Utilisateur:Fourvin/Brouillon/Liste des films considérés comme les plus mauvais

Cette liste des films considérés comme les plus mauvais films est établie à partir des avis critiques émis sur différents supports notoires[1].

Années 1930


Reefer Madness (également connu sous d'autres titres en anglais : Tell Your Children, The Burning Question, Dope Addict, Doped Youth, ou Love Madness) est un film de propagande et d'exploitation de 1936 traitant de la consommation de marijuana par des adolescents, dont les péripéties incluent accident de voiture, assassinat, suicide, tentative de viol et plongée dans la folie. Le Los Angeles Times le cite comme le premier film de l'histoire ayant fait l'unanimité à être considéré comme le pire[2]. Le critique américain Leonard Maltin l'appelle « le grand-père de tous les "pires" »[3]. Et il arrive juste après Plan 9 from Outer Space pour le Las Vegas CityLife[4], quand AMC le classe également comme « un des pires films jamais réalisés »[5]. Le film a inspiré un certains nombre de remakes et parodies, jusqu'à une comédie musicale off-Broadway, elle-même adaptée à l'écran.

Années 1940


Dès sa sortie en 1948, cette adaptation britannique du roman noir éponyme de James Hadley Chase fut éreintée par la presse, autant pour son contenu hautement violent et sexuel (pour l'époque) que pour le manque de conviction d'acteurs principalement britanniques à interpréter leurs personnages américains[6],[7]. Le Monthly Film Bulletin le qualifie de « plus écoeurant étalage de brutalité, perversion, sexe et sadisme jamais montré à l'écran »[7]. Le critique du Sunday Express l'appelle « le pire film que j'aie jamais vu »[8]. En Australie, The Age ne l'épargne pas non plus : « c'est non seulement la honte du studio qui l'a produit, mais également celle de l'industrie britannique dans son ensemble. C'est impardonnable »[9]. Au sujet de la réception initiale du film, Cliff Goodwin remarque que « l'appellation de "plus mauvais film jamais réalisé" a fait l'unanimité »[6].

Les critiques ultérieures ne lui ont pas été plus favorables : l'historien brtannique du cinéma Leslie Halliwell le décrit comme un « film de gangster risiblement mauvais (...) un des pire film jamais faits. »[8]. De son côté, l'ouvrage de référence Leonard Maltin's Classic Movie Guide déclare « Pas d'ochidées pour miss Blandish pass complètement à côté de la plaque »[10].

Ce film américain, également sorti en 1948, retrace la vie du joueur de baseball Babe Ruth interprété par William Bendix. Le New York Times le qualifie de « Plan 9 from Outer Space des biopics de baseball »[11]. La sortie fut accélérée afin d'avoir lieu tant que Babe Ruth, atteint d'un cancer de la gorge, était encore en vie. Le film est mémorable pour sa dernière scène, dans laquelle le joueur promet à un jeune enfant cancereux de réaliser un coup de circuit (Home run). Ruth réalise sa promesse, et l'enfant se trouve guéri de son cancer. Dan Shaughnessy écrit dans le Boston Globe que le film est le plus mauvais qu'il lui ait été donné de voir.[12], alors que le Washington Times affirme que « c'est probablement le pire film jamais réalisé »[13].

Du côté de la presse spécalisée, il est tout autant considéré comme le plus mauvais film sportif par les magazines Newsday et The A.V. Club[14],[15], et considéré comme un des plus mauvais films biographiques par Moviefone et Spike[16],[17]. Michael Sauter l'inclut dans son livre des Plus Mauvais films de tous les temps (The Worst Movies of All Time) et le critique Leonard Maltin le qualifie de « parfaitement terrible » (Perfectly dreadful)[3].

Années 1950


Ce film réalisé et interprété par Ed Wood est un quasi-documentaire semi-autobiographie sur le travestissement. Après une séquence de cauchemar, Glen entreprend une psychothérapie pour traiter ses problèmes. Bela Lugosi est à l'affiche du film, comme dans plusieurs autres de la fin de carrière d'Ed Wood. Le critique Leonard Maltin le trouve pire que Plan 9 from Outer Space et déclare qu'« il s'agit probablement du pire film jamais réalisé »[3]. Pour Richard Barrios, « c'est l'un des plus drôles et plus mauvais films jamais faits »[18]. Dans son livre Cult Movies 3, Danny Peary considère néanmoins que le film est certes réalisé de manière inepte, mais est bien plus personnel et radical que des oeuvres d'auteurs plus en vue. L'évaluation du film sur le site Rotten Tomatoes est de 32% [19]. Dans son film consacré à Ed Wood en 1994, Tim Burton aborde les péripéties du tournage de Louis ou Louise.

Ce film de science-fiction fait partie de la brève série de films tournés en 3D en 1953. Produit et réalisé par Phil Tucker, son héros est un gorille (interprété par un acteur) coiffé d'un genre de casque de scaphandrier. Il est répertorié dans le livre Les Plus Mauvais Films de tous les temps (The Worst Movies of All Time) de Michael Sauter, et y est qualifié de « plus mauvais film de série B ». Sa notation de Rotten Tomatoes atteint 31%. Il figure également dans la liste des 10 plus mauvais films du Livre des listes[20] et dans Les Cinquante Plus Mauvais Films de tous les temps de Michael Medved[21]. Les Golden Turkey Awards décernent à son personnage principal le titre de « monstre le plus ridicule de toute l'histoire du cinéma » et à son rélisateur de « prétendant au titre de plus mauvais réalisateur de tous les temps » (le gagnant étant Ed Wood), et affirment : « ce qui rend incomparablement pire Robot Monster au regard d'autres films de SF à petits budgets est sa prétention artistique pour le moins décalée ». Le monstre apparaît dans un épisode de la série TV parodique Mystery Science Theater 3000[22]. Stephen King en garde un souvenir attendri, qui cite et approve une critique dans le magazine Castle of Frankenstein : « Certainement l'un des plus remarquables mauvais films jamais faits », « un des série Z les plus risibles »[23].

Dans ce film produit par Howard Hughes, John Wayne incarne le chef mongol Gengis Khan et la rousse Susan Hayward une princesse tartare. Le tournage eu lieu dans l'Utah, non loin d'un site d'essais nucléaire du Nevada, ce qui serait à l'origine des cancers léthaux de nombreux membres de l'équipe, au nombre desquels figurent Susan Hayward, John Wayne, Agnes Moorehead, Pedro Armendáriz, et le réalisateur Dick Powell[24]. Qui plus est, de grandes quantités de sable furent transportées en studio pour les scènes d'intérieur, contribuant à la contamination. Le film apparaît dans la liste des 10 plus mauvais films du Livre des listes[20], dans le livre Les Plus Mauvais Films de tous les temps de Michael Sauter et dans Les Cinquante Plus Mauvais Films de tous les temps de Michael Medved[21]. Initialement prévu pour Marlon Brando, la critique parue dans The Guardian affirme que le choix de John Wayne pour le rôle de Gengis Khan est « un des pires choix de casting de tous les temps »[25].

Howard Hughes, une des plus grosses fortunes de l'époque, avait auparavant produit Les Anges de l'enfer (Hell's Angels, 1930), la première version de de Scarface (1932), and même réalisé Le Banni (The Outlaw, 1943). Après la projection du Conquérant, Hughes décida de racheter l'ensemble des copies existantes pour 12 millions de dollars et refusa toute diffusion télévisée jusqu'en 1974. Hughes se serait senti coupable des conditions de tournage infligées à l'équipe.[26]  : en 1980, 91 des 220 membres avaient déclaré un cancer.[25]. Le Conquérant est le dernier film produit par Howard Hughes.

Fire Maidens from Outer Space est un film de science-fiction britannique à petit budget. Un groupe d'astronaute se retrouve sur une lune de Jupiter quasi exclusivement peuplée de femmes. Le film doit sa (mauvaise) réputation à ses effets spéciaux particulièrement peu crédibles (dans une scène on peut même voir une voiture passer dans le champ de la caméra)[27]. Le critique Leslie Halliwell décrit le film comme « un prétendant convaincant au titre du pire film jamais fait, avec des actrices anglaises légèrement vêtues prenant des poses improbables sur fond de décors en carton-pâte »[28]. L'historien du cinéma britannique I.Q. Hunter le place dans sa liste des candidats aux « plus mauvais films britanniques jamais réalisés »[29]. La critique du site DVD Talk indique qu'il figure « parmi les pires productions de films de science-fiction »"[27] En novembre 1992, le film est repris dans un épisode de Mystery Science Theater 3000.

Réalisé par Ed Wood en 1956, Plan 9 from Outer Space remporte le prix du plus mauvais film jamais réalisé, décerné par le livre The Golden Turkey Awards[30]. Il marque la dernière apparition à l'écran de Bela Lugosi, le plus fameux acteur de Dracula. Et encore, Wood ne put tourner avec lui que quelques essais avant la mort de l'acteur. Pour le remplacer sur le tournage, Wood choisit Tom Mason, le kinésithérapeuthe de sa femme (Kathy O'Hara) de l'époque. Tom Mason interprète son rôle en dissimulant son visage derrière sa cape. Wood ne s'arrête pas aux caractéristiques physiques qui différencient Mason et Lugosi : taille et corpulence, et Mason est quasiment chauve contrairement à Lugosi. À tel point que lors d'une exploitation DVD, l'éditeur Avenue One DVD indique sur la jaquette « avec presque Bela Lugosi » (Almost starring Bela Lugosi). Par ailleurs de nombreux critiques insistent sur la pauvreté des efets spéciaux et les dialogues ineptes. Tourné en 1956, le film ne trouve un distributeur qu'en 1959. Le film est également présenté au festival des plus mauvais films de la Nouvelle Orléans. En 1994, Tim Burton réalise son film biographique consacré à Ed Wood, dont une partie traite des péripéties du tournage de Plan 9.

Mais cette célébrité transforme le regard posé sur le film : Phil Hall, de Film Threat, déclare qu'il « est bien trop distrayant pour être considéré comme le plus mauvais »[31]. De même, John Wirt, de The Advocate, va même jusqu'à le nommer « le film culte utime » (the ultimate cult flick)[31] et le Videohound's Complete Guide to Cult Flicks and Trash Pics (le guide Videohound complet des films cultes et trash) déclare « En fait, la médiocrité du film l'a rendu si célèbre que cela dépasse toute critique »[32]. Ian Berriman, du magazine SFX, souligne ses aspects comiques involontaires, « certaines choses méritent d'être vues à 3 h du matin, dans la douce tiédeur d'une ivresse... Plan 9 From Outer Space en fait partie ». Le guide 2014 des film du Radio Times indique que Plan 9 est « le pire film jamais tourné » et « poussivement déprimant » (tediously depressing)[33]. Ce qui n'empêche pas la film d'atteindre la note de 66% on Rotten Tomatoes[31].

Années 1960


Ce film de Coleman Francis est tourné sans son, mais est exploité avec une narration en voix off. Il raconte les tribulations d'un savant, interprété par Tor Johnson, victime des radiations d'une explosion atomique qui le transforment en monstre. Le film s'ouvre sur une scène de nécrophilie, sans aucun rapport avec la suite de l'histoire. Le guide du critique Leonard Maltin l'appelle « un des pires films jamais réalisés »[34]. Et l'historien du cinéma Bill Warren dit de lui qu'« il pourrait bien être le pire film de science fiction non pornographique jamais fait »[35]. Il figure dans la série Mystery Science Theater 3000, dans laquelle des membres de l'équipe reconnaissent qu'il s'agit de loin du plus mauvais film dans lequel ils aient vu[36].

Ce film de série Z raconte l'histoire d'un jeune homme des cavernes, joué par Richard Kiel, se retrouvant dans la Californie du début des années 1960 et tombant amoureux d'une adolescente. Arch Hall, Jr. y interpète des scènes musicales dont les textes sont communément consédérés comme extrêmement pauvres. La notoriété du film a bénéficié de son apparition au cours d'épisodes de Canned Film Festival et Mystery Science Theater 3000[37], dans lequel l'équipe du programme déclare que la scène dans laquelle Eegah lèche et lape la crème à raser est l'une des plus dégoûtante qu'il leur ait été donnée de voir[38]. Le film figure également dans le livre Les Cinquante Pires Films de tous les temps (The Fifty Worst Films of All Time) de Michael Medved[39].

Ce film d'horreur et de science-fiction de 1964 est réalisé, produit, monté et interprété par Vic Savage, qui hormis en tant qu'acteur, y est crédité du nom de A.J. Nelson. On y voit un genre de limace extra-terrestre géante terroriser une petite ville américaine[40]. Le film est mémorable pour ses effets spéciaux particulièrement chiches : l'arrivée du vaisseau spatial extra-terrestre est rendu par la projection à l'envers d'un décollage de fusée, et la représentation du monstre est obtenue par un tapis élimé soutenu par une poignée d'acteurs. Qui plus est, à la lente approche du monstre, ses victimes restent parfaitement tranquilles. Scott Weinberg, du site efilmcritic.com, résume le film ainsi : « vous en avez vu des extraits dans les documentaires sur les films vraiment mauvais ». Il figure dans la sixième saison de la série Mystery Science Theater 3000[41],[42].

Le film est abordé dans un épisode de Mystery Science Theater 3000 en 1997, et figure dans le livre des Cinquante Pire Films de tous les temps. Réalisé par Del Tenney, on y voit principalement des monstres marins s'attaquer à des jeunes femmes au cours de soirées pyjama sur une plage, et qui y reviennent néanmoins et systématiquement après chaque meurtre. La critique parue dans le New York Times déclare que « le moins que l'on puisse dire, c'est que (Tenney) n'a pas lésiné sur le gore »[43]. Dans le livre Hollywood Surf and Beach Movies: The First Wave, 1959–1969, Thomas Lisanti qualifie le film de « le plus mauvais des films de plages des années 60, et de loin », et Stephen King : « un abyssal petit pet mouillé de film » (an abysmal little wet fart of a film[44]. Joe Meyers, dans le blog du Stamford Advocate, déclara à l'occasion du décès de Dell Tenney : {{citation|Le Connecticut a eu son propre Ed Wood, un acteur, réalisateur et entrepreneur nommé Del Tenney, qui a réalisé une série de film terriblement mauvais dans la région de Stamford au cours des années 1960, dont le plus notable est The Horror of Party Beach, un film de drive in de 1964 dans lequel un mutant atomique terrorise Stamford (la plage du film est en fait Shippan Point){{[45]. Le film apparaît également dans le livre de Michael Sauter Les Plus Mauvais Films de tous les temps[46].

Parce que les enfants martiens ne peuvent voir le père Noël que dans les émissions de télévision captées de la Terre, leurs parents décident l'enlever pour leur faire plaisir. Les critiques initiales à l'encontre de ce film de science-fiction de Nicholas Webster portent sur l'étrangeté de son scénario et ses piètres effets spéciaux[47]. Comme nombre de films de ce type, il apparaît dans la série Mystery Science Theater 3000[48] et est également revisité en 2008 dans le spin-off de la série : Cinematic Titanic.[49]. Le film est également dans la liste des 10 plus mauvais du Livre des listes et dans Les Cinquante Plus Mauvais Films de tous les temps. Accessoirement, il offre un des premiers rôles à la jeune Pia Zadora.

Des rumeurs ont circulé concernant un éventuel remake, produit par David Zucker et avec Jim Carey dans le rôle de Dropo. Une date potentiele de sortie en 2002 a même été avancée, avant de probablement s'évanouir dans le purgatoire des projets cinématographiques.[50].

Le film s'intitule au départ Terror at Halfday (Terreur à la mi-journée) et est réalisé par Bill Rebane. Mais le tournage est interrompu par manque de fonds. Herschell Gordon Lewis, cherchant à composer un double programme, rachète le film pour une bouchée de pain et le termine. Mais plusieurs acteurs ne sont pas disponibles pour reprendre leurs rôles. Lewis introduit donc de nouveaux personnages qui remplacent plus ou moins les précédents. Un acteur repris sur le tournage a entretemps pris du poids, perdu des cheveux et s'est fait pousser une barbiche. Lewis le fait alors passer pour le frère du rôle initial[51]. Le film est principalement constitué de longues séquences de dialogues autour de l'apparente mutation d'un astronaute en monstre. Mais ces dialogues sont à moitié inaudibles du fait de la piètre qualité du matériel d'enregistrement, alors que dans le même temps des scènes surexposées transforment certains visages en surfaces lumineuses. À un autre moment, une sonnerie de téléphone est audiblement réalisée par une voix[52].

Au moment fort du film, alors que l'armée s'apprête à affronter l'astronaute mutant, celui-ci disparaît subitement, et une voix off annonce qu'« il n'y a pas de monstre » et que l'astronaute était tombé au début dans l'océan atlantique. Le All Movie Guide qualifie le film d'« anti-chef d'œuvre surréaliste »[53]. Le film apparaît dans Mystery Science Theater 3000, où le scénariste Paul Chaplin déclare les dialogues « au-delà de toute compréhension »[54], et l'ensemble de l'équipe affirme qu'il s'agit du plus mauvais film que l'équipe ait jamais vu.[55].

Manos: The Hands of Fate est un film d'horreur à petit budget réalisé par Hal P. Warren, un courtier en assurance et vendeur d'engrais d'El Paso. Une famille en vacances y est enlevée par un groupe polygame et adapte du paganisme.

Le film est produit après que Warren eut parié avec le scénariste Stirling Silliphant que n'importe qui pouvait faire un film d'horreur[56]. Warren se laisse convaincre par le directeur de la photographie et le responsable des cascades que les erreurs les plus criantes peuvent être corrigées en post-production dans un studio à Dallas. En fait, ceux-ci souhaitent sortir du film au plus vite car n'étant pas payés[56]. Le fiml est truffé d'imperfections techniques, telles des images floues, une ardoise de marquage est visible dans le champ, l'écharpe sur la tête l'actrice principale disparait et réapparait à plusieurs occasions, des insectes heurtent l'objectif de la caméra[56],[57]. Cette dernière n'était pas sonore et ne pouvait filmer que des plans inférieurs à 32 secondes. L'ensemble des dialogues est doublé par Warren lui-même et quatre autres personnes, dont notamment une femme à la voix grave qui double une enfant de sept ans.[57][58]. Le film début par une séquence d'une voiture roulant pendant neuf minutes, initialement destinée à servir de fond au générique, mais apparement oublié[58]. On remarque aussi des dialogues alors que les acteurs ne font pas face à la caméra, un personnage se plaignant en plein soleil de la nuit qui tombe, et le personnage de Torgo, un satyre aux très larges cuisses que trois femmes essaye de faire mourir à coup de massages[56],[58],[59]. Comme à plusieurs autres reprises, la mention du film dans la série Mystery Science Theater 3000 a contribué à sa notoriété,[60] d'autant que cet épisode est le plus populaire de la série[56]. Le film obtient une évaluation de 0% pour Rotten Tomatoes[61] et pour Entertainment Weekly il est « très largement considéré, tout simplement, comme le plus mauvais film jamais fait ».[56] Warren lui-même admet plus tard que son film est un des pires qui soit, suggérant néanmoins qu'un nouveau doublage pourrait en faire une comédie passable.[62].

Le Temps des amants est un film romantique franco-italien de Vittorio De Sica, avec Faye Dunaway, styliste américaine à Venise en phase terminale, et Marcello Mastroianni, coureur automobile qui a une relation tumultueuse avec elle. Roger Ebert du Chicago Sun-Times trouve que le film est « le plus terrible bon dieu de gloubiboulga pseudo-romantique que j'ai jamais vu » (the most godawful piece of pseudo-romantic slop I've ever seen!)[63] and Charles Champlin, du Los Angeles Times le désigne comme « le plus mauvais film que j'ai vu cette l'année, et peut-être même depuis 1926 »[64]. Et Leonard Maltin cite le commentaire d'Ebert dans sa critique [3]. Enfin, Le Temps des amants figure dans Les Cinquante Plus Mauvais Films de tous les temps.

Années 1970


Cette comédie, adaptée d'un roman éponyme de Gore Vidal, est réalisée en 1970 par Michael Sarne et est interprétée par Raquel Welch, Rex Reed, Mae West (77 ans à l'époque), John Huston, and Farrah Fawcett. Elle déclenche une controverse du fait d'une scène dans laquelle on voit Raquel Welch sodomise un homme attaché sur fond d'extraits de grands films. Il est initialement classé X, avant que des retouches et une nouvelle soumission à la censure le rétrograde en R[65]. Son montage d'extraits de classiques de l'âge d'or d'Hollywood introduit des conotations sexuelles aux dialogues. Plusieurs stars désapprouvent le principe, et certaine, Loretta Young, font un procès pour voir leur extrait retiré. La réception critique est un échec, le magazine Time allant jusqu'à déclarer que « Myra Breckinridge est aussi drôle qu'un pédophile »[66]. Le critique Leonard Maltin lui attribue l'évaluation "BOMB", la plus basse possible, et affirme qu'« qu'il ne peut y avoir de film plus mauvais »[3]. Herb Kelly, du Miami News le déclare comme le pire film jamais fait/[67]. Le film apparaît également dans Les 50 Pires Films jamais réalisés. On le trouve aussi dans Le Livre des listes des pires films de tous les temps, avec la mention qu'il y a dans le film quelque chose pour choquer absolument tout le monde. Gore Vidal le renie, le traitant de « terrible plaisanterie »[68], et accuse le film d'avoir fait chuter les ventes de son livre d'origine pendant 10 ans[69].

