La République du Soudan du Sud gagne formellement son indépendance du Soudan après un référendum tenu en janvier. Djouba en est la capitale.
2 février La République des Îles Fidji change son nom en République des Fidji. Suva reste la capitale.
2010 21 octobre L'Union du Myanmar (Birmanie) change son nom en République de l'Union du Myanmar. Naypyidaw reste la capitale.
10 octobre Les Antilles néerlandaises sont dissoutes. L'État de Curaçao (Land Curaçao) et l'État de Saint-Martin (Land Sint Maarten) deviennent des pays constitutifs du Royaume des Pays-Bas, avec Willemstad et Philipsburg comme capitales respectives. Bonaire, Saba, et Saint-Eustache (Sint Eustatius) deviennent des municipalités à caractère spécial des Pays-Bas.

Années 2000

Année Date Évènement
2009 1er septembre Le Royaume-Uni change le nom des territoires britanniques d'outre-mer de Sainte-Hélène et dépendances en Sainte-Hélène, Ascension et Tristan da Cunha. Jamestown resta la capitale.
7 février La République de Bolivie change son nom en État plurinational de Bolivie. La Paz et Sucre restent les capitales.
2008 27 août La Fédération de Russie reconnaît l'indépendance de la République d'Ossétie du Sud et de la République d'Abkhazie, bien que la Géorgie maintient qu'elles sont illégalement occupées par la Russie et qu'elles demeurent légalement des régionss intégrantes de la Géorgie. Tskhinvali et Soukhoumi sont leurs capitales respectives.
28 mai L'État du Népal change son nom en République démocratique fédérale du Népal. Katmandou reste la capitale.
17 février La République du Kosovo déclare son indépendance de la République de Serbie, bien que la Serbie ne la reconnaisse pas. Priština est sa capitale. Le , la Cour internationale de justice déclare que la déclaration d'indépendance ne viole pas la loi internationale.
2007 22 octobre La République du Monténégro change son nom en Monténégro. Podgorica est sa capitale.
21 février La République française sépare la Collectivité de Saint-Barthélemy de la Guadeloupe. Gustavia en est la capitale.
La République française sépare la Collectivité de Saint-Martin de la Guadeloupe. Marigot en est la capitale.
15 janvier Le Royaume du Népal change son nom en État du Népal. Katmandou reste la capitale.
2006 7 octobre La République de Palau déplace sa capitale de Koror à Ngerulmud.
14 août La République fédérale du Nigeria cède la souveraineté sur Bakassi à la République du Cameroun.
5 juin La République de Serbie succède à la Communauté d'États de Serbie-et-Monténégro. Belgrade reste la capitale.
3 juin La République du Monténégro fait sécession de la Communauté d'États de Serbie-et-Monténégro. Podgorica en est la capitale.
2005 6 novembre L'Union du Myanmar (Birmanie) déplace sa capitale de Yangon à Naypyidaw.
2004 1er septembre Le Secrétariat du Traité sur l'Antarctique qui administre l'Antarctique établit son siège à Buenos Aires, en Argentine.
4 janvier L'État islamique d'Afghanistan change son nom en République islamique d'Afghanistan. Kaboul reste la capitale.
2003 4 février La République fédérale de Yougoslavie change son nom en Communauté d'États de Serbie-et-Monténégro. Belgrade reste la capitale.
2002 20 mai La République démocratique du Timor-Leste gagne son indépendance de la République portugaise. Le Timor-Leste avait occupé par l'Indonésie depuis 1975, puis fut placé sous administration des Nations Unies en 1999. Dili en est la capitale.
14 février L'État de Bahreïn change son nom en Royaume de Bahreïn. Manama reste la capitale.
2001 13 novembre L'État islamique d'Afghanistan succède à l'Émirat islamique d'Afghanistan. Kaboul en devient la capitale.
janvier Taloqan, la capitale de facto du gouvernement de l'État islamique d'Afghanistan, tombe aux mains de l'Émirat islamique d'Afghanistan. La capitale est déplacée à Fayzabad.

Années 1990

Année Date Évènement
1999 31 décembre Les États-Unis d'Amérique retournent la souveraineté du Canal de Panama à la République du Panama.
30 décembre La République du Venezuela change son nom en République bolivarienne du Venezuela. Caracas reste la capitale.
20 décembre La République portugaise transfère sa colonie de Macao à la République populaire de Chine en tant que Région administrative spéciale de Macao.
10 juin L'Mission d'administration intérimaire des Nations unies au Kosovo est formée dans la Province autonome de Kosovo-et-Métochie de la République fédérale de Yougoslavie.
1998 6 mai La République du Kazakhstan change le nom de sa capitale d'Aqmola en Astana.
1997 10 décembre La République du Kazakhstan déplace sa capitale d'Almaty à Aqmola.
4 juillet Les Samoa occidentales changent leur nom en État indépendant des Samoa.
1er juillet Le Royaume-Uni transfère sa colonie de Hong Kong à la République populaire de Chine en tant que Région administrative spéciale de Hong Kong.
17 mai La République du Zaïre reprend son ancien nom de République démocratique du Congo. Kinshasa reste la capitale.
La République des Fidji changeson nom en République des Îles Fidji. Suva reste la capitale.
1996 La République unie de Tanzanie déplace sa capitale de Dar-es-Salaam à Dodoma.
1994 1er octobre La République des Palaos gagne son indépendance du Territoire sous tutelle des îles du Pacifique administré au nom des Nations unies par les États-Unis. Koror en est la capitale jusque 2006.
28 février La République d'Afrique du Sud transfère la souveraineté de la Walvis Bay à la République de Namibie.
1993 24 septembre Le Royaume du Cambodge restauré remplace l'État du Cambodge. Phnom Penh reste la capitale.
La République du Kazakhstan change le nom de sa capitale d'Alma-Ata en Almaty.
24 mai L'État d'Érythrée gagne son indépendance de la République fédérale démocratique d'Éthiopie. Asmara en est la capitale.
1er janvier La République tchèque et la République slovaque sont formées suite à la dissolution de la Tchécoslovaquie. Bratislava est la capitale de la République slovaque. Prague reste la capitale de la République tchèque.
1992 12 septembre La République démocratique de Madagascar change son nom en République de Madagascar. Antananarivo reste la capitale.
27 août La République populaire d'Angola change son nom en République d'Angola. Luanda reste la capitale.
28 avril La République fédérale de Yougoslavie est créée à partir des "restes" de la République fédérative socialiste de Yougoslavie. Belgrade reste la capitale.
6 avril La Bosnie-et-Herzégovine gagne son indépendance de la République fédérative socialiste de Yougoslavie. Sarajevo en est la capitale.
15 janvier La République de Slovénie gagne son indépendance de la République fédérative socialiste de Yougoslavie. Ljubljana en est la capitale.
La République de Croatie gagne son indépendance de la République fédérative socialiste de Yougoslavie. Zagreb n est la capitale.
1991 26 décembre La Fédération de Russie est créée à partir de l'Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques. Moscou reste la capitale.
21 décembre La République kirghize gagne son indépendance de l'Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques. Bishkek en est la capitale.
16 décembre La République du Kazakhstan gagne son indépendance de l'Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques. Alma-Ata en est la capitale jusqu'en 1997.
12 décembre La République fédérale du Nigeria déplace sa capitale de Lagos à Abuja.
8 décembre Le Turkménistan gagne son indépendance de l'Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques. Achgabat en est la capitale.
La République d'Ouzbékistan gagne son indépendance de l'Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques. Tachkent en est la capitale.
21 septembre La République d'Arménie gagne son indépendance de l'Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques. Erevan en est la capitale.
9 septembre La République du Tadjikistan gagne son indépendance de l'Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques. Douchanbé en est la capitale.
8 septembre La République de Macédoine gagne son indépendance de la République fédérative de Yougoslavie. Skopje en est la capitale.
6 septembre La République de Lituanie regagne son indépendance de l'Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques. Vilnius en est la capitale.
30 août La République d'Azerbaïdjan gagne son indépendance de l'Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques. Bakou en est la capitale.
27 août La République de Moldavie gagne son indépendance de l'Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques. Chişinău en est la capitale.
25 août La République du Bélarus gagne son indépendance de l'Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques. Minsk en est la capitale.
24 août L'Ukraine gagne son indépendance de l'Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques. Kiev en est la capitale.
21 août La République de Lettonie regagne son indépendance de l'Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques. Riga en est la capitale.
20 août La République d'Estonie regagne son indépendance de l'Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques. Tallinn en est la capitale.
30 avril La République d'Albanie succède à la République populaire socialiste d'Albanie. Tirana reste la capitale.
9 avril La Géorgie gagne son indépendance de l'Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques. Tbilissi en est la capitale.
1990 15 novembre La République populaire de Bulgarie change son nom en République de Bulgarie. Sofia reste la capitale.
3 octobre La République fédérale d'Allemagne absorbe la République démocratique allemande. L'Allemagne unifiée regagne sa pleine souveraineté et l'occupation alliée se termine. Bonn cède sa place à Berlin en tant que capitale.
22 mai La République arabe du Yémen (Yémen du Nord) et la République populaire démocratique du Yémen (Yémen du Sud) s'unissent pour former la République du Yémen. Aden cède sa place à Sanaa en tant que capitale.
21 mars La République de Namibie gagne son indépendance de l'Afrique du Sud. Windhoek en est la capitale.
1er mars La République populaire du Bénin change son nom en République du Bénin. Porto-Novo reste la capitale.
La République du Chili déplace sa capitale législative de Santiago à Valparaíso. Santiago reste la capitale administrative.

