
import * as import1 from './dist/v3/transformers.v3.js'
import * as import2 from './dist/transformers.js'

const module = {...import1}

const v2tasks = ['Text2TextGenerationPipeline', 'TextGenerationPipeline', 'AutomaticSpeechRecognitionPipeline', 'ImageToTextPipeline', 'DocumentQuestionAnsweringPipeline', 'TextToAudioPipeline']

let module2 = ({Text2TextGenerationPipeline, TextGenerationPipeline, AutomaticSpeechRecognitionPipeline, ImageToTextPipeline, DocumentQuestionAnsweringPipeline, TextToAudioPipeline} