Liste des livres, films et articles de Slavoj Žižek

Liste de livres, articles et films écrits ou réalisés par Slavoj Žižek.

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  • 2010, Everything You Wanted to Know about Lacan...But Were Afraid to Ask Hitchcock, London: Verso, 304 pages, (ISBN 1844676218) (July)
  • 2010, Living in the End Times, London: Verso, 352 p., (ISBN 184467598X) (1 May)
  • 2009, Mythology, Madness and Laughter: Subjectivity in German Idealism (with Markus Gabriel), Continuum, 208 p., (ISBN 1441191054) (December)
  • 2009, First As Tragedy, Then As Farce, London: Verso, 157 p., (ISBN 1844674282)
  • 2009, In Search of Wagner (Radical Thinkers), London: Verso (Selected texts of Theodor W. Adorno with introduction by Žižek)
  • 2009, The monstrosity of Christ : paradox or dialectic?, The MIT Press (with John Milbank)
  • 2008, Violence: Big Ideas/Small Books, New York: Picador.
  • 2008, In Defense of Lost Causes, London: Verso.
  • 2007, En defensa de la intolerancia, Madrid: Sequitur.
  • 2007, On Practice and Contradiction, London: Verso (Selected texts of Mao Zedong with introduction by Žižek).
  • 2007, Terrorism and Communism, London: Verso (Selected texts of Leon Trotsky with introduction by Žižek).
  • 2007, Virtue and Terror, London: Verso (Selected texts of Robespierre with introduction by Žižek).
  • 2006, How to Read Lacan, London: Granta Books (also New York: W.W. Norton & Company in 2007).
  • 2006, The Parallax View, Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
  • 2006, Neighbors and Other Monsters (in The Neighbor: Three Inquiries in Political Theology), Cambridge, Massachusetts: University of Chicago Press.
  • 2006, The Universal Exception, London, New York: Continuum International Publishing Group.
  • 2005, Interrogating the Real, London, New York: Continuum International Publishing Group.
  • 2004, Iraq: The Borrowed Kettle, London: Verso.
  • 2003, The Puppet and the Dwarf: The Perverse Core of Christianity, Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
  • 2003, Organs Without Bodies, London: Routledge.
  • 2002, Revolution at the Gates: Žižek on Lenin, the 1917 Writings, London: Verso.
  • 2002, Welcome to the Desert of the Real, London: Verso.
  • 2001, Repeating Lenin, Zagreb: Arkzin D.O.O.
  • 2001, Opera's Second Death, London: Routledge.
  • 2001, On Belief, London: Routledge.
  • 2001, The Fright of Real Tears: Krszystof Kieślowski Between Theory and Post-Theory, London: British Film Institute (BFI).
  • 2001, Did Somebody Say Totalitarianism?, London: Verso.
  • 2000, The Fragile Absolute: Or, Why is the Christian Legacy Worth Fighting For?, London: Verso.
  • 2000, The Art of the Ridiculous Sublime: On David Lynch's Lost Highway, Washington: University of Washington Press.
  • 2000, Contingency, Hegemony, Universality (authored with Judith Butler and Ernesto Laclau), London: Verso.
  • 1999, The Ticklish Subject, London: Verso.
  • 1997, Multi-culturalism, or, the Cultural Logic of Multi-national Capitalism, London: New Left Review, issue 225 pgs. 28–51.
  • 1997, The Plague of Fantasies, London: Verso.
  • 1997, The Abyss of Freedom, Michigan: University of Michigan Press.
  • 1996, The Indivisible Remainder: Essays on Schelling and Related Matters, London: Verso.
  • 1994, The Metastases of Enjoyment, London: Verso.
  • 1993, Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Lacan... But Were Afraid to Ask Hitchcock, London: Verso.
  • 1993, Tarrying With the Negative, Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press.
  • 1992, Enjoy Your Symptom!, London: Routledge.
  • 1991, Looking Awry, Cambridge (Massachusetts), MIT Press, 1991.
  • 1991, For They Know Not What They Do, London: Verso.
  • 1990, Beyond Discourse Analysis (a part in Ernesto Laclau's New Reflections on the Revolution of Our Time), London: Verso.
  • 1989, The Sublime Object of Ideology, London: Verso.

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