
export const version = 'v2024-0429'

fetch from cache
url: string
options: request options
options.cacheReload: boolean
return: response
export async function cacheFetch(url, options = {}){
  if(options.cacheReload) await cacheClear(url)
  return cachePut(url, undefined, options)

put in cache
url: string
content: string or buf
options: response options
options.cacheName: string
return: response
export async function cachePut(url, content, options = {}){
  let request, response, cache
  cache = await caches.open(options.cacheName || "v1")

  request = new Request(url, content ? {} : options)
  response = await cache.match(request)

  if(typeof content != 'undefined'){
    if(response) return console.warn('cachePut error, already in cache') || true
    request = new Request(url)
    response = new Response(content, options)
    await cache.put(request, response)
    return true

    response = await fetch(request)
    if(response.status == 200) {
      await cache.put(request, response.clone());

  return response

clear cache
re: regex string filter url
options.cacheName: string
export async function cacheClear(re, options = {}){
    await caches.delete(options.cacheName || 'v1')
    return []
  options.cacheDelete = true
  return await cacheGetOutdated(re, options)

get outdated cached files
substr: sub string filter url
options.cacheName: string
options.cacheDelete: boolean

export async function cacheGetOutdated(substr, options = {}){
  let cache, keys, key, res, web, local
  cache = await caches.open(options.cacheName || 'v1')
  keys = await cache.keys()
  res = []

  for(key of keys){
    if(key.url.includes(substr)) {

        await cache.delete(key)

      web = await fetchHead(key.url)
      local = await cache.match(key).then(x=>x.arrayBuffer())
        console.warn('no content-length: ' +key.url)
      else if(web['content-length'] != local.byteLength){

  return res

merge buffers
tarray: Array of TypedArray
keepOriginal: bool
return: TypedArray

let i, a, b
for(i=1; i<110000; i++){
  a = new Uint8Array(i).fill(1)
  b = new Uint8Array(i).fill(2)
  _.mergeBuf([a, b], true)

for(i=1; i<110000; i++){
  a = new Uint8Array(i).fill(1)
  b = new Uint8Array(i).fill(2)
  _.mergeBuf([a, b], false)

export function mergeBuf(tarray, keepOriginal = true){
  let size, buf, view, i
  size = 0

  for(i in tarray) size += tarray[i].byteLength

    i = keepOriginal ? 0 : tarray[0].byteLength
    view = new tarray[0].constructor(keepOriginal ? size : tarray[0].buffer.transfer(size))
    size = i
    if(tarray[0].buffer.detached) tarray[0] = new tarray[0].constructor()
  else {
    buf = new ArrayBuffer(keepOriginal ? size : 0, {maxByteLength: size})
    view = new tarray[0].constructor(buf)
    size = 0

  for(i in tarray){
    if(buf && !keepOriginal) buf.resize(size + tarray[i].byteLength)
    view.set(tarray[i], size / tarray[i].BYTES_PER_ELEMENT)
    size += tarray[i].byteLength
    if(!keepOriginal) tarray[i] = null

    buf = buf.transferToFixedLength()
    view = new view.constructor(buf)

  return view

fetch with download progress
url: string
options: fetch options
options.callback : function or selector string
options.resume: bool resume from partial content cached
fetchProgress.abort(resumable) : abort fetch / resumable bool
return: TypedArray
export async function fetchProgress(url, options = {}){
    throw new Error('ongoing fetch')

  let controller = new AbortController();
  options.signal = controller.signal

  let response, reader, contentLength, result
  let receivedLength = 0; 
  let chunks = [];

    response = await cacheFetch(url).then(x=>x.arrayBuffer())
    await cacheClear(url)

    if(!options.headers) options.headers = {}
    options.headers.range = 'bytes=' + response.byteLength + '-'

  response = await fetch(url, options);
  reader = response.body.getReader();
  contentLength = +response.headers.get('Content-Length');
  if(!contentLength) console.warn('not a range request')

  fetchProgress.abort = async (resumable = false) => {
    delete fetchProgress.abort
    if(!(resumable && contentLength)) return

    result = mergeBuf(chunks, false)
    await cachePut(url, result, {status: 202})