Deuxième des trois films anglophones de Michelangelo Antonioni produits pas Carlo Ponti, un critique le déclare « le pire film fait par un réalisateur de génie »[70]. Au milieu de rumeurs d'obscénités, de recours à des acteurs mineurs et de potentielles violations de la loi fédérale contre la prostitution et la débauche (Mann Act), le film est vertement descendu par la critique et est un échec commercial retentissant[71]. Vincent Canby, du The New York Times, et le critique Roger Ebert partagent une vision très négative du film[72],[73]. Il fait partie des 50 Plus Mauvais Films de tous les temps[74], et 20 ans après sa sortie, le critique David Fricke écrit dans Rolling Stone que « Zabriskie Point est l'un des plus extraordinaires désastres de l'histoire récente du cinéma. »[75].

Réalisé par Don Barton, le film est également connu sous différents titres : Hydra, Attack of the Swamp Creatures (L'Attaque des créatures des marais), Legend of the Zaat Monster, and The Blood Waters of Dr. Z (Les eaux sanglantes du Dr. Z, titre sous lequel il apparaît dans Mystery Science Theater 3000). Dans ce film, un savant nazi fou s'injecte une produit qui le transforme en poisson-chat mutant. Le critique de cinéma Matt Soergel du Florida Times-Union édicte que « Zaat pourrait très bien être le plus mauvais film de poisson-chat mutant »[76]. De son côté le Jeffrey Kauffman trouve que « c'est le genre de film qu'Ed Wood aurait pu faire, un jour où il n'était pas en forme », ajoutant « Les fans de films fantastiquement mauvais trouvent que Zaat est le pire »[77]. Patrick Naugle, du magazine DVD Verdict déclare que « l'interprétation est indéfendable : les acteurs murmurent leurs textes et font tout leurs efforts pour ignorer qu'ils participent à un des plus mauvais films jamais faits », quand dans le même magazine, Michael Rubino trouve que « Zaat est peut-être l'un des prires films jamais réalisés »[78],[79]. La radio publique NPR le qualifie de « fiasco SF » quand le film se classe en tête du classement IMDb Bottom 100[80]. Zaat refait parler de lui lors de sa diffusion dans Mystery Science Theater 3000[81] et est également programmé dans le show Half in the Bag où il fait partie des films « tellement mauvais qu'ils en deviennent bons » (So bad it's good)[82]. ENfin, il fait partie de la liste des 66 pires films publiée par Total Film[83].

Ce film israëlien raconte l'histoire d'un hippie américain arrivant en Israël après avoir participé à la guerre du Vietnam. Il y rencontre des congénères israéliens et doit faire face à des mimes menaçants. Longtemps considéré comme perdu, il réapparaît en 2010 et fait rapidement l'objet d'un culte lors de séances de nuit, semblable au Rocky Horror Picture Show. Il est ensuite distribué en vidéo à l'international par Grindhouse Releasing. Le critique Gil Shefler, du Jewish Daily Forward, le qualifie de « parfaitement mauvais », et déclare que « c'est probablement le plus mauvais film israëlien jamais fait, si ce n'est le plus mauvais film de tous les temps »[84]. Ben Hartman, du Jerusalem Post, écrit que le film « est certainement un des pire films réalisés en Israël, ou même au-delà »[85]. Le portail Nana 10 affirme qu'il prétend au titre de « plus mauvais et plus amusant film israélien »[86].

Le film est un hommage de Peter Bogdanovich aux grandes comédies musicales des années 1930. Interprété par Cybill Shepherd et Burt Reynolds, on peut y entendre des chansons de Cole Porter. Lors de sa sortie, les critiques sont très négatives : CNN rappelle que le film est considéré comme « la pire bizarerie musicale de l'histoire d'Hollywood »[87]. Le critique John Simon, du magazine Esquire écrit : « c'est plausiblement la plus mauvaise comédie musicale de cette décennie, voire de toutes »[88]. Dans le Buffalo News, le critique Jeff constate qu'« au bout de 45 minutes, il devint évident à tout un chacun qu'il s'agit d'un des pires bides, et des plus embarrassants, pour ses stars »[89]. Le critique Jay Cocks dit du film qu'« il est considéré comme l'acident industriel majeur de son époque »[90]. De son côté, Hollis Alpert déclare : « cet échec est si lugubre qu'il va au-delà de l'échec »[91]. Le film est listé dans le livre Les 50 Pires FIlms de tous les temps ainsi que le livre de and Michael Sauter Les Pires Films de tous les temps[92]. Il apparaît également Golden Turkey Awards Nominees and Winners, the Worst Achievements in Hollywood History[93]. Bogdanovich, qui en était également le scénariste, envoya des déclarations à la presse pour s'en excuser.[90].

Le film bénéficie au moins du soutien de Roger Ebert, qui déclare : « Le film n'est certes pas un chef d'oeuvre, mais je ne trouve pas sérieuse la brutalité de certaines attaques critiques. ». Il ajoute : « C'est du divertissement léger, un peu ridicule, au style impecable... si [Bogdanovich] n'atteint pas sa cible, au moins il procure quelques bons moments et de la très bonne musique. »[94]. Dans un récent documentaire consacré à sa carrière, Bogdanovich regrette de s'eêtre laissé influencer par les avant-premières du studio amenant à des coupes avant la sortie en salles. Il a opéré d'autres coupes avant l'exploitation sur les chaînes cablées l'année suivante. Un fan du film, un monteur qui préferait la première version, réussi à conserver secrétement une copie de celle-ci et à l'interchanger avec l'autre. Quand Bogdanivicjh eu vent de son exploitation sur Netflix, il contacta la Fox, fit quelques retouches à ladite version, pour en obtenir un Director's cut et exploité en vidéo à partir de 2013[95].

The Angel Was a Devil (HaMal'ach Haya Satan) (1976)


The Angel Was a Devil, tourné en 1971 mais sorti seulement en 1976, est un film d'horreur israëlien qui est décrit par Meir Schnitzer, faisant autorité sur le cinéma israëlien, comme « le pire film jamais réalisé en Israël »[96]. Dans ce film, Moshe Guez tient la place de réalisateur, scénariste, acter principal, directeur de la photographie, ingénieur du son, monteur et il compose même une partie de la bande originale[96]. Cette concentration des rôles l'empêche de bénéficier des aides quasi-automatiques des autorités culturelles de son pays. Sans compter de nombreux autres problèmes rencontrées au cours de la production du film[96]. En 2011, Avida Livny sort le documentaire Looking for Moshe Guez (À la recherche de Moshe Guez), qui décrit le film et la démarche pour retrouver son réalisateur, en Israël et aux États-unis[96].

Ce film de John Boorman est une (première) suite au film oscarisé L'Exorciste de William Friedkin sorti en 1973. Il est mis en scène par. Le critique britannique Mark Kermode considère l'original comme son préféré absolu, mais il trouve que cette suite est le pire film jamais réalisé[97]. Les Golden Turkey Awards le classe deuxième pire film jamais réalisé, après Plan 9 from Outer Space. Le critique Bill Chambers le qualifie de « probablement le pire film jamais fait et certainement la pire suite jamais faite »[98]. Il est aussi listé dans le Guide officiel des Razzie Awards : le meilleur du pire d'Hollywood. Friedkin déclare que cette suite amoindrie la valeur de l'original et le trouve qu'« il s'agit d'un des pires films qu'[il ait] jamais vus »[99]. Finalement, le film attire tant de ressentiment que Boorman finit par le renier. Dans une interview avec Bob McCabe pour le livre The Exorcist: Out of the Shadows, il avoue : « mon péché fut de ne pas donner au public ce qu'il attendait dans le domaine de l'horreur »[100].

Dans L'Inévitable Catastrophe (titre original : The Swarm), une nuée d'abeilles tueuses envahit le Texas. Ce film d'horreur est produit et réalisé par Irwin Allen. En dépit d'un casting brillant (Michael Caine, Henry Fonda, Richard Widmark and Olivia de Havilland), c'est un échec commercial et critique retentissant[101]. Lors de sa sortie britannique, le Sunday Times assène que « c'est tout simplement le pire film jamais réalisé »[102]. Le critique Leslie Halliwell le décrit comme « un désatstre cinématographique évident aux dialogues ridicules »[101]. Dans son article, Le Guardian dit : « vous pourriez le dédaigner comme une mauvaise blague, sauf qu'il a englouti un budget de 12 millions de dollars, 22 millions d'abeilles, et plusieurs années de travail »[101]. Barry Took déclare dans Punch : « la banalité de l'histoire n'a d'égale que l'inexpressivité de l'interprétation »[101] Le magazine Time Out le qualifie de « film catastrophe risiblement à côté de la plaque. »[103]. L'Inévitable Catastrophe figure dans plusieurs livres consacrés aux plus mauvais films, dont The Golden Turkey Awards des frères Medved[104] et dans le Official Razzie Movie Guide de John Wilson, comme l'« un des 100 Plus plaisants mauvais films jamais faits »[105].

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0077713/combined I Spit on Your Grave ou Day of the Woman.

Connus sous les titres originaux I Spit on Your Grave (je crache sur ta tombe) ou Day of the Woman (le Jour de la femme), le film est notoire pour sa violence explicite et ses longues scènes de viols collectifs. Il lui a fallu 2 ans pour trouver un distributeur et pouvoir sortir en salle. Luke Y. Thompson déclare dans le New Times de Los Angeles que « les défenseurs du film arguent qu'il s'agit d'un film féministe, puisque c'est le principal rôle féminin qui l'emporte à la fin, ce qui revient à dire que les combats de coq bénéficient aux coqs puisqu'il y en toujours un qui en réchappe à la fin. »[106] Le critique David Keyes le considère comme le plus mauvais film des années 1980[106]. Scott Tobias, dans The A.V. Club, le traite de « l'un des »

one of the era's most abhorrent pieces of exploitation trash"[107] and Patrick Naugle of DVD Verdict stated, "it's one of the most soulless, vile, and morally reprehensible things I've ever had to sit through."[108] Roger Ebert gave the film no stars, referring to it as "a vile bag of garbage...without a shred of artistic distinction," adding, "Attending it was one of the most depressing experiences of my life."[109] Ebert also included it on his "most hated" list[110] and considered it the worst movie ever made.[111][112] Gene Siskel also considered it one of the worst films ever made.[113] Author James Livingston wrote in The World Turned Inside Out that I Spit on Your Grave was the second worst movie ever made,[114] Film Racket featured it as their first entry in to their "Worst Movie Ever?" series,[115] and Flavorwire named it the eleventh worst movie ever made.[116]   Despite the intense negative reception from some critics, the film currently has a 55% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, with critics arguing that "it shows us the raw, shocking reality of rape, in all its bloody viciousness."[106]

Cette production erotico-historique de Tinto Brass about the infamous Roman Emperor was in part financed by Penthouse founder Bob Guccione. The film, featuring a prestigious cast (Malcolm McDowell, Helen Mirren, Peter O'Toole, and John Gielgud) is notable for its explicit scenes of sex and violence, including six minutes of hardcore porn footage filmed by Guccione and another editor. Caligula earned some prerelease controversy after Gore Vidal, who had written the script, distanced himself from the film. When Caligula was released, it received strongly hostile reviews, reviewers criticizing its extreme scenes of sex and violence and lack of narrative coherence.[117] Rex Reed of New York Magazine called the film "a trough of rotten swill."[118] Roger Ebert gave Caligula a zero stars rating, dubbing it "sickening, utterly worthless, shameful trash," accusing it of being vulgar in its depiction of sex and violence, and of having technically incompetent direction and structure.[117] Caligula was one of the few films Ebert ever walked out on (two hours into its 170-minute running time)[119] and he also placed it on his "Most Hated" list, later declaring it the worst movie he'd ever seen.[110] Jay Scott, reviewing Caligula for The Globe and Mail, stated, "Caligula doesn't really work on any level" and the film and its production "constitute a boondoggle of landmark proportions."[120] So negative was its initial reception, Australian newspaper The Age stated that Caligula was being "billed by critics everywhere as one of the worst films ever made."[121] Leslie Halliwell dubbed it "a vile curiosity of interest chiefly to sado-masochists."[122] The Hamilton Spectator later referred to Caligula as "possibly the worst movie ever made."[123] Joe Holleman, in an article in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch discussing historical films set in Ancient Rome, argued, "two of the worst movies made in the 20th century were ancient Rome pieces...Cleopatra and Caligula."[124] Christopher Armstead, reviewing Caligula for the website Film Critics United, stated, "Dollar for dollar, this could very well be the worst movie ever made."[125]

This Western epic, loosely based on the Johnson County War in 1890s Wyoming, was plagued by massive cost and time overruns, largely due to director Michael Cimino's extreme attention to detail. He demanded 50 takes of at least one scene, and refused to start shooting for another until a cloud he liked rolled across the sky. It cost over $44 million, but brought in only $3.5 million at the box office.[126] The original version ran at nearly four hours, but was yanked from release after only one week due to scathing reviews. It later resurfaced in a 149-minute version, but by then the damage was done. Vincent Canby famously called it "an unqualified disaster," among other things. Roger Ebert called it "the most scandalous cinematic waste I've ever seen."[127]

After word of his grandiose spending and defiant nature toward studio United Artists got out (detailed in Final Cut by Steven Bach, a studio executive involved with the film from the beginning) Cimino was awarded the 1980 Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Director, and the film was nominated for four more Razzies, including Worst Picture.[128] In February 2010, the readers of Empire voted it the 6th-worst film of all time.[129] That same year, Joe Queenan of The Guardian also called it the worst film ever made, saying that much of it was "beyond belief."[130] Cimino was initially considered a director on the rise after directing The Deer Hunter (which won five Oscars, including Best Picture and Best Director), but his reputation never recovered after Heaven's Gate. The production is also notorious for the cruelty to animals that occurred both on screen and on site, including deliberately killing a horse with explosives.[131] The film effectively ended not only the existence of United Artists as an independent Hollywood studio (its parent firm sold the company to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, where it still operates), but also, largely, Cimino's career — he would not direct again until 1985's Year of the Dragon.

Despite the vicious reviews, the film's reputation improved over time. In fall, 2012, the New York Film Festival, the venue for its infamous opening, premiered the restored director's cut. In stark contrast, the Times called the restored version "...a modern masterpiece" and its 1980 cut "one of the greatest injustices of cinematic history."[132] The film has also been released on Blu-ray and DVD by the Criterion Collection, a home video label that specializes in critically acclaimed and "important" films. Manohla Dargis of the New York Times said that the movie "has been called a disaster and a disgrace, yet also anointed a masterpiece."[133] Kris Kristofferson has consistently defended both the film and Cimino, stating at one point that he hoped Cimino would "get the chance to sin again" by being hired to direct an ambitious, big-budget project where his talents would be more successful.

A disco rock opera set in 1994, The Apple (also known as Star Rock) focuses on a young pair of singers, Alphie (George Gilmour) and Bibi (Catherine Mary Stewart) who become entangled with the corrupt Mr. Boogalow (Vladek Sheybal). The Apple was directed by Menahem Golan, who hoped the film would imitate the success of other music-oriented films such as Saturday Night Fever and Grease.[134] Upon release in the US, The Apple was critically savaged and was a commercial failure.[134][135] One "Hollywood legend" states that the audience at The Apple's premiere were so angry at the film that they threw their promotional copies of the film's soundtrack at the screen.[135] Sean Burns in the Philadelphia Weekly gave the film a very negative review: "The Apple isn't just the worst disco musical ever made; it could very well be the worst movie ever made, period."[134] Bill Gibron of DVD Verdict described The Apple as "a gamy glitterdome of outrageous kitsch passing itself off as a futuristic fable".[136] Gibron criticized the film's musical numbers as being inept and added "The Apple should be a celebration of all that is camp. Instead, it's just seriously disturbed."[136] Eric Henderson of Slant magazine gave The Apple one star out of four and said "every song in the goddamned movie sucks". Henderson added that The Apple's "relentless bad taste is sure to appeal to the same audience that won't even realize they're being slapped in the face".[137] Nathan Rabin of The AV Club reviewing The Apple for his "My Year Of Flops" series, said "The peculiar genius of The Apple is that every time it appears that the film cannot get any crazier, it ratchets up the weirdness to almost indescribable levels. It belongs to the curious subset of movies so all-consumingly druggy and surreal that they make audiences feel baked out of their minds even when they're stone-cold sober."[135] In 2013, The Apple was released as a video on demand from RiffTrax. This edition features a satirical commentary on The Apple done by the former stars of Mystery Science Theater 3000Michael J. Nelson, Kevin Murphy, and Bill Corbett[138].

This war movie, directed by Terence Young and starring Laurence Olivier as General Douglas MacArthur, was meant to depict the Battle of Inchon during the Korean War. Producer Mitsuharu Ishii was a senior member of the Japanese branch of the Unification Church, whose leader, Sun Myung Moon, claimed he had the film made to show MacArthur's spirituality and connection to God and the Japanese people.[139] Its eventual production cost of $46 million resulted in a $5 million box office gross, and the New York Times review written by Vincent Canby calls the movie "the most expensive B-movie ever."[140] The Washington Post described Inchon as "one of the biggest commercial disasters in film history."[141] Every conceivable kind of problem plagued production, including labor issues, the U.S. military withdrawing support due to the film's Unification Church connection, weather and natural disasters, customs difficulties, expensive directorial blunders, and the original director (Andrew McLaglen) quitting before the start of production. Olivier's performance was roundly panned and he was awarded the 1982 Golden Raspberry award for Worst Actor.[142] The film itself took the 1982 Razzies for Worst Picture and Worst Screenplay, and Young's direction earned him a tie for Worst Director of 1982. A number of reviewers described Inchon as the worst film ever made, including: The Washington Post,[143] Newsweek,[144] TV Guide,[145] and the Canadian Press.[146] Inchon was later profiled in multiple books on worst in film, including The Hollywood Hall of Shame by Harry and Michael Medved,[147] and The Worst Movies of All Time by Michael Sauter.[148] To date, Inchon has never been released on home video in the United States.

An adventure film loosely based on the novel Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs, starring Miles O'Keefe in the title role and Bo Derek as his partner Jane Parker, that is told from Jane's point of view. Despite being a box office success, it was widely panned by critics upon its release due to its poor screenplay, bad acting, and unintentional humor. Leonard Maltin, writing for his Movie Guide, stated that the film "lacks action, humor and charm," and considered it so bad that it "nearly forced editors of this book to devise a rating lower than BOMB."[3] Leslie Halliwell was equally harsh; he described Tarzan, the Ape Man as "certainly the worst of the Tarzan movies and possibly the most banal film so far made; even the animals give poor performances."[149] Writer Thomas S. Hischak described it thus: "Produced and directed without a shred of talent by John Derek, Tarzan, the Ape Man often ranks high in the lists of the worst movies ever made."[150] Film critic John Nesbit considered it "my pick for worst film ever,"[151] while Matt Brinson of Creative Loafing wrote, "this cinematic atrocity truly is one of the all-time worsts."[152] Tarzan, the Ape Man was nominated for six awards at the 2nd Golden Raspberry Awards, winning one for Worst Actress (Derek). It currently holds an 11% rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 19 reviews[153].

Mommie Dearest was based on the memoir of the same name by Christina Crawford about her upbringing by Joan Crawford. It was the first film to sweep the Golden Raspberry Awards nominations, winning a total of five Razzies out of the nine nominations, including "Worst Picture" and Worst Actress (Faye Dunaway, shared with Bo Derek).[154] The same organization also named it "Worst Picture of the Decade" in 1989/90, and was nominated for "Worst Drama of Our First 25 Years" in 2004/05.[155] The film is part of the "100 most awful" in the book The Official Razzie Movie Guide: Enjoying the Best of Hollywood's Worst.[156][157] Entertainment writer Michael Sauter included the film in his book The Worst Movies of All Time.[158] It earned, as film critic and television host Richard Crouse put it, "some of the nastiest reviews ever."[159] Eric Henderson of CBS Minneapolis named it at the top of his "Best 'Worst Movies Ever'" list.[160] Roger Ebert wrote of this film, "I can't imagine who would want to subject themselves to this movie. Mommie Dearest is a painful experience that drones on endlessly, as Joan Crawford's relationship with her daughter, Christina, disintegrates from cruelty through jealousy into pathos."[161] Of the performance of Faye Dunaway, Variety said "Dunaway does not chew scenery. Dunaway starts neatly at each corner of the set in every scene and swallows it whole, co-stars and all."[162]

Despite the reviews at the time, the film was a box office success, grossing $39 million worldwide on a $5 million budget. It currently has a 55% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. In its summary Rotten Tomatoes wrote, "The 1981 film version of this tome was evidently meant to be taken seriously, but the operatic direction by Frank Perry and the over-the-top portrayal of Joan Crawford by Faye Dunaway (whose makeup is remarkable) has always seemed to inspire loud laughter whenever and wherever the film is shown."[163]

Dünyayı Kurtaran Adam (The Man Who Saved the World) (1982)


This Turkish adventure science-fiction film, which is also commonly known as Turkish Star Wars, was directed by Çetin İnanç and starred Cüneyt Arkın. It is notorious for illegally using footage from well known science fiction films and shows, most notably Star Wars, along with stealing the music score from films such as Moonraker and Raiders of the Lost Ark. The film is also criticized for its nonsensical plot, badly written dialogue, and crude special effects.[164][165] Jos Kirps of ArticlesBase called it "The Worst Movie Ever," and stated, "There are many bad sci-fi movies, and for many years movie addicts even considered Ed Wood's Plan 9 From Outer Space the worst movie of all times. But Plan 9 is still a pretty good movie when compared to Dünyayi Kurtaran Adam."[166] Sabah called it the "world's worst film."[167] Hürriyet described the film as "sitting on the throne of the king" when compared to other "so bad it's good" cult films.[168] Toronto Standard called it a "dollar-store Star Wars" and compared it to the works of Ed Wood.[169] After a strong worldwide cult developed around the film, a sequel, The Son of the Man Who Saved the World (Dünyayı Kurtaran Adam'ın Oğlu), was shot in 2006 and featured many returning members of the original cast and crew[170].

