Utilisateur:Ju gatsu yokka/Kuji-in

Acteur exécutant un sceau du kuji-in avec ses mains.

Le kuji-in (九字印?, lit. « les neufs sceaux de la main ») est une forme particulière de méditation bouddhiste.

Cette pratique est dérivée des neufs assemblées du royaume de diamant du courant Shingon du bouddhisme japonais. Elle est aussi utilisé par d'autres écoles bouddhiques, particulièrement au Japon, quelques taoïstes et shintoïstes, ainsi que par la religion traditionnelle chinoise.

Elle sert également dans le folklore mystique est-asiatique comme des incantations.

Étymologie et folklore


Techniquement, le mot kuji-in se rapporte uniquement aux postures des mains (mudra) et aux incantations associées (mantra). The related practice of making nine cuts — five horizontal and four vertical, alternating — in the air or palm of a hand with the finger or on paper with a brush is known as kuji-kiri, nine syllable cuts. In Japanese folk-magic and onmyodo, the nine cuts are often made over writing or a picture, to gain control of the object named or pictured. Thus, a sailor wishing to be protected from drowning might write them over the kanji for "sea" or "water".

The Kuji-in practice symbolizes that all the forces of the universe are united against evil; because of this, it was often used by the common people for luck when traveling, especially in the mountains.

Kuji-in is used as part of a ritual in Shinto,[1] and is used to purify a person with a waterfall.

There as many as 81 variations to the Kuji-in in certain sects of Buddhism in Japan, to say nothing of other mudra that are also used.

Mantra and mudra


Dans la tradition japonaise, les neuf mantras sont Rin-Pyō-Tō-Sha-Kai-Jin-Retsu-Zai-Zen (臨兵闘者皆陣列在前?). If the nine cuts are then made, as is sometimes done, the syllable Kō (行) is sometimes spoken.

Note that the syllables are shortened forms, and there are also longer, Japanese mantra that go with the same mudra.

  Jumon is On baishiraman taya sowaka. Mudra is dokko, "seal of the thunderbolt."

臨 (Rin): Hands together, fingers interlocked. The index (sometimes middle) fingers are raised and pressed together.

Meanings in Shinto
To face.
Meanings in Buddhism
to confront

At first this may appear to be physical strength and mental intellect but maybe we can think of this as being physically well and having a positive outlook.
Middle fingers extended, others interlocked.

  Jumon is On isha naya in tara ya sowaka. Mudra is daikongo, "seal of the great thunderbolt."

兵 (Pyō kyō /Hyō/Hei): Hands together, pinkies and ring fingers interlocked (often on the inside). Index finger and thumb raised and pressed together, middle fingers cross over index fingers and their tips curl back to touch the thumbs' tips, the middle-fingers' nails touching.

Meanings in Shinto
The soldier.
Meanings in Buddhism
to soldier on

To begin this may seem to refer to directing your energies into work but later it could be that you see it as a way of directing your internal energy to increase your inner power.
Index fingers and thumbs extended, middle fingers curled over index fingers. Others interlocked.

  Jumon is On jite rashi itara jiba ratanō sowaka. Mudra is "seal of the outer lion."

闘 (Tō): Hands together, index fingers cross each other to touch opposite ring fingers, middle fingers crossed over them. Ring and pinky fingers are straight. Tips of ring fingers pressed together, tips of pinkies pressed together, but both sets of ring and pinky fingers are separated to form a V shape or bird beak.

Meanings in Shinto
To fight.
Meanings in Buddhism
to Battle with

This can work on many levels from learning to live in peace with mankind and the animal kingdom to being at one with yourself.
Last two fingers extended to form a V (tips touching). Thumbs extended, others interlocked.

  Jumon is On haya baishiraman taya sowaka. Mudra is "seal of the inner lion."

者 (Sha): Hands together, ring fingers cross each other to touch opposite index fingers, middle fingers crossed over them. Index finger, pinky and thumb straight, like American Sign Language "I love you".

Meanings in Shinto
The man (or the people); a foe
Meanings in Buddhism
Against One/Person

The ability to heal is more powerful than the ability to kill. When you sense your inner power you will no longer succumb to viruses and other ailments. A word to those that would use their powers to harm others: "It is easy to kill a man, but could you watch one die?" Index fingers and thumbs extended, others interlocked.

  Jumon is On nōmaku sanmanda basaradan kan. Mudra is "seal of the outer bonds."

皆 (Kai): Hands together, fingers interlocked.

Meanings in Shinto
The all, or the whole effect, or whole effort.
Meanings in Buddhism
With everyone/entire/group

If this cut is fully achieved you may find that you can feel the emotions of others (even at a distance) which can aid in knowing how others will react in a given situation.
All fingers interlocked.

  Jumon is On aga naya in maya sowaka. Mudra is "seal of the inner bonds."

陣 (Jin): Hands together, fingers interlocked, with the fingertips inside.

Meanings in Shinto
In Formation, or position in camp or to prepare.
Meanings in Buddhism
The formation

I believe that this cut increases your ability to "feel" the thoughts of others. When your are adept at this power you can hide your thoughts and feelings from others.
All fingers interlocked inwards.

  Jumon is On hirota ki shanoga jiba tai sowaka. Mudra is "seal of the wisdom fist," also known as "seal of the interpenetration of the two realms."