Années 1980

Année Date Évènement
1989 31 décembre La République populaire de Pologne change son nom en République de Pologne. Varsovie reste la capitale.
23 octobre La République populaire de Hongrie change son nom en République de Hongrie.
26 septembre La République socialiste du Vietnam termine son occupation de l'État du Cambodge.
18 juin L'Union de Birmanie change son nom en anglais en Union du Myanmar. Yangon reste la capitale jusque 2005.
Les États fédérés de Micronésie déplace sa capitale de Kolonia à Palikir.
1er mai L'État du Cambodge succède au Kampuchéa démocratique (Cambodge). Phnom Penh reste la capitale.
15 février L'Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques termine son occupation de la République d'Afghanistan.
1988 23 septembre La République socialiste de l'Union de Birmanie change son nom en Union de Birmanie. Yangon reste la capitale jusque 2005.
1987 30 novembre La République d'Afghanistan succède à la République démocratique d'Afghanistan. Kaboul reste la capitale.
7 octobre Le Dominion des Fidji change son nom en République des Fidji. Suva reste la capitale.
1986 3 novembre Les États fédérés de Micronésie gagnent leur indépendance du Territoire sous tutelle des îles du Pacifique administré au nom des Nations unies par les États-Unis. Kolonia en est la capitale.
21 octobre La République des Îles Marshall gagne son indépendance du Territoire sous tutelle des îles du Pacifique administré au nom des Nations unies par les États-Unis. Majuro en est la capitale.
1er janvier Aruba gagne le statut de "pays" au sein du Royaume des Pays-Bas suite à un changement de la Charte pour le Royaume des Pays-Bas et fait sécession des Antilles néerlandaises. Oranjestad en est la capitale.
1984 15 août Le Bourkina-Fasso change son nom en Burkina Faso. Ouagadougou reste la capitale.
4 août La République de Haute-Volta change son nom en Bourkina-Fasso. Ouagadougou reste la capitale.
4 février La République du Cameroun succède à la République unie du Cameroun. Yaoundé en est la capitale.
1er janvier L'État de Brunei, Demeure de la Paix (Negara Brunei Darussalam) gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Bandar Seri Begawan en est la capitale.
1983 September 19 La Fédération de Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Basseterre en est la capitale.
mars La République de Côte d'Ivoire déplace sa capitale d'Abidjan à Yamoussoukro.
1982 14 juin Le Royaume-Uni recapture les Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) de la République argentine. Les Britanniques restaurent le nom de la capitale Puerto Argentino en Stanley.
29 avril La République socialiste démocratique du Sri Lanka déplace sa capitale de Colombo à Sri Jayawardenapura-Kotte.
18 avril La République du Zimbabwe renomme sa capitale, Salisbury, ainsi que de nombreux autres lieux. Le nouveau nom de la capitale est Harare.
2 avril La République argentine capture les Islas Malvinas (Falkland Islands) du Royaume-Uni. L'Argentine renomme Stanley, la capitale, en Puerto Argentino.
1981 1er novembre Antigua et Barbuda gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Saint John's en est la capitale.
21 septembre Le Belize gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Belmopan en est la capitale.
1980 July 30 La République de Vanuatu gagne son indépendance d'un condominium franco-britannique. Port Vila en est la capitale.
18 avril La République du Zimbabwe gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Salisbury en est la capitale.

Années 1970

Année Date Évènement
1979 25 décembre L'Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques occupe la République démocratique d'Afghanistan.
21 décembre La République du Zimbabwe-Rhodésie est dissoute, le Royaume-Uni ayant regagné le contrôle du territoire. La colonie reprend son ancien nom, Rhodésie du Sud. Salisbury reste la capitale.
27 octobre Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Kingstown en est la capitale.
20 septembre L'Empire centrafricain reprend son nom de République centrafricaine. Bangui reste la capitale.
12 juillet La République de Kiribati gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Tarawa-Sud en est la capitale.
1er juin La République de Rhodésie, non-reconnue, est remplacée par la République du Zimbabwe-Rhodésie, qui est aussi non-reconnu. Salisbury reste la capitale.
22 février Sainte-Lucie gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Castries en est la capitale.
7 janvier La République socialiste du Vietnam occupe le Kampuchéa démocratique (Cambodge).
1978 3 novembre Le Commonwealth de la Dominique gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Roseau en est la capitale.
1er octobre Les Tuvalu gagnent leur indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Funafuti en est la capitale.
7 juillet Les Îles Salomon deviennent indépendantes du Royaume-Uni. Honiara en est la capitale.
7 septembre La République libre, souveraine et indépendante du Sri Lanka change son nom en République socialiste démocratique du Sri Lanka. Colombo reste la capitale jusqu'en 1982.
30 avril La République démocratique d'Afghanistan succède à la République d'Afghanistan. Kaboul reste la capitale.
1977 27 juin La République de Djibouti gagne son indépendance de la République française. La ville de Djibouti en est la capitale.
2 mars La République arabe libyenne change son nom en Grande Jamahiriya arabe libyenne populaire et socialiste. Tripoli reste la capitale.
1976 28 décembre La République populaire socialiste d'Albanie succède à la République populaire d'Albanie. Tirana reste la capitale.
4 décembre La République centrafricaine change son nom en Empire centrafricain. Bangui reste la capitale.
2 juillet La République démocratique du Viêt Nam (Viêt Nam du Nord) et le Gouvernement révolutionnaire provisoire de la République du Viêt Nam du Sud s'unissent pour former la République socialiste du Viêt Nam. Hô-Chi-Minh-Ville cède sa place à Hanoi comme capitale du pays.
29 juin La République des Seychelles devient indépendante du Royaume-Uni. Victoria en est la capitale.
24 juin La République des Philippines rétablis sa capitale à Manille. Quezon City, l'ancienne capitale depuis 1948, est incorporée avec Manille et 15 banlieues environnantes pour former le Grand Manille (Metro Manila en anglais). Baguio n'est plus la capitale d'été.
5 janvier Le Kampuchéa démocratique (Cambodge) succède à la République khmère. Phnom Penh reste la capitale.
1975 30 décembre La République Malagasy change son nom en République démocratique de Madagascar. Antananarivo reste la capitale.
30 novembre La République du Dahomey change son nom en République populaire du Bénin. Porto-Novo reste la capitale.
25 novembre La République du Suriname gagne son indépendance du Royaume des Pays-Bas. Paramaribo en est la capitale.
22 novembre L'État espagnol est remplacé par le Royaume d'Espagne restauré. Madrid reste la capitale.
11 novembre La République populaire d'Angola gagne son indépendance de la République portugaise. Luanda en est la capitale.
16 septembre L'État indépendant de Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée gagne son indépendance de l'Australie. Port Moresby en est la capitale.
12 juillet La République démocratique de São Tomé et Príncipe gagne son indépendance de la République portugaise. La ville de São Tomé en est la capitale.
6 juillet L'Union des Comores gagne son indépendance de la République française. Moroni en est la capitale.
5 juillet La République du Cap-Vert gagne son indépendance de la République portugaise. Praia en est la capitale.
25 juin La République du Mozambique gagne son indépendance de la République portugaise. Maputo en est la capitale.
30 avril Le Gouvernement révolutionnaire provisoire de la République du Viêt Nam du Sud succède à la République du Viêt Nam. Le nom de la capitale est changé de Saigon en Hô-Chi-Minh-Ville.
1974 13 décembre La République de Malte succède à l'État de Malte. La Valette reste la capitale.
10 septembre La République de Guinée change son nom en République de Guinée-Bissau et déplace sa capitale de Madina do Boe à Bissau. La République portugaise reconnaît l'indépendance de la République de Guinée-Bissau.
22 février La République islamique du Pakistan reconnaît l'indépendance de la République populaire du Bangladesh.
7 février Grenade gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Saint-Georges en est la capitale.
4 janvier L'Union de Birmanie change son nom en République socialiste de l'Union de Birmanie. Yangon reste la capitale jusqu'en 2005.
1973 24 septembre La République de Guinée déclare son indépendance de la République portugaise ; la reconnaissance est limitée. Madina do Boe en est la capitale temporaire.
17 juillet La République d'Afghanistan succède au Royaume d'Afghanistan. Kaboul reste la capitale.
10 juillet Le Commonwealth des Bahamas gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Nassau en est la capitale.
1972 2 juin La République unie du Cameroun succède à la République fédérale du Cameroun. Yaoundé reste la capitale jusqu'en 1982.
22 mai Ceylan change son nom en République libre, souveraine et indépendante du Sri Lanka. Colombo reste la capitale jusqu'en 1982.
1971 2 décembre Les Émirats arabes unis gagnent leur indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Abou Dabi en est la capitale.
27 octobre La République démocratique du Congo change son nom en République du Zaïre. Kinshasa reste la capitale.
3 septembre L'État du Qatar gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Doha en est la capitale.
1er septembre La République arabe d'Égypte succède à la République arabe unie. Le Caire reste la capitale.
16 août L'État de Bahreïn gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Manama en est la capitale.
26 mars La République populaire du Bangladesh déclare son indépendance de la République islamique du Pakistan. Dhaka en est la capitale.
1970 1er décembre La République populaire du Yémen du Sud change son nom en République démocratique populaire du Yémen. Aden reste la capitale.
10 octobre Le Dominion des Fiji gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Suva en est la capitale.
9 octobre La République khmère (Cambodge) succède au Royaume du Cambodge. Phnom Penh en est la capitale.
4 juillet Le Royaume des Tonga gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Nukuʻalofa en est la capitale.
2 mars La Rhodésie s'autoproclame République de Rhodésie. Salisbury reste la capitale.