Produced by George Lucas and based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name, Howard the Duck received overwhelmingly negative reviews from film critics. Orange Coast Magazine writer Marc Weinberg and Leonard Maltin criticized the decision to shoot the film in live action.[171][172] Maltin described it as a "..hopeless mess ... a gargantuan production which produces a gargantuan headache."[172] The appearance of Howard was criticized as being unconvincing due to his poorly functioning mouth, drunkenness, pervertedness, and expressionless face. Reviewers also criticized the acting and humor and found the film boring.[173][174] Jay Carr of The Boston Globe claimed that "They Don't Get Much Worse Than Howard,"[175] Glenn Heath Jr. of Slant Magazine wrote that it "has a rightful place in the canon of worst films ever,"[176] and TV Guide states it is "one of the worst big-budget movies ever made."[177] Film website Rotten Tomatoes gives the film a score of 15% based on 32 reviews, making it the lowest-rated Lucasfilm production of those reviewed on the site. The site's consensus states: "While it has its moments, Howard the Duck suffers from an uneven tone and mediocre performances."[178] It received seven Golden Raspberry Award nominations in 1987 including Worst Supporting Actor (Tim Robbins), Worst Director (Willard Huyck) and Worst Original Song ("Howard the Duck"). It won four trophies for Worst Screenplay, Worst New Star ("the six guys and gals in the duck suit"), Worst Visual Effects, and Worst Picture, tied with Under the Cherry Moon.[179] The movie won also a Stinkers Bad Movie Awards for Worst Picture.[180] Howard the Duck was also featured in Empire's poll of the 50 worst films ever made.[181] The negative reaction to the film had a difficult effect on the cast, who found themselves unable to work on other projects as a result[182].

Written and directed by Elaine May and starring Academy Award-winning duo Warren Beatty and Dustin Hoffman as Rogers and Clarke, two untalented lounge singers who travel to Morocco in hopes of finding a gig. Due to unanticipated problems with filming in the desert—which resulted in numerous reshoots—the film ran over budget by $30 million. While its final budget cost was $55 million, Ishtar earned only $14,375,181 at the North American box office leading Ishtar to become synonymous with "box office flop." It was also subject to harsh reviews from critics. Roger Ebert stated that "Ishtar is a truly dreadful film, a lifeless, massive, lumbering exercise in failed comedy";[183] Gene Siskel called it "shockingly dull" and "dim-witted";[184] and together they selected it as the worst film of 1987 on Siskel & Ebert & The Movies.[185] The film was nominated for Worst Picture and Worst Screenplay in the 8th Golden Raspberry Awards, winning one for Worst Director. San Jose Mercury News claimed that "Time has not improved this film's reputation as being one of the worst ever made."[186] Time Out suggested it was "so bad it could have been deliberate," and called it "one of the worst films ever made,"[187] while Hot Air referred to it as "The Citizen Kane of big-budget, A-list vehicular homicides."[188] It was included in Michael Sauter's The Worst Movies of All Time book[148] and Richard Roeper included it on his list of the 40 worst films he had seen.[189] In 1999 Time placed the film on a list of the 100 worst ideas of the 20th century[190].

Superman IV was the last film in the Christopher Reeve series of Superman films and co-starred Mark Pillow as the villain Nuclear Man. Panned by fans and critics alike, it is the lowest-grossing film in the franchise, only raking in $15,681,020 at the North American box office. Many critics pointed out the film's poor screenplay, acting, and special effects (such as a scene in which Superman repairs the Great Wall of China with his super-vision), while some have criticized it for its lack of attention to the comic book source material. Such special effects led Rita Kempley of the Washington Post to call it "one of the cheesiest movies ever made."[191] Film critic Jeffrey Lyles voiced similar hatred, claiming that the film "isn't just one of the worst comic book films, it's one of the worst films ever made."[192] Currently, Superman IV holds a 12% rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 41 reviews.[193] It appears on Empire's list of the 50 worst movies of all time,[194] as well as the MRQE's 50 Worst Movies list.[195] The film was nominated for two Razzies at the 8th Golden Raspberry Awards: Worst Supporting Actress (Mariel Hemingway) and Worst Visual Effects.

A live-action adaptation of the then-popular trading card series of the same name, itself a gross-out parody of the Cabbage Patch Kids dolls. The title characters are depicted by dwarf actors in low budget costumes, with poorly functioning mouths and expressionless faces. The film is often criticized for its gross-out humor, nonsensical plot, poor explanations, bad acting, and the creepy appearance of the Garbage Pail Kids. It has a 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.[196] Caryn James of the New York Times said the movie is "too repulsive for children or adults of any age" and is "enough to make you believe in strict and faraway boarding schools."[197] Carlos Coto of the Sun-Sentinel called it "one of the worst ever made."[198] Much of its content is said to be inappropriate for children, its intended audience. Throughout the movie, the Garbage Pail Kids steal, get in fights, bite toes off people, fart in people's faces, threaten others with switch blades, urinate upon themselves, and run over cars. In addition to scatological behavior, the movie has several scenes that feature sexual images, violence, and drinking. Offended parents launched a nationwide protest of the movie that successfully resulted in the movie being withdrawn from circulation.[199] The shortened release contributed to the movie's poor gross of only $1,576,615.[200] It was nominated for three Razzies at the 8th Golden Raspberry Awards: Worst Visual Effects, Worst New Star for the Garbage Pail Kids collectively, and Worst Original Song.

Leonard Part 6, starring (as well as written and produced by) Bill Cosby, was intended as a parody of spy movies. Leonard Parker, a former CIA spy, is brought out of retirement to save the world from an evil vegetarian who brainwashes animals to kill people. The film ends with Leonard infiltrating a base, fighting vegetarians with "magic meat" he was given by a Gypsy, freeing animals and flooding the base using Alka-Seltzer. He escapes by climbing onto an ostrich on the roof of the building, after which the ostrich flies him down (despite the fact that ostriches cannot fly). It has also been cited as one of the worst movies of all time, earning Golden Raspberrys for Worst Actor (Cosby), Worst Picture, and Worst Screenplay. It was also nominated for two more Razzie Awards, for Worst Supporting Actress and Worst Director. Cosby himself disowned the film, and when it was released to theatres he publicly advised people not to see it.[201] Rita Kempley at the Washington Post noted the large number of Coca-Cola product placements and said "The only good thing about Bill Cosby's Leonard Part 6 is that we didn't have to see Parts 1 through 5."[202] Scott Weinberg at DVD Talk noted the film as "truly one of the worst movies you'll ever see...movies this bad should be handled with Teflon gloves and a pair of tongs."[203] Kevin Thomas at the Los Angeles Times said "There's virtually nothing to laugh at in this film, and too much of everything else."[204] Total Film included Leonard Part 6 on their list of the "66 Worst Films of all Time."[83]

This film by Rick Sloane is widely considered a blatant rip-off that capitalizes on the popularity of the 1984 film Gremlins. It gained popularity in 1998 after being featured on an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000. MST3K writer Paul Chaplin later commented on Hobgoblins, saying, "Oh, man. You have no idea the torture it was to watch this movie several times in the space of a week. It shoots right to the top of the list of the worst movies we've ever done."[205] Greg Muskewitz at Efilmcritic.com called it "Jim Henson's worst nightmare,"[206] while David Cornelius of DVD Talk stated, "There's not one aspect of this movie that isn't the Worst Thing Ever."[207] After seeing the MST3K episode himself, Sloane was inspired to direct a sequel, which was released in 2009.

The film is about a young boy in a wheelchair who meets and befriends an alien who has crash landed on earth. The decision to make it was based on the success of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (the title itself, Mac and Me, comes from the working title for E.T.E.T. and Me[208]), as well as to serve as a marketing vehicle for Coca-Cola and McDonald's.[3] One scene in the film is a large, impromptu dance-off with the alien (dressed in a teddy bear costume), a football team, Ronald McDonald, and various other people inside and outside of a McDonald's restaurant. The film's cast list states "and Ronald McDonald as Himself." Mac and Me has a rating of 0% on Rotten Tomatoes,[208] and Leonard Maltin referred to it as "more like a TV commercial than a movie."[3] Scott Weinberg of eFilmcritic.com called it "Quite possibly one of the worst movies of the past 435 years"[208] and Marjorie Baumgarten of the Austin Chronicle called it a "shameless E.T. knockoff."[208] Morgan Spurlock asserted that "It's the worst, worst, worst, worst, worst thing you'll ever see in your entire life." Spurlock also cited the film as the most egregious example of product placement.[209] It was nominated for four Razzie Awards including Worst Picture and Worst Screenplay and won two trophies, Worst Director for Stewart Raffill (tied with Blake Edwards for Sunset) and Worst New Star for Ronald McDonald in a small cameo.

This Canadian low budget, independent, Z movie grade, horror exploitation film was written and produced by Andrew Jordan & Barry J. Gillis. It cost approximately $35,000 in total to make[210] and marked the mainstream film debut of porn star Amber Lynn. It was ostensibly made as homage to horror icons and films, such as George A. Romero and his Night Of The Living Dead.[211] They Came From Within: A History of Canadian Horror Cinema author Caelum Vatnsdal described Things as "the worst Canadian horror film ever made."[212] Critic Online called it "definitely one of the worst atrocities ever committed to film."[211] Severed Cinema announced that "a new generation of horror fans and people who have been desperately seeking this glistening turd for years can now experience this infamous abomination."[213] Cinema Sewer magazine has repeatedly proclaimed that "this is the worst movie ever made."[214] Robin Bougie, its founder and editor, wrote "I don't mean ["bad"] like the way Troma makes bad movies. I'm talking about bad with the best of intentions, like all of the best "bad" movies. You like tormenting yourself with hilariously trashy, moronic, gory, idiotic bad films?? Things is the fucking king of bad movies. This is the movie you put on when you have a get together of pals — and just blow them away. Trust me, you have never seen anything like this in your life. It's absolutely astonishing in how it is able to mentally wreck anyone who watches it."[214] Things was covered in an episode of RedLetterMedia show Half in the Bag; during the discussion Jay Bauman stated that Things was "probably one of the worst movies ever made," to which Mike Stoklasa replied "I would remove 'probably'."[215]

Notable in part for not featuring any trolls (the antagonists are actually goblins), this horror B movie film also has no relation to the original Troll, which was also critically panned.[216] Released in relative obscurity, was re-taken by the public in later years; NPR claims that it is "known as the worst movie of all time"[217] while The AV Club calls it "a popular candidate for the worst film ever made".[218] Rumsey Taylor of Not Coming to a Theater Near You opined that it was "one of the worst films I’ve ever seen".[219] Ken Hanke of Mountain Xpress gave it one-half star out of five, and famously stated in his review, "There are movies that are bad. There are movies that are so-bad-they're-good. And then there's Troll 2—a movie that's so bad that it defies comprehension."[220] In addition, TV Guide proclaimed that "Troll 2 is really as bad as they come."[221] asof 2014, the film had a 6% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Nearly twenty years after its release, the movie's child star, Michael Stephenson, made a documentary about its production and fanbase titled Best Worst Movie, released to critical success in 2009.

A French-British film sequel to the cult film Highlander, which transitions the fantasy franchise into science fiction and retcons the mystical warriors of the first film into aliens, was met with harsh criticism by both critics and audiences. Based on 23 reviews collected by Rotten Tomatoes, the film currently holds a 0%, "Rotten" rating, all 23 reviews being negative. Common criticisms included the lack of motivation for the characters, the blatant disregard for established characters and background set in the first film (such as the new and seemingly incongruent origin for the Immortals), the massive amount of gigantic plot holes, the film's messy, non-sensical story structure, the filmmaker's inability to balance out the number of the rather unrelated plots and subplots involved, the unexplained resurrection of Ramirez, and rampantly apparent contradictions in the film's internal logic.[222] Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times gave it a score of 0.5 stars (out of four), saying: "Highlander II: The Quickening is the most hilariously incomprehensible movie I've seen in many a long day—a movie almost awesome in its badness. Wherever science fiction fans gather, in decades and generations to come, this film will be remembered in hushed tones as one of the immortal low points of the genre." He continued, saying "If there is a planet somewhere whose civilization is based on the worst movies of all time, Highlander 2: The Quickening deserves a sacred place among their most treasured artifacts", naming it the worst film of 1991.[223] Giving the film a score of 2 out of 10, IGN's review said: "How bad is this movie? Well, imagine if Ed Wood were alive today, and someone gave him a multi-million dollar budget. See his imagination running rampant, bringing in aliens from outer space with immensely powerful firearms, immortals who bring each other back to life by calling out their names, epic duels on flying skateboards, and a blatant disregard for anything logical or previously established—now you are starting to get closer to the vision of Highlander II."[224] Awarding the film one star out of five, Christopher Null of Filmcritic.com said, "Highlander has become a bit of a joke, and here's where the joke started. ... Incomprehensible doesn't even begin to explain it. This movie is the equivalent of the 'Hey, look over there!' gag. You look, and the guy you wanted to beat up has run away and hid."[225]

In 1995, the film's director Russell Mulcahy made a director's cut version known as Highlander 2: Renegade Version and then later released another version simply known as Highlander 2: The Special Edition for its 2004 DVD release. The film was reconstructed on both occasions largely from existing material, with certain scenes removed and others added back in, and the entire sequence of events changed. The reconstructed film's reception was far better than the original's; it was elevated to a mixed reception[226].

This Dutch action horror/slasher film starred the then popular Flemish singer Koen Wauters in hope of attracting more people to the theaters. The plot centers around a surgeon (George Kennedy) who survives a car accident that leaves him horribly burned and puts him in a coma for seven years. When he awakens he starts a murdering rampage for no particular reason. He stalks the film's protagonists – a young girl, her brother and her boyfriend (Koen Wauters) – and tries to kill them, once again without the audience ever being informed what his motivation is and how he manages to survive numerous attacks that would horribly injure any normal person. To top it all off, Kennedy is obviously replaced by a different actor.

The film failed to make a huge profit and was demolished by the critics. De Volkskrant reviewed it as: "A movie where every aspect goes so disastrously wrong that it almost seems like a parody." [227] Yet it quickly gained a cult following due to its bad acting, unconvincing special effects, poor English pronunciation, and a hole-ridden plot.[228] In one of the most infamous scenes, the girl's boyfriend lies on the floor, bleeding due to stab wounds, which causes her to remark, "Moet ik een pleistertje voor je halen? Jeetje mina!" (Translation: "Shall I get you a little band-aid? Golly gosh").[229] The picture is traditionally shown during each edition of the Dutch-Belgian B-movie festival Nacht van de Wansmaak and has frequently been called "the worst Dutch movie ever." Due to this reputation it has been honored in the "Hall of Shame" of the festival[227],[230],[231].

Cattive ragazze (Bad Girls) (1992)


This Italian erotic thriller was directed by gossip columnist Marina Ripa Di Meana, and stars Eva Grimaldi as a recently divorced woman falling in love with a male stripper, alongside a cast of big names such as Anita Ekberg and Burt Young. The production received bad publicity, as it was made using money from the country's Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities. Paolo Mereghetti in his film encyclopaedia Dizionario dei Film described the film as a "..vapid mess that can only serve those incapable of understanding what cinema is," and considered it able to "..compete for the title of worst film in cinema history and win!"[232] G. Giraud wrote in Il Lavoro, that Cattive ragazze "does not resemble anything in a real movie, or even recall anything previously seen at the cinema, even in its worst." Film critic Marco Giusti refers to it as "one of the pillars of Italian trash cinema."[233] While Cattive ragazze was Ripa Di Meana's directorial debut, she has not made another film since[234].

This Rob Reiner film is an adaptation of the novel North: The Tale of a 9-Year-Old Boy Who Becomes a Free Agent and Travels the World in Search of the Perfect Parents by Alan Zweibel, who also wrote the screenplay and has a minor role in the film. North, which was also Scarlett Johansson's film debut, was a critical and commercial failure, earning only $7,138,449 worldwide. It was widely criticized for its plot, its all-star cast of insensitive characters, lack of humor, references to pedophilia, and portrayal of numerous ethnic stereotypes. It has a 15% approval rating at Rotten Tomatoes.[235] Roger Ebert gave it zero stars and, in his review, infamously wrote "I hated this movie. Hated hated hated hated hated this movie. Hated it. Hated every simpering stupid vacant audience-insulting moment of it. Hated the sensibility that thought anyone would like it. Hated the implied insult to the audience by its belief that anyone would be entertained by it." He continued saying "North is a bad film – one of the worst movies ever made,"[236] and it is also on his list of most hated films.[110] Both Ebert and Gene Siskel named North as the worst film of 1994.[237] Mick LaSalle of the San Francisco Chronicle said in his review that "North is director Rob Reiner's first flat-out failure, a sincerely wrought, energetically made picture that all the same crashes on takeoff. It's strange and oddly distasteful, at its best managing to be bad in some original and unexpected ways."[238] Richard Roeper named North as one of the 40 worst movies he has ever seen, saying that, "Of all the films on this list, North may be the most difficult to watch from start to finish."[189] The film was nominated for the following awards at the 15th Golden Raspberry Awards: Worst Picture, Worst Actor (Bruce Willis, also for Color of Night), Worst Supporting Actress (Kathy Bates), Worst Supporting Actor (Dan Aykroyd, also for Exit to Eden), Worst Director, and Worst Screenplay (Andrew Scheinman and Alan Zweibel).

A Norwegian romantic film directed by Aune Sand. The film follows different couples and their love stories around the world, in Cairo, Normandy, Oslo and New York. Dis received universal panning by critics and has been called the most critically panned Norwegian film in history.[239][240] Critic Harald Kolstad of Dagsavisen gave it a score of zero, refused to acknowledge Dis as a film, and claimed to have never seen anything worse.[241] Aftenposten referred to the film as "the largest turkey" and "the most reviled film."[240] Despite being a critical disaster it became a commercial success, gaining cult film status with a following akin to The Rocky Horror Picture Show, with fans embracing its "so bad it's good" qualities.[240] Director Aune Sand insists that Dis is a masterpiece[242].

A large amount of hype was put behind promoting the sex and nudity in this NC-17 French-American film with a $45 million budget, but the final result was critically derided. Most of the hype revolved around the film's star, Elizabeth Berkley, who only two years before had been one of the stars of the teenage sitcom Saved by the Bell (in which she played a young feminist). The film won seven Razzie Awards, a record at that time, and received 13 nominations, a record that still stands. It received an additional award at the 20th Golden Raspberry Awards, where it was awarded Worst Picture of the Decade. Kenneth Turan of the Los Angeles Times called it, "..a film of thunderous oafishness that gives adult subject matter the kind of bad name it does not need or deserve,"[243] while Rob Gonsalves of eFilmCritic.com stated, "Even the grossest porn is more cheerfully sexual than this movie."[244] Michael Dequina of TheMovieReport.com also panned the film, claiming that it was "the best bad filmmaking Hollywood has to offer."[245] Stephen Lynch of the Knight Ridder/Tribune named it the worst movie ever made, calling it "so bad it may be brilliant."[246] Rotten Tomatoes selected it as one of 25 movies that are so bad they're unmissable while Empire featured it on its poll of the worst films ever made.[247][248] Showgirls was also featured in Michael Sauter's The Worst Movies of All Time book as well as The Official Razzie Movie Guide: Enjoying the Best of Hollywood's Worst. The edited R-rated version, which director Paul Verhoeven developed for video outlets that would not carry NC-17 films, deletes about three minutes of the more graphic sex scenes. TBS has broadcast the film on television in its prime time schedule, but this version adds digitally animated solid black underwear to hide breasts and genitalia. This version has also been broadcast by VH1 as part of its Movies That Rock series. It currently holds a 19% rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 47 reviews[249].

A comedy-drama directed by Andrew Bergman, based on a novel by Carl Hiaasen, Striptease centers on a woman (Demi Moore) who becomes a stripper in order to fund an appeal for custody of her daughter. The film was criticised as boring and humourless, and was also accused of being a vanity project for Moore.[250] Daniel P. Franklin, discussing Striptease in his book Politics and Film: The Political Culture of Film in the United States stated "This is the worst film ever made."[251] Joe Queenan cited Striptease as an example of what he considered the poor quality of contemporary Hollywood cinema: "One thing that I admire about films like Striptease is that they serve as powerful reminders that on any given day, Hollywood has the potential to release the worst film in history."[252] Richard Schickel in Time, also criticised the film: "Bergman... misses Hiaasen's strength: setting mean-funny characters spinning through lowlife milieus... the crazy, nothing-to-lose anarchy of people living below the margin and beyond the fringe is not within Bergman's fastidious reach."[253] Leonard Maltin stated that Striptease was "Not funny enough, or dramatic enough, or sexy enough, or bad enough, to qualify as entertainment in any category."[254] Brian D. Johnson of Maclean's stated "While Showgirls was honestly sleazy, Striptease is tacky, pretentious – and boring. Trying to be a comedy, a morality tale and a titillating sideshow, Striptease fails on all counts."[250] Striptease was awarded six Golden Raspberry awards, for Worst Picture, Worst Director, Worst Screenplay, Worst Actress (Moore), Worst Original Song ("(Pussy Pussy Pussy) Whose Kitty Cat Are You?"), and Worst Screen Couple (Moore and Burt Reynolds)[255].