  while(true) {
    const {done, value} = await reader.read();
    if (done) break;
    receivedLength += value.length;

    if(typeof options.callback == 'function'){
      options.callback(receivedLength, contentLength)
    else if(typeof options.callback == 'string'){
      let div = document.querySelector(options.callback)
      let prog = div.querySelector('progress')
        prog = document.createElement('progress')
        prog.max = contentLength
      else prog.max = contentLength
      prog.value = receivedLength

  result = mergeBuf(chunks, false)
  delete fetchProgress.abort

  return result

wait for a specific amount of time
ms : int
export function sleep(ms){
  return new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms | 0))

load a script
s: script text or js / mjs url
div: html element or div id to append, default document.head
return: html element
export function loadScript(s, div = '') {
  return new Promise(r => {
    let elm = document.createElement('script')
    elm.onload = () => r(elm)
    elm.id = 'script' + document.querySelectorAll('script').length
    if(s.includes('.mjs')) {
      // elm.id = /(\w+).mjs/.exec(s)?.at(1)
      elm.type = 'module'
      elm.innerHTML = `
(async ()=>{
window.${elm.id} = await import('${s}');
document.getElementById('${elm.id}').dispatchEvent(new Event('load'));
    else if(s.includes('.js')) elm.src = s
    else elm.innerHTML = s + `\ndocument.getElementById('${elm.id}').dispatchEvent(new Event('load'));`
    div = div?.constructor?.name == 'HTMLBodyElement' ? div : (document.getElementById(div) || document.head)

load a stylesheet
s: style text or css url
div: html element or div id to append, default document.head
return: html element
export function loadStyle(s, div = '') {
  return new Promise(r => {
    let elm
    if(s.includes('.css')) {
      elm = document.createElement('link')
      elm.rel = 'stylesheet'
      elm.href = s
    else {
      elm = document.createElement('style')
      elm.innerHTML = s
    elm.onload = () => r(elm)
    div = div?.constructor?.name == 'HTMLBodyElement' ? div : (document.getElementById(div) || document.head)

set dark mode css
export async function setDarkMode(){
  let csstext
  csstext = `
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
  html {
    filter: invert(100%);
  if(getComputedStyle(document.body).background.includes('0, 0, 0')){
    csstext += 'body { background: white }'

  return await loadStyle(csstext)

fetch multiple url simultaneously
cache: object {key url : value html}
options.max: max number of simultaneous connections
options.urlmodif: fetch url modifier
options.valmodif: fetch result modifier
options.method: string
options.responsetype: string

let cache = {

export function fetchAll (cache, options = {}) {
  let {max = 4, urlmodif, valmodif, method, responsetype = "text"} = options

  return typeof cache == 'object' && new Promise(r => {
    let a, links, count, nth

    if(fetchAll.abort) throw new Error('ongoing fetch')
    fetchAll.abort = ()=>{max = 0}

    links = []
    for(a in cache) if(a.includes('http') && cache[a] == '') links.push(a)
    count = 0
    nth = 0

    for(a=0; a<max; a++) getNext()

    async function fetchOne(nth){
      cache[links[nth]] = '...'
      let txt, url, args
      url = typeof urlmodif == 'function' ? (await urlmodif(links[nth])) : links[nth];
      if(method == 'post'){
        txt = url.split('?')
        url = txt[0]
        args = {
          "headers": {
            "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
          "body": txt[1] || '',
          "method": "POST"
      } else {
        args = {}

      txt = await fetch(url, args).then(x=>x[responsetype]())
      cache[links[nth]] = typeof valmodif == 'function' ?  (await valmodif(txt)) : txt


    function getNext(){
      if(nth >= links.length || !max){
        if(count) return
        else {
          delete fetchAll.abort
          return r('finish')
      if(count >= max) return;


Limit functions call. Execute once no call during a pediod of time
f : function to execute
ms : time to wait
return : new function
export function delayfct(fn, ms=100){
  let running = false

  return () => {
    function isrunning() {
      if(running) return;
      running = true;
      setTimeout(function() {
        running = false;
      }, ms);