Années 1960

Année Date Évènement
1969 1er septembre La République arabe libyenne succède au Royaume de Libye. Tripoli reste la capitale.
1968 12 octobre La République de Guinée équatoriale gagne son indépendance du Royaume d'Espagne. Malabo en est la capitale.
6 septembre Le Royaume du Swaziland gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Mbabane en est la capitale.
12 mars La République de Maurice gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Port-Louis en est la capitale.
31 janvier La République de Nauru gagne son indépendance d'une tutelle des Nations unies. Yaren en est de facto la capitale.
1967 November 7 La République populaire du Yémen du Sud gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Aden en est la capitale.
24 janvier La République des États-Unis du Brésil change son nom en République fédérative du Brésil. Brasilia reste la capitale.
1966 30 novembre La Barbade gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Bridgetown en est la capitale.
28 novembre La République du Burundi succède au Royaume du Burundi. Bujumbura reste la capitale.
4 octobre Le Royaume du Lesotho gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Maseru en est la capitale.
30 septembre La République du Botswana gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Gaborone en est la capitale.
6 juillet Le Malawi devient la République du Malawi. Lilongwe reste la capitale.
30 juin La République démocratique du Congo change le nom de sa capitale de Léopoldville en Kinshasa.
26 mai La République coopérative du Guyana gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Georgetown en est la capitale.
1965 11 novembre La Rhodésie effectue sa Déclaration Unilatérale d'Indépendance du Royaume-Uni, qui n'est pas reconnue. Salisbury en est la capitale.
9 août La République de Singapour fait sécession de la Malaisie. Singapour en est la capitale.
26 juillet La République des Maldives gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Malé en est la capitale.
18 février La République de Gambie gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Banjul en est la capitale.
1964 1er novembre La République unie de Tanganyika et Zanzibar change son nom en République unie de Tanzania. Dar-es-Salaam reste la capitale.
24 octobre La République de Zambie gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Lusaka en est la capitale.
21 septembre L'État de Malte gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. La Valette en est la capitale.
1er août La République du Congo (Congo-Léopoldville) change son nom en République démocratique du Congo. Léopoldville reste la capitale.
6 juillet Le Malawi gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Lilongwe en est la capitale.
26 avril La République du Tanganyika et la République de Zanzibar et Pemba s'unissent pour former la République unie de Tanganyika et Zanzibar. Zanzibar cède sa place à Dar-es-Salaam en tant que capitale.
1963 12 décembre La République du Kenya gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Nairobi en est la capitale.
16 septembre La Fédération de Malaisie s'unit avec les colonies britanniques de Singapour, Sarawak et Bornéo du Nord (Sabah) pour former la Malaisie. Kuala Lumpur reste la capitale.
25 avril Le Royaume de Libye succède au Royaume uni de Libye. Tripoli reste la capitale.
7 avril La République fédérative populaire de Yougoslavie change son nom en République fédérative socialiste de Yougoslavie. Belgrade reste la capitale.
La République de Zanzibar et Pemba gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Zanzibar en est la capitale.
1962 9 octobre La République d'Ouganda gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Kampala en est la capitale.
26 septembre La République arabe du Yémen (Yémen du Nord) déplace sa capitale de Ta'izz à Sanaa.
25 septembre L'Algérie devient la République algérienne démocratique et populaire. Alger reste la capitale.
31 août La République de Trinité-et-Tobago gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Port-d'Espagne en est la capitale.
6 août La Jamaïque gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Kingston en est la capitale.
3 juillet L'Algérie gagne son indépendance de la République française. Alger en est la capitale.
1er juillet Le Royaume du Burundi et la République du Rwanda deviennent indépendants du Royaume de Belgique. Bujumbura et Kigali en sont les capitales respectives.
1er janvier Les Samoa occidentales gagnent leur indépendance de la Nouvelle-Zélande. Apia en est la capitale.
1961 28 décembre La République arabe syrienne fait sécession de la République arabe unie, laissant l'Égypte comme seul membre de la fédération. Le Caire reste la capitale de la RAU. Damas est la capitale de la Syrie.
9 décembre La République du Tanganyika gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni. Dar es Salam en est la capitale.
1er octobre La portion sud du Cameroun britannique gagne son indépendance du Royaume-Uni et s'unit avec la République du Cameroun pour former la République fédérale du Cameroun. Yaoundé en est la capitale.
[23 juin]] Le Traité sur l'Antarctique entre en vigueur, administrant le continent antarctique et tous les territoires au sud du 60e parallèle sud.
19 juin L'État du Koweït gains independence from the United Kingdom. Kuwait City is the capital.
May 31 The Union of South Africa ceases to be a Commonwealth realm and changes its name to the Republic of South Africa. Pretoria, Cape Town and Bloemfontein remain the capitals.
April 27 The Republic of Sierra Leone gains independence from the United Kingdom. Freetown is the capital.
1960 November 28 The Islamic Republic of Mauritania gains independence from the French Republic. Nouakchott is the capital.
October 1 The Federal Republic of Nigeria gains independence from the United Kingdom. Lagos is the capital.
September 22 The Republic of Mali gains independence from the French Republic. Bamako is the capital.
August 20 The Republic of Senegal gains independence from the French Republic. Dakar is the capital.
August 17 The Gabonese Republic (Gabon) gains independence from the French Republic. Libreville is the capital.
August 16 The Republic of Cyprus gains independence from the United Kingdom. Lefkosia is the capital.
August 15 The Republic of the Congo (Congo-Brazzaville) gains independence from the French Republic. Brazzaville is the capital.
August 13 The Central African Republic gains independence from the French Republic. Bangui is the capital.
August 11 The Republic of Chad gains independence from the French Republic. N'Djamena is the capital.
August 7 The Republic of Côte d'Ivoire gains independence from the French Republic. Abidjan is the capital.
August 5 The Republic of Upper Volta gains independence from the French Republic. Ouagadougou is the capital.
August 3 The Republic of Niger gains independence from the French Republic. Niamey is the capital.
August 1 The Republic of Dahomey gains independence from the French Republic. Porto-Novo is the capital.
July 1 The Somali Republic (Somalia) is created from a merger of the former colonies of British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland. Mogadishu is the capital.
June 30 The Belgian Congo gains independence from the Kingdom of Belgium as the Republic of the Congo (Congo-Léopoldville). Léopoldville remains the capital.
June 26 The Malagasy Republic (Madagascar) gains independence from the French Republic. Antananarivo is the capital.
April 27 The Togolese Republic (Togo) gains independence from the French Republic. Lomé is the capital.
April 21 The Republic of the United States of Brazil moves its capital from Rio de Janeiro to Brasília.
January 1 The Republic of Cameroun gains independence from the French Republic. Yaoundé is the capital.
Year Date Event
1958 October 15 The Malagasy Republic (Madagascar) gains autonomy within the French Community. Antananarivo is the capital.
October 2 The Republic of Guinea gains independence from the French Republic. Conakry is the capital.
July 14 The Republic of Iraq and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan are created from the dissolution of the Arab Federation of Iraq and Jordan. Baghdad remains the capital of Iraq. Amman is again the capital of Jordan.
February 14 The Hashemite Kingdom of Iraq and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan unite to form the Arab Federation of Iraq and Jordan. Amman yields to Baghdad as the capital.
February 1 The Egyptian Republic and the Syrian Arab Republic unite to form the United Arab Republic. Damascus yields to Cairo as the capital.
1957 August 31 The Federation of Malaya gains independence from the United Kingdom. Kuala Lumpur is the capital.
March 6 The Republic of Ghana gains independence from the United Kingdom. Accra is the capital.
1956 June 18 The Egyptian Republic declares its complete independence from the United Kingdom. Cairo remains the capital.
March 23 The Dominion of Pakistan declares its complete independence from the United Kingdom as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Karachi remains the capital.
March 20 The Tunisian Republic gains independence from the French Republic. Tunis is the capital.
March 2 The Kingdom of Morocco gains independence from the French Republic. Rabat is the capital.
January 1 The Republic of Sudan gains independence from the United Kingdom. Khartoum is the capital. Egypt relinquishes its claim over Sudan.
1955 The Kingdom of Bhutan makes Thimphu the sole capital.
May 15 The Republic of Austria (allemand : Republik Österreich) regains its independence. Allied occupation ends. Vienna (allemand : Wien) is the capital.
1954 December 20 The French Republic recognizes the independence of the Kingdom of Cambodia. Phnom Penh remains the capital.
December 15 The Territory of Curaçao becomes the Netherlands Antilles and the Territory of Suriname becomes Suriname -"countries" with autonomy over internal affairs within the Kingdom of the Netherlands- with the entry into force of the Charter for the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Willemstad, Curaçao and Paramaribo remain the capitals.
July 20 The Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) and the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) become independent from the French Republic. Hanoi and Saigon are the respective capitals.
1953 November 9 The Kingdom of Cambodia declares its independence from the French Republic. Phnom Penh is the capital.
June 13 The Egyptian Republic supersedes the Kingdom of Egypt. Cairo remains the capital.
1952 July 25 The Territory of Puerto Rico becomes the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico upon ratification of the Constitution of Puerto Rico, choosing free association with the United States of America. San Juan remains the capital.
July 22 The Republic of Poland changes its name to the Polish People's Republic. Warsaw remains the capital.
1951 December 24 The United Kingdom of Libya gains independence from a United Nations trusteeship, having been jointly administered by the French Republic and the United Kingdom. Tripoli is the capital.
February 15 The Republic of Poland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics exchange territory along their common border.
1950 August 17 The Republic of the United States of Indonesia becomes a unitary state and changes its name back to Republic of Indonesia. Jakarta remains the capital
January 26 The Union of India declares its complete independence from the United Kingdom as the Republic of India. New Delhi remains the capital.
Year Date Event
1949 December 8 The government of the Republic of China leaves Mainland China for Taiwan where Taipei becomes the de facto capital.
December 27 The Republic of Indonesia becomes a federation as Republic of the United States of Indonesia and its independence is formally recognised by the Netherlands. The capital returns to Jakarta from Yogyakarta.
December 5 The State of Israel declares Jerusalem its official capital. Tel Aviv continues to serve as the de facto capital.
October 7 The German Democratic Republic (East Germany) is established in occupied eastern Germany. Berlin is the capital.
October 1 The People's Republic of China is established. Beijing is the capital.
September 7 The Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) is established in occupied western Germany. Bonn is the capital.
July 20 Siam changes its name again to Thailand, preserving the name till today.
July 9 The Lao People's Democratic Republic (Laos) gains independence from the French Republic. Vientiane is the capital.
March 31 The Dominion of Newfoundland joins Canada following the Newfoundland referendums, 1948. The capital is St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador.
1948 September 9 The Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Republic of Korea are created. Pyongyang and Seoul are the respective capitals.
July 17 The Republic of the Philippines moves its capital from Manila to Quezon City.
May 14 The State of Israel declares its independence from the British Mandate for Palestine. Tel Aviv is the capital.
February 4 Ceylon (Sri Lanka) gains independence from the United Kingdom. Colombo is the capital until 1982.
January 4 The Union of Burma gains independence from the United Kingdom. Yangon is the capital until 2005.
1947 August 15 The Union of India gains independence from the United Kingdom. New Delhi is the capital.
August 14 The Dominion of Pakistan gains independence from the United Kingdom. Karachi is the capital.
1946 September 15 The People's Republic of Bulgaria supersedes the Tsardom of Bulgaria. Sofia is the capital.
July 4 The Republic of the Philippines gains independence from the United States of America. Manila is the capital until 1948.
May 25 The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan gains independence from a British League of Nations Mandate. Amman is the capital.
January 11 The People's Republic of Albania supersedes the Kingdom of Albania. Tirana remains the capital.
January 4 The Republic of Indonesia moves its capital from Jakarta to Yogyakarta.
The French Republic change the status of the former colonies of Guadeloupe and Martinique for overseas departments and regions, fully incorporating them into the country.
