
Création 1997
Forme juridique Société par Actions Simplifiée
Slogan The power of simulation
Siège social Grenoble
Drapeau de la France France
Direction Ralf Gathmann
Actionnaires AREVA et EDF
Activité Simulation de formation et d’ingénierie dans les domaines du transport ferroviaire et de l’énergie
Produits Simulateurs et Formation
Société mère CORYS Grenoble
Filiales CORYS Inc. Jacksonville, Floride
Site web www.corys.com

CORYS is a French company based in Grenoble France.

CORYS is one of the world’s leading simulator suppliers for training and engineering simulators in both power and transportation (Freight, high speed train, main passenger line, LRV/tramway, metro/subway, commuter/suburban).

CORYS, whose shareholders are AREVA and EDF, has its own subsidiary in The United States: CORYS Inc.



In 1997, CORYS T.E.S.S (Training and Engineering Support Systems) was founded when the assets of CORYS S.A were bought out by Tractebel Engineering[1] (a Belgian firm) and Technicatome [2]. At the time, CORYS was developing a project with Tractebel and SIEMENS for 8 simulators to train operators of the Russian VVER 440MW power plants in several Eastern Europe countries.

In 1998, CORYS T.E.S.S founded its subsidiary CORYS T.E.S.S Inc. (CTI) in Chicago (The United-States) to develop the American marketplace and in particular the simulator for the high speed train Acela forAmtrak[3].

In 1999, CORYS T.E.S.S’ business remained largely in the power sector but the company won several major contracts in the United States and Australia which helped the company break into the rail transport sector [4].

In 2007, CORYS T.E.S.S decided to set up a subsidiary called BKRT for Beijing KERUITAI [5] (KE = science, RUI = beau/opportun, TAI=paisible/le nom d’une montagne) This subsidiary was intended to develop a verification and validation simulator for the Ling Ao II power plant in Shenzhen.

In 2008, Ralf Gathmann, became the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of CORYS T.E.S.S. [1][2] The same year, CORYS T.E.S.S bought out Thunder Simulation Inc. based in St. Marys, Georgia (United-States) which merged with CORYS T.E.S.S Inc. in [[Chicago to become CORYS Thunder Incorporation.

In 2009, Tractebel Engineering, withdrew from CORYS’ capital. AREVA et EDF[6] became shareholders of the Grenoble company, CORYS T.E.S.S, respectively holding 66% and 34% of the company’s capital. As a result, CORYS T.E.S.S changed legal status to become a “Société par actions simplifiée(S.A.S)” (Simplified Joint-stock company).

CORYS Grenoble moved in 2011[7] to new premises, in the scientific zone [8] of Grenoble “Polygone Scientifique” close to the CEA, CNRS, Synchrotron (ESRF) and many others. The 5 850m2 building, called the Mistral, respects the label “low energy consumption” [9].

CORYS T.E.S.S. obtained the renewal of its ISO 9001 certification according to version 2015, in line with its management through quality.

In February 2015, the shareholders voted for a return to the name CORYS (dropping T.E.S.S). Shortly after, CTI moved to Jacksonville, in Florida and was renamed CORYS Inc.

In April 2016, the end of big power projects in China led to the decision to close the Chinese subsidiary.



CORYS has two sides to its business: Power and Transportation.

Power is the foundation of the company. CORYS supplies training and engineering simulators for the nuclear power plants [10], centrales thermiques, réseaux électrique, etc. thermal power stations, power grids and many others. This part of its business consists in the design, upgrade and maintenance [11] of simulators as well as training programs. The company also details design work of nuclear construction projects as well as testing & commissioning for their actual implementation.

CORYS est particulièrement connue pour le développement de simulateurs des centrales en construction tels que l’EPR Flamanville [12], [13] en France (EDF) ou l’EPR Taishan [14], [15], [16] en Chine (Joint-venture Chine General Nuclear Power Corporation et EDF).

CORYS has delivered more than 180 new power plant simulators over the last 25 years and is contracted to maintain more than 40 nuclear plant full scope simulators in the U.S and France.


Desk Simulator for Eurostar

CORYS is one of the biggest worldwide manufacturers of driving simulators for rail vehicles [17]: Freight, high speed train, passenger lines, LRV/ tramway, metro and suburban/commuter trains. CORYS produces realistic simulators of rolling stock (Bombardier Transport, Alstom Transport, GE Transportation, CSR Corporation Limited, CAF et d’autres) with the MATRIX CGI engine [18] Matrix in order to supply training tools close to reality.

CORYS has different types of train driving simulators.



CORYS’s business is organized between the head company and the subsidiary: CORYS Inc. is in charge of clients based in North America for both power and transportation.

CORYS operates worldwide in both power and transportation sectors. The company has more than 170 clients -rail and power operators- based in 39 different countries such as The United-States, China, The United Kingdom, South Africa, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Egypt and many others.