Donwload a file
file : blob or string
name : filename, default creation date time

export function download(file, name="") {
  if(!(file instanceof Blob)) file = new Blob([file]);
  let url = URL.createObjectURL(file);
  let a = document.createElement("a");
  a.href = url;
  if(!name || name[0] == '.') {
    let dat = (new Date()).toISOString()
    name = dat.slice(0, 10).replaceAll("-", "_") + '_' + dat.slice(-7).replaceAll(/\D/g,"") + name
  a.download = name;
  a.style.display = "none";
    setTimeout(()=>a.remove(), 100)
  } else return a

Fetch file head
url: string
export async function fetchHead(url){
  return await fetch(url, {method: 'HEAD'}).then((result) => {
    let head = {}
    for(let key of result.headers.keys()){
      head[key] = result.headers.get(key)
    return head
    // return result.headers.get("content-length")

# 1 - ArrayBuffer utilities

string to buffer
str: string, number (16 x 16 hex values)
return: uint8
export function str2buf(str, nextarr = null){
  let encoder, res, tmp

  if(typeof str == "string") {
    encoder = new TextEncoder("utf-8");
    res = encoder.encode(str);
  else if(typeof str == "number") {
    res = new Uint8Array(16);
    for(tmp=15; tmp>=0; tmp--){
      res[tmp] = str%16
      str = (str - (str%16)) / 16
  else {
    res = new Uint8Array(str);

    nextarr = str2buf(nextarr)
    res = mergeBuf([str, nextarr])

  return res

buffer to string
export function buf2str(buffer) {
  let decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
  return decoder.decode(buffer);

buffer to base64
b64: string
url: url friendly escape chars
export function buf2b64(buffer, url=false) {
  // btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, uint8));
  let binary = '';
  let bytes = new Uint8Array( buffer );
  let len = bytes.byteLength;
  for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    binary += String.fromCharCode( bytes[ i ] );
  let b64 = btoa( binary );
  return url ? b64.replace(/\//g, '_').replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/=/g, '') : b64;

base64 to buffer
b64: string
url: url friendly escape chars
export function b642buf(b64, url=false){
  // Uint8Array.from(atob( str ), c => c.charCodeAt(0))
  if(url) b64 = b64.replaceAll(/_/g, '/').replaceAll(/-/g, '+');

  let binary_string = atob(b64);
  let len = binary_string.length;
  let bytes = new Uint8Array(len);
  for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    bytes[i] = binary_string.charCodeAt(i);
  return bytes;

buf to hex
buf: string
alt: bool alternative representation
export function buf2hex(buf, alt=false) {
  let bytes = new Uint8Array(buf);
  let hex = "";
  for(let i=0; i<bytes.length; i++){
    hex += alt ? "\\x" : "";
    hex += ('0' + bytes[i].toString(16)).slice(-2);
  return hex;

hex to buf
hexString: string
export function hex2buf(hexString) {
  let result = [];
  hexString = hexString.replaceAll('\\x', '')
  for(let i=0; i < hexString.length; i+=2) {
     result.push(parseInt(hexString.substr(i, 2), 16));
  return (new Uint8Array(result));

# 2 - Miscellaneous

Read file input
id : element id string, HTML Element, Array of Files
fn : function modifier
changeInputElm : boolean update files list in input
export function readfiles (id, fn=null, changeInputElm=false){
  return new Promise(r=>{
    let input, files, len, result, file, a

    if(id?.constructor?.name == 'Array' || id?.constructor?.name == 'FileList') input = {files: id}
    else if(id?.constructor?.name == 'HTMLBodyElement') input = id
    else input = document.getElementById(id)

    files = input.files
    len = files.length
    const reader = new FileReader();
    const dataTransfer = new DataTransfer()
    result = {}

    function readfile(x){
      reader.onload = (event) => {
        result[files[x].name] = new Uint8Array(event.target.result)

        if(x+1 == len) process()
        else readfile(x+1)

    async function process(){
      if(typeof fn == 'function'){
        await fn(result)
        for(a in result){
          if(a.length == 1) continue
          file = new File([result[a]], a)
        input.files = dataTransfer.files