The French Republic change the status of the former colony of Réunion for overseas department and region, fully incorporating it into the country.
The French Republic change the status of the former colony of French Guyana for overseas department and region, fully incorporating it into the country.
1945 December 2 The Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia supersedes the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Belgrade remains the capital.
September 8 Thailand changes its name to Siam.
August 17 The Republic of Indonesia gains independence from the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Jakarta is the capital.
August 15 Korea gains independence from the Empire of Japan. Seoul is the capital.
September 2 The Empire of Japan surrenders to Allied Forces.
May 8 The Greater German Empire surrenders to Allied Forces.
April 27 The second Republic of Austria is established in occupied Austria. Vienna is the capital. The independence is recognised by the Allied Forces.
1944 June 17 The Republic of Iceland gains independence from the Kingdom of Denmark. Reykjavik is the capital.
1943 November 22 The Lebanese Republic (Lebanon) gains independence from the French Republic. Beirut is the capital.
Year Date Event
1939 July 10 The third German Empire changes its name to the Greater German Empire. Berlin remains as the capital.
June 23 Siam changes its name to Thailand.
April 1 The second Spanish Republic is superseded by the Spanish State. Madrid remains the capital.
1938 March 13 The third German Empire absorbs the Federal State of Austria in Anschluss. Vienna yields to Berlin as the capital.
1937 The Irish Free State changes its name to Ireland. Dublin remains the capital.
1936 The name of the colony Curaçao and Dependencies changes to Territory of Curaçao following the implementation of several laws resulting from the abolition of colonies in the Kingdom of the Netherlands already in 1922. Willemstad, Curaçao remains the capital.
1934 The third German Empire supersedes the Weimar Republic. Berlin remains the capital.
Italian Libya is formed as a merger of the colonies Tripolitania, Cyrenaica as well as Fezzan. The capital is Tripoli.
1932 October 3 The Iraqi Kingdom (Iraq) gains independence from the United Kingdom. Baghdad is the capital.
September 13 The Socialist Republic of Chile changes its name back to the Republic of Chile. Santiago remains the capital.
June 4 The Republic of Chile changes its name to the Socialist Republic of Chile. Santiago remains the capital.
1931 December 11 Canada gains independence from the United Kingdom. Ottawa is the capital.
April 14 The Kingdom of Spain is superseded by the second Spanish Republic. Madrid remains the capital.
Year Date Event
1929 October 3 The Kingdom of Yugoslavia supersedes the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. Belgrade remains the capital.
June 7 The Holy See (Vatican) gains independence from the Kingdom of Italy. Vatican City is the capital.
1928 December 29 The Republic of China establishes Nanking as its official capital, later codified in the 1947 Chinese Constitution.
September 1 The Kingdom of Albania supersedes the Republic of Albania. Tirana remains the capital.
1927 May 9 The Commonwealth of Australia moves its capital from Melbourne to Canberra.
April 12 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland changes its name to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. London remains the capital.
1926 June 9 Afghanistan becomes the Kingdom of Afghanistan. Kabul remains the capital.
The Belgian Congo moves its capital from Boma to Leopoldville.
1925 July 1 The Republic of China relocates its provisional capital from Nanking to Canton.
January 22 The Republic of Albania supersedes the Principality of Albania. Tirana remains the capital.
January 1 The Kingdom of Norway changes the name of its capital from Kristiania to Oslo.
1924 November 26 The Mongolian People's Republic is established. Ulan Bator is the capital.
1923 October 29 The Republic of Turkey is established following the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Ankara is the capital.
1922 December 30 The Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, the Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic, the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic unite to form the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Tbilisi, Kharkov, and Smolensk yield to Moscow as the capital.
December 6 The Irish Free State gains independence from the United Kingdom. Dublin is the capital.
November 17 The Ottoman Empire is dissolved. Its territories are mostly made protectorates of the victorious Allies of World War I.
March 12 The Socialist Conciliar Republic of Georgia, Azerbaijani Socialist Conciliar Republic, and the Armenian Socialist Conciliar Republic unite to form the Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic. Baku and Yerevan yield to Tbilisi as the capital.
February 2 The Kingdom of Egypt gains independence from the United Kingdom. Cairo is the capital.
1921 November 22 The United Kingdom recognizes the independence of Afghanistan. Kabul remains the capital.
February 25 The Socialist Conciliar Republic of Georgia supersedes the Democratic Republic of Georgia. Tbilisi remains the capital until 1922.
1920 November 29 The Armenian Socialist Conciliar Republic supersedes the Democratic Republic of Armenia. Yerevan remains the capital until 1922.
April 28 The Azerbaijani Socialist Conciliar Republic supersedes the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. Baku remains the capital until 1922.
Year Date Event
1919 August 14 The Weimar Republic supersedes the second German Empire. Berlin remains the capital.
August 8 Afghanistan declares its independent from the United Kingdom. Kabul is the capital.
February 27 The Lithuanian-Belorussian Soviet Socialist Republic supersedes the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic. Vilnius is the capital.
January 1 The Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic supersedes the Belarusian People's Republic. Minsk and Smolensk remain joint capitals.
1918 December 1 The State of Slovenes, Croats, and Serbs and the Kingdom of Serbia unite to form the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes. Zagreb yields to Belgrade as the capital.
November 28 The Kingdom of Serbia annexes the Kingdom of Montenegro.
November 18 The Republic of Latvia gains independence from the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. Riga is the capital.
November 14 The Republic of Poland supersedes the Kingdom of Poland. Warsaw remains the capital.
November 2 The Republic of Lithuania supersedes the Kingdom of Lithuania. Vilnius remains the capital.
November 1 The Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen (North Yemen) gains independence from the Ottoman Empire. Ta'izz is the capital.
October 29 The State of Slovenes, Croats, and Serbs gains independence from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Zagreb is the capital.
July 25 The Independent State of Flanders is reabsorbed by the Kingdom of Belgium.
July 9 The Kingdom of Lithuania supersedes the State of Lithuania. Vilnius remains the capital.
May 30 Armenia becomes the Democratic Republic of Armenia. Yerevan remains the capital.
May 28 Armenia and Azerbaijan Democratic Republic dissolve the Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic. Yerevan and Baku are the respective capitals.
May 26 The Democratic Republic of Georgia secedes from the Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic. Tbilisi is the capital.
May 11 The Emirate of Chechenia is incorporated into the Mountainous Republic of the Northern Caucasus.
April 22 The Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic gains independence from the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. Tbilisi is the capital.
April 19 The Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic annexes the Abkhazian Republic (Abkhazia).
March 25 The Abkhazian Republic (Abkhazia) gains independence from the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. Sukhumi is the capital.
March 25 The Belarusian People's Republic declares its independence from the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. Minsk and Hrodna are named the joint capitals.
March 12 The Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic moves its capital from Petrograd to Moscow.
February 24 The Republic of Estonia gains independence from the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. Tallinn is the capital.
February 16 The State of Lithuania declares its independence from the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. Vilnius is named the capital despite occupation by the Kingdom of Poland.
January 22 The Ukrainian People's Republic gains independence from the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. Kiev is the capital.
January 3 The Republic of Finland gains independence from the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. Helsinki is the capital.
1917 December 22 The Independent State of Flanders declares its independence from the Kingdom of Belgium. Brussels is the capital.
December 2 The Emirate of Chechenia declares its independence from the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. Vedeno is the capital.
November 7 The Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic supersedes the Russian Empire. Petrograd remains the capital.
1916 November 5 Germany and Austria-Hungary proclaim establishment of the Kingdom of Poland. Warsaw is the capital.
1914 March 7 Albania becomes the Principality of Albania. Tirana remains the capital.
1912 November 28 Albania declares its independence from the Ottoman Empire. Tirana is the capital.
January 1 The Republic of China supersedes the Qing Dynasty of China. Nanking is the provisional capital.
1910 October 5 The first Portuguese Republic supersedes the Kingdom of Portugal. Lisbon remains the capital.
August 22 The Korean Empire is annexed by the Empire of Japan.
May 31 The Cape Colony, the Colony of Natal, the Transvaal, and the Orange River Colony unite as the Union of South Africa to gain independence from the United Kingdom.
The French Republic creates French Equatorial Africa from its colonies of Gabon, Middle Congo, and Oubangui-Chari. Libreville and Bangui yield to Brazzaville as the capital.
Year Date Event
1908 November 15 King Leopold II of Belgium sells his private Congo Free State to the Kingdom of Belgium. The new state is named the Belgian Congo. Boma remains the capital.
August 5 The Kingdom of Bulgaria gains independence from the Ottoman Empire. Sofia is the capital.
1907 December 17 Ugyen Wangchuck establishes the Kingdom of Bhutan. Punakha is the winter capital and Thimphu is the summer capital.
September 26 New Zealand gains independence from the United Kingdom. Wellington is the capital.
The border between the Republic of the United States of Brazil and the Republic of Colombia is defined by the Bogotá Treaty. Brazil gains lands on the margins of the Solimoes River, at the area known as Cabeça de Cachorro (The Dog's Head).
1906 The French Republic divides its colony of French Congo into the colonies of Gabon and Middle Congo. Libreville remains the capital of Gabon. Brazzaville becomes the capital of Middle Congo.
1905 October 26 The Kingdom of Sweden recognises the independence of the Kingdom of Norway.
June 7 The Kingdom of Norway declares independence from the Kingdom of Sweden through dissolution of the personal union. Kristiania is the capital.
1904 The border between the Republic of the United States of Brazil and English Guyana is defined by arbitration. Almost half of the disputed land goes to each side.
1903 November 11 The Republic of Bolivia and the Republic of the United States of Brazil sign the Treaty of Petrópolis. Bolivia receives land in Mato Grosso from Brazil, and Brazil absorbes the Republic of Acre.
November 3 The Republic of Panama gains independence from Colombia. Panama City is the capital.
January 27 The third Republic of Acre declares independence from Bolivia. The capital is Antimary.
1902 May 20 The Republic of Cuba gains independence from the Kingdom of Spain. Havana is the capital.
1901 January 1 The Commonwealth of Australia is established by federation of the British colonies of New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania. Melbourne is the capital until 1927.
1900 March The first Republic of Acre is reabsorbed by the Republic of Bolivia. At the same year, the second Republic of Acre would be declared (Antimary as the capital) and, again, reabsorbed by Bolivia.
The border between the Republic of the United States of Brazil and French Guyana is defined by arbitration. The French troops that went to the margins of Araguari River had to repair to the Oiapoque River.
Year Date Event
1899 July 14 The first Republic of Acre declares independence from Bolivia. The capital is Antimary.
1898 The Republic of Bolivia moves its administrative capital from Sucre to La Paz. Sucre remains the constitutional and judicial capital.
July 25 The United States of America seizes control of Puerto Rico from the Spanish Empire during the Spanish-American War. San Juan, Puerto Rico remains the territorial capital.
July 7 The United States of America annexes the Republic of Hawaiʻi as the United States Territory of Hawaii. Honolulu remains the capital.
June 12 The Republica Filipina declares independence from Kingdom of Spain.
1897 The Joseon Dynasty becomes the Korean Empire. Hanseong remains the capital.
1895 October 23 The Republic of Formosa is conquered by the Empire of Japan.
June The Republic of Formosa moves its capital from Taipei to Tainan.
May 23 The Republic of Formosa declares independence from the Qing Dynasty of China. Taipei is its capital.
The border between the Republic of the United States of Brazil and the Argentine Republic is defined.
1894 July 4 The Republic of Hawaiʻi supersedes the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi. Honolulu remains the capital.
Year Date Event
1889 November 15 The Republic of the United States of Brazil supersedes the Empire of Brazil. Rio de Janeiro remains the capital.