Le Jour et la Nuit (Day and Night) (1997)


A French romance film directed by philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy. It follows a French author who fled to Mexico for a quiet life and an actress who is willing to seduce him to get a part in a film adapted from one of his books. Before its release, Le Jour et la Nuit was heavily promoted in many French newspapers and magazines.[256] When the film premiered at the Berlin International Film Festival in 1997, hundreds of journalists walked out of the screening and those that stayed audibly ridiculed it.[257] Following its release, Le Jour et la Nuit was very harshly criticized by the French media. Gérard Lefort of Libération described the film as "BHL pedalling through guacamole", and it was also panned by Le Monde and Le Nouvel Observateur.[256] The film also did poorly commercially, with only 73,147 seats for Le Jour et la Nuit having been sold two months after its release.[256] Le Jour et la Nuit was considered the worst French film since 1945 by film magazine Cahiers du cinéma, and considered as a possible "worst film in history" by the French version of Slate.[258] Variety claimed that the film was "..[l]augh-out-loud awful without touching the cult realm of 'so bad it's good'," Françoise Giroud stated that "[i]t's a bad movie, there's no question,"[257] and L'Humanité called it an "Absolute debacle."[259] An original documentary, Anatomy of a Massacre, was released with the Le Jour et la Nuit DVD, and focused on its intense negative reception and failure[260].

Batman & Robin is a superhero film based on the DC character Batman and is the fourth and final installment of the Burton/Schumacher Batman film series. It is directed by Joel Schumacher and stars George Clooney as Batman/Bruce Wayne, Arnold Schwarzenegger as Mr. Freeze, Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy, Chris O'Donnell as Robin/Dick Grayson, Alicia Silverstone as Batgirl/Barbara Wilson and Michael Gough as Alfred Pennyworth. This film was panned by critics and was largely criticized for its toyetic and camp approach, Mr. Freeze's approach and one-line jokes, as well as its possible homosexual innuendo. As of May 2013, review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes reports that 11% of critics have given the film a positive review based on 85 reviews, certifying it Rotten with an average rating of 3.7/10, and the consensus: "Joel Schumacher's tongue-in-cheek attitude hits an unbearable limit in Batman & Robin, resulting in a frantic and mindless movie that's too jokey to care much for."[261] By comparison Metacritic collected an average score of 28/100, based on 21 reviews.[262] International Business Times included it on its list of Hollywood's top five worst movies ever made.[263] Michael J. Nelson, of Mystery Science Theater 3000 fame, wrote of the movie in his book, Movie Megacheese, "Batman & Robin is not the worst movie ever. No, indeed. It's the worst thing ever. Yes, it's the single worst thing that we as human beings have ever produced in recorded history."[264] Batman & Robin also came in first in an Empire poll of the 50 worst films ever.[265] Joel Schumacher apologized to disappointed fans on the 2005 DVD release of Batman & Robin[266].

An adaptation of the popular 1960s British series of the same name, The Avengers starred Ralph Fiennes as John Steed and Uma Thurman as Emma Peel, with Sean Connery as their antagonist, Sir August de Wynter. It was directed by Jeremiah S. Chechik. The Avengers began to receive negative publicity after Warner Bros., the film's distributor, refused to allow any early press-screenings for movie reviewers.[267] After early test screenings, The Avengers was heavily edited by the studio.[268] On its release, The Avengers was savaged by film critics, with The Birmingham Post stating "The Avengers is being slated by critics as the worst film ever made" and adding that one reviewer had joked the film was such a "turkey" that the makers should have handed distribution to the poultry chain Bernard Matthews.[269] Several reviewers disparaged The Avengers for lacking the wit and excitement of its source material.[270][271] Janet Maslin strongly criticised The Avengers: "With pseudo-suave repartee that would make Austin Powers blush and with so many shades of Howard the Duck that one scene depicts man-size pastel teddy bears sitting around a conference table, it's a film to gall fans of the old television series and perplex anyone else. I can't remember another Friday morning show where I heard actual cries of "Ugh!" on the way out the door" and finished her review with, "At a pared-down, barely rational 100 minutes, The Avengers is short but not short enough."[268] David Bianculli said "This Avengers film is so horrendously, painfully and thoroughly awful, it gives other cinematic clunkers like Ishtar and Howard the Duck a good name."[271] Alan Jones in The Radio Times stated "The cult 1960s TV series gets royally shafted by Hollywood in this stunningly designed blockbuster that's stunningly awful in every other department... Terrible special effects and zero chemistry between Fiennes and Thurman make this notorious disaster a total waste of everyone's time and energy."[270] The Avengers also shared a Razzie Award for "Worst Remake or Sequel" with the 1998 adaptations of Psycho and Godzilla at the 19th Golden Raspberry Awards. Total Film magazine later voted Fiennes and Thurman in The Avengers as "The Worst Movie Double Act Of All Time"[272].

Cinderela Baiana (Bahian Cinderella) (1998)


A Brazilian film directed by Conrado Sanchez and starring former É o Tchan! (at the time called Gera Samba) dancer Carla Perez in the lead role. It is a heavily fictionalized biographical account of Perez's early life and how she came into fame. Despite starring an all-star cast, including Alexandre Pires, then-Perez's boyfriend and a very popular singer in Brazil at the time, the movie was criticized for its campy dialogue, badly written script, numerous plot holes and ludicrous acting, to the point of Perez herself disowning the film years later.[273] It was a box office bomb, and it was some time later banned from circulation by request of Perez herself. It was also the debut of a then-unknown Lázaro Ramos, who used his salary to pay for acting classes. On March 15, 2010, Brazilian magazine Veja made a Top 10 list of the worst Brazilian movies of all time, and Cinderela Baiana was featured in first place. The reviewer, Pollyane Lima e Silva, called the film "a shame."[274] Author Renzo Mora included it in his 25 Movies That Can Ruin Your Life book, while Luis Nassif claimed that, "For me this is the worst of all."[275]

A British black comedy that was the last film directed by Michael Winner. Parting Shots starred rock musician Chris Rea as a man who, told he has only six months to live, begins murdering people who have wronged him. Parting Shots was accused of being poorly acted, filmed and scripted, as well as treating murder flippantly.[276] Andrew Collins took a very negative view of the film: "Parting Shots... is going to set the course of British film-making back 20 years. It is not only the worst British film produced in this country since Carry On Emmannuelle (quite a feat in itself), it is a thoroughbred contender for the crown of Worst Film Ever Made."[277] Christopher Tookey was even more harsh, stating: "Parting Shots is not only the most horrible torture for audiences that Winner has ever devised. It is also profoundly offensive, even by Winner standards" and later called Parting Shots "the most tasteless, abysmal comedy of all time."[276] Tookey also stated that Winner had "established himself, over his last dozen films, as beyond doubt the worst director of all time."[276] In an interview about the film, Charlotte O'Sullivan, the Independent's film editor, claimed Parting Shots was "the worst film I've ever seen." O'Sullivan also criticised it for glorifying vigilantism: "It's Michael Winner and you know, he doesn't have any sense of irony. He seems to be saying it is okay to go and kill people."[278] The journalist Miles Kington later claimed "Parting Shots...was directed by Michael Winner and despite the glittering cast, was possibly the worst film ever made."[279] I.Q. Hunter listed Parting Shots as one of the candidates for "the Worst British film ever made."[29] Parting Shots was also featured in a poll of Empire magazine readers' "50 Worst Movies Ever" poll[280].

A comedy based on a cable access show from 1988. Director and lead actor Vince Offer constructed the film out of a series of tasteless, lowbrow skits (including Gena Lee Nolin loudly using the restroom and a superhero named Dickman who dresses in a giant penis costume and defeats his enemies by squirting them with semen). In 1999, Offer filed a suit against 20th Century Fox and the co-directors of There's Something About Mary, Bobby and Peter Farrelly, claiming that 14 scenes in Mary were stolen from his film.[281] The Farrellys released this statement: "We've never heard of him, we've never heard of his movie, and it's all a bunch of baloney."[282] In a review in The Village Voice, Rob Davis called the film a "..listless, laughless attempt," and "lunkheaded and amateurish," and stated that it was "for masochists only."[283] Likewise, Lawrence Van Gelder of the New York Times referred to it as a "wretched film" and stated that "'The Underground Comedy Movie' stands as a monument to ineptitude and self-delusion."[284] Rod Dreher of the New York Post said it "may be the least amusing comedy ever made."[285] Christopher Null of filmcritic.com called it "a crass, disgusting, and vile re-creation of a late-1980s cable TV access show, [with] small bits of film that cut in and out haphazardly and without any sense of pacing," referred to the "only conceivably funny point in the movie as "..more pathetic than hilarious," and wrapped up his review by stating, "If you're looking for the ultimate movie to clear your house of partygoers who don't know when to leave, look no further than this DVD."[286] Thom Bennett at Film Journal International, wrote "Anyone offended by unbearably bad films, jokes that are not funny and wasting 90 minutes of their lives is, as promised, guaranteed to be offended. In fact, to even call this mess a comedy is giving it far too much credit," and "The Underground Comedy Movie may well be the worst film I have ever seen."[287] Offer stated in 2004 that "almost 100,000" DVDs of the film had been sold[288].

Based on the first half of L. Ron Hubbard's novel of the same name, starring John Travolta, Barry Pepper and Forest Whitaker. Although a sequel covering the second half of the book was planned, the critical panning, poor box office performance and financial ruin of Franchise Pictures killed off such plans. It was criticized for a poor script, hammy acting, overuse of Dutch angles, repetitive dialogue, and several inconsistencies. The movie's distributor, Franchise Pictures, was later forced out of business after it emerged that it had fraudulently overstated the film's budget by $31 million. It has a 3% rating at Rotten Tomatoes,[289] and it was included in their Top 100 worst-reviewed movies of the 2000s.[290] Roger Ebert predicted that the film, "...for decades to come will be the punch line of jokes about bad movies."[291] Ebert also wrote, "the director, Roger Christian, has learned from better films that directors sometimes tilt their cameras, but he has not learned why."[291] It is also on his "most hated" list.[110] It won seven Golden Raspberry Awards, including Worst Picture and Worst Screen Couple (John Travolta and "anyone on the screen with him").[292] In 2005, an eighth Razzie (for Worst "Drama" of Our First 25 Years) was awarded to the film,[293] and in 2010 it won a ninth Razzie at the 30th Golden Raspberry Awards for Worst Picture of the Decade,[294] the most of any film in the history of the awards at the time,[295] before Jack and Jill surpassed its record with ten wins in 2012.[296] The movie appeared on Metacritic's list of the all-time lowest-scoring films,[297] and is on the MRQE's 50 Worst Movies list[195].

The directorial debut of Eurythmics member David A. Stewart, and starring three members of the British/Canadian girl group All Saints (Melanie Blatt, Nicole and Natalie Appleton), Honest received a large amount of media criticism following its release.[298] The Scottish newspaper Daily Record described Honest thus: "This turgid tale of Sixties London isn't just bad – it's quite probably the worst film ever."[298] Peter Bradshaw noted that Honest "subscribes to the usual credulous fictions about the charm, glamour and wit of violent criminals, and leaves out these qualities in spades" and added "However silly and implausible, it would be all right if there was the slightest hint of brio or fun in the script, written by comedy giants Dick Clement and Ian La Frenais. But there isn't."[299] Alexander Walker called Honest "An ugly, ratty-looking load of jazzy cliches buried in flashy has-been styles, including slowmo frolicking in the Trafalgar Square fountains, strobe-lit druggy sessions and accelerated action on the mattress."[300] British film historian I.Q. Hunter later listed Honest as one of the candidates for the title of "Worst British film ever made."[29]

A British film directed by Edward Thomas and based on the novel of the same name by James Hawes. Despite a cast that included Rhys Ifans, Joseph Fiennes, Tara FitzGerald, Sadie Frost, Steven Berkoff, Olegar Fedoro, Keith Allen and Dani Behr, the film received highly negative reviews. Peter Bradshaw of The Guardian said that it "succeeds in getting its cast – some of the brightest and best of British character actors, young and old – to give the worst performances imaginable… The plot is all over the place, eventually incomprehensible, and very, very boring."[301] Cosmo Landesman, writing in The Sunday Times, also gave it a negative review, describing it as "…a stupid, unfunny and self-satisfied film that should be avoided at all costs."[302] Anne Billson of The Sunday Telegraph found it confusing and derivative: "I couldn’t even work out where the film is supposed to be set. Isn't that Portobello Road? Why is Tara Fitzgerald talking about Exeter? And how in hell did we get to this cricket pavilion? Director Ed Thomas appears to have been aiming for the Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels crowd, but misses by several billion miles."[303]

Discussing Rancid Aluminium in an article on British cinema, Jacques Peretti gave an equally harsh assessment: "In many ways, Rancid Aluminium is beyond criticism because it is very hard, even after several viewings, to work out what the hell is going on" and that it was "incomprehensible and deeply lacklustre in all departments."[304] Noting the film's negative reception, Peretti went on to argue: "By universal consent, it is the worst film ever made in the UK."[304]

A comedy film starring Tom Green, who also wrote and directed it, featuring largely gross-out and shock humor similar to that featured in The Tom Green Show. In the film, Green stars as a twenty-eight-year-old slacker and cartoonist who falsely accuses his father of child molestation when he questions his son's life goals. Freddy Got Fingered received overwhelmingly negative reviews, with CNN critic Paul Clinton declaring it "quite simply the worst movie ever released by a major studio in Hollywood history."[305] Warren Epstein of The Gazette described Freddy Got Fingered as "the worst movie ever made."[306] A review in The Washington Post said: "If ever a movie testified to the utter creative bankruptcy of the Hollywood film industry, it is the abomination known as Freddy Got Fingered."[307] Robert Koehler of Variety called it, "One of the most brutally awful comedies ever to emerge from a major studio."[308] Film reviewer Roger Ebert included the film on his "most hated" list,[110] gave it zero out of four stars, and wrote: "This movie doesn't scrape the bottom of the barrel. This movie isn't the bottom of the barrel. This movie isn't below the bottom of the barrel. This movie doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence with barrels."[309] Freddy Got Fingered was nominated for eight awards at the 2001 Razzies, and won for Worst Picture, Worst Actor, Worst Director, Worst Screenplay, and Worst On-Screen Couple.[310][311] Razzies founder John J. B. Wilson called it "offensive, stupid and obnoxious" and said it had "no redeeming value."[310] Green accepted his awards in person, traveling to the ceremony in a white Cadillac, wearing a tuxedo and rolling out his own red carpet to the presentation. The movie has an 11% positive rating on Rotten Tomatoes.[312] In 2010, the film was nominated at the 30th Golden Raspberry Awards for Worst Picture of the Decade,[294] though it lost to Battlefield Earth.[313] Freddy Got Fingered also appeared on Metacritic's list of the all-time lowest-scoring films,[297] was featured in Empire's list of the "50 Worst Movies Ever" poll,[194] and is on the MRQE's 50 Worst Movies list[195].

Mariah Carey starred in the lead role as an aspiring singer; Glitter was intended to be her breakthrough role but was a critical failure and a box office bomb. Hindustan Times claimed that Glitter "was slammed by almost all critics for being the worst film ever."[314] Fade In stated that "Glitter isn’t just one of the worst music-themed films ever — it’s one of the worst films ever made, period."[315] Author Bob McCann wrote in Encyclopedia of African American Actresses in Film and Television that it's "rightfully in the running as one of the worst films ever made".[316] News.com.au,[317] Hi,[318] Flavorwire,[116] and Empire are amongst those who have listed it as one of the worst films ever made.[319] Glitter received six Razzie nominations and Carey won for Worst Actress.[320] It was also featured in John Wilson's The Official Razzie Movie Guide, and in 2005, it was nominated for "Worst Musical of Our First 25 Years", but lost to From Justin to Kelly. In an interview in 2010, Carey stated that she believed that the film's failure at the box office was largely due to the soundtrack's release date being September 11, 2001, the same day as the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and The Pentagon.[321] It has a 7% rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 87 reviews[322].

A comedy film produced in part by Adam Sandler and starring Dana Carvey as Pistachio Disguisey, an undercover Italian waiter who must save his father Fabbrizio (James Brolin) from the evil Devlin Bowman (Brent Spiner) by using his inherent skills in disguise. Although the film was a box office success, it received scathing reviews from critics upon its release, many of which pointed out its sophomoric plot, unfunny humor (in particular, its flatulence gags) and disguises that would clearly not be recognized by children (such as Tony Montana from Scarface). Many critics also pointed out the short running time, consisting of 72 minutes of the film itself and over ten minutes of end credits juxtaposed with outtakes. Roger Ebert gave it one star out of four, claiming, "The movie is a desperate miscalculation. It gives poor Dana Carvey nothing to do that is really funny, and then expects us to laugh because he acts so goofy all the time."[323] Alan Morrisson, writing for the film magazine Empire, proclaimed that The Master of Disguise was "the worst film ever made: a film about idiots, made by idiots, for idiots,"[324] while Matthew Turner of ViewLondon remarked, "This is a serious contender for the title of The Worst Film Ever Made."[325] In addition, Chris Parry of eFilmCritic.com stated, "Quite honestly, I've never seen anything less competent. And I mean that."[326] The film currently holds a 1% rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 103 reviews,[327] and was featured on the site's list of the top 100 worst-reviewed films of the 2000s.[328] It also appears on Metacritic's list of the all-time lowest-scoring films,[297] and is on the MRQE's 50 Worst Movies list.[195] A cameo appearance by Bo Derek landed her a nomination for Worst Supporting Actress at the 23rd Golden Raspberry Awards, but she lost to Madonna for Die Another Day.

This action film stars Antonio Banderas and Lucy Liu as opposing secret agents. Critics panned it, generally regarding it as having no redeeming features, not even the unintentional comedic value normally associated with bad films. They variously described the film as "A picture for idiots," "Boring to an amazing degree," "A fine achievement in stupidity and dullness," "Dreadful," "[Giving] new meaning to the word incoherent," and "bad on just about every level." One critic suggested an alternate title as "Simplistic: Bullets Vs. Humans."[329] Stephen Hunter of The Washington Post wrote, "You could run this film backward, soundtrack included, and it would make no less sense."[330] Roger Ebert, who included the film in his "most hated list," called the movie "…a chaotic mess, overloaded with special effects and explosions, light on continuity, sanity and coherence,"[331] Among the most obvious plot holes noted by critics is the fact that the FBI – an organization with jurisdiction within the United States – is somehow working in Vancouver, Canada. In addition to being lambasted by critics, it was a disaster financially, recouping just over $19.9 million of its $70 million budget. International Business Times included it on its list of Hollywood's top 5 worst movies ever made.[263] In March 2007, the movie review site Rotten Tomatoes ranked it #1 among "The Worst of the Worst" movie list,[332] with 108 "rotten" reviews and no "fresh" ones.

A low-budget 2002 American romantic drama film about a gay couple who come into conflict with the brother of one of the partners, Ben and Arthur was written, directed, produced, edited, and scored by Sam Mraovich, who also played the character Arthur. Ben and Arthur received strong criticism (especially from the LGBT community) for its low budget and poor plotting. The gay popular culture site Queerty described Ben And Arthur as "unintelligible" and ended its review by calling it the "Worst. Movie. Ever."[333] The gay movie review site Cinemaqueer likewise stated: "Ben and Arthur is so terrible that it has awoken the dormant Bette Davis in me. It is so painfully bad that it wouldn't even make good fodder on Mystery Science Theater 3000. This just might possibly be the worst movie I have ever seen… Unless you get a kick out of mocking bad films, avoid this one at all costs."[334] Michael Adams, reviewing the film for his book Showgirls, Teen Wolves, and Astro Zombies, describes it thus: "Ben & Arthur is as over-the-top insane as it is ludicrously executed... the production values, from biscuits on plates comprising the main course of a candlelit dinner to a church literally having a cardboard cross and a cartoon Jesus on the wall, are as bad as anything I've seen."[335] A Rotten Tomatoes' article ranked Ben and Arthur #15 on their list of "Films So Bad They're Unmissable", saying "If Tommy Wiseau's The Room is the over-wrought, melodramatic and self-pitying heterosexual camp classic of choice, then Sam Mraovich's Ben & Arthur is its gay equivalent." Rotten Tomatoes also stated "Every scene, every line, every hissy fit is simultaneously hilariously amateur and hysterically fever-pitched."[336] Total Film ranked Ben and Arthur at #58 in their list of the 66 worst films of all time[83].