save user setting, using method. If no val, get the data
val: string value
method: string cookie or localStorage
export function saveUserSettings(val, method='cookie'){
  if(method == 'cookie'){
      let s = val.includes('=') ? 86400 * 14 : -1;
      return document.cookie =  val+';max-age='+s+';sameSite;secure'

    let elms, i, res
    res = {}
    elms = document.cookie.replaceAll('; ', '=')
    elms = elms ? elms.split('=') : []
    for(i=0; i<elms.length; i+=2) res[elms[i]] = elms[i+1]

    return res
  else if(method == 'localStorage'){
    let key = location.pathname.substring(1).replaceAll('/', '_')
    if(val) localStorage.setItem(key, typeof val == 'string' ? val : JSON.stringify(val))
    else return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key))

post data to url
url : url
obj : formdata, selector string, or key value object
return fetch
export function post(url, obj){
  let data
  if(obj?.constructor?.name == 'FormData') data = obj
  else if(typeof obj == 'string') data = new FormData(document.querySelector(obj))
  else {
    data = new FormData();
    for(let key in obj){
      data.append(key, obj[key])

  if(!url) return new Promise((r)=>r(data))

  return fetch(url, {
    method: "post",
    body: data

string similarity based on the Sørensen–Dice coefficient
str1: string
str2: string
substringLength: string
caseSensitive: false
export function stringSimilarity(str1, str2, substringLength = 2, caseSensitive = false) {
  if (!caseSensitive) {
    str1 = str1.toLowerCase();
    str2 = str2.toLowerCase();
  if (str1.length < substringLength || str2.length < substringLength)
    return 0;
  var map = new Map();
  for (var i = 0; i < str1.length - (substringLength - 1); i++) {
    var substr1 = str1.substr(i, substringLength);
    map.set(substr1, map.has(substr1) ? map.get(substr1) + 1 : 1);
  var match = 0;
  for (var j = 0; j < str2.length - (substringLength - 1); j++) {
    var substr2 = str2.substr(j, substringLength);
    var count = map.has(substr2) ? map.get(substr2) : 0;
    if (count > 0) {
      map.set(substr2, count - 1);
  return (match * 2) / (str1.length + str2.length - ((substringLength - 1) * 2));

Escape html entities
txt: string
export function escapeHTML(txt){
  let elm = document.createElement('textarea');
  elm.textContent = txt
  txt = elm.innerHTML
  return txt

Compress file using gzip deflate or deflate-raw
blob: blob or Uint8Array
dec: boolean decompress instead
export async function compress(blob, dec = false){
  if(blob?.constructor?.name == 'Uint8Array') blob = new Blob([blob])

  const stream = dec ? new DecompressionStream("gzip") : new CompressionStream("gzip");
  const readablestream = blob.stream().pipeThrough(stream);
  return await new Response(readablestream).blob();

Decompress file using gzip deflate or deflate-raw
blob: blob or Uint8Array
export async function decompress(blob){
  return await compress(blob, true)


Field offset	Field size	Field
0	100	File name
100	8	File mode (octal)
108	8	Owner's numeric user ID (octal)
116	8	Group's numeric user ID (octal)
124	12	File size in bytes (octal, null terminated)
136	12	Last modification time in numeric Unix time format (octal, null terminated)
148	8	Checksum for header record
156	1	Link indicator (file type: 0 file, 5 folder)
157	100	Name of linked file

format ustar
257 "ustar"
262 version "00"
345 préfixe fichier

chunks of 512 bytes
blockchunks of 10240 bytes
end with two empty chunks

create tar archive
arr: n+0 filename n+1 arraybuf || key value object
opt.folder string
return: {tar buffer, idx n+0 position n+1 length}
export function tarCreate(arr, opt = {}){
  let i, j, bufsize = 0, buf, bloc, offset, idx, tmp;
  if(typeof arr != "object") throw new Error('arr: not an object')
  if(arr instanceof Array){
    if(arr.length == 0) return;
    if(arr.length%2) return;
  } else {
    tmp = []
    for(i in arr){
      if(!(typeof arr[i] == 'object' && arr[i].constructor.name.includes('Array'))) continue
      tmp.push(i.replace(/.+\//, ''), arr[i])
    arr = tmp