列 (Retsu): Left hand in an upward-pointing fist, index finger raised. Right hand grips index finger, and thumb is pressed onto left index's nail.

Meanings in Shinto
To move in column or a row, in a line; or marching, or to focus.
Meanings in Buddhism
In a row

Think of this... Have you ever noticed how the day has passed quickly for others but has taken an age for you?. Everybody has the ability to control their own "time". With this power one could use it to easily defeat an opponent.
Index finger of left hand pointing up with the fingers of the right hand curling round it. The thumb of the right hand should be pressed against the outside edge of the nail on the index finger of the left hand).

  Jumon is On chirichi iba rotaya sowaka. Mudra is "seal of the ring of the sun."

在 (Zai): Hands spread out in front, with thumb and index finger touching.

Meanings in Shinto
To appear, or to exist to make yourself known, or create existence.
Meanings in Buddhism
To Presence

Can one truly control nature? Maybe the real answer is that a Ninja understands nature and works with it.
Fingers outspread, palms out. Index fingers and thumbs touching.

  Jumon is On a ra ba sha nō sowaka. Mudra is "seal of the hidden form," also simply called the "meditation mudra."

前 (Zen): Hands form a circle, thumbs on top and fingers on the bottom, right hand overlapping left up to the knuckles.

Meanings in Shinto
To be in front. or show up in front.
Meanings in Buddhism
To move Forward

Know yourself before you ask "Who are you?"
Right hand covering Left hand. Thumb tips touching.

Meanings in Ninjutsu


While the kuji-in have no unique relation to ninjutsu, the ninja traditions are steeped in esoteric Buddhist beliefs, especially Mikkyo. The kuji-in are used in a number of their meditations, both those related simply to their religious practice and those dealing with their martial arts; in some ways, they are used similarly to the Taoist ideas in Chinese internal martial arts (some of the ideas of Chinese internal arts are, however, incorporated in many Japanese arts, including ninjutsu and jujutsu). In his book Ninja Vol. II: Warrior Ways of Enlightenment, Stephen K. Hayes claims the following interpretations:

  • Rin - Strength
  • Pyō / Hyō - Channel
  • Tō - Harmony
  • Sha - Healing
  • Kai - Sense of Danger
  • Jin - Reading of thoughts.
  • Retsu - Control space and time.
  • Zai - sky or elements control.
  • Zen - enlightenment.

The kuji-in are a tool to be used in meditation, and are frequently over-simplified in popular culture as being a form of magic. This misrepresentation, along with the misuse of the mudra and mantra, has been further popularized by Dead or Alive, Tekken, Tenchu and certain neo-ninja.



  • In the anime Sailor Moon, Rei used the Kuji-in in front of a fire to see visions. She also used it to banish oni when used with an ofuda, or anti-evil scroll, with the chant "Rin, pyou, tou, sha, kai, jin, retsu, zai, zen. Akuryou Taisan! [臨、兵、闘、者、皆、陣、列、在、前。悪霊退散!] (Evil spirits, disperse!)" .[2] This was first seen in episode 10.[3] In the English adaptation, the chant was changed to "I call upon the power of Mars. Fireballs charge!" or variants of this phrase. Later it was changed to "Sun, Moon, Sky, Earth, Fire, Air, Water, Rock, Star!" and also "I am Flame, Flame is Light, I am Fire, Fire is Sight."
  • In the light novels and anime for Ghost Hunt, this is one of the first protection mantras that the miko Ayako Matsuzaki teaches to Mai Taniyama to help protect her during a case. She eventually uses the technique against a human and is harshly chided for this by the monk Takigawa Houshou.
  • In Tekken 5, Raven show the hand seals and chants the sounds as one of his victory animations.
  • In Naruto known as these were named after the Chinese Zodiac.
  • In "Yami no matsuei" it's used to break a curse.
  • In the anime Shounen Onmyouji, it is one of the sets of chants that Masashiro has used against Youkai.
  • In the anime Tactics, it is one that was used as a chant. The main character uses the ruji-in to control the spirits that he deals on the anime.
  • In Ninja Gaiden for the Xbox, Ninja Gaiden 2 for the Xbox 360 and Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword, Ryu Hayabusa uses the Kuji-In to increase his physical endurance. He does it by either using a full Nine Seal set (Lives of the Thousand Gods), or by collecting each of the jewels (life/lives of the gods) until he reaches the whole nine seals.
  • In Tenchu Z for the Xbox 360, the Kuji-in seal names are the ranks for the online player match portion of the game. Ascending from Rin all the way to Zen.
  • In Nightshade for the Playstation 2, the character Hotsuma recites the syllables for all nine seals during certain tate poses.
  • In Shadow Hearts for the Playstation 2, the character Zhuzhen recites this chant before using special skills.
  • In Ninja Assassin, the character Raizo uses the Kuji-in to heal his wound as he is being taken back to the ninja compound. He was Taught by his sensei this when he was young to initiate his advanced training for ninjitsu which requires him to deal with physical, mental and spiritual damage as a young apprentice. And the Head Master of the Ninja clan uses Kuji-Kiri over a self inflicted cut of his hand to heal the wound in front of the children student assassins to demonstrate his power.
  • In Super Street Fighter IV, Guy uses the Kuji-in as his primary taunt, standing and performing the hand postures rapidly while muttering the chant.

