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PieRRoMaN 23 février 2007 à 01:03 (CET)Répondre

Vos articles


Pour information, vos articles ainsi que Le Petit Journal Berlin sont proposés à la suppression. Je crains que Wikipédia ne soit pas le bon endroit pour faire votre publicité, malgré tous vos efforts. Nicolas Ray 23 février 2007 à 11:28 (CET)Répondre

Answer to your mail


Could you please select one language while writing ? It's almost impossible to understand your sentences... English is fine for me.

Not being a fan of the mail, I prefer to answer here. I think there isn't anything private that required mail.

  • First about the Oups : Really sorry if people aren't happy to read this. I was just afraid that you started creating one petit journal per city and, therefore, wanted to warn you before.
  • Second about publicity : Could you please carefully read Wikipédia:Notoriété des sites web and let me know if your web site is fulfilling any of the mentioned criteria ? I don't think so... And whenever you have to write the article about your own web site (because nobody else was thinking about it), sorry to say but this is called publicity for me. Now, call it however you want, but it seems that I'm not the only one thinking like this.
  • Regarding other links in Berlin : Honestly, I didn't had time and energy to spend on each and every external link. This is a mistake from me and I will do it today (but of course, you can as well remove any link that isn't relevant, no problem). By the way, thanks for the information about the link on other cities. Whenever the suppression will be effective, be sure I'll remember it !
  • About the it exists on DE or EN : Fine. And so what ? Each and every WP has it's own rules. Here is FR.wikipedia.
  • About Rolex : Nothing to say except that it looks childish reaction. If you want to propose Rolex for suppression, feel free.

One last point : just have a look at your contribution's list and then come back to tell me that what you are doing isn't publicity! Let's be honest : you tried and it failed. You aren't the first one. Some are more lucky and some less..

Nicolas Ray 26 février 2007 à 08:37 (CET)Répondre