  idx = [];

  bufsize += 512;
  for(i=0; i<arr.length; i+=2){
    arr[i+1] = new Uint8Array(arr[i+1])
    j = arr[i+1].byteLength;
    j = 1024 + j - ((j-1)%512) - 1;
    bufsize += j
  bufsize += 1024;

  bufsize = 10240 + bufsize - ((bufsize-1)%10240) - 1;
  buf = new ArrayBuffer(bufsize);

  offset = 0;
  for(i=0; i<arr.length; i+=2){
    bloc = new Uint8Array(buf, offset, 512);
    bloc.set(str2buf("" + arr[i].substring(0, 100)), 0);
    bloc.set(str2buf("0000775"), 100);
    bloc.set(str2buf("0001750"), 108);
    bloc.set(str2buf("0001750"), 116);
    j = ("00000000000"+(arr[i+1].byteLength).toString(8)).slice(-11);
    bloc.set(str2buf(j), 124);
    j = ("00000000000"+(Math.trunc(Date.now()/1000)).toString(8)).slice(-11);
    bloc.set(str2buf(j), 136);
    j = arr[i+1].byteLength == 0 ? "5" : "0";
    // 148
    bloc.set(str2buf(j), 156);
    bloc.set(str2buf("ustar"), 257);
    bloc.set(str2buf("00"), 262);
    bloc.set(str2buf('folder' in opt ? opt.folder : '_'), 345);

    let chksum = 32 * 8;
    for(j = 0; j < 512; j++) {
      chksum += bloc[j];
    bloc.set(str2buf(chksum.toString(8)), 148);

    offset += 512;

    j = arr[i+1].byteLength;
    if(!j) continue;
    idx.push(offset, j);

    j = 512 + j - ((j-1)%512)-1;
    bloc = new Uint8Array(buf, offset, j);
    bloc.set(arr[i+1], 0);
    offset += j;
    // debugger;

  return {tar:buf, idx:idx};

append tar
first: object from tarCreate
second: object from tarCreate
export function tarAppend(first, second, opt = {}){
  let a, firstLen, secondLen, firstIdx, secondIdx, bufsize, result
  if(!first && second) return tarCreate(second, opt)

  first = first.tar ? first : tarCreate(fist, opt)
  firstIdx = first.idx
  first = new Uint8Array(first.tar)
  for(a = first.byteLength - 1024; a>=0 ;a--){
    if(first[a]) break
  firstLen = 512 + a - ((a-1)%512) - 1;

  second = second.tar ? second : tarCreate(second, opt)
  secondIdx = second.idx
  second = new Uint8Array(second.tar)
  for(a = second.byteLength - 1024; a>=0 ;a--){
    if(second[a]) break
  secondLen = 512 + a - ((a-1)%512) - 1;

  bufsize = firstLen + secondLen + 1024
  bufsize = 10240 + bufsize - ((bufsize-1)%10240) - 1;

  result = new Uint8Array(bufsize)
  result.set(first.subarray(0, firstLen))
  result.set(second.subarray(0, secondLen), firstLen)

  for(a=0; a<secondIdx.length; a+=2){
    secondIdx[a] = secondIdx[a] + firstLen

  return {tar: result.buffer, idx: firstIdx}

create webworker
str: js filepath or string with a main function
export function workerCreate(str = ''){
  let worker
    worker = new Worker(str)
  else if(str.includes('main')) {
    str += `
self.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
    str = new Blob([str2buf(str)])
    str = URL.createObjectURL(str)
    worker = new Worker(str)
  else throw new Error('js filepath or string with a main function')

  return worker

run unit test
tests: {testName: [testFn, expected value]}
timeLog: boolean
export async function assert(tests = {}, timeLog = false){
  let line, out, testName, testRes, testFn, expectVal, AsyncFunction
  AsyncFunction = Object.getPrototypeOf(async ()=>{}).constructor
  out = ''
  for(testName in tests){

    if(typeof tests[testName] != 'object'){
      tests[testName] = [tests[testName]]