1888 The Republic of Honduras moves its capital from Comayagua to Tegucigalpa, ending a century of indecision as to the country's capital.
1886 May 1 The Congo Free State makes Boma the capital.
1885 September 6 The Principality of Bulgaria unifies with Eastern Rumelia. Sofia remains the capital.
May 2 King Leopold II of Belgium establishes the Congo Free State, a private government run by the International African Association.
1886 Emperor Menelik II of Ethiopia founds Addis Ababa, which becomes the new capital of that country.
1882 March 6 The Kingdom of Serbia supersedes the Principality of Serbia. Belgrade remains the capital.
1880 The French Republic establishes the protectorate of French Congo.
Year Date Event
1878 July 13 The Principality of Bulgaria moves its capital to Sofia.
May 21 The Principality of Romania gains independence from the Ottoman Empire. Bucharest is the capital.
March 3 The Principality of Bulgaria is established by the Treaty of San Stefano. Plovdiv is the capital.
1874 December 29 The restored Kingdom of Spain supersedes the first Spanish Republic. Madrid remains the capital.
1873 February 11 The first Spanish Republic supersedes the Kingdom of Spain. Madrid remains the capital.
1872 The Empire of Brazil gains lands in the border with Republic of Paraguay after the Paraguayan War.
1871 January 1 The second German Empire supersedes the North German Confederation. Berlin remains the capital.
1870 September 4 The third French Republic supersedes the second French Empire. Paris remains the capital.
Year Date Event
1868 October 10 Cuba declares its independence from the Kingdom of Spain.
October 1 The Bolivian Republic changes its name to the Republic of Bolivia. Sucre remains the capital until 1898.
January 3 Japan becomes the Empire of Greater Japan. Tokyo remains the capital.
1867 October 18 The Russian Empire sells Alaska to the United States of America. New Archangel (Novoarkhangelsk now Sitka) is the capital.
July 1 The British colonies of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Canada unite to create the Dominion of Canada. Ottawa is the capital.
The North German Confederation supersedes the German Confederation. Berlin is the capital.
1865 April 11 The Confederate States of America capitulates and is reabsorbed by the United States of America. The USA will readmit the 11 CSA states to full statehood between July 24, 1866, and July 15, 1870.
April 3 The Confederate States of America moves its capital to Danville.
March 3 The Dominican Republic regains its independence from the Kingdom of Spain. Santo Domingo is the capital.
1864 July The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is conquered by the Qing Dynasty of China.
1862 June 3 The Province of Buenos Aires reunites with the Argentine Republic. The capital is moved from Paraná back to Buenos Aires.
1861 The Dominican Republic returns to Spanish rule.
May 6 The Confederate States of America moves its capital from Montgomery to Richmond.
February 4 The Confederate States of America declares its independence from the United States of America. Montgomery is the capital for three months.
1860 October 1 The Argentine Republic supersedes the Argentine Confederation. Paraná remains the capital until 1862.
Year Date Event
1853 March The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom establishes its capital at Tianjing.
1852 December 2 The second French Empire supersedes the second French Republic. Paris remains the capital.
September 11 The Province of Buenos Aires secedes from the Argentine Confederation. The confederation moves its capital to Paraná.
1851 January 11 The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom gains independence from the Qing Dynasty of China.
Year Date Event
1848 February 24 The second French Republic supersedes the Kingdom of France. Paris remains the capital.
February 2 México surrenders its northern territory to the United States of America at the conclusion of the Mexican-American War.
1847 July 26 The Republic of Liberia gains independence from the United States of America. Monrovia is the capital.
1845 March 1 The Riograndense Republic is reabsorbed by the Brazilian Empire as the province of Rio Grande do Sul again.
1844 April 25 The Republic of Chile gains independence from the Kingdom of Spain. Santiago is the capital.
February 27 The Dominican Republic gains independence from Haiti. Santo Domingo is the capital.
1845 December 29 The Republic of Texas joins the United States of America as the State of Texas.
The Netherlands splits its colonial possessions in the Americas into two parts: Suriname and Curaçao and Dependencies. Paramaribo remains the capital of Suriname (which convers the mainland), while Willemstad, Curaçao becomes the capital of the six Caribbean islands.
The Kingdom of Hawaiʻi moves its capital from Lāhainā to Honolulu.
The United Kingdom moves the capital of the Falkland Islands from Port Louis to Stanley.
1841 February 2 El Salvador becomes independent, officially ending the Federal Republic of Central America. San Salvador is the capital.
Year Date Event
1839 November 17 Guatemala secedes from the Federal Republic of Central America. Guatemala is the capital.
August 25 The Peruvian Republic and the Bolivian Republic are formed from the dissolution of the Peru-Bolivian Confederation. Lima and Sucre (previously Chuquisaca) are the respective capitals.
July 24 The Juliana Republic declares independence from Brazil. Laguna is the capital, but the Republic capitulates and is reabsorbed at the same year.
The Principality of Serbia moves its capital from Kragujevac to Belgrade.
The Republic of Texas establishes its permanent capital at Austin.
1838 November 5 Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Honduras secede from the Federal Republic of Central America. San José, Managua, and Comayagua are the respective capitals.
1836 October 28 The Republic of North Peru, the Republic of South Peru, and the Bolivian Republic unite to form the Peru-Bolivian Confederation. Tacna is the capital.
September 6 The Riograndense Republic declares independence from Brazil. Piratini is the first of five provisional capitals.
August 11 The Republic of North Peru supersedes the Peruvian Republic. Lima remains the capital.
May 14 México recognizes the independence of the Republic of Texas.
March 17 The Republic of South Peru secedes from Peruvian Republic. Cusco is the capital.
March 2 The Republic of Texas declares its independence from México. Washington is the first of six cities that will serve as temporary capital until 1839.
1834 The Federal Republic of Central America moves its capital from Guatemala to San Salvador.
The Kingdom of Greece moves its capital from Nafplio to Athens.
1833 January 3 The United Kingdom seizes the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) from Spain. Port Louis becomes the capital.
1831 February 7 Belgium becomes the Kingdom of Belgium. Brussels remains the capital
January 4 The Argentine Confederation supersedes the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata. Buenos Aires remains the capital until 1852.
1830 October 4 Belgium declares its independence from the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Brussels is the capital.
May 13 Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela are created from the dissolution of Gran Colombia. Bogota, Quito and Caracas are the respective capitals.
February 3 Ottoman Empire recognizes the independence of Greece. Nafplio is the capital.
Year Date Event
1828 August 27 The Eastern Republic of Uruguay gains independence from Argentina. Montevideo is the capital.
1826 July 9 The Republic of Chile supersedes the State of Chile. Santiago remains the capital.
1825 November 15 The United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves changes its name back to the Kingdom of Portugal and the Algarves. Lisbon remains the capital.
August 29 The United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves recognizes the independence of the Empire of Brazil. Rio de Janeiro remains the capital.
August 25 The United Provinces of the Río de la Plata supersedes the United Provinces in South America. Buenos Aires remains the capital.
August 11 The Bolivian Republic gains independence from the Kingdom of Spain at the conclusion of the Bolivian War of Independence. Chuquisaca (later Sucre) is the capital.
The Netherlands merges its three colonies Suriname, Curaçao and Dependencies (the ABC islands) and Sint Eustatius and Dependencies (the SSS islands). Capital is Paramaribo.
1824 July 2 The Confederation of the Equator declares independence from Brazil. Recife is the capital, but the Confederation capitulates and is reabsorbed at the same year.
1823 July The Federal Republic of Central America is established from the former countries of Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Costa Rica. Guatemala is the capital.
1822 December 19 The Peruvian Republic supersedes the State of Peru. Lima remains the capital.
October 12 The Empire of Brazil supersedes the Independent Kingdom of Brazil. Rio de Janeiro remains the capital.
September 7 The Independent Kingdom of Brazil declares its independence from the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves. Rio de Janeiro is the capital.
1821 September 21 The Republic of Costa Rica gains independence from the Kingdom of Spain. San José is the capital.
September 15 The Republic of Guatemala, the Republic of Honduras, the Republic of Nicaragua and the Republic of El Salvador become independent from the Kingdom of Spain. Guatemala, Comayagua, Managua, and San Salvador are the respective capitals.
August 24 The Kingdom of Spain recognizes the independence of México. Mexico City is the capital.
August 3 Peru becomes the State of Peru. Lima remains the capital.
July 28 Peru declares its independence from the Kingdom of Spain. Lima is the capital.
July 3 The United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves returns the capital from exile in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to Lisbon.
March 25 Greece declares its independence from the Ottoman Empire. Nafplion is the capital.
The Argentine Republic (Argentina) gains independence from the Kingdom of Spain. Buenos Aires is the capital.
1820 The Kingdom of Hawaiʻi establishes its capital at Lāhainā.
Year Date Event
1819 August 7 The Republic of Colombia (Gran Colombia) gains independence from the Kingdom of Spain. Bogota is the capital.
1818 January 12 The State of Chile again declares its independence from the Kingdom of Spain. Santiago is the capital.
1816 July 9 The United Provinces in South America (Argentina, Bolivia, and Uruguay) declares its independence from the Kingdom of Spain. Buenos Aires remains the capital.
1815 December 16 The United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves supersedes the Kingdom of Portugal and the Algarves. Rio de Janeiro remains the capital-in-exile.
November 21 Miloš Obrenović establishes the Principality of Serbia. Kragujevac is the capital.
July 8 The restored Kingdom of France supersedes the first French Empire. Paris remains the capital.
June 20 The Congress of Vienna establishes the German Confederation. Frankfurt is the capital.
March 20 The first French Empire supersedes the Kingdom of France. Paris remains the capital.
March 16 The Kingdom of the Netherlands supersedes the United Kingdom of the Netherlands. Amsterdam and Brussels are the joint capitals.
Sir Robert Brownrigg establishes the Crown Colony of Ceylon. Colombo becomes the capital.
1814 October 2 The Kingdom of Spain reconquers Chile.
April 6 The restored Kingdom of France supersedes the first French Empire. Paris remains the capital.
1813 December 2 The United Kingdom of the Netherlands is created from the ruins of the first French Empire. Amsterdam is the capital.
October 19 The Confederation of the Rhine dissolves.
October 12 Paraguay becomes the Republic of Paraguay. Asunción remains the capital.
1811 May 14 Paraguay gains independence from the Kingdom of Spain. Asunción is the capital.
1810 September 18 Chile declares its independence from the Kingdom of Spain. Santiago is the capital.
September 16 México declares its independence from the Kingdom of Spain.
July 20 Colombia declares its independence from the Kingdom of Spain.
July 13 The Kingdom of Holland (Netherlands) is annexed by the first French Empire.
May 25 The United Provinces in South America (Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Uruguay) is created from colonies of the Kingdom of Spain. Buenos Aires is the capital.
The Kingdom of Hawaiʻi is established by Kalani Paiea Wohi o Kaleikini Keali`ikui Kamehameha o `Iolani i Kaiwikapu kaui Ka Liholiho Kunuiakea.
Year Date Event
1808 March 7 The Kingdom of Portugal and the Algarves removes the capital from Lisbon to exile in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
1806 August 6 Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor, dissolves the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation.
July 25 Napoleon I of France establishes the Confederation of the Rhine. Frankfurt is the capital.
June 5 The Kingdom of Holland (Netherlands) supersedes the Batavian Republic. Amsterdam remains the capital.
1804 August 11 Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor, establishes the Austrian Empire. Vienna is the capital.
May 18 The first French Empire supersedes the first French Republic. Paris remains the capital.
March 4 The French Republic sells Louisiane to the United States of America. New Orleans (La Nouvelle-Orléans) is the capital.
1801 June 6 The Kingdom of Spain and the Kingdom of Portugal signs the Treaty of Badajoz. Spain cedes the South American Misiones Orientales to Portugal.
The Kingdom of Spain and the Kingdom of Portugal signs the Treaty of Badajoz. Portugal cedes Olivenza to Spain.
January 1 Haiti gains independence from the French Republic. Port-au-Prince is the capital.
The Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland unite to form the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Dublin yields to London as the capital.
1800 November 17 The United States of America establishes its permanent capital at Washington City.

