
Julie Dachez modifier

Julie Dachez is a Doctor of Social Psychology, lecturer and french activist for the rights of autistic people. She is the author of : La Différence invisible (The Invisible difference) and Dans ta bulle! (In your bubble!).

Biography modifier

Julie Dachez studied at a business school and worked for four years in a company. After making personal research, she was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome at the age of 27 in 2012 at an Autism Resource Center[1][2]. Then, she focused her activities on this stake, created a blog, made videos on YouTube and started a doctoral thesis in social psychology on the subject of autism[2]. She is the first openly autistic person to defend a thesis on this subject in France, in 2016[2], Envisager l’autisme autrement : une approche psychosociale[3] (Considerate autism differently : a psychosocial approach).

Positions on autism modifier

Julie Dachez sees autism as "a difference in functioning pathologised by a society obsessed with normality[4] ", which she sees from a social and non-medical point of view, mainly in terms of the stigmatisation and discrimination suffered by autistic people, claiming to suffering more from other people's prejudices about autism and the inadequacy of social structures and its needs than from the fact that she is herself autistic[1][4]. Elle considère également que les intérêts spécifiques des personnes autistes relèvent de stratégies de coping (adaptation à l'environnement)[2].

She describes autism in women as a "double sentence", due to the gender bias associated with the more subtle manifestations of autistic disorders in women and the fact that the diagnostic criteria for autism were developed from male diagnoses, which leads women to diagnostic wandering[1][2]. She also denounces the lack of knowledge in France about Autism, especially about autism asperger when it concerns women.[5]

Activities modifier

She published two books on the subject of autism. The first one, La Différence invisible (The invisible difference), is an autobiographical comic co-written with Mademoiselle Caroline. It received very favorable critics, as much for its didactical value as for its narrative and aesthetic treatment[6][7].

The second one, Dans ta bulle! (In your bubble), prefaced by Josef Schovanec, relates the form of essays and narratives the experiences of several adults and autistic persons without intellectual disabilities.

She lectures on the subject of autism and militates, among other things, to overcome the prejudices associated with autistic persons[1]. In this context, she participated as a speaker at the World Autism Awareness Day in 2018, in front of a full house[8]. In 2019, she get involved again in this event, but this time as part of PEP 12 (Pupils in Public Education)[9].

Bibliography modifier

  • Julie Dachez, Dans ta bulle ! (In your bubble !), Vanves, Marabout, 2018, 256 p. (ISBN 978-2-501-12911-4).

Publications modifier

  • Julie Dachez, André N’Dobo et Oscar Navarro Carrascal, « Représentaton sociale de l'autisme », Les Cahiers Internationaux de Psychologie Sociale, vol. 4, no 112,‎ 2016, p. 477-500
  • Julie Dachez, Andre Ndobo et Anaïs Ameline, « French Validation of the Multidimensional Attitude Scale Toward Persons with Disabilities (MAS) : The case of Attitudes Toward Autism and Their Moderating Factors », Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, vol. 45, no 8,‎ août 2015, p. 2508–2518.

Références modifier

  1. a b c et d « Autisme Asperger : en finir avec les préjugés », sur Franceinfo, (consulté le )
  2. a b c d et e « Julie Dachez, une incarnation de l’autisme au féminin », Le Monde.fr,‎ (lire en ligne, consulté le )
  3. « Julie Dachez, une incarnation de l’autisme au féminin », Le Monde.fr,‎ (lire en ligne, consulté le )
  4. a et b Philippe GAMBERT, « Julie Dachez, « l’autisme n’est pas une maladie » », Ouest france,‎ (lire en ligne)
  5. « Julie Dachez et les spécificités de l'autisme féminin », Brut.,‎ (lire en ligne)
  6. « La Différence invisible - Par Julie Dachez & Mademoiselle (...) - ActuaBD », sur www.actuabd.com (consulté le )
  7. « L'éclosion à la vie d'une autiste qui s'ignorait », sur sante.lefigaro.fr, (consulté le )
  8. « Journée mondiale de sensibilisation à l'autisme », Ouest-France,‎
  9. « Changer de regard sur l'autisme », Centre Presse,‎