    if(typeof tests[testName][0] == 'string'){
      testFn = (tests[testName][0].includes('return') ? '' : 'return await ') + tests[testName][0]
      testFn = new AsyncFunction(testFn)
    else if(typeof tests[testName][0] == 'function'){
      testFn = tests[testName][0]
    else continue

    try {
      if(timeLog) console.time(testName)
      testRes = await testFn()
      if(timeLog) console.timeEnd(testName)

      if(typeof tests[testName][1] != 'undefined') expectVal = tests[testName][1]
      else {
        testRes = testRes ? true : false
        expectVal = true
      if(testRes.constructor.name == 'Object'){
        testRes = JSON.stringify(testRes)
        expectVal = JSON.stringify(expectVal)
        testRes = testRes.toString()
        expectVal = expectVal.toString()
      if(testRes != expectVal){
        throw new Error(testRes + ' != ' + expectVal)
      line = testName + ': OK' + '\n'
      line = testName + ': Failed (' + e.message + ')\n'
    out += line
  return out

change url without reload
newURL: string
push: boolean
export function changeURL(newURL, push = false){
  if(push) history.pushState({}, null, newURL)
  else history.replaceState({}, null, newURL);

read (if no text) or write clip board
text: string
export async function clipboard(text){
  if(text) await navigator.clipboard.writeText(text)
  else await navigator.clipboard.readText()

access to file system
handle: expected string(openFile, saveFile, directory, OPFS, clearOPFS) or object [handle]
data: data to write ('-' to delete)
path: file path if directory
export async function fileSys(handle="OPFS", data, path){

  async function getSubFile(dirHandle, path, create = false){
    let retHandle
    path = path.split('/')
    retHandle = dirHandle
    for(let i=0; ; i++){
      if(i < path.length - 1){
        retHandle = await retHandle.getDirectoryHandle(path[i], { create })
      else {
        retHandle = await retHandle.getFileHandle(path[i], { create })
    return retHandle

  let ret, handle2

  if(handle == "openFile"){
    [handle] = await showOpenFilePicker({multiple: false})
    ret = await handle.getFile()
  else if(handle == "saveFile"){
    handle = await showSaveFilePicker()
  else if(handle == "directory"){
    handle = await showDirectoryPicker()
  else if(handle == "OPFS"){
    handle = await navigator.storage.getDirectory()
  else if(handle == "clearOPFS"){
    await navigator.storage.getDirectory().then(x=>x.remove({ recursive: true }))
  else if(typeof handle[0] == "object"){
    handle = handle[0]
  else throw new Error('handle: expected string(openFile, saveFile, directory, OPFS, clearOPFS) or object [handle]')

  if(typeof data != 'undefined' && data){
    if(handle.constructor.name == 'FileSystemDirectoryHandle'){
      if(typeof path == 'undefined') throw new Error('no path for DirectoryHandle')
      handle2 = await getSubFile(handle, path, true)
      if(data == "-") {
        await handle2.remove()
        return [handle, ret]
    else handle2 = handle
    handle2 = await handle2.createWritable()
    await handle2.write(data)
    await handle2.close()
  else if(path && handle.constructor.name == 'FileSystemDirectoryHandle'){
    ret = await getSubFile(handle, path).then(x=>x.getFile())
  else if(handle.constructor.name == 'FileSystemDirectoryHandle'){
    ret = []
    for await (let [name, fileHandle] of handle) {
        let list, a
        list = (await fileSys([fileHandle]))[1]
        for(a in list) list[a] = name + '/' + list[a]

        ret.push(name + '/', ...list)
      else ret.push(name)

  return [handle, ret]

element: string element id, or html element
export function fullscreen(elm){
  if(typeof id == 'string') document.getElementById(elm).requestFullscreen() 
  else elm.requestFullscreen() 

get geo location
export function geolocation(){
  return new Promise(r=>{

export function byteArray(n){
  class ByteArray{
      this.arr = ArrayBuffer.isView(n) ? n : new Uint8Array(1+((n/8)|0))
      return this.arr[((n/8)|0)] & (1<<(n%8))
      this.arr[((n/8)|0)] |= (1<<(n%8))
      this.arr[((n/8)|0)] &= ~(1<<(n%8))
  return new ByteArray(n)