A romantic comedy musical film starring Kelly Clarkson and Justin Guarini, the winner and runner-up, respectively, of the first season of American Idol. The film was a critical and commercial disaster, earning only $4.9 million at the North American box office and achieving a 10% rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 63 reviews.[337] Josh Tyrangiel of Time Magazine described From Justin to Kelly as "a monstrous Idol movie musical that in the most generous light is the worst film so far this century,"[338] while The Free Lance–Star referred to it as "the world's worst movie."[339] Nathan Rabin of The A.V. Club, reviewing the film for his "My Year of Flops" series, stated, "All films require suspension of disbelief. From Justin To Kelly requires something more like a temporary lobotomy. Nothing about the main characters or their relationships makes sense."[340] It won a special Razzie—"Governor's Award – Distinguished Under-Achievement in Choreography"—at the 24th Golden Raspberry Awards.[341] It was nominated for eight additional Razzies (including a second special award, "Worst Excuse for an Actual Movie"), and a year later it won for Worst "Musical" of Our First 25 Years. Total Film included From Justin to Kelly on their list of The 66 Worst Films of All Time,[83] and International Business Times included the film on its list of Hollywood's top 5 worst movies ever made.[263] In a later interview, Clarkson expressed regret over From Justin to Kelly, stating she only did it because she was contractually obligated to do so: "I knew when I read the script it was going to be real, real bad, but when I won, I signed that piece of paper, and I could not get out of it."[338]

This independently produced film about an amiable banker whose friends betray him one by one has been called "the Citizen Kane of bad movies" by some critics.[342][343][344] Though the film's star, writer, producer and director Tommy Wiseau, has claimed it is a black comedy and its numerous flaws are intentional, other actors involved in the production have denied this, saying that Wiseau intended it as a melodramatic romance.[345] The Room has been noted for its bizarre and non-sequiturial dialogue, protracted sex scenes, various subplots that are inadequately resolved or simply disappear altogether (most notably, a character announces that she has breast cancer, but this is never mentioned again), and infamous use of green-screen for "outdoor" rooftop scenes. Despite this, the film has gained a large cult status, and regularly sells out midnight viewings at theaters in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. In contrast to almost all of the movies on this list, The Room has a rating as "high" as 35% on Rotten Tomatoes.[346] It made its broadcast premiere as an April Fools' Day special in 2009 on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim block, edited down from its original R rating to a TV-14/DSLV rating. The day after its appearance, its DVD became the top-selling independent film on Amazon.com. In June 2010, The Room started playing at the American Film Institute Silver Theatre in Silver Spring, Maryland.[347] Mystery Science Theater 3000 alumni Michael J. Nelson, Kevin Murphy, and Bill Corbett produced an audio commentary track to accompany the movie through their site RiffTrax.com. In 2013, the book The Disaster Artist, written by Greg Sestero and Tom Bissell, was published; the book is Sestero's memoir of his involvement in the production of the movie. The book will be adapted into a film, also called The Disaster Artist, directed and starring James Franco as Wiseau and his brother Dave Franco as Sestero.

A Martin Brest movie featuring Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck, with appearances by Al Pacino and Christopher Walken. Gigli was originally a black comedy with no romantic subplot. The producers demanded script rewrites throughout filming, hoping to cash in on the Lopez-Affleck romance that was big news in celebrity-watching publications of the time such as Us and People. This film cost $54 million to make but grossed only $6 million, making it one of the biggest box office bombs of all time. The Times gave the film a zero making Gigli the lowest scored film review in the publication's history at that time.[263] International Business Times, which included Gigli in its list of Hollywood's top five worst movies ever made, described reviewers calling it "the ultimate turkey of all time."[263] The Wall Street Journal stated that it was "The worst movie—all right, the worst allegedly major movie—of our admittedly young century,"[348] while Roger Friedman of Fox News claimed it was "The worst movie ever made."[349] It was also the winner of seven Razzies (including 2005's Worst "Comedy" of Our First 25 Years),[350] and in 2010 the film was nominated at the 30th Golden Raspberry Awards for "Worst Picture of the Decade."[294] It is in Rotten Tomatoes' Top 100 worst reviewed movies of 2000s,[290] where it has a 6% rating.[351] It was also featured in Empire's poll of the 50 worst films ever made[352].

A British sex comedy about a group of potato delivery men, the film received strongly hostile reviews from the British media. Reviews claimed Sex Lives of the Potato Men was unfunny, disgusting, and depressing.[353] Writing in the Daily Mirror, film critic Kevin O'Sullivan called Sex Lives of the Potato Men "one of the worst films ever made."[354] Novelist Will Self, in his review for The Evening Standard, called Sex Lives of the Potato Men "mirthless, worthless, toothless, useless."[353] The Times reviewer James Christopher dubbed Sex Lives of the Potato Men "one of the two most nauseous films ever made...a masterclass in film-making ineptitude."[353] The Sunday Express film critic, Henry Fitzherbert, also strongly condemned the film: "Sex Lives is so awful it left me slack-jawed in disbelief...it must be one of the worst British comedies."[355] Catherine Shoard, in a critique in The Sunday Telegraph, stated "It's hard to know what to say to this – it's like finding the right words at a nasty accident... Sex Lives of the Potato Men is probably the lewdest Brit-com since Confessions of a Window Cleaner, and certainly the worst." Shoard also described the film as "Less a film than an appetite suppressant."[356] Alan Morrison in the Scottish Daily Record described it as "puerile smut of the very worst kind...Sex Lives of the Potato Men should never have been made."[357] The Irish Times later noted that "Sex Lives of the Potato Men attracted some of the worst reviews in living memory."[358] The Birmingham Post described Sex Lives of the Potato Men as "quite possibly the worst film ever made,"[359] while The Independent on Sunday stated that the film was "a strong contender for the title of worst film of all time."[360] It was also featured in Empire's 50 Worst Movies Ever poll.[194] The film currently has a 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes out of 13 reviews[361].

Nominally based on the DC Comics character and starring Halle Berry, the titular Catwoman bears little resemblance to the Batman antagonist: the cinematic Catwoman has superpowers, unlike in the comics, and leaps from rooftop to rooftop in stiletto heels. The character's signature lycra catsuit was replaced with slashed leather trousers and matching bra, and a mask that also acts as a hat. She also has a different name, Patience Phillips, than the established DC Catwoman character, Selina Kyle. As the movie character differs so widely from her comic book source, the character, as portrayed in this film, has been cited as "Catwoman in Name Only."[362] The film was the result of various rewrites by a total of 28 different screenwriters, though only four were credited after arbitration with the WGA. It has a 9% rating at Rotten Tomatoes,[363] and was declared "arguably the worst superhero film ever made" by the Orlando Sentinel. Jean Lowerison of the San Diego Metropolitan said in her review that Catwoman "goes on my 'worst' list for the year, and quite possibly for all time."[364] The Village Voice summed up reviews of the film under the title "Me-Ouch."[365] The movie was the winner of four Razzies for Worst Picture, Worst Actress, Worst Director (Pitof) and Worst Screenplay.[350] Berry arrived at the ceremony to accept her Razzie in person (with her Best Actress Oscar for Monster's Ball in hand), saying: "First of all, I want to thank Warner Brothers. Thank you for putting me in a piece of shit, god-awful movie... It was just what my career needed."[366] It is on Roger Ebert's "most hated" list[110] and International Business Times included it on its list of Hollywood's top 5 worst movies ever made[263].

Daniel – Der Zauberer (Daniel – The Wizard) (2004)


A German film directed by Ulli Lommel and starring pop singer and ex-Deutschland sucht den Superstar contestant Daniel Küblböck, who appeared as a fictionalized version of himself. The title is inaccurate as it implies that Küblböck is "Der Zauberer" ("The Wizard"), while the sorcerer is actually a different character (played by Ulli Lommel, the writer/director of the film). The website filmstarts.de states that, Daniel – Der Zauberer was "unbearable for non-fans of Küblböck," adding that, "the performances of the actors were some of the worst in the history of German cinema," and alleging that Ulli Lommel and producer Peter Schamoni had "damaged their reputation."[367] The film became the lowest ranked film on the IMDb Bottom 100, where it remained for a considerable amount of time, and wieistderfilm.de stated it was fair to call it the worst German film ever made.[368] It appeared on Total Film's list of the 66 worst films of all time.[83] In an interview conducted several years after its release Daniel Küblböck admitted that in retrospect "You have to say this is the worst movie of all time really."[369]

A family-oriented comedy, this was the last film directed by Bob Clark before his death. It is a sequel to the 1999 film Baby Geniuses and like its predecessor, it received negative reviews from film critics, earning 0% positive rating on review website Rotten Tomatoes.[370] Following the plot of the first film, four babies can communicate with each other using 'baby talk', and have knowledge of many secrets. The "baby geniuses" become involved in a scheme by media mogul Bill Biscane (Jon Voight), a notorious kidnapper of children, who intends to use a satellite system to brainwash the world's population and force them to watch television for the rest of their lives. The film was a box office bomb, only receiving $9 million from its $20 million budget. Tom Long of The Deseret News said "It is perhaps the most incompetent and least funny comic film ever made."[371] MaryAnn Johanson of Flick Philosopher said in her review "To call this immeasurably terrible movie 'stupid and nonsensical' would be an insult to stupid and nonsensical movies."[372] Eric D. Snider wrote that, "Superbabies couldn't be worse if it had been written and produced by actual babies, and I mean babies who are retarded and who hate movies,"[373] and Nathan Rabin at The A.V. Club called it "The most perversely unnecessary sequel in recent memory."[374] Rotten Tomatoes ranked it 6th in the 100 worst reviewed films of the 2000s, with a rating of 0%.[370] It was nominated for four Golden Raspberry Awards including Worst Picture, Worst Director (Bob Clark), Worst Supporting Actor (Jon Voight) and Worst Screenplay (Steven Paul (story) & Gregory Poppen).[375] Eric Henderson at Slant Magazine wrote that "Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 had the rare distinction of briefly unseating the obstinate Manos: The Hands of Fate—the film that MST3K single-handedly popularized as the 'official worst movie of all time'—from its perch atop the IMDb's list of 100 worst movies"[376] and David Cornelius at efilmcritic wondered "Why would anyone want to make a follow-up to what is universally viewed as one of the very worst movies ever produced is a mystery for the ages."[377]

Loosely based on a series of video games by Infogrames and directed by Uwe Boll, this German-Canadian-American film was panned by critics for a multitude of reasons, including poor script and production values, quick cuts to optimize the gory content, almost no connection to the game, and bad acting. The movie has received a 1% rating at Rotten Tomatoes,[378] and was included in their Top 100 worst reviewed movies of the 2000s at number two.[290] It appeared on Metacritic's list of the all-time lowest-scoring films,[297] and is on the MRQE's 50 Worst Movies list.[195] Roger Moore of The Orlando Sentinel stated: "Alone in the Dark shows just how tenuous Plan 9 from Outer Space 's hold on that 'worst movie ever' title really is."[379] Likewise, Peter Hartlaub, the San Francisco Chronicle's pop culture critic, called the film "the best Ed Wood movie ever made...a film so mind-blowingly horrible that it teeters on the edge of cinematic immortality."[380] In 2009, he named it the worst film of the decade.[381] Jeffrey Lyles of The Gazette considered it so bad that, "…other legendary bad films...await a film of this magnitude because it gets awfully lonely on the island of misfit movies,"[382] while Scott Nash of Three Movie Buffs dubbed it "one of the worst movies ever made."[383] Screenwriter Blair Erickson wrote about his experience dealing with Boll and his original script, which was closer to the actual game itself, and Boll's script change demands on the comedy website Something Awful.[384] It received two 2005 Golden Raspberry Awards nominations for Worst Director (Uwe Boll) and Worst Actress (Tara Reid), and won three 2005 Stinkers Awards, for Worst Picture, Worst Director, and Worst Special Effects[385].

A remake of one of the most successful Bollywood films, Sholay, directed by Ram Gopal Varma. This film was widely panned, with critics such as Rajeev Masand giving it a zero out of five.[386] Times of India stated that Aag "destroyed Bollywood's greatest film" and acknowledged that some "consider it the world's worst film."[387] Hindustan Times awarded it the "Lifetime's Worst Ever Movie Award."[388] It came in first in a FHM India list of the 57 worst movies ever made.[389] Total Film included it in their list of the 66 worst films of all time.[83] Amitabh Bachchan, who appeared in the original film and returned for the remake, later admitted that the film was "a mistake."[390]

An independently produced film that is an apparent homage to Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds, Birdemic tells the story of a romance between the two leading characters, played by Alan Bagh and Whitney Moore, as their small town is attacked by birds (which do not appear until 47 minutes into the film). Written, directed, and produced by James Nguyen, it was intended as a "romantic thriller"[391] but is notable due to its poor quality, with reviewers calling out its wooden acting, bad dialogue, amateurish sound and editing, nonsensical plot and, in particular, its special effects, consisting primarily of poorly rendered CGI eagles and vultures that perform physically awkward aerial maneuvers and explode upon impact with the ground. The film, which cost $10,000 to make,[392] was called by the Huffington Post "truly, one of the worst films ever made"[393] and by The Village Voice as "one more in the pantheon of beloved trash-terpieces."[394] Flavorwire named it the worst movie ever made,[116] Slate deemed it among the worst movies ever made,[395] while Salon referred to it as "a cult hit among bad-movie fans"[396] and Variety stated that the film displayed "all the revered hallmarks of hilariously bad filmmaking."[397] Following the home media release of Birdemic, Michael J. Nelson, Kevin Murphy, and Bill Corbett of Mystery Science Theater 3000 fame produced an audio commentary track to accompany the movie through Rifftrax. They later riffed upon the film again theatrically.[398] In response to the cult status of the first film, a sequel—Birdemic 2: The Resurrection—was released in 2013, and included many returning members of the cast and crew.

Disaster Movie is a parody film written and directed by Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer, spoofing films in the disaster film genre. The film, like most films by Friedberg and Seltzer, received extremely negative reviews, and has a 1% rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 70 reviews. The site's consensus states: "Returning to their seemingly bottomless well of flatulence humor, racial stereotypes, and stale pop culture gags, Friedberg and Seltzer have produced what is arguably their worst Movie yet."[399] It was ranked by Rotten Tomatoes as one of the worst reviewed films of the 2000s.[400] Jason Solomons of The Guardian stated that "Nothing can convey the grimness of Disaster Movie, which would be the Worst Movie Ever Made were it actually a movie at all."[401] Adam Tobias of Watertown Daily Times claimed that "I just don't see how anyone could not find Disaster Movie one of the worst films of all time." Tobias went on to write that the title was appropriate because the film is "a disaster."[402] It was featured in Empire's 50 Worst Movies Ever poll,[194] Total Film's 66 Worst Movies Ever list[83] and the MRQE's 50 Worst Movies list (where it holds a score of 17, the lowest score on the site).[195] Disaster Movie became the lowest ranked film on IMDb's Bottom 100 list days after its premiere.[403][404] The film is also notable for being the motion picture debut of Kim Kardashian, whose performance garnered a nomination for Worst Supporting Actress at the 29th Golden Raspberry Awards.[405] It received five additional Razzie nominations.

This romantic comedy starring Paris Hilton, Joel Moore, Christine Lakin, and The Greg Wilson opened to poor box-office takings and strongly negative reviews with a 4% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.[406] The British newspaper The People, reviewing The Hottie and the Nottie, claimed "Paris Hilton is the world's worst actress and she's starring in the worst movie ever made."[406] Nathan Lee of The Village Voice called it "crass, shrill, disingenuous, tawdry, mean-spirited, vulgar, idiotic, boring, slapdash, half-assed, and very, very unfunny."[407] Online film critic James Berardinelli described the film's comedy as "about as funny as the anal rape scene in The War Zone."[408] Richard Roeper called it "excruciatingly, painfully, horribly, terribly awful," and argued that "nobody in this movie really should have a career in movies."[409] Connie Ogle in the Miami Herald described The Hottie and the Nottie thus: "Imagine the worst movie you've ever seen. Got it? Now try to think of something worse. That something is this movie – wretched, embarrassing and a waste of the time and energy of everyone involved."[409]

The Last Airbender is a fantasy/adventure film written, produced, and directed by M. Night Shyamalan and is based on the Nickelodeon animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender. Upon release, the film received extremely negative reviews, with critics panning the bad acting, numerous plot holes, screenplay, poor special effects (despite its reported $150 million budget) and especially M. Night Shyamalan's directing. It was also ridiculed for the poor quality of its post-converted 3-D, which was described as barely noticeable. Further criticism came from fans of the original cartoon series, who said the film differed tremendously from its critically acclaimed source material. It garnered nine nominations at the 31st Golden Raspberry Awards,[410] and won five: Worst Picture, Worst Director, Worst Screenplay, Worst Supporting Actor, and a special award, "Worst Eye-Gouging Mis-Use of 3D."[411][412] Roger Ebert wrote "The Last Airbender is an agonizing experience in every category I can think of and others still waiting to be invented. The laws of chance suggest that something should have gone right. Not here. It puts a nail in the coffin of low-rent 3D, but it will need a lot more coffins than that."[413] When asked if Last Airbender had been the worst film he has ever seen, Mike Ryan of Vanity Fair answered, "Yes."[414] Hi highlighted the film in their "The Worst Films Ever" series,[415] and David Onda of Comcast wrote "this film has also been called one of the worst ever made. The movie was universally panned by critics and failed to make back its production budget domestically. Although director M. Night Shyamalan reportedly wrote a rough draft for the second film, it is highly unlikely it will ever get made. Very, very unlikely."[416] The film currently holds a 6% rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 183 reviews,[417] and appeared in the top ten of a poll of the worst movies of all time conducted by RiffTrax[418],[419].

The casting of white and Indian actors to portray characters who were East Asian or Native Inuit in the source material triggered negative reactions from some fans marked by accusations of racism, a letter-writing campaign, and various protests.[420][421] Richard Corliss of Time, speaking of the controversy, wrote "The actors who didn't get to be in The Last Airbender are like the passengers who arrived too late to catch the final flight of the Hindenburg." Corliss also stated that this was the worst movie epic in 32 years.[422] Shyamalan responded to critics, saying, "Anime is based on ambiguous facial features. It's meant to be interpretive. It's meant to be inclusive of all races, and you can see yourself in all these characters...This is a multicultural movie and I'm going to make it even more multicultural in my approach to its casting ... The irony that [protesters] would label this with anything but the greatest pride, that the movie poster has Noah and Dev on it and my name on it. I don't know what else to do."[423]

Jack and Jill is a comedy film starring Adam Sandler as Jack, a commercial director, who is visited by his "identical" twin sister, Jill (played by Sandler, in drag), during the holidays. Salon stated that Jack and Jill "received some of the worst reviews of any movie ever" upon its release.[424] In the film, Jill is wooed by Al Pacino, whom Jack wants to be in his Dunkin' Donuts commercial. Richard Roeper of the Chicago Sun-Times noted the irony of Pacino's presence, as the actor is best known for playing Michael Corleone in The Godfather, which is widely considered one of the best films ever made, in this film, which he called "...one of the worst movies in the history of cinema!"[425] Ramin Setoodeh of The Daily Beast and Peter Travers of Rolling Stone reviewed it together in an article entitled "Adam Sandler's 'Jack and Jill' Is the Worst Movie Ever Made."[426] After an hour-long critique, RedLetterMedia claimed that it was "so egregious that it ceased to be a film," and the site also later called it "the worst thing in the world."[427] Mike McGranaghan wrote, on his website The Aisle Seat: "Howard the Duck, Gigli, Showgirls, From Justin to Kelly. What do they all have in common? They're all widely considered among the worst big studio movies ever made. You know what else they have in common? They're all better than Jack and Jill."[428][429] Jack and Jill was featured in the top ten worst films of all time poll conducted by RiffTrax.[418][419] Jack and Jill won a record 10 awards at the 32nd Golden Raspberry Awards, sweeping every category. It broke the record previously held by Battlefield Earth for having the most Razzies earned by a single film and is the only film to win every possible award.[430] The film currently holds a 3% rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 105 reviews[428].

Another comedy film starring Adam Sandler, That's My Boy concerns a middle school student named Donny Berger who has sex with his teacher, gets her pregnant, and in turn, earns a lifestyle of a minor celebrity, something he never intended to happen. Years later, Donny (played by Sandler) crashes his now-adult son's (Andy Samberg) wedding and bachelor party to get his money so he can pay his taxes, therefore avoiding prison. The film has been widely panned due to its comedic portrayal of incest, ephebophilia, statutory rape, and gerontophilia,[431][432][433] with film critic Andrew O'Hehir of Salon stating, "[Sandler's] new movie about a rape survivor and his estranged son is supposed to be funny, but radiates pain and rage."[434] Richard Roeper of the Chicago Sun-Times proclaimed, "To say That's My Boy is one of the worst movies of the year is to insult 2012. This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen,"[435] while Richard Haridly of Quickflix called it "one of the saddest and most exhausting" films he has ever seen.[436] MaryAnn Johanson of Flick Filosopher outright panned the film for its inability to generate laughs as well as its depraved content, calling it "a disgusting excuse for a comedy" and possibly "the most repulsive movie I've ever seen,"[437][438] and Jonathan Lack of We Got This Covered declared, "That's My Boy isn't just the worst film of 2012, it's one of the most morally reprehensible comedies of all time, a disgusting movie you should stay far, far away from."[437][439] Furthermore, Ed Whitfield of The Ooh Tray stated, "It may be the worst film, in any genre, ever made,"[437][440] while Chris Sawin of Examiner.com called it "..the equivalent of recreational brain trauma with a slice of shoving a railroad spike through one of your eyes just to pass the time," and said that, "Gargling paint thinner is better entertainment."[437] In addition to the movie's overwhelmingly negative reviews, That's My Boy earned eight nominations at the 33rd Golden Raspberry Awards, such as Worst Picture and Worst Director, and won the awards for Worst Actor (Sandler) and Worst Screenplay.[441] It holds a 20% rating on Rotten Tomatoes as of July 29, 2015 based on 113 reviews[442].

