Discussion utilisateur:Rbrausse/boring old stuff (2010-2012)

Dernier commentaire : il y a 11 ans par Boldair dans le sujet {{Demande...|fait}}

Bienvenue sur Wikipédia, Rbrausse !

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--Wilimut DiscuterMail Paris, le 2 février 2010 à 01:26 (CET)Répondre

Common names


Hi Salix,

do you know the Thesaurus of agricultural organisms: pests, weeds and diseases? A couple of years older than Wrobel's Dictionary of Mammals but also a nice way of obtaining taxon translations - and the book is (at least partly) readable at google books. greetings, Rbrausse (d) 31 mars 2010 à 18:46 (CEST)Répondre

Great ! It will be very usefull. Thanks a lot. --amicalement, Salix ( converser) 31 mars 2010 à 19:03 (CEST)Répondre



Hi Rbrausse. Thanks for your response in Homonymie. But why is your user page, Utilisateur:Rbrausse, empty ? I should be pleased to know you. Anyway, your response was usefull for me. Thanks a lot again.
--GérardGiraud (d) 3 février 2011 à 00:54 (CET)Répondre

Sorry. I did'nt know you was a so great contributor  
Have a good day. --GérardGiraud (d) 3 février 2011 à 11:45 (CET)Répondre

You're welcome


Argl, I was just a young padawan ! Nice find... but maybe it was two lost rodents and I was almost right ? Mouahaha. No ? OK.   Seriously, I'm ashamed those fooleries have remained for three years o_O Thanks YOU, so. Totodu74 (devesar…) 15 février 2011 à 23:43 (CET)Répondre

Is there not a little irony in your words? I can feel it you know... x) Totodu74 (devesar…) 16 février 2011 à 00:12 (CET)Répondre
My bad... Have a good night ! ;) Totodu74 (devesar…) 16 février 2011 à 00:29 (CET)Répondre
No problem, it's perfectly french. ;) I understand your affection for those plants. Nelsonia R.Br., 1810 : You have described it ! Oh, you're gonna say "No, I'm not this old, blah blah...", but my mind is made and you've likely Alzheimer. Totodu74 (devesar…) 16 février 2011 à 12:22 (CET)Répondre

Nicht Spräche deutsche (I don't speak german in my self German, without any traductor !) What for is this page ? Articles without image ? We have Catégorie:Article à illustrer/Taxobox animal : is this an equivalent ? By the past we used to have a list of articles of this category for which a other wikipedia or commons had a picture. Its creator has left Wikipedia, so the tool is out of order :/ We also have Projet:Biologie/Illustrations, to extract plates and others drawings, photographs of ooooold books (eh, you know that ?  ) It costs time but is very interesting. I hope others projects (I mean in others languages) will give time to this kind of project. Totodu74 (devesar…) 16 février 2011 à 18:58 (CET)Répondre

Damned, your job is really impressive. I agree when you say that our way (PD-scan) cost a lot of time, but sometimes you can find very rare illustrations (in the original publication, oftenly). I take the example of the blobfish. For this species you find only one picture on the net, a photograph where the fish facing. And cause we don't have a enough-extant fair use, we can't use it. But in the original description McCulloch gave us this one. I also believe in partnership with institutions such as museums, too rare for now. Thanks to show me FIST, I will try to understand it. :) Totodu74 (devesar…) 16 février 2011 à 21:07 (CET)Répondre
I think FIST has a closer function, it gives you all illustrable articles of a category. With FindImages you have to launch a search for each article. Having said that, the search with FISt seems so looong that I didn't wait enough for one, yet. Totodu74 (devesar…) 17 février 2011 à 13:59 (CET)Répondre

It could be long to explain, but to make a long story short (I knew I could use this expression one day :P) : this IP belongs to a user that french biologists community knows, and referring to a recent discussion about the division of categories (by country, by sex, by date, by eye color, by death, by pet...)   Totodu74 (devesar…) 17 février 2011 à 23:18 (CET)Répondre




Why have you cut some interwiki links ? Arp 274 and NGC 5679 seems to be the same thing. - Khayman (contact) 28 septembre 2011 à 15:36 (CEST)Répondre

good question, I will try to answer this as plausible as possible:
yes, you're right, the group of galaxies known as Arp 274 are altogether known as NGC 5679 (see e.g. NED). But after Herschel spotted the object in 1793 and Dreyer compiled the New General Catalogue in the 1880s better telescopes showed, that NGC 5679 consists actually of 3 galaxies: Named NGC 5679 A to C. For historical reasons NGC 5679 remains a synonym for NGC 5679B (see e.g. RNGC).
so we have the situation that NGC 5679 has two meanings:
  1. a group of three galaxies (= the "nebula" Herschel spotted)
  2. one galaxy (= oops, it wasn't a nebula but 3 separate gigantic clusters of stars)
fr.WP, en.WP and tr.WP wrote articles about the group of galaxies, the other languages have articles about one galaxy in the group; to ensure correct interwikis I divided those groups.
I hope my answer was clear and sufficient, Rbrausse (d) 28 septembre 2011 à 15:58 (CEST)Répondre
Yes it is ! I'll create a disambiguation page with NGC 5679 to be sure that there'll be no more problem with that.
We use the « ping-pong » style here. I think it's non-intuitive for new users, but we cannot change anything here without discussing it for years, so I usually prefer to keep that opinion for myself.
Thank you again for your rapid and clear answer. - Khayman (contact) 28 septembre 2011 à 18:31 (CEST)Répondre



Hello ! Your maps are fantastic ! Congratulations ! I love your job, go on ! Fantastic !!! Nonopoly (d) 23 octobre 2012 à 17:55 (CEST)Répondre

Hi RBrausse
congratulations for your job on UICN maps ! is there a way to automate your maps creation with a bot in order to collect all the UICN maps ?... bye   Poleta33 (d) 26 octobre 2012 à 10:10 (CEST)Répondre



Hi Rbrausse, thanks for your correction to the {{Article détaillé}} template on Octodon. This exemple has been added to the documentation page  . --Amicalement, Salix [Converser] 15 novembre 2012 à 12:34 (CET)Répondre

it wasn't a correction - that was applied black magic :) IMO templates are unholy... Rbrausse (d) 15 novembre 2012 à 14:20 (CET)Répondre
  . --Amicalement, Salix [Converser] 15 novembre 2012 à 14:32 (CET)Répondre



Salut, c'est moi qui ait validé la demande (je n'étais pas connecté). Il faut la valider pour que la demande parte aux archives. Voilà l'utilité. A bientot !--Boldair (d) 6 décembre 2012 à 16:40 (CET) [retrait de l’appel de modèle inexistant : (discuter) 9 février 2021 à 14:00 (CET)]Répondre

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