get object from string object name
export function objectFromString(str, lexicallyScoped = false){
  function makeFunction() {
    var params = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length -  1; i++) {
    var code = arguments[arguments.length -  1];
   return eval('[function (' + params.join(',')+ '){' + code + '}][0]');

  let fn
  str = 'return typeof '+str+' == "undefined" || '+str
  fn = lexicallyScoped ? makeFunction(str) : new Function(str)
  return fn

export async function webCrawl(url, depth = 5){
  let a, b, page, webPages, relPath, basePath, m
  webPages = {[url] : ''}
  relPath = /^.+\//.exec(url)?.at(0)
  basePath = /^[^\.]+[^\/]+/.exec(url)?.at(0)

  for(a=0; a<depth; a++){
    await fetchAll(webPages)
    for(b in webPages){
      page = webPages[b]
      if(!b.match(/css$|js$/) && page.length > 5){
          /<link[^>]+href ?= ?['"]([^'"]+)['"]/g,
          /<script[^>]+src ?= ?['"]([^'"]+)['"]/g,
          /<a[^>]+href ?= ?['"]([^#][^'"]+)['"]/g,
          while(m = re.exec(page)){
            m = m.at(1)
            m = m.includes('http') ? m : m[0] == '/' ? basePath + m : relPath + m
            if(!webPages[m]) webPages[m] = ''
      webPages[b] = 'xxx'

  return webPages

export function wrapFetch(callback){
  if(!fetch.toString().includes('native')) return

  let _fetch = fetch
  fetch = (...args) => {
    return _fetch.call(window, ...args)

export function wrapEventListener(){
  Node.prototype._addEventListener = Node.prototype.addEventListener;
  Node.prototype._removeEventListener = Node.prototype.removeEventListener;

  Node.prototype.addEventListener = function(a, b, c){
    if(!this._eventListeners) this._eventListeners = new Array()
    this._eventListeners.push({a, b, c})
    this._addEventListener(a, b, c)

  Node.prototype.removeEventListener = function(a, b, c){
    let i
    if(!this._eventListeners) return
    for(i = this._eventListeners.length-1; i>=0; i--) if(b==this._eventListeners[i].b) break
    if(i<0) return
    this._eventListeners.splice(i, 1)
    this._removeEventListener(a, b, c)

export function wrapResizeObs(callback, elmId){
  if(!callback) callback = (entries) => {
    entries.forEach(entry => {
      console.log(entry.target, entry.contentRect)
  const observer = new ResizeObserver(callback)
  if(elmId) observer.observe(document.getElementById(elmId), { box: 'border-box' })

  return observer

export function wrapIntersectionObs(callback, elmId){
  if(!callback) callback = (entries) => {
    entries.forEach(entry => {
      console.log(entry.target, entry.isIntersecting)
  const observer = new IntersectionObserver(callback, { threshold: 0 })
  if(elmId) observer.observe(document.getElementById(elmId))

  return observer

export function wrapMutationObs(callback, elmId){
  if(!callback) callback = (mutationList) => {
		for(let mutation of mutationList){
			for(let child of mutation.addedNodes){
  const observer = new MutationObserver(callback)
  if(elmId) observer.observe(document.getElementById(elmId), {childList: true, subtree: false})

  return observer

export function wrapEvent(name, elmId){
  let ev = {}
  ev.tabev = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {'key': 'Tab', "keyCode":9, bubbles:true, cancelable:true})
  ev.enterev = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {'key': 'Enter', "keyCode":10, bubbles:true, cancelable:true})
  ev.f4ev = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {'key': 'F4', "keyCode":62, bubbles:true, cancelable:true})
  ev.mouseev = new MouseEvent('dblclick', {view:window, bubbles:true, cancelable:true})


export function wrapXHR(callback){
  let _XMLHttpRequest = XMLHttpRequest
  XMLHttpRequest = new_XMLHttpRequest

  if(!callback) callback = ()=>{}

  function new_XMLHttpRequest() {
    let xhr = new _XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.onreadystatechange = ()=>{}
    let _open = xhr.open;
    let _send = xhr.send;
    let _url = '';

    xhr.open = function() {
      _url = arguments[1]
      return _open.apply(this, arguments);
    xhr.send = function() {
      return _send.apply(this, arguments);
    return xhr;