An animated comedy film directed by Larry Kasanoff and featuring a celebrity cast including Charlie Sheen, Wayne Brady, Hilary Duff, and Eva Longoria. The film revolves around brand mascots, known as "Ikes", who come to life in a supermarket after closing time, and their struggles against the forces of Brand X. Several real life mascots make cameos in the movie, such as Mrs. Butterworth, Charlie Tuna, and the California Raisins, as well as parodies of those who were unable to be used. Development for the movie began as early as 1999, but troubled production (including an incident where the hard drives had been stolen) and financial difficulties delayed its release. Foodfight! was eventually released in 2012 in the United Kingdom and the following year in the United States. It was critically panned for its animation, humor, use of product placement as a central theme (and being aimed towards children), and content inappropriate for its target audience, such as sexual innuendo and references to Nazism. The A.V. Club stated that "Foodfight! doesn’t just represent one of the entertainment world’s most appalling lapses of taste, restraint, and judgment in recent memory; it’s one of those fall-of-civilization moments".[443] A New York Times article condemned the film saying: "The animation appears unfinished ... And the plot ... is impenetrable and even offensive."[444] The article also reported that Foodfight! has been "seized upon by Internet purveyors of bad cinema".[444] Indiewire called it "one of the worst animated movies ever made",[445] while Hollywood News called it "by far the crappiest piece of crap I have ever had the misfortune to watch."[446] Tim Brayton of Antagony & Ecstasy, who as of November 2015 has the only Rotten Tomatoes critic review for Foodfight!, described it as " The absolute ugliest animated feature that has ever been released by something resembling an actual animation studio."[447][448] Brayton concluded by stating: "This is, in all sincerity, one of the very worst movies I have ever seen."[448]

A British comedy film based on the stage farce of the same name, Run for Your Wife starred Danny Dyer as John Smith, a bigamist, and Denise van Outen and Sarah Harding as his wives. Run for Your Wife was directed by the author of the play, Ray Cooney (who also makes an uncredited cameo appearance). Upon release, Run for Your Wife was savaged by film critics, with the South African newspaper Daily News saying "Run for Your Wife could be the worst film in history",[449] the Studio Briefing website reporting that "Some writers are making the case that the British comedy Run for Your Wife, written by and starring comedian Ray Cooney, may be “the worst film ever"”,[450] and The Daily Mirror claiming Run For Your Wife "was branded the worst British film ever."[451] Run for Your Wife met with such overwhelmingly negative reviews upon release that the reviews themselves were widely reported in the UK media.[450][452] The film was variously described as "a catastrophe", "as funny as leprosy" and "30 years past its sell-by-date", with The Guardian reviewer Peter Bradshaw saying that it "makes The Dick Emery Show look edgy and contemporary".[453] The Independent's Anthony Quinn wrote, "The stage play ran for nine years – it [the film] will be lucky to run for nine days. Perhaps never in the field of light entertainment have so many actors sacrificed so much dignity in the cause of so few jokes... From the look of it, Cooney hasn't been in a cinema for about 30 years".[454] The cast featured numerous British celebrities in cameo roles, which was commented upon by several reviewers. The Metro commented that "no one emerges unscathed among the cameo-packed cast that reads largely like a roll-call for Brit TV legends you'd previously suspected deceased".[455] The Daily Record described the film as "an exasperating farce containing not one single, solitary laugh.  [sic] people losing their trousers and falling over, the film looks like a pilot for a (mercifully) never-commissioned 70s sitcom".[456] An article in the Independent described Run for Your Wife (along with the similarly panned Movie 43) as contenders for the title of the "worst film in history".[457] The Berkhamsted & Tring Gazette reported "critics have being queuing up to batter recent release Run for Your Wife, with general agreement that it ranks among the worst British comedies of all time".[458] Run for Your Wife was also a box office bomb, earning only £602 in its opening weekend at the British box office to its £900,000 budget.[459][460] Run for Your Wife has a "0%" rating on Rotten Tomatoes as of July 29, 2015[461].

Produced and co-directed by Peter Farrelly among others, Movie 43 is a comedy film consisting of several vignettes each by a different director and a sizable cast of recognizable actors and actresses including Dennis Quaid, Greg Kinnear, Hugh Jackman, Kate Winslet, Liev Schreiber, Naomi Watts, Anna Faris, Emma Stone, Richard Gere, Uma Thurman, Chloë Grace Moretz, Gerard Butler, Halle Berry, Stephen Merchant, Terrence Howard, Elizabeth Banks, and Julianne Moore. Several critics have called it one of the worst films ever made, including Peter Howell of the Toronto Star, who said "There's just one use for Movie 43, apart from it being ground into the landfill that it deserves to become sooner rather than later. It provides me with a handy new answer to a question I'm often asked: 'What's the worst film you've ever seen?'"[462] Elizabeth Weitzman of the New York Daily News also considered it the worst movie she ever saw.[463] Brady Murphy of Murphy Reviews wrote, "A world where a film like this can exist only reminds me of the other contemptible acts performed by human kind since the dawn of time, and is rather eye-opening in that respect. That probably wasn't intentional, though"; he went on to say that "The idea that anyone could think that this would be in any way humorous is simply unbelievable." He concluded his review by saying the movie "had no heart," and gave it the site's first zero out of ten rating.[464] Richard Roeper of the Chicago Sun-Times voiced similar hatred, calling it "aggressively tasteless" and "the Citizen Kane of awful."[465] Lou Lumenick of the New York Post stated, "If you mashed-up the worst parts of the infamous Howard the Duck, Gigli, Ishtar and every other awful movie I've seen since I started reviewing professionally in 1981, it wouldn't begin to approach the sheer soul-sucking badness of the cringe-inducing Movie 43."[466] Movie 43 is on the MRQE's 50 Worst Movies list.[195] It currently holds a 4% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 76 reviews, averaging out at a 2.3/10 rating.[467] It won three awards at the 34th Golden Raspberry Awards, including Worst Picture, Worst Director, and Worst Screenplay. In the worst director category all 13 directors won the award[468].

Humshakals (2014)


Cette comédie bollywoodienne est réalisée par Sajid Khan, et est interprétée par Saif Ali Khan, Ram Kapoor (en) et Riteish Deshmukh. Mihir Fadnavis écrit dans sa critique pour Firstpost : « En faisant abstraction des pitreries sexuels et hurlements, il y bien pire à détester dans ce film soit-disant grand public. Il est finalement assez perturbant de voir le public payant forcé d'ingurgiter un produit aussi atroce, régressif, misogyne, sexiste et homophobe. J'admets qu'un sujet de comédie prennent des risques, mais ce que Humshakals montre est tout simplement insupportable »[469]. La critique Sonia Chopra de Sify.com écrit quant à elle : « Il y a des mauvais films, et puis il y a Humshakals. Selon moi, le plus mauvais film de 2014 à ce jour »[470]. Saurabh Dwivedi déclare dans India Today : « Quant à son réalisateur, je peux seulement dire que Humshakals sera dans la liste des plus mauvais films de ce siècle »[471]. Le magazine Dainik Bhaskar l'évalue comme un des plus mauvais films de la décennie[472]. La critique Sweta Kaushal du Hindustan Times lui donne la note de 0,5/5 et écrit que « sans scénario ni ressorts comiques, même Riteish ou Ram ne peuvent faire quoi que ce soit pour [le réalisateur] Sajid Khan »[473]. Mohar Basu, dans Koimoi lui attribue 1,5 étoiles sur 5 et pense que le film est « doté d'un humour obscur et indéchiffrable » et « consiste en un bizarre méli-mélo de pathos et de corvée »[474]. Dans Emirates 24/7, Sneha May Francis déclare que le film détrône la précédente réalisation de Khan (Himmatwala) en tant que plus mauvais film de Bollywood de l'histoire[475]. Le film reçoit cinq nominations pour les Golden Kela Awards (en),[476] et remporte celui du plus mauvais film[477]. Il obtient également deux récompenses aux Ghanta Awards (en) : celui de plus mauvais film, ainsi que celui du plus mauvais acteur, partagé conjointement par Ram Kapoor, Saif Ali Khan and Riteish Deshmukh[478].

Par la suite, plusieurs acteurs se plaignent de leurs participations au film. Bien qu'actrice principale, Bipasha Basu ne participe pas à la promotion du film, étant « perturbée par le résultat final », et déclare à ce propos « Humshakals est le plus mauvais souvenir de ma vie »[479],[480]. Une autre actrice, Esha Gupta, demande à sa famille de ne pas aller voir le film [481]. Après sa sortie, l'acteur principal Saif Ali déclare : « j'ai beaucoup réflechi et je ne referai pas la même erreur que représente Humshakals. »[482].

Ce film français tourné en anglais en 2014 retrace l'histoire de l'instance dirigeante du football mondial, la FIFA. Réalisé par Frédéric Auburtin, Gérard Depardieu y interprète Jules Rimet, Sam Neill João Havelange et Tim Roth Sepp Blatter. La sortie du film aux États-Unis en juin 2015 coïncide avec l'affaire de corruption à la FIFA, qui voit l'arrestation de plusieurs membres éxecutifs pour corruption[483] et la démission de Sepp Blatter sous le coup d'accusations répétées de corruption sous sa présidence[484] United Passions was accused of ignoring these long-running claims.[483],[485],[486]. Dans le London Evening Standard, Des Kelly écrit que United Passions est « le plus mauvais film jamais réalisé »

et {{le plus incroyable exercice de vanité, a vile, self-aggrandizing, sugar-coated pile of manure where Blatter and Co. manage to make North Korea's Kim Jong-un look self-effacing".[487] Daniel Gold of The New York Times claimed "United Passions" is "one of the most unwatchable films in recent memory, a dishonest bit of corporate-suite sanitizing that’s no good even for laughs",[488] later stating it would make the top three of his list of all time bad films.[489] Several critics noted the irony of the film's depiction of Blatter as an anti-corruption campaigner. Paul Field of the Daily Mirror said that this created "unintentional comedy gold",[486] while Sara Stewart of the New York Post described it as "hilariously ill-timed".[490] The soccer website Goal.com said of United Passions: "The portrayal of FIFA is farcical from start to finish", and added: "Films believed to be among the worst of all time are watched by thousands of people eager to see just how bad they are. This piece of cinematic garbage belongs to that list."[485] On Rotten Tomatoes, United Passions currently has a rating of 0%, based on 14 reviews,[491] while on Metacritic, the film currently holds a score of 1 out of 100, based on 7 critics, indicating "overwhelming dislike"[492].

United Passions was also a box office bomb, becoming the lowest-grossing film of all time in American history, surpassing the previous record held by I Kissed a Vampire ($1,380) in 2012, while going straight to DVD in France and lacking any distribution in a number of other European countries.[493][494] Several of the people involved in United Passions later expressed regret over the film. Director Auburtin called United Passions "a disaster" and added "Now I'm seen as bad as the guy who brought AIDS to Africa or the guy who caused the financial crisis ... apparently I am a propaganda guy making films for corrupt people."[494][495] Tim Roth apologized for taking part in the film and admitted that he took the job in United Passions for the money[495].

See also



Notes et références

  1. Les sources en sont anglo-saxonnes dans la version initiale de cet article, traduit à partir de l'article de Wikipédia en anglais en:List of films considered the worst.
  2. (en) Joe Stemme, « What's the Worst Movie Ever? », Los Angeles Times,‎ (lire en ligne)
  3. a b c d e f g et h (en) Leonard Maltin, Leonard Maltin's Movie and Video Guide 2004, Signet, (ISBN 0-451-20940-0)
  4. (en) Joe Stemme, « What's the Worst Movie Ever? », Los Angeles Times,‎ (lire en ligne)
  5. (en) « Reefer Madness (1936) », AMC (TV channel), {{Article}} : paramètre « date » manquant (lire en ligne)
  6. a et b (en) Cliff Goodwin, Sid James: A Biography, Random House, , 67–68 p. (ISBN 0-7535-4682-5)
  7. a et b (en) Brian McFarlane, British Crime Cinema, Routledge, , 37–50 p. (ISBN 0-415-16870-8), « Outrage: No Orchids for Miss Blandish »
  8. a et b (en) Halliwell's Film Guide, HarperPerennial, (ISBN 978-0-06-273318-4), p. 781
  9. (en) « The Chiel's Film Review », The Age,‎ , p. 5
  10. (en) Leonard Maltin, Leonard Maltin's Classic Movie Guide: From The Silent Era Through 1965, Second, (ISBN 0-452-29577-7), p. 474
  11. (en) « The Babe Ruth Story (1948) », The New York Times, {{Article}} : paramètre « date » manquant (lire en ligne)
  12. (en) Dan Shaughnessy, « Duke as Williams? A Prince of an Idea », Spokane Chronicle,‎ (lire en ligne)
  13. (en) Dick Heller, « Clinic and reception in the works to honor NBA pioneer Lloyd », The Washington Times,‎ (lire en ligne)
  14. (en) Stan Isaacs, « OUT OF LEFT FIELD The 10 Worst Sports Movies Of All Time », Newsday,‎ (lire en ligne)
  15. (en) « The home run that cured cancer: 16 Amazing Movie Sports Feats », The A.V. Club,‎ (lire en ligne)
  16. (en) « Worst Movie Biopics: Real-Life Catastrophes », Moviefone,‎ (lire en ligne)
  17. (en) « Blockbuster Hollywood Bios: The Good, the Bad, and the "Jobs" », Spike,‎ (lire en ligne)
  18. Richard Barrios, Screened Out: Playing Gay in Hollywood from Edison to Stonewall, Psychology Press, 2003, (ISBN 0-415-92328-X), Page 235.
  19. (en) Danny Peary, Cult Movies 3: 50 More of the Classics, the Sleepers, the Weird and the Wonderful, Simon & Schuster, (ISBN 978-0-671-64810-7)
  20. a et b Voir (en) en:The Book of Lists.
  21. a et b Voir (en) en:The Fifty Worst Films of All Time.
  22. « Mystery Science Theater 3000 – Robot Monster », TV.com (consulté le )
  23. (en) Stephen King, Danse Macabre, New York, Everest House, (ISBN 978-0-89696-076-3)
  24. Cecil Adams, « Did John Wayne die of cancer caused by a radioactive movie set? », The Straight Dope, (consulté le )
  25. a et b (en) Alex von Tunzelmann, « The Conqueror: Hollywood gives Genghis Khan a kicking he won't forget », Guardian, London,‎ (lire en ligne)
  26. (en) Nathan Rubin, My Year of Flops, Scribner, (ISBN 1-4391-5312-4)
  27. a et b Fire Maidens Of Outer Space. DVD Talk, August 13, 2013. Retrieved January 21, 2014.
  28. John Walker (ed.) Halliwell's Film and Video Guide 2000, London and New York; HarperCollins, 1999, (ISBN 0-06-273645-0) (p.287)
  29. a b et c I. Q Hunter, "From Window Cleaner to Potato Man" in British Comedy Cinema, edited by I.Q. Hunter and Laraine Porter. Routledge, 2012. (ISBN 0-415-66667-8). (p.154)
  30. The Golden Turkey Awards (lirtéralement Prix de la dinde d'or) est un livre de Michael et Harry Medved, par ailleurs auteurs précédemment des Cinquante Pires Films, puis plus tard du Hollywood Hall of Shame. Le premier de ces ouvrages invitaient les lecteurs à voter pour leur choix du pire film, que Plan 9 From Outer Space remporte.
  31. a b et c (en) Fourvin/Brouillon/Liste des films considérés comme les plus mauvais sur Rotten Tomatoes
  32. (en) Carol Schwartz, Videohound's Complete Guide to Cult Flicks and Trash Pics, Visible Ink Press, (ISBN 978-0-7876-0616-9)
  33. Radio Times Guide to Films 2014. Radio Times, London, 2013. (ISBN 0-9567523-6-5) (p.947)
  34. (en) Leonard Maltin, Leonard Maltin's Movie and Video Guide, New York, 2007 (ISBN 0-452-28893-2), p. 94
  35. « Full Movie Walk-throughs », Monster Shack, (consulté le )
  36. « Experiment Guide », Castle Forrester (consulté le )
  37. « Experiment Guide », Castle Forrester (consulté le )
  38. in The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Amazing Colossal Episode Guide (ISBN 0-553-37783-3)
  39. (en) Michael Medved, The Fifty Worst Films Of All Time, Random House, (ISBN 0-449-04139-5)
  40. Medved, Harry and Michael (1986). Son of Golden Turkey Awards. New York: Random House/Villard Books. (ISBN 0-394-74341-5). p. 197.
  41. « "Mystery Science Theater 3000" The Creeping Terror », imdb.com (consulté le )
  42. « The Creeping Terror (Dangerous Charter) (The Crawling Monster) », Rotten Tomatoes (consulté le )
  43. New York Times Movie Review April 30, 1964
  44. Hollywood Surf and Beach Movies: The First Wave, 1959–1969 By Thomas Lisanti, number 8
  45. The passing of the B-movie king of Connecticut — Del Tenney Friday, March 1, 2013 by:Joe Meyers, Stamford Advocate
  46. The worst movies of all time, or, What were they thinking? Michael Sauter; Carol Pub. Group, 1999 358 pages, page 306
  47. « Film Threat – The Bootleg Files: "Santa Claus Conquers The Martians" », Filmthreat.com (consulté le )
  48. « Mystery Science Theater 3000 – Santa Claus Conquers the Martians », TV.com (consulté le )
  49. « Cinematic Titanic | The Store », Cinematictitanic.twinvision.com, (consulté le )
  50. « Santa Claus Conquers the Martians » [archive du ], imdb.com, (consulté le )
  51. « Recap: Monster A-Go Go (1965) », The Agony Booth, (consulté le )
  52. [vidéo] MST3K – 421 – Human Phone Ring sur YouTube
  53. Fred Beldin, « Monster A Go-Go! », Allmovie.com (consulté le )
  54. « Mystery Science Theater 3000 – Monster A Go-Go », Castle Forrester (consulté le )
  55. « Hi-keeba!'s MST3K Episode Guide », Angelfire.com, (consulté le )
  56. a b c d e et f (en) Dalton Ross, « The Worst Movie Ever Made », Entertainment Weekly,‎ , p. 2 (lire en ligne)
  57. a et b (en) Michael Adams, Showgirls, Teen Wolves, and Astro Zombies: a film critic's year-long quest to find the worst movie ever made, New York, Itbooks, , 91–2 p. (ISBN 978-0-06-180629-2)
  58. a b et c Gael Fashingbauer Cooper, « Torgo lives! 'Mystery Science' alums revisit worst movie ever, 'Manos: The Hands of Fate' », NBC News, (consulté le )
  59. (en) Betty Pierce, « Hero Massaged to Death in 'Manos-- The Hands of Fate' », El Paso Herald-Post,‎ (lire en ligne)
  60. « Mystery Science Theater 3000 – Manos: The Hands of Fate », TV.com (consulté le )
  61. (en) Fourvin/Brouillon/Liste des films considérés comme les plus mauvais sur Rotten Tomatoes
  62. (en) Richard Brandt, « The Hand That Time Forgot », Mimosa,‎ , p. 35–38 (lire en ligne)
  63. Roger Ebert, « A Place for Lovers », Chicago Sun-Times, (consulté le )
  64. (en) Charles Champlin, « A Place For Lovers Film 'Worst' One Critic's Seen », Los Angeles Times,‎ (lire en ligne)
  65. Aux Etats-unis, le X équivaut à une interdiction d'exploitation, et le R à une interdiction aux moins de 18 ans.
  66. (en) « Cinema:Some Sort of Nadir », time.com,‎ (lire en ligne)
  67. (en) Herb Kelly, « 'Breckinridge' Worst Ever », The Miami News,‎ (lire en ligne)
  68. (en) J. Hoberman et Jonathan Rosenbaum, Midnight Movies, Da Capo Press, (ISBN 0-306-80433-6), p. 268
  69. (en) Floyd Conner, Hollywood's Most Wanted: The Top 10 Book of Lucky Breaks, Prima Donnas, Box Office Bombs, and Other Oddities, Brassey's, (ISBN 1-57488-480-8), p. 65
  70. Peter Craven, "Uneasy moments from master of angst", The Age, A2, 17 May 2008, p. 20
  71. (en) Seymour, and Paul Duncan. Chatman, Michelangelo Antonioni: The Complete Films, Koln, Taschen, , 118 p. (ISBN 3-8228-3089-5, lire en ligne)
  72. Canby, Vincent, Screen: Antonioni's 'Zabriskie Point', The New York Times, 10 February 1970, retrieved 22 June 2015
  73. "Zabriskiie Point." Chicago Sun-Times.
  74. Medved, H. and Dreyfus, R.; The Fifty Worst Films of All Time (And How They Got That Way); Popular Library(CBS); New York: 1978.
  75. Fricke, David, zabriskie point, phinnweb.org, retrieved 22 June 2015
  76. « Locally made sci-fi thriller is all 'Zaat' and then some », (consulté le )
  77. Jeffreyaccessdate=2013-09-30 Kauffman, « Zaat Blu Ray »,
  78. Patrick Naugle, « DVD Verdict Review – Zaat (Blu Ray) », DVD Verdict, (consulté le )
  79. Michael Rubino, « DVD Verdict Review – Mystery Science Theater 3000 », DVD Verdict, (consulté le )
  80. Linton Weeks, « 10 Reasons Why We Love Making Lists », NPR, (consulté le )
  81. Sampo, on May 20th, 2010, « Season 10 Episode Guide! », MST3Kinfo, (consulté le )
  82. « Half in the Bag:Zaat! », RedLetterMedia, (consulté le )
  83. a b c d e f et g « 66 Worst Movies Of All Time », Total Film, (consulté le )
  84. (en) Gil Shefler, « Finding New Life As a Cult Classic », The Jewish Daily Forward,‎ (lire en ligne)
  85. (en) Ben Harman, « 'Horrendous' Israeli '70s film becomes a cult favorite », The Jerusalem Post,‎ (lire en ligne)
  86. (he) News article from Nana 10 (Last accessed August 26, 2013)
  87. (en) « Picking up the pieces on Hollywood's biggest bombs », CNN,‎ (lire en ligne)
  88. (en) Andrew Yule, Picture shows: the life and films of Peter Bogdanovich, Hal Leonard Corporation, (ISBN 0-87910-153-9), p. 90
  89. (en) Simon, Jeff, « Wisecrack Addicts Laughing at the Not-So-Bad », The Buffalo News,‎ (lire en ligne)
  90. a et b (en) John Kenneth Muir, Singing a new tune:the rebirth of the modern film musical, from Evita to De-lovely and beyond, Hal Leonard Corporation, (ISBN 1-55783-610-8), p. 58
  91. (en) Christopher Tookey, Named and Shamed: The World's Worst and Wittiest Movie Reviews from Affleck to Zeta-Jones, Troubador Publishing, (ISBN 1-84876-560-6), p. 34
  92. (en) Harry Medved, The fifty worst films of all time: (and how they got that way), Popular Library, (ISBN 0-445-04139-0), p. 37
  93. (en) Michael Medved, The Golden Turkey Awards, G. P. Putnam's Sons, (ISBN 0-399-50463-X), p. 209
  94. Peter Sobczynski, « At Long Last Love Movie Review (1975) », Roger Ebert, (consulté le )
  95. Drew McWeeny, « Peter Bogdanovich screens new cut of At Long Last Love and tells story behind it », Hitfix.com, (consulté le )
  96. a b c et d « במאי "הסרט הישראלי הגרוע ביותר" דורש כבוד – טלוויזיה – הארץ », Haaretz.co.il,‎ (consulté le )
  97. (en) « 'If I'd made that, I'd change my name' », The Guardian, {{Article}} : paramètre « date » manquant (lire en ligne)
  98. « Exorcist II – The Heretic Reviews », Rotten Tomatoes (consulté le )
  99. (en) Don Kaye, « Exorcist director says sequel is 'one of the worst films I've ever seen' », Blastr, {{Article}} : paramètre « date » manquant (lire en ligne)
  100. John Boorman, cited in Bob McCabe, The Exorcist: Out of the Shadows (Omnibus Press, 1999), p.164
  101. a b c et d Halliwell's film and video guide 2002 edited by John Walker. London. HarperCollins Entertainment, 2001. (ISBN 0-00-712265-9) (p. 804).
  102. The worst movie ever? The Guardian, 26 April 2001. Retrieved 29 March 2014.
  103. "The Swarm" Retrieved 29 March 2014.
  104. Mikel J. Koven, Film, Folklore and Urban Legends. Scarecrow Press, 2008 (ISBN 0-8108-6025-2) (p. 91)
  105. (en) John Wilson, The Official Razzie Movie Guide: Enjoying the Best of Hollywood's Worst, Grand Central Publishing, (ISBN 0-446-69334-0)
  106. a b et c « I Spit on Your Grave (Day of the Woman) », Rotten Tomatoes (consulté le )
  107. (en) Scott Tobias, « I Spit On Your Grave (2010) », The A.V. Club,‎ (lire en ligne)
  108. (en) Patrick Naugle, « Don't Mess With My Sister », DVD Verdict,‎ (lire en ligne)
  109. Roger Ebert, « Review of I Spit on Your Grave », {{Article}} : paramètre « périodique » manquant,‎ (lire en ligne)
  110. a b c d e et f (en) « Ebert's Most Hated », Rogerebert.suntimes.com, {{Article}} : paramètre « date » manquant (lire en ligne)
  111. Steve Lord, « Movie, journalism fans queue up to see Ebert », {{Article}} : paramètre « périodique » manquant,‎ (lire en ligne)
  112. (en) Roger Ebert, « Video Q&A », The Ledger,‎ (lire en ligne)
  113. Gene Siskel, « 'Man Who Wasn't There' would best be left unseen », {{Article}} : paramètre « périodique » manquant,‎ (lire en ligne)
  114. James Livingston, The World Turned Inside Out: American Thought and Culture at the End of the 20th Century, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2011, (ISBN 978-0742535428), Page 189.
  115. (en) Pete Croatto, « Worst Movie Ever? I Spit On Your Grave », Film Racket,‎ (lire en ligne)
  116. a b et c (en) Jason Bailey, « The 50 Worst Movies Ever Made », Flavorwire,‎ (lire en ligne)
  117. a et b (en) Roger Ebert, « Caligula », Chicago Sun-Times,‎ (lire en ligne)
  118. Thomas Vinciguerra, "Porn Again: "Caligula" is remastered in all its gross glory."
  119. (en) Roger Ebert, « Don't read me first! », blog.suntimes.com,‎ (lire en ligne)
  120. Jay Scott, The Globe and Mail, February 7th, 1980.
  121. News Diary, The Age June 8, 1981 (p.2).
  122. Photoplay Magazine, Volume 38, 1987 (p.38)
  123. "Lowest:100 Really Bad Moments in 20th Century Entertainment." The Hamilton Spectator, July 24, 1999 (p. W17).
  124. Joe Holleman, "Roman Warriors roam the big screen again." St. Louis Post-Dispatch May 5th, 2000 (p. E1).
  125. "Caligula" by Christopher Armstead Film Critics United. Retrieved 10 January 2014.
  126. "The 15 Biggest Box Office Bombs -> Heaven's Gate #8". CNBC. Retrieved 2011-09-07.
  127. Ebert, Roger (1981). "Heaven's Gate". Chicago Sun-Times. Retrieved 2011-09-07.
  128. « Summary of 1981 Razzies », Razzies.com (consulté le )
  129. "The 50 Worst Films Ever -> 6. Heaven's Gate". Empire (London). February 3, 2010. Retrieved 2010-07-15.
  130. Queenan, Joe (March 21, 2008). "From Hell". The Guardian (London, England). Retrieved 2011-09-07.
  131. « Heaven's Gate (1980) », IMDb (consulté le )
  132. « Heaven's Gate: box office turkey that sank a studio is a modern masterpiece », The Times, (consulté le )
  133. (en) MANOHLA DARGIS, « The Second Coming of 'Heaven's Gate' », The New York Times,‎ (lire en ligne)
  134. a b et c (en) Sean Burns, « Summer Camp », Philadelphia Weekly,‎
  135. a b et c Nathan Rabin, « My Year Of Flops Case File #79 The Apple », sur The A.V. Club, (consulté le )
  136. a et b Bill Gibron, « "The Apple" Review », sur DVD Verdict (consulté le )
  137. « The Apple Review », {{Article}} : paramètre « périodique » manquant,‎ (lire en ligne, consulté le )
  138. Erhardt (Brian Henry), « New VOD from RiffTrax – The Apple », sur Satellite News,
  139. s:U.S. v. Sun Myung Moon 532 F.Supp. 1360 (1982)
  140. (en) Vincent Canby, « Inchon (1981) 'INCHON,' AT LAST », The New York Times,‎ (lire en ligne)
  141. (en) The Washington Post staff, « Terence Young dies – Directed Bond movies », The Washington Post, The Washington Post Company,‎ , p. B6
  142. « 1982 RAZZIE® Nominees & "Winners" – The Official RAZZIE® Forum », Razzies.com (consulté le )
  143. (en) Mike Mayo, « Hollywood's untaped resources – worthwhile movies don't always make it to video », The Washington Post, The Washington Post Company,‎ , p. G7
  144. (en) Hal Boedeker, « The Magic of Olivier his film legacy sets standard for all actors », The Miami Herald,‎ , p. 36G :