Années 1790

Année Date Évènement
1797 17 avril La Maison de Habsbourg annexe la République de Venise.
1795 19 janvier La République batave succède à la République des Sept Pays-Bas-Unis. Amsterdam reste la capitale.
1792 21 septembre La première République française succcède au Royaume de France. Paris reste la capitale.
1791 4 mars La République du Vermont joint les États-Unis d'Amérique en tant qu'État du Vermont.
1790 7 décembre Les États belgiques unis capitulent devant la Maison de Habsbourg.
11 janvier Les États belgiques unis déclarent leur indépendance de la Maison de Habsbourg. Bruxelles en est la capitale.

Années 1780

Year Date Event
1783 3 septembre Le Royaume de Grande-Bretagne reconnaît l'indépendance des États-Unis d'Amérique. Princeton (New Jersey) devient capitale temporaire.
1782 21 avril Le Siam déplace sa capitale de Thonburi à Bangkok, où elle se situe encore aujourd'hui.
1783 La Province de Trinidad déplace sa capitale de San José de Oruña à Puerto de España (Port-d'Espagne ou encore Port of Spain), où elle se situe encore aujourd'hui.
Year Date Event
1777 October 1 The Kingdom of Spain and the Kingdom of Portugal signs the First Treaty of San Ildefonso, confirming almost all the borders defined by the Treaty of Madrid, with the exception that Spain would rule both Colonia del Sacramento and the Misiones Orientales.
July 8 The Republic of New Connecticut changes its name to the Vermont Republic. Windsor remains the capital.
June 4 The Republic of New Connecticut moves its capital to Windsor.
January 15 The Republic of New Connecticut declares its independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. Westminster is the temporary capital.
1776 July 4 The United States of America declares its independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. Philadelphia is the first of eight cities that will serve as temporary capital until 1800.
1775 The Kingdom of Portugal reunites its South American colonies of State of Brazil, State of Great-Pará and State of Maranhão into the Colony of Brazil. Rio de Janeiro is the capital.
1772 The Kingdom of Portugal divides its colony of the State of Great-Pará and Maranhão into State of Great-Pará (capital, Belém) and State of Maranhão (capital, São Luis).
Ayutthaya having been destroyed in 1767, the new capital of Siam is created in Thonburi.

Années 1760

Année Date Évènement
1768 21 décembre Prithivî Nârâyan Shâh fonde le Royaume du Népal. Katmandou en est la capitale.
1763 12 février Le Royaume de Portugal déplace la capitale de sa colonie de l'État du Brésil de Salvador à Rio de Janeiro.
1761 12 février Le Royaume d'Espagne et le Royaume de Portugal signent le Traité d'El Pardo, annulant le Traité de Madrid.
Year Date Event
1751 The Kingdom of Portugal changes the name of its colony of the State of Maranhão to State of Great-Pará and Maranhão.
1750 January 13 The Kingdom of Spain and the Kingdom of Portugal signs the Treaty of Madrid. Based on the uti possidetis concept, Portugal gains lands on the actual south, central and north regions of Brazil. The treaty also stipulated that Spain would receive the Colonia del Sacramento and Portugal the Misiones Orientales.

Années 1730

Année Date Évènement
1737 Le Royaume de Portugal déplace la capitale de sa colonie de l'État de Maranhão de São Luís à Belém.
Year Date Event
1715 The Kingdom of Spain returns Colonia del Sacramento to the Kingdom of Portugal.
1713 March and April The Treaty of Utrecht is signed. The United Kingdom takes sovereigny over Gibraltar and Minorca from the Kingdom of Spain. Spain also ceded: Sicily and parts of the Duchy of Milan to Savoy; Spanish Netherlands, the Kingdom of Naples, Sardinia, and the bulk of the Duchy of Milan to Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor; lands in South America between Amazon River and Oiapoque River to the Kingdom of Portugal.