CORYS’ simulators in the world


More than 850 simulators produced by CORYS can be found in 39 countries :

America France Russia
Armenia Germany Saudi Arabia
Australia Greece Singapore
Austria Hungary Slovakia
Belgium India South Africa
Brazil Indonesia South Korea
Bulgaria Ireland Spain
Canada Kazakhstan Sweden
China Lithuania Switzerland
Czech Republic Netherlands Tunisia
Egypt Norway Turkey
Ethiopia Pakistan Ukraine
Finland Portugal United Kingdom



CORYS is an acronym for Company of Industrial Conception of Simulators (in French: COmpagnie de Réalisation Industrielle de Simulateurs). The I of Industrial is replaced by a Y as a nod to the valley of Grenoble which is in the shape of a Y.



The Power of Simulation

Logo History


Head Office


The head office of CORYS is 44 rue des Berges, in the Polytec zone, on the Grenoble peninsula which is known as the French Silicon Valley. The company’s premises measure 5850m2 and were built in 2011. They meet the “low energy consumption” standards.

French Tech in the Alps


French Tech is an accreditation awarded to French cities recognized for their startup ecosystem. It is also a name used by technologically innovative French businesses throughout the world. Grenoble was amongst the first nine cities to get the award in 2014 [19].

CORYS is a member of the corporate network for French Tech in the Alps, the name of Grenoble’s French Tech award.

Less than 2 years after receiving the award, French Tech in the Alps launched a project in March 2016 called the Digital Campus [20] in the Alps, in which CORYS played an important part. In partnership with the French employment agency, AGEFOS-PME and the CNAM (Conservatoire National des arts et des métiers) of the region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the campus aims to train about thirty people over 18 months in the digital skills that companies are looking for [21].

  • La Tribune – CORYS T.E.S.S enchaine les contrats, 2009
  • Les Echos – CORYS va équiper GDF Suez d’un simulateur de centrale nucléaire, 2009
  • Présence Grenoble – Simulateur : CORYS T.E.S.S prend le train, 2009
  • Railway Gazette – driving green trains, 2009
  • Présence Grenoble – Nucléaire : EDF signe avec CORYS T.E.S.S, 2010
  • Euro Nuclear – Nuclear Education and Training, Prague 2011
  • Nuclear Engineering International – Practice refueling on a PC, 2011
  • Nuclear Engineering International – Adding accident models into a training simulator, 2014
  • Railway Gazette – First GE evolution loco for Pakistan, 2016

See also



  1. http://www.lesechos.fr/08/09/1997/LesEchos/17474-092-ECH_grenoble---le-belge-tractebel-reprend-la-societe-corys.htm
  2. http://www.lesechos.fr/24/11/1997/LesEchos/17528-049-ECH_framatome-et-le-cea-prennent-34---de-clesorys-tess.htm
  3. http://www.railwaygazette.com/news/single-view/view/simulating-the-world39s-railways.html
  4. http://www.lesechos.fr/01/04/1999/LesEchos/17870-107-ECH_corys-tess-poursuit-sa-percee-dans-le-ferroviaire.htm
  5. http://www.presences-grenoble.fr/outils/actualites/10-personnes-en-chine-14955.kjsp?RH=PRES-PALMARES
  6. http://www.usinenouvelle.com/article/gdf-suez-sort-de-corys.N32680
  7. http://www.presences-grenoble.fr/people/ralf-gathmann-ldquo-de-nouveaux-murs-pour-accompagner-le-futur-de-corys-t-e-s-s-rdquo--19191.kjsp?RH=PRES-PALMARES
  8. http://www.presences-grenoble.fr/vie-des-entreprises/amenagement/simulateurs-corys-t-e-s-s-choisit-polytec-16371.kjsp?RH=PRES-PALMARES
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_E9QxIOuXdw
  10. http://www.smartecocity.com/portfolio-view/corys/
  11. http://www.neimagazine.com/news/newscorys-to-renovate-bohunice-simulator/
  12. http://www.power-eng.com/articles/2006/09/corys-tess-to-supply-simulator-for-french-epr.html
  13. http://www.presences-grenoble.fr/outils/actualites/contrat-nucleaire-pour-corys-t-e-s-s--14674.kjsp?RH=PRES-PALMARES
  14. http://www.neimagazine.com/news/newscorys-wins-taishan-simulator-contract/
  15. http://www.neimagazine.com/news/newstaishan-simulator-ready-for-training-4450973/
  16. http://www.presences-grenoble.fr/outils/actualites/simulation-corys-t-e-s-s-gagne-l-rsquo-epr-chinois-17006.kjsp?RH=PRES-PALMARES
  17. http://www.sym2b.com/sym2b/history/
  18. http://www.presences-grenoble.fr/vie-des-entreprises/high-tech-innovation/corys-images-3d-nouvelle-generation-29667.kjsp?RH=PRES-PALMARES
  19. http://www.leclustr.org/wp-content/uploads/FRENCH-TECH-GRENOBLE-V2.pdf
  20. http://blog.lefigaro.fr/dtmd/2016/03/digital-grenoble-campus-une-nouvelle-ecole-pour-former-des-developpeurs.html
  21. http://lessor.fr/digital-grenoble-lance-son-campus-pour-former-des-developpeurs-14192.html