    « The worst of his choices was probably taking on the role of Gen. Douglas MacArthur in 1982's Inchon. Newsweek called Inchon 'the worst movie ever made, a turkey the size of Godzilla.' »

  145. « Inchon Review », TV Guide, (consulté le )
  146. (en) John (Canadian Press) McKay, « Welch fleshes out worst in film », The Record (Kitchener, Ontario, Canada),‎ , p. E4
  147. (en) Harry Medved et Michael Medved, The Hollywood Hall of Shame: The Most Expensive Flops in Movie History, New York, NY, Perigee Books, , 189–197 p. (ISBN 0-399-51060-5)
  148. a et b (en) Michael Sauter, The Worst Movies of All Time: Or, What Were They Thinking?, Citadel Press, (ISBN 0-8065-2078-7), p. 197
  149. Leslie Halliwell, John Walker, Halliwell's Film Guide. HarperPerennial, 1996 (p. 1119)
  150. Thomas S. Hischak, American Literature on Stage and Screen: 525 Works and Their Adaptations McFarland, 2012. (ISBN 0-7864-9279-1) (p. 237)
  151. « John Derek, Tarzan the Ape Man », Old School Reviews (consulté le )
  152. Matt Brunson, « View From The Couch | View from the Couch | Creative Loafing Charlotte », Clclt.com, (consulté le )
  153. « Tarzan, the Ape Man », Rotten Tomatoes (consulté le )
  154. (en) Michael Adams, Showgirls, Teen Wolves, and Astro Zombies:A Film Critic's Year-Long Quest to Find the Worst Movie Ever Made, HarperCollins, (ISBN 0-06-180629-3), p. 188
  155. (en) Wilson, John, « Decade's Worst -The 80's », Golden Raspberry Awards,‎ (lire en ligne)
  156. (en) « Razzies still knocking Hollywood down a peg after 25 years », Associated Press / USA Today,‎ (lire en ligne)
  157. (en) John Wilson, The official Razzie movie guide: enjoying the best of Hollywood's worst, Hachette, (ISBN 0-446-69334-0)
  158. (en) Michael. Sauter, The worst movies of all time, or, What were they thinking?, Carol Publishing, (ISBN 0-8065-2078-7)
  159. (en) Richard Crouse, Reel Winners: Movie Award Trivia, Dundurn Group, (ISBN 1-55002-574-0), p. 123
  160. (en) Henderson, Eric, « Movie Blog: Best 'Worst Movies Ever' », CBS Minneapolis,‎ (lire en ligne)
  161. Mommie Dearest Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun Times, January 1, 1981
  162. [1] Variety, Jan. 1, 1981
  163. (en) staff, « Mommie Dearest (1981) », Rotten Tomatoes, {{Article}} : paramètre « date » manquant (lire en ligne)
  164. « There Is No Try ...: Foleyvision does the Turkish 'Star Wars' Austin Screens », AustinChronicle.com, (consulté le )
  165. « The Turkish Star Wars », Film Threat, (consulté le )
  166. « Contour2002.org » (consulté le )
  167. (tr) News article from Sabah newspaper (Last accessed August 29, 2013).
  168. (tr) News article from Hürriyet (Last accessed August 29, 2013).
  169. (en) « Dollar-store Star Wars », Toronto Standard,‎ (lire en ligne)
  170. (tr) News article from Sabah newspaper (Last accessed July 29, 2006).
  171. Marc Weinberg, « Out-Foxed », Orange Coast Magazine, vol. 12, no 9,‎ , p. 143–144
  172. a et b (en) Leonard Maltin, Leonard Maltin's 2009 Movie Guide, Penguin Group, (ISBN 0-452-28978-5), « H », p. 641
  173. (en) John Stanley, Creature Features: The Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Movie Guide, Berkley Boulevard Books, (ISBN 0-425-17517-0), p. 253 :

    « For one, the duck costume and makeup are phony — Howard looks like a midget in a Halloween costume. »

  174. (en) Lew Hunter, Lew Hunter's Screenwriting 434: The Industry's Premier Teacher Reveals the Secrets of the Successful Screenplay, Perigee, (ISBN 0-399-52986-1), « Nothing in the Mind, Please », p. 21 :

    « Because we all know what a duck looks like, Lucas could not get an audience to suspend their belief that Howard was a little person in a duck suit. »

  175. (en) Jay Carr, « They Don't Get Much Worse Than 'Howard' », The Boston Globe,‎ (lire en ligne)
  176. « Summer of '86: Tarred and Feathered: Howard the Duck », Slant Magazine, (consulté le )
  177. « Howard the Duck », TV Guide (consulté le )
  178. « Howard the Duck (1986) », Rotten Tomatoes (consulté le )
  179. John Wilson, « 1986 Archive », Golden Raspberry Award (consulté le )
  180. (en) « 1986 9th Hastings Bad Cinema Society Stinkers Awards », Stinkers Bad Movie Awards, Los Angeles Times, {{Article}} : paramètre « date » manquant (lire en ligne)
  181. « The 50 Worst Movies Ever », Empire (consulté le )
  182.  Releasing the Duck [DVD], Thompson, Lea; Jones, Jeffry; Gale, Ed (Universal Home Video.
  183. (en) Roger Ebert, « Ishtar », Chicago Sun-Times,‎ (lire en ligne)
  184. (en) Gene Siskel, « Flick Of Week: Nothing Works In Boring 'Ishtar' », Chicago Tribune,‎ (lire en ligne)
  185. « The Worst of 1987 »
  186. « Review: 'Dinner for Schmucks' a savory comedy », San Jose Mercury News,
  187. « Ishtar », Time Out (magazine)
  188. Ed Morrissey, « What were the worst movies of all time? », Hot Air,
  189. a et b Richard Roeper, 10 Sure Signs a Movie Character is Doomed and Other Surprising Movie Lists, New York: Hyperion Books, 2003, pp. 66–67
  190. (en) Melissa August, « The 100 Worst Ideas Of The Century », Time (magazine),‎ (lire en ligne)
  191. (en) « 'Superman IV: The Quest for Peace' (PG) », Washingtonpost.com,‎ (lire en ligne)
  192. « Review: Superman IV – The Quest for Peace | Jeffrey K. Lyles' Movie Files », Lylesmoviefiles.com, (consulté le )
  193. « Superman IV: The Quest for Peace », Rotten Tomatoes (consulté le )
  194. a b c et d « The 50 Worst Movies Ever », Empire (consulté le )
  195. a b c d e f et g « 50 Worst Movies », Movie Review Query Engine (consulté le )
  196. (en) Fourvin/Brouillon/Liste des films considérés comme les plus mauvais sur Rotten Tomatoes
  197. (en) Caryn James, « 'Movie Review – The Garbage Pail Kids Movie' », New York Times,‎ (lire en ligne)
  198. « Trashy 'Garbage Pail Kids' Has No Value », Sun-Sentinel, (consulté le )
  199. « 'The Garbage Pail Kids Movie > Overview' », AllMovie (consulté le )
  200. « The Garbage Pail Kids Movie (1987) – Box Office Mojo », Boxofficemojo.com (consulté le )
  201. (en) Pat H. Broeske, « Leonard RIP? », The Los Angeles Times,‎ (lire en ligne)
  202. (en) Rita Kempley, « Leonard Part 6 (PG) », Washington Post,‎ (lire en ligne)
  203. Scott Weinberg, « Leonard Part 6 », DVD Talk, (consulté le )
  204. (en) Kevin Thomas, « Cosby's 'Leonard' a Super-Inane Superspy », The Los Angeles Times,‎ (lire en ligne)
  205. [2] erreur modèle {{Lien archive}} : renseignez un paramètre « |titre= » ou « |description= »
  206. « Movie Review – Hobgoblins », eFilmCritic, (consulté le )
  207. « Mad Monster Rally : DVD Talk Review of the DVD Video », Dvdtalk.com (consulté le )
  208. a b c et d (en) Fourvin/Brouillon/Liste des films considérés comme les plus mauvais sur Rotten Tomatoes
  209. (en) Jonathan Crow, « Morgan Spurlock Dubs 'Mac and Me' the Worst Film Ever Sold », Yahoo! Movies,‎ (lire en ligne)
  210. « Things review », Canuxploitation
  211. a et b « Films on the Fringe: Things (1989) », Critic Online (consulté le )
  212. (en) Caelum Vatnsdal, They Came From Within: A History of Canadian Horror Cinema, Arbeiter Ring, (ISBN 978-1-894037-21-1)
  213. « Things – Left Field Productions », Severed Cinema (consulté le )
  214. a et b "THINGS on DVD!!", Cinema Sewer, 12 September 2008
  215. « Half in the Bag: The Conjuring, Only God Forgives, Blue Jasmine, and THINGS », RedLetterMedia, (consulté le )
  216. Janet Maslin, The New York Times, January 17, 1986; Patricia Smith, The Chicago Sun-Times, January 20, 1986; Alan Carter, The New York Daily News, January 17, 1986; Rex Reed, January 17, 1986
  217. « The Beauty Of The 'Best Worst Movie' », NPR (consulté le )
  218. « Best Worst Movie uncovers the heartbreaking psychodrama in a memorably insane B-movie », The AV Club (consulté le )
  219. « Troll 2 », Not Coming to a Theater Near You,
  220. « Movie Review: Troll 2 | Mountain Xpress », mountainx.com (consulté le )
  221. « Troll 2 Review », Tvguide.com (consulté le )
  222. « Jabootu's Bad Movie Dimension Review. Retrieved on 2007-02-09 », Jabootu.com (consulté le )
  223. Highlander II: The Quickening review, Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times, November 1, 1991
  224. Highlander 2: Renegade Version Review, IGN, June 16, 2000
  225. [3], Christopher Null, Filmcritic.com
  226. « HIGHLANDER II: There can be only four cuts! », JoBlo Movie Network (consulté le )
  227. a et b https://nrcwebwinkel.nl/author-review/review/view/id/801/
  228. http://www.salonindien.nl/2008/intensive-care-1991/
  229. http://cinemagazine.nl/intensive-care-1991-recensie/
  230. http://www.veronicamagazine.nl/film/horror/intensive-care-829697/
  231. http://www.gorehoundinc.com/nachtvandewansmaak/achtergrond.html
  232. (en) « Cattive ragazze MYMovies – Morandini », {{Article}} : paramètre « périodique » manquant, paramètre « date » manquant (lire en ligne)
  233. (en) Marco Giusti, Dizionario dei film italiani stracult, Sperling & Kupfer, (ISBN 8820029197)
  234. « Marina Ripa di Meana filmography », imdb.com (consulté le )
  235. « North Movie Reviews, Pictures – Rotten Tomatoes », Rottentomatoes.com (consulté le )
  236. (en) « North », Chicago Sun-Times,‎ (lire en ligne)
  237. « The Official Site of Gene Siskel », Cmgww.com (consulté le )
  238. (en) « Rob Reiner's 'North' Is Distastefully Bad », The San Francisco Chronicle,‎ (lire en ligne)
  239. (no) Marius Vartdal Kristoffersen, « Hva Var I Veien Med Dis? », Z Filmtidsskrift,‎ (lire en ligne)
  240. a b et c (no) « Norges største kalkun flyr igjen », Aftenposten,‎ (lire en ligne)
  241. (no) Brent Erik Pedersen, « Hedrer Dagsavisens kritiker », Dagsavisen, {{Article}} : paramètre « date » manquant (lire en ligne)
  242. (no) « Slakter norsk film », Dagbladet, {{Article}} : paramètre « date » manquant (lire en ligne)
  243. « Showgirls – Movie Reviews », Rotten Tomatoes (consulté le )
  244. « Movie Review – Showgirls », eFilmCritic (consulté le )
  245. « The Movie Report Archive, Volume 1 », TheMovieReport.com (consulté le )
  246. (en) Stephen Lynch, « Critic picks worst movies of all time », Bartow Press,‎ (lire en ligne)
  247. « 25 Movies SO Bad They're Unmissable », Rotten Tomatoes (consulté le )
  248. « The 50 Worst Movies Ever », Empire (consulté le )
  249. « Showgirls », Rotten Tomatoes (consulté le )
  250. a et b Brian D. Johnson, "A Demi-talented actor bares all," Maclean's 7/08/96, Vol. 109 Issue 28, page 49.
  251. Daniel P. Franklin, Politics and Film: The Political Culture of Film in the United States. Lanham, Rowman and Littlefield, 2006, (ISBN 0742538095), (p. 203).
  252. Joe Queenan, Red Lobster, White Trash, and the Blue Lagoon: Joe Queenan's America Hyperion Books, 1999 (ISBN 0786884088), (p.50 )
  253. CINEMA: Only the Bare Essentials "Striptease isn't raunchy, but it isn't witty either". By Richard Schickel. July 8, 1996. Time Magazine. Retrieved June 9, 2014.
  254. Leonard Maltin, ed., Leonard Maltin's 2002 Movie & Video Guide. A Signet Book, 2001, page 1323.
  255. "Moore, Striptease get blasted with Razzie for Worst Picture, 5 others." Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, March 24, 1997, (p. 66).
  256. a b et c Jade Lindgaard and Xavier De La Porte, The Imposter: BHL in Wonderland (Translated by John Howe) London; Verso, 2012. (ISBN 978-1-84467-748-1) (p. 48-9).
  257. a et b (en) John-Thor Dahlburg, « The Film That Plato Didn't Make », Los Angeles Times,‎ (lire en ligne)
  258. « "Le Jour et la Nuit", pire film de l'histoire... Vraiment? », Slate.fr (consulté le )
  259. « The volcano a molehill », L'Humanité, (consulté le )
  260. « BHL et la critique ciné, c'était le jour et la nuit », 20 minutes (France), (consulté le )
  261. « Batman & Robin », Rotten Tomatoes, Flixster (consulté le )
  262. « Batman & Robin (1997): Reviews », Metacritic, CBS Interactive accessdate = 2010-04-17
  263. a b c d e et f « Hollywood's Top 5 Worst Movies Ever Made », International Business Times (consulté le )
  264. Nelson, « Mike Nelson's Movie Megacheese », {{Article}} : paramètre « périodique » manquant,‎ (ISBN 978-0-380-81467-1, lire en ligne)
  265. « The 50 Worst Movies Ever », Empire (consulté le )
  266.  "Making of" Introduction [DVD], Joel Schmacher () Warner Bros..
  267. Godfrey Cheshire, « The Avengers – Sputtering Spies: Steed and Peel Lack Appeal », {{Article}} : paramètre « périodique » manquant,‎ (lire en ligne, consulté le )
  268. a et b (en) Janet Maslin, « 'The Avengers': Shh! They're Trying Not to Be Noticed », The New York Times,‎ (lire en ligne)
  269. (en) « Film-The Avengers », The Birmingham Post,‎
  270. a et b Alan Jones, « Review: The Avengers », {{Article}} : paramètre « périodique » manquant, paramètre « date » manquant (lire en ligne, consulté le )
  271. a et b (en) David Bianculli, « Not So Excellent Avengers », New York Daily News,‎ (lire en ligne)
  272. (en) « Double disasters make it to top of the flops », The Western Mail, Cardiff,‎
  273. "'Eu era uma criança sem maldade', diz dançarina Carla Perez sobre É o Tchan!"Meio Norte, May 14, 2008](pt) erreur modèle {{Lien archive}} : renseignez un paramètre « |titre= » ou « |description= »
  274. Os Piores 10 Filmes da História do Cinema Brasileiro, Pollyane Lima e Silva; Veja, March 15, 2010 (pt)
  275. OS 25 PIORES FILMES DO MUNDO, Luis Nassif; Avido.com.br, May 20, 2011 (pt)
  276. a b et c Christopher Tookey, "Michael Winner's latest film is his most offensive yet." The Daily Mail, May 11, 1999, (p.11).
  277. Andrew Collins, "How to Shoot a Real Turkey." The Observer, March 28, 1999. Observer Screen, p.6.
  278. "Winner's Turkey has a bad aftertaste." The Sunday Herald, May 2, 1999 (p.7)
  279. Miles Kingston, "One or two plots to occupy my declining years." The Independent, May 3, 2005, (p.30).
  280. « The 50 Worst Movies Ever », Empire (consulté le )
  281. (en) Owen Gleiberman, « Movie Review Underground Comedy Movie », Entertainment Weekly,‎ (lire en ligne)
  282. (en) Dave Karger, « Monitor: Celebrity news for October 16, 1998 », Entertainment Weekly,‎ (lire en ligne)
  283. Davis, Rob. "The Underground: There's something bad about Underground Comedy." The Village Voice May 26, 1999
  284. (en) « Lawrence Van Gelder's review of The Underground Comedy Movie », Nytimes.com,‎ (lire en ligne)
  285. Dreher, Rod "'COMEDY' IS REALLY BURIED BY ITS TRASH." New York Post May 28, 1999
  286. Christopher Null, « The Underground Comedy Movie », AMC Filmcritic, (consulté le )
  287. Thom Bennett, « UNDERGROUND COMEDY MOVIE, THE », Film Journal International (consulté le )
  288. Press release Filmmaker Sues Church of Scientology erreur modèle {{Lien archive}} : renseignez un paramètre « |titre= » ou « |description= »
  289. (en) Fourvin/Brouillon/Liste des films considérés comme les plus mauvais sur Rotten Tomatoes
  290. a b et c « The worst of the worst pictures », Rotten Tomatoes, (consulté le )
  291. a et b (en) « Battlefield Earth », Chicago Sun-Times,‎ (lire en ligne)
  292. « It's official – "Battlefield Earth" ties with "Showgirls" », Razzies.com, (consulté le )
  293. « Awards for Battlefield Earth », Internet Movie Database (consulté le )
  294. a b et c « Razzie Noms for Worst Picture of the Decade », Razzies.com (consulté le )
  295. « Golden Raspberry Award Foundation », Razzies.com (consulté le )
  296. « Adam Sandler's 'Jack and Jill' Sweeps The Razzies | Hollywood.com », Archive.is, (consulté le )
  297. a b c et d « Metacritic's Worst Reviewed Movies », Metacritic.com (consulté le )
  298. a et b "Honest, it's the worst movie ever; All Saints' film debut is holy awful, say critics." The Daily Record, May 26, 2000
  299. "Honest" Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian, 26 May 2000. Retrieved 2 October 2014.
  300. Alexander Walker, The Evening Standard, 26 May 2000.
  301. Rancid Aluminium. The Guardian 21 January 2000. Retrieved 5 February 2000.
  302. Cosmo Landesman, "Rancid Aluminium," The Sunday Times, 23 January 2000.
  303. Anne Billson, "Rancid Aluminium," The Sunday Telegraph, 23 January 2000.
  304. a et b The Shame of An Nation. Jacques Peretti, The Guardian. 26 May 2000. Retrieved 5 February 2014.
  305. (en) Paul Clinton, « 'Freddy Got Fingered' is a bad, bad film », CNN,‎ (lire en ligne)
  306. (en) Warren Epstein, « 'Freddy Got Fingered' is but the latest in a long line of stinkers », The Gazette,‎
  307. (en) Scott Hughes, « The worst movie ever? », The Guardian, London,‎ (lire en ligne)
  308. (en) « Freddy Got Fingered », Metacritic, {{Article}} : paramètre « date » manquant (lire en ligne)
  309. (en) Roger Ebert, « Freddy Got Fingered », Chicago Sun-Times,‎ (lire en ligne)
  310. a et b (en) « Freddy heads Razzies nominations », BBC News,‎ (lire en ligne)
  311. (en) Darren Waters, « Green gets fingered for Razzies », BBC News,‎ (lire en ligne)
  312. « Freddy Got Fingered », Rotten Tomatoes (consulté le )
  313. (en) Tim Masters, « Sandra Bullock wins worst actress award at Razzies », BBC News,‎ (lire en ligne)
  314. (en) « Mariah Carey's flop movie 'Glitter' almost killed her », Hindustan Times,‎  :