Années 1700

Année Date Évènement
1707 1er mai Le Royaume d'Angleterre et le Royaume d'Écosse s'unissent pour former le Royaume de Grande-Bretagne[7]. Édimbourg cède sa place à Londres en tant que capitale pour toutes les fonctions hormis les fonctions judiciaires.
Year Date Event
1660 May 27 The Kingdom of Sweden cedes Trøndelag to the Kingdom of Denmark and Norway, the Wends and the Goths as part of the Treaty of Copenhagen.
April 4 The restored Kingdom of England, Kingdom of Scotland, and Kingdom of Ireland supersede the republican Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland. London, Edinburgh, and Dublin are the respective capitals.
Year Date Event
1658 February 26 The Kingdom of Denmark and Norway, the Wends and the Goths cedes Skåne, Blekinge, Halland, Bornholm, Båhus and Trøndelag to the Kingdom of Sweden as part of the Treaty of Roskilde.
December 16 The Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland supersedes the Commonwealth of England, the Kingdom of Scotland, and the Kingdom of Ireland. Edinburgh and Dublin yield to London as the capital.
Year Date Event
1649 May 19 The republican Commonwealth of England supersedes the Kingdom of England. London remains the capital.
1645 August 13 The Kingdom of Denmark and Norway, the Wends and the Goths cedes Jämtland, Härjedalen, Idre & Särna, Gotland, Ösel and Halland, the latter for a period of 30 years, to the Kingdom of Sweden as part of the Treaty of Brömsebro.
1644 October 30 The Qing Dynasty of China supersedes the Ming Dynasty. Beijing remains the capital.
Year Date Event
1635 Fasilides makes Gondar the first permanent capital of Ethiopia since the fall of the Zagwe Dynasty
Year Date Event
1628 The Colony of Barbados moves its capital from Saint James Town to Bridgetown.
1627 The Kingdom of England establishes the Colony of Barbados with its capital at Saint James Town.
1621 The Kingdom of Portugal divides the Colony of Brazil into Brazilian State (capital, Salvador) and Maranhão State (capital, São Luis).
Year Date Event
1612 The Kingdom of Portugal reunites the North Brazil and South Brazil into the Colony of Brazil. The capital is Salvador.
Year Date Event
1608 The Kingdom of Portugal divides the Colony of Brazil into North Brazil (capital, Salvador) and South Brazil (capital, Rio de Janeiro) for the second time.
Year Date Event
1594 Virmadhalasuriya I of Sri Lanka moves the capital of the Kingdom of Sri Lanka to Kandy
Year Date Event
1581 July 26 The Republic of the Seven United Netherlands declares its independence from the Kingdom of Spain. Amsterdam is the capital.
Year Date Event
1578 The Kingdom of Portugal reunites the North Brazil and South Brazil into the Colony of Brazil. The capital is Salvador.
1573 The Kingdom of Portugal divides the Colony of Brazil into North Brazil (capital, Salvador) and South Brazil (capital, Rio de Janeiro).

Années 1560

Année Date Évènement
1569 1er juillet The Royaume de Pologne et le Grand-Duché de Lituanie s'unissent pour former la Communauté de la Couronne des Royaume de Pologne et Grand-Duché de Lituanie. Vilnius cède sa place à Cracovie en tant que capitale.
Year Date Event
1549 The Kingdom of Portugal stablishes a central government for its Colony of Brazil, with Salvador as the capital.
1542 The Kingdom of Ireland supersedes the feudal Lordship of Ireland. Dublin remains the capital.
The Kingdom of England annexes the Principality of Wales.
Year Date Event
1534 The Kingdom of Portugal divides its Colony of Brazil into 15 independent captaincies.
1532 The Kingdom of France annexes the Duchy of Brittany.
Year Date Event
1529 April 22 The Treaty of Zaragoza is signed by the Kingdom of Spain and the Kingdom of Portugal, settling the limits between these countries on the East Hemisphere of any discovered land.
1521 King Mayadunne I moves the capital of Kingdom of Sri Lanka to Sitawaka .
Year Date Event
1500 April 22 The navigation of Pedro Alvares Cabral for the Kingdom of Portugal arrive at Brazilian coast and claims its territory inside the Treaty of Tordesillas, establishing the Portuguese Colony of Brazil.
Year Date Event
1495 June 7 The Treaty of Tordesillas is signed by the Kingdom of Spain and the Kingdom of Portugal, settling the limits between these countries on the West Hemisphere of any discovered land.
Year Date Event
1453 29 May The Byzantine Empire falls to the Ottoman Empire. The capital of the Ottoman Empire is moved to Constantinople, present day Istanbul.
Year Date Event
1421 The Ming Dynasty of China moves its capital from Nanjing to Beijing.
Year Date Event
1412 King Parakramabahu VI moves the capital of Kingdom of Sri Lanka to Kotte .
Year Date Event
1392 The Joseon Dynasty succeed the Goryeo Dynasty of Korea. Hanseong is the capital.
Year Date Event
1368 The Ming Dynasty supersedes the Yuan Dynasty of China. Nanjing is the capital.
Year Date Event
1350 With the foundation of the Ayutthaya Kingdom, its capital is created in Ayutthaya, instead of the former Sukhothai.
Year Date Event
1287 King Parakramabahu III moves the capital of the Kingdom of Sri Lanka back to Polonnaruwa.
Year Date Event
1279 March 19 The Song Dynasty is conquered by the Yuan Dynasty of China.
1272 The Yuan Dynasty of China moves its capital from Shangdu to Dadu.
1272 August 10 Yekuno Amlak overthrows the Zagwe dynasty, establishing the Solomonic dynasty of Ethiopia. Lalibela ceases to be the capital, and the Emperor of Ethiopia rules from a continually moving encampment around his domains for the following centuries.
Year Date Event
1220 King Vijayabahu III moves the capital of the Kingdom of Sri Lanka to Dambadeniya.
Year Date Event
1185 The Second Bulgarian Empire gains independence from the Byzantine Empire under Peter IV of Bulgaria.
Year Date Event
1139 The Kingdom of Portugal gains independence from the Kingdom of León.
Year Date Event
1127 The Song Dynasty of China moves its capital from Bianjing to Lin'an.
Year Date Event
1097 King William II moves the capital of the Kingdom of England to London.
Year Date Event
1055 King Vijayabahu I moves the capital of the Kingdom of Sri Lanka to Polonnaruwa.
Year Date Event
962 February 2 Otto the Great reestablishes the Holy Roman Empire. Rome is the official capital.
960 January 3 Emperor Taizu of Song establishes the Song Dynasty of China. Bianjing remains the capital.
Year Date Event
936 Goryeo Dynasty unified the Later Three Kingdoms of Korea.
Year Date Event
927 July 12 King Athelstan of Wessex establishes the Kingdom of England. Winchester remains the capital.
Year Date Event
918 Emperor Taejo establishes Goryeo Dynasty on the Korean Peninsula. Gaegyeong is the official capital.
Year Date Event
800 December 25 Charlemagne establishes the Holy Roman Empire. While Rome is the official capital of the empire, Aix-la-Chapelle is the de facto capital.
Year Date Event
690 King Go establishes Balhae on the Manchuria and northern Korean Peninsula.
Year Date Event
681 Khan Asparukh crosses the Danube Delta and settles in the Ongal area (Southern Bessarabia or northern Dobruja). Asparukh, with his Slav allies, defeats Byzantine Emperor Constantine IV and establishes the First Bulgarian Empire. Pliska is the capital.
Year Date Event
676 Silla unified the Three Kingdoms of Korea.
Year Date Event
630 January 11 The Prophet Muhammad (Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullāh) conquers Mecca and unites Arabia. Medina is the capital.
Year Date Event
538 The Baekje of Korea moves its capital from Ungjin to Sabi.
Year Date Event
476 September 4 Germanic General Odoacer forces Roman Emperor Romulus Augustus to abdicate, bringing the Western Roman Empire to an end.
475 The Baekje of Korea moves its capital from Wirye to Ungjin by pressure of Goguryeo.
Year Date Event
427 The Goguryeo of Korea moves its capital from Gungnae to Pyongyang.
Year Date Event
395 January 17 At his death, Roman Emperor Theodosius I (Flavius Theodosius) permanently splits the Roman Empire between his two sons. Arcadius (Flavius Arcadius) rules the Eastern Roman Empire from Constantinopolis (now Istanbul, Turkey), and Honorius (Flavius Honorius) rules the Western Roman Empire from Mediolanum (now Milan, Italy).
Year Date Event
330 May 11 Roman Emperor Constantine the Great builds a new capital for the Roman Empire at Byzantium which he renames Constantinopolis (now Istanbul, Turkey).
Year Date Event
324 September 18 Constantine the Great (Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus) reunites the Roman Empire. Nicomedia (now İzmit, Turkey) becomes the capital.
Year Date Event
293 Roman co-emperors Diocletian and Maximian split the Roman Empire into a tetrarchy with capitals at Mediolanum (now Milan, Italy), Augusta Treverorum (now Trier, Germany), Nicomedia (now İzmit, Turkey), and Sirmium (now Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia).

Années 280

Year Date Event
286 1er avril L'Empereur romain Dioclétien nomme Maximien co-empereur, partageant l'Empire romain en une diarchie avec ses capitales à Mediolanum (aujourd'hui Milan en Italie) et Augusta Treverorum (now Trèves en Allemagne).

