
Antônio Dias Adorno is a bandeirante who embarked upon various expeditions in the mainland Brazil mainly towards Bahia, Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo.

Biography[modifier | modifier le code]


Antônio Dias Adorno was from Adorno's family, that has set feet in Genoa's society circa 1321 through none other than Gianfranco Adorno, who begot three doges : Gabriel, Georgio (1413) and Antônio (1528)

Antônio's grand-father, Paulo Adorno, bewedded Philipa Dias, herself daughter of Caramuru and the indian Paraguaçu. with his brother ,they arrived in Brazil circa 1530, with the expedition of Martim Afonso de Sousa, an invitee of king of Portugal John III, due to his keen knowledge of farming techniques and the industrialisation de laof the sugarcane. they settled in São Vicente and Santos.

Antônio Dias Adorno, like many of his kind bandeirantes was a half caste of of indian and portuguese of ancestry .