0h	2	42 4D	"BM"	ID field (42h, 4Dh)
2h	4	46 00 00 00	70 bytes (54+16)	Size of the BMP file (54 bytes header + 16 bytes data)
6h	2	00 00	Unused	Application specific
8h	2	00 00	Unused	Application specific
Ah	4	36 00 00 00	54 bytes (14+40)	Offset where the pixel array (bitmap data) can be found
DIB Header
Eh	4	28 00 00 00	40 bytes	Number of bytes in the DIB header (from this point)
12h	4	02 00 00 00	2 pixels (left to right order)	Width of the bitmap in pixels
16h	4	02 00 00 00	2 pixels (bottom to top order)	Height of the bitmap in pixels. Positive for bottom to top pixel order.
1Ah	2	01 00	1 plane	Number of color planes being used
1Ch	2	18 00	24 bits	Number of bits per pixel
1Eh	4	00 00 00 00	0	BI_RGB, no pixel array compression used
22h	4	10 00 00 00	16 bytes	Size of the raw bitmap data (including padding)
26h	4	13 0B 00 00	2835 pixels/metre horizontal	Print resolution of the image,
72 DPI × 39.3701 inches per metre yields 2834.6472
2Ah	4	13 0B 00 00	2835 pixels/metre vertical
2Eh	4	00 00 00 00	0 colors	Number of colors in the palette
32h	4	00 00 00 00	0 important colors	0 means all colors are important
Start of pixel array (bitmap data)
36h	3	00 00 FF	0 0 255	Red, Pixel (0,1)
39h	3	FF FF FF	255 255 255	White, Pixel (1,1)
3Ch	2	00 00	0 0	Padding for 4 byte alignment (could be a value other than zero)
3Eh	3	FF 00 00	255 0 0	Blue, Pixel (0,0)
41h	3	00 FF 00	0 255 0	Green, Pixel (1,0)
44h	2	00 00	0 0	Padding for 4 byte alignment (could be a value other than zero)

octets multiple de 4

export function toBMP(tt, nn=""){
	var vector;
		vector = nn;
    if(vector.byteLength != 16) throw 'expect 16 bytes vector';
	} else {
		vector = new Uint8Array(16);

	tt = str2buf(tt);

  var z;


	var w = z*32;
  // negative value, top to bottom
	var h = 256*256*256*256-w;
	var s = 62 + z*4*z*32;
	var u8 = new Uint8Array(s);

	// a=b=c=x=y=9;
	var header = [


  var rd = window.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(s-62-16-tt.length));

	// console.log(u8);
	// var bb = new Blob([u8]);
	// dl(bb,'aze.bmp');

	// xx=u8;
	return u8;

export function fromBMP(u8){
	if(!(u8 instanceof Uint8Array) || u8.length < 62+16) return u8;

	let len = u8[6] + (u8[7]<<8) + (u8[8]<<16) + (u8[9]<<24);
  let ret = {};
  ret.result = u8.slice(62+16, 62+16+len);
  ret.iv = u8.slice(62, 62+16);
	return ret;

/** STORE **/

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="utf-8" />
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
  <script src="/js/0utils/simpledropzone.js"></script>
(async function (){
  window._ = await import('/js/0utils/utils3.mjs')
  window.cr = await import('/js/0utils/simplewebcrypto.mjs')


  window.userData = null
  window.handleFiles = async function(files){
    if(!userData) userData = _.saveUserSettings('','localStorage') || {_part: 0, _tarObj: null, _filenames: []}

    let i, path, filenames, tmp

    files = await _.readfiles(files)
    filenames = Object.keys(files)
    path = document.getElementById('path').value
    for(i=0; i<filenames.length; i++){
      userData._tarObj = _.tarAppend(userData._tarObj, [filenames[i], files[filenames[i]]])
  <center style="margin: 16px;"><input type="text" id="path" style="width: 100%; max-width: 480px;"></center>
  <div id="main"></div>