Années 270

Année Date Évènement
274 L'Empereur romain Aurélien conquiert l'Empire de Palmyre qui est réintégré dans l'Empire romain.
273 L'Empereur romain Aurélien conquiert l'Empire des Gaules qui est réintégré dans l'Empire romain.
Year Date Event
269 The Palmyrene Empire conquers the Roman Province of Egypt.
260 Syrian Queen Zenobia breaks from the Roman Empire and establishes the Palmyrene Empire. Palmyra is the capital.
Postumus (Marcus Cassianius Latinius Postumus) breaks from the Roman Empire and establishes the Gallic Empire. Colonia Agrippina (now Cologne, Germany) is the capital.

Années 0

Year Date Event
3 Le Goguryeo, en Corée, déplace sa capitale de Jolbon à Gungnae.

Before the Common Era


First Millennium BCE

Year Date Event
18 BCE Onjo establishes Baekje on the central Korean Peninsula. Wiryeseong is the capital.
27 BCE January 16 The Roman Senate grants Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus the title Augustus. This effectively ends the Roman Republic and establishes the Roman Empire. The city of Rome remains the capital.
30 BCE August 1 Roman consul Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus conquers the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. Octavianus organizes Egypt as a province under his personal control.
37 BCE Dongmyeong establishes Goguryeo on the northern Korean Peninsula. Jolbon is the capital.
57 BCE Hyeokgeose establishes Silla on the southeast Korean Peninsula. Gyeongju is the capital.
194 BCE Wanggeom-seong becomes the capital of Gojoseon on the Korean Peninsula.
202 BCE February 28 Gaozu establishes the Han Dynasty of China. Chang'an becomes the capital.
221 BCE Qin Shi Huang unifies ancient China as the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty of China. Xianyang becomes the capital.
238 BCE Arsaces I of Parthia establishes the Arsacid Dynasty of Parthia. Hecatompylus becomes the capital.
305 BCE Macedonian general Ptolemy establishes the Ptolemaic Dynasty of Egypt as King Ptolemy I Soter. Alexandria remains the capital.
312 BCE Macedonian general Seleucus establishes the Seleucid Empire. Babylon is the capital.
322 BCE Chandragupta establishes the Maurya Empire of ancient India. Pataliputra (now Patna) is the capital.
330 BCE Alexander the Great of Macedon conquers Persia. Alexander makes Babylon the capital.
332 BCE Alexander the Great of Macedon conquers Persian-occupied Egypt and establishes the Argead Dynasty of Egypt as Pharaoh Alexander III. Alexander builds a new capital at Alexandria.
343 BCE Artaxerxes III of Persia reconquers Egypt and establishes the Persian Thirty-first Dynasty of Egypt as Pharaoh Artaxerxes III.
380 BCE November Pharaoh Nectanebo I establishes the Thirtieth Dynasty of Egypt. Sebennytos becomes the capital.
399 BCE autumn Pharaoh Nefaarud I establishes the Twenty-ninth Dynasty of Egypt. Mendes becomes the capital.
404 BCE Amyrtaeus expels the Persians from Egypt and establishes the Twenty-eighth Dynasty of Egypt as Pharaoh Amyrtaeus. Sais is the capital.
504 BCE King Panduvasudeva moves the capital of the Kingdom of Lanka to Upatissa Nuwara.
509 BCE The Roman Republic supersedes the Kingdom of Rome. The city of Rome remains the capital.
515 BCE Darius the Great moves the capital of the Persian Empire to Persepolis.
525 BCE May Cambyses II of Persia conquers Egypt and establishes the Persian Twenty-seventh Dynasty of Egypt as Pharaoh Cambyses II.
543 BCE King Vijaya establishes the Kingdom of Lanka and makes Tambapanni the new capital.
546 BCE Cyrus the Great establishes the Persian Empire and makes Pasargadae the new capital.
660 BCE February 11 Emperor Jimmu establishes the Empire of Japan.
about 664 BCE Pharaoh Necho I establishes the Twenty-sixth Dynasty of Egypt. Sais is the capital.
694 BCE Deioces is elected the first King of the Medes. Ecbatana (now Hamadan) is the capital.
about 728 BCE Pharaoh Tefnakhte establishes the Twenty-fourth Dynasty of Egypt. Sais becomes the capital.
about 740 BCE Nubian King Piye establishes the Twenty-fifth Dynasty of Egypt and rules Egypt from Napata in Nubia.
753 BCE April 21 Romulus establishes the Kingdom of Rome. The new city of Rome becomes the capital.
808 BCE Karanus establishes the Argead Dynasty of Macedon and builds Aigai to be the capital.
about 875 BCE Pharaoh Pedubast I establishes the Twenty-third Dynasty of Egypt. Thebes is the capital of Upper Egypt.
879 BCE Ashurnasirpal II moves the capital of the New Assyrian Empire to Kalhu.
911 BCE Adad-nirari II establishes the New Assyrian Empire. Assur remains the capital.
about 930 BCE The Kingdom of Israel under Jeroboam I separates from the Kingdom of Judah under Rehoboam. Samaria becomes the capital of Israel, Jerusalem remains the capital of Judah.
about 945 BCE Pharaoh Shoshenq I establishes the Twenty-second Dynasty of Egypt. Tanis remains the capital.

Second Millennium BCE

Year Event
about 1004 BCE King David conquers the city of Jebus and makes the renamed City of David (now Jerusalem) the capital of the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah.
about 1047 BCE Shaul ben Qysh establishes the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah. Gibeah is the capital.
about 1070 BCE Pharaoh Nesbanebdjed I establishes the Twenty-first Dynasty of Egypt. Tanis becomes the capital.
about 1184 BCE The city-state of Troy is destroyed by Greeks.
about 1188 BCE Pharaoh Setnakhte establishes the Twentieth Dynasty of Egypt. Pi-Ramesses Aa-nakhtu remains the capital.
about 1230 BCE Pharaoh Ramesses II builds a new capital for the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt at the site of Avaris and names it Pi-Ramesses Aa-nakhtu.
about 1293 BCE Pharaoh Ramesses I establishes the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt. Thebes remains the capital.
about 1340 BCE Ashur-uballit I establishes the Middle Assyrian Empire. Assur is the capital.
about 1534 BCE Pharaoh Ahmose I establishes the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt. Thebes remains the capital.
about 1619 BCE Rahotep Sekhenrewahkhaw establishes the Seventeenth Dynasty of Egypt. Thebes remains the capital.
about 1620 BCE Djehuti establishes the Sixteenth Dynasty of Egypt. Thebes is the capital.
about 1624 BCE Salitis establishes the Fifteenth Dynasty of Egypt. Avaris is the capital.
about 1710 BCE Nehesy establishes the Fourteenth Dynasty of Egypt. Xois is the capital.
about 1763 BCE Hammurabi establishes the Babylonian Empire. Babylon remains the capital.
about 1778 BCE Wegaf Khutawyre establishes the Thirteenth Dynasty of Egypt. Amenemhat-itj-tawy remains the capital.
about 1894 BCE Sumu-abum establishes the First Babylonian Dynasty. Babylon is the capital.
about 1900 BCE Zulilu establishes the Old Assyrian Empire. Assur is the capital.
about 1983 BCE Amenemhat I establishes the Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt and builds Amenemhat-itj-tawy to be the new capital.

Third Millennium BCE

Year Event
about 2047 BCE Ur-Nammu establishes the Sumerian Third Dynasty of Ur. Ur is the capital.
about 2130 BCE Mentuhotep I establishes the Eleventh Dynasty of Egypt. Thebes becomes the capital of Upper Egypt.
about 2130 BCE Khety V establishes the Tenth Dynasty of Egypt. Henen-nesut remains the capital of Lower Egypt.
about 2140 BCE Wakhare Khety I establishes the Ninth Dynasty of Egypt. Henen-nesut becomes the capital of Lower Egypt.
about 2165 BCE Neferkare Pepiseneb establishes the Eighth Dynasty of Egypt. Memphis remains the capital.
about 2175 BCE Netjerkare establishes the Seventh Dynasty of Egypt. Memphis remains the capital.
about 2270 BCE Sargon of Akkad establishes the Sumerian First Dynasty of Akkad. Akkad is the capital.
about 2333 BCE Dangun Wanggeom establishes Gojoseon on the Korean Peninsula.
about 2380 BCE Ur-Nanshe establishes the Sumerian First Dynasty of Lagash. Lagash is the capital.
about 2336 BCE Teti establishes the Sixth Dynasty of Egypt. Memphis remains the capital.
about 2484 BCE Userkaf establishes the Fifth Dynasty of Egypt. Memphis remains the capital.
about 2580 BCE Mesannepada establishes the First Dynasty of Ur. Ur becomes the de facto capital of Sumer.
about 2655 BCE Sneferu establishes the Fourth Dynasty of Egypt. Memphis remains the capital.
about 2727 BCE Sanakht establishes the Third Dynasty of Egypt. Memphis becomes the capital.
about 2860 BCE Hotepsekhemwy establishes the Second Dynasty of Egypt. Thinis remains the capital.

Fourth Millennium BCE

Year Event
about 3080 BCE Narmer (or Menes) unites Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt under the First Dynasty of Egypt. Thinis becomes the capital of all Egypt.
about 3200 BCE The city-states of Thinis, Naqada, and Nekhen dominate Upper Egypt.
about 3200 BCE The city-states of Eridu, Bad-tibira, Larsa, Sippar, and Shuruppak rise to prominence in Sumer.
about 3850 BCE The city-state of Sippar establishes the first polynesium of writing.

 2000s   1900s   1800s   1700s   1600s   1500s   1400s   1300s   1200s   1100s   1000s 
 1st Millennium CE   1st Millennium BCE   2nd Millennium BCE   3rd Millennium BCE   4th Millennium BCE 

Africa Asia Europe Oceania North America South America Antarctica

See also


Modèle:Lists of capitals



Category:Geopolitics Category:National histories Category:Territorial evolution