    « Carey, 39, had to be hospitalised due to an emotional breakdown after Glitter was slammed by almost all critics for being the worst film ever. »

  315. « The 30 worst Vanity Projects of all time », sur Fadeinonline.com, Fade In (consulté le )
  316. (en) McCann Bob, Encyclopedia of African American Actresses in Film and Television, New York, Performing Arts, (ISBN 9780786458042), p. 70
  317. (en) « Absolute stinkers: The 15 worst movies of all time », News.com.au,‎ (lire en ligne)
  318. « Worst Films Ever: Glitter », sur Hi (magazine) (consulté le )
  319. « The 50 Worst Movies Ever » (consulté le )
  320. (en) Brian Hiatt, « Tom Green, Estella Warren are Razzie winners », Entertainment Weekly,‎ (lire en ligne)
  321. Simon Reynolds, « Carey Blames 9/11 For 'Glitter' Flop », Digital Spy, Hachette Filipacchi Médias, (consulté le )
  322. http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/glitter
  323. Sam Fragoso, « The Master Of Disguise Movie Review (2002) », Roger Ebert, (consulté le )
  324. « Empire's The Master Of Disguise Movie Review », Empireonline.com (consulté le )
  325. « The Master of Disguise Film Review – The Master of Disguise Film Pictures, The Master of Disguise Film Trailer », Viewlondon.co.uk, (consulté le )
  326. « Movie Review – Master of Disguise, The », eFilmCritic (consulté le )
  327. « The Master of Disguise », Rotten Tomatoes (consulté le )
  328. « Worst of the Worst 2009 – Crossover », Rotten Tomatoes (consulté le )
  329. Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever at The Hollywood Reporter
  330. (en) « Goosey Lucy: 'Ballistic,' a Lot of Noisy Dumdum », Washingtonpost.com,‎ (lire en ligne)
  331. Roger Ebert – Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever. Retrieved 2009-10-09.
  332. "The Worst of the Worst", rottentomatoes.com (archived at Wayback Machine)
  333. Japhy Grant, « Ben & Arthur: The Worst Gay Movie of All Time », {{Article}} : paramètre « périodique » manquant,‎ (lire en ligne, consulté le )
  334. Michael D. Klemm, « 9 dead gay guys/ben & arthur », sur Cinemaqueer, (consulté le )
  335. (en) Michael Adams, Showgirls, Teen Wolves, and Astro Zombies: a film critic's year-long quest to find the worst movie ever made, New York, Itbooks, (ISBN 978-0-06-180629-2), p. 301
  336. « 25 Movies So Bad They're Unmissable », sur Rotten Tomatoes, (consulté le )
  337. « From Justin To Kelly », Rotten Tomatoes (consulté le )
  338. a et b "Miss Independent" Josh Tyrangiel. Time Magazine February 05, 2006 (Subscription Required).
  339. "Dishing it!" The Free Lance–Star, July 9th, 2003, (p.56).
  340. Contest-Winning Case File #150: From Justin To Kelly Nathan Rabin, The A.V. Club, November 11th, 2009. Retrieved 28 January 2014.
  341. "Gigli Takes Razzie Dishonors as Year's Worst," Reading Eagle, March 1st, 2004 (p.20)
  342. (en) Clark Collis, « The Crazy Cult of 'The Room': A five-year-old box office flop has turned into the newest midnight movie sensation », Entertainment Weekly,‎ (lire en ligne)
  343. (en) « The Couch Surfer: 'It may be sublimely rubbish, but The Room makes audiences happy' », Independent.co.uk, London,‎ (lire en ligne)
  344. Clark Collis, « 'The Room': Worst movie ever? Don't tell that to its suddenly in-demand star », Popwatch.ew.com, (consulté le )
  345. (en) Christopher Goodwin, « Cult hit (Even M is a recycled sex scene) The Room is best worst film », The Times, London,‎ (lire en ligne)
  346. The Room (2003) on Rotten Tomatoes
  347. Matt Siblo, « Tommy Wiseau and The Room at AFI Silver Theatre: Friday, June 11 through Sunday, June 13 », Washington City Paper, (consulté le )
  348. « A Look Back at 'Gigli,' the Infamous Bennifer-Starring Film, on Its 10th Anniversary », The Daily Beast, (consulté le )
  349. (en) « The 'Gigli' Is Up », Fox News,‎ (lire en ligne)
  350. a et b « Halle's Feline Fiasco CATWOMAN and President's FAHRENHEIT Blunders Tie for 25th RAZZIE® Dis-Honors », Razzies.com (consulté le )
  351. (en) Fourvin/Brouillon/Liste des films considérés comme les plus mauvais sur Rotten Tomatoes
  352. « The 50 Worst Movies Ever », Empire (consulté le )
  353. a b et c Critics Pan "Worst Film Ever" Sky News, 23 February 2004. Retrieved 11 October 2013.
  354. Kevin O'Sullivan, The Daily Mirror, March 5th, 2004, (p.14)
  355. Henry Fitzherbert, The Sunday Express, 22nd February 2004 (p.67).
  356. Catherine Shoard, The Sunday Telegraph, 22nd February 2004.
  357. Review:Sex Lives of the Potato Men. Daily Record, February 20th, 2004.
  358. Donald Clarke, "Out of Office:Interview with Mackenzie Crook." "The Ticket" Magazine, The Irish Times, April 25th, 2008, (p.6).
  359. Mike Davies, The Birmingham Post, April 24, 2008 (p. 13).
  360. Matthew Bell, Independent on Sunday, February 8, 2009, (p. 42).
  361. « Sex Lives Of The Potato Men on Rotten Tomatoes », Rottentomatoes.com (consulté le )
  362. « Catwoman (2004) » (consulté le )
  363. (en) Fourvin/Brouillon/Liste des films considérés comme les plus mauvais sur Rotten Tomatoes
  364. Jean Lowerison, « 'Catwoman' The cat and the Bratt », San Diego Metropolitan (consulté le )
  365. Janet Kim, « Me-Ouch – Page 1 – Movies – New York », Village Voice, (consulté le )
  366. Halle Berry accepts Razzie Award official Razzie YouTube channel
  367. « Daniel – Der Zauberer – Film 2004 », Filmstarts.De (consulté le )
  368. « Daniel – Der Zauberer »
  369. « Daniel Küblböck ist jetzt Wiesbadener », Frankfurter Rundschau, (consulté le )
  370. a et b « Rotten Tomatoes » (consulté le )
  371. (en) Tom Long, « SuperBabies: Baby Geniuses 2 », Deseret News,‎ (lire en ligne)
  372. MaryAnn Johanson, « SuperBabies: Baby Geniuses 2 (review) », Flick Philosopher, (consulté le )
  373. Eric D. Snider, « Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 », ericdsnider.com (consulté le )
  374. (en) Nathan Rabin, « Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 », The A.V. Club,‎ (lire en ligne)
  375. (en) « 'Catwoman' battles President Bush for worst acting prize », Daily Times,‎ (lire en ligne)
  376. (en) Eric Henderson, « Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 », Slant Magazine,‎ (lire en ligne)
  377. (en) David Cornelius, « SuperBabies: Baby Geniuses 2 », efilmcritic.com,‎ (lire en ligne)
  378. (en) Fourvin/Brouillon/Liste des films considérés comme les plus mauvais sur Rotten Tomatoes
  379. (en) Roger Moore, « Alone in the Dark », The Orlando Sentinel,‎ (lire en ligne)
  380. (en) Ruthe Stein, « FILM CLIPS / Also opening today », San Francisco Chronicle,‎ (lire en ligne)
  381. (en) « Decade in review: Hartlaub's movie choices », The San Francisco Chronicle,‎ (lire en ligne)
  382. « 'Dark' is dreary », The Gazette (Maryland), (consulté le )
  383. « Alone in the Dark », Rotten Tomatoes (consulté le )
  384. (en) Blair Erickson, « Behind the Scenes: Uwe Boll and Uwe Boll's Alone In the Dark », Something Awful,‎ (lire en ligne)
  385. Scott Weinberg, « 2005 Stinker Awards Announced! », Rotten Tomatoes, (consulté le )
  386. « Review: RGV Ki Aag is RGV ka daag »
  387. (en) « A Decade of decadence », Times of India,‎ (lire en ligne)
  388. « Review: Ram Gopal Varma Ki Aag », Hindustan Times, (consulté le )
  389. « 57 Worst Films Ever – II », FHM (India) (consulté le )
  390. « Amitabh Bachchan: 'Ram Gopal Varma Ki Aag a mistake' », Digital Spy (consulté le )
  391. « BIRDEMIC HAS ROMANCE AND SUSPENSE AND ALL THAT », Viceland Today, (consulté le )
  392. (en) « Is Birdemic worst film ever made? », BBC News,‎ (lire en ligne)
  393. (en) Fabio Periera, « Review: Birdemic: Shock and Terror », Huffington Post,‎ (lire en ligne)
  394. « Birdemic: Shock and Terror, One More for the Trash-terpiece Heap », The Village Voice, (consulté le )
  395. « The Worst Movies Ever Made », Slate, (consulté le )
  396. « "Birdemic": The magic of atrocious CGI, confirmed », Salon, (consulté le )
  397. (en) Ronnie Scheib, « Variety Reviews – Birdemic: Shock and Terror », Variety,‎ (lire en ligne)
  398. eas106, « RiffTrax Live: Birdemic (2012) Movie Tickets, Reviews, and Photos », Fandango.com, (consulté le )
  399. « Disaster Movie – Rotten Tomatoes », Rotten Tomatoes (consulté le )
  400. (en) « Site picks worst movies of the decade », CNN,‎ (lire en ligne)
  401. (en) Jason Solomons, « Disaster Movie », The Guardian, London,‎ (lire en ligne)
  402. (en) Adam Tobias, « Disaster Movie one of the worst films of all time », Watertown Daily Times,‎ (lire en ligne)
  403. « Disaster Movie is the worst [Collection of things posing as a] movie of all time », VH1, (consulté le )
  404. (en) Paul Byrnes, « Disaster Movie », The Sydney Morning Herald,‎ (lire en ligne)
  405. (en) Mike Fleeman, « Kim Kardashian: Thanks for the Razzie Nomination! », People,‎ (lire en ligne)
  406. a et b (en) « The Hottie and the Nottie Review », The People, London, England,‎  :

    « Disaster Of Paris; Bimbo is worst actress ever »

  407. Nathan Lee, « Village Voice Review », Villagevoice.com, (consulté le )
  408. « James Berardinelli review », Reelviews.net, (consulté le )
  409. a et b « The Hottie and The Nottie », sur RottenTomatoes (consulté le )
  410. « Eclipse, Last Airbender Lead Razzie Nominations », MTV Movie News, (consulté le )
  411. « M Night Shyamalan's Last Airbender wins Razzie Awards », BBC News,‎ (lire en ligne, consulté le )
  412. « The 31st Annual Razzie Awards »
  413. Roger Ebert, « The Last Airbender », Chicago Sun-Times (consulté le )
  414. Mike Ryan, « 25 Questions You May Have About The Last Airbender », Vanity Fair (consulté le )
  415. Natasha Wilson, « The Worst Films Ever: The Last Airbender », sur Hi! Magazine (consulté le )
  416. David Onda, « The Last Airbender », Comcast (consulté le )
  417. « The Last Airbender Movie Reviews », Rotten Tomatoes, Flixster (consulté le )
  418. a et b « 'The Twilight Saga' voted worst movies of all time », Digital Spy,
  419. a et b « Top 10 Worst Movies of All Time », RiffTrax (consulté le )
  420. (en) Graeme McMillan, « Avatar Casting Makes Fans See... White », io9, Gawker Media,‎ (lire en ligne)
  421. (en) Jeff Yang, « Avatar an Asian thing- why isn't the cast? », San Francisco Chronicle,‎ (lire en ligne)
  422. (en) Richard Corliss, « The Last Airbender: Worst Movie Epic Ever? », Time,‎ (lire en ligne)
  423. (en) Chaney, Jen, « Talking with director M. Night Shyamalan about 'Last Airbender,' race and more », The Washington Post,‎ (lire en ligne)
  424. « The tragedy of Adam Sandler », Salon, (consulté le )
  425. « Footloose, Like Crazy, and Jack and Jill », Richard Roeper & The Movies (consulté le )
  426. « Movie Review: Adam Sandler's 'Jack and Jill' Is the Worst Movie Ever Made », The Daily Beast, (consulté le )
  427. « Half in the Bag: Jack and Jill », RedLetterMedia, (consulté le )
  428. a et b « Jack and Jill – Rotten Tomatoes », Rotten Tomatoes (consulté le )
  429. « Jack and Jill », The Aisle Seat, (consulté le )
  430. (en) « Adam Sandler movie Jack and Jill sweeps Razzie awards », BBC News,‎ (lire en ligne)
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  432. « Is Adam Sandler Serious With That's My Boy? | DrJays.com Live | Fashion. Music. Lifestyle », Live.drjays.com, (consulté le )
  433. « Adam Sandler's new movie That's My Boy exploits child victims of sexual assault. Please boycott the movie. | National Coalition For Men », NCFM (consulté le )
  434. « Adam Sandler hates you », Salon.com, (consulté le )
  435. (en) « Pervs will be pervs in That's My Boy – Chicago Sun-Times », Suntimes.com, {{Article}} : paramètre « date » manquant (lire en ligne)
  436. « That's My Boy review by Richard Haridy », Quickflix (consulté le )
  437. a b c et d « That's My Boy », Rotten Tomatoes (consulté le )
  438. « That's My Boy (review) », FlickFilosopher.com (consulté le )
  439. Jonathan R. Lack, « That's My Boy Review », Wegotthiscovered.com, (consulté le )
  440. The Ooh Tray, « Film Review: That's My Boy », The Ooh Tray, (consulté le )
  441. « RAZZIE Winners », Razzies.com (consulté le )
  442. « That's My Boy », Rotten Tomatoes (consulté le )
  443. Rabin, Nathan (February 27, 2013) Supermarket Brands Sponsored Case File #34: Foodfight!, The A.V. Club, retrieved April 17, 2013
  444. a et b Rossen, Jake. "Placing Products? Try Casting Them." The New York Times. August 11, 2013. p. 1. Retrieved on March 24, 2014.
  445. (en) Greg Ehrbar, « Absolute stinkers: The 15 worst movies of all time », Indiewire,‎ (lire en ligne)
  446. (en) « Foodfight! Review », Hollywood News,‎ (lire en ligne)
  447. (en) « Foodfight! (2012) », Rotten Tomatoes, {{Article}} : paramètre « date » manquant (lire en ligne)
  448. a et b (en) « Foodfight! Review », Antagony & Ecstasy,‎ (lire en ligne)
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  463. (en) « Movie Review: Movie 43 », NY Daily News, New York,‎ (lire en ligne)
  464. « Movie 43 », Murphy Reviews, (consulté le )
  465. (en) « There's awful and THEN there's Movie 43 – Chicago Sun-Times », Suntimes.com,‎ (lire en ligne)
  466. (en) Lou Lumenick, « WTF! Beyong sketchy », New York Post,‎ (lire en ligne)
  467. « Movie 43 », Rotten Tomatoes (consulté le )
  468. (en) Susan King, « 'Movie 43' is named worst film of 2013 at the 34th Razzie Awards », Los Angeles Times,‎ (lire en ligne)
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  491. (en) Fourvin/Brouillon/Liste des films considérés comme les plus mauvais sur Rotten Tomatoes
  492. « United Passions », Metacritic, CBS Interactive (consulté le )
  493. (en) Austin Knoblauch, « 'United Passions,' which cost FIFA $29 million, has $607 box-office take », Los Angeles Times, (Tribune Publishing),‎ (lire en ligne)
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{{Worst works}} {{DEFAULTSORT:List Of Films Considered The Worst}} [[Category:Lists of films by type|Worst]] [[Category:Lists of worsts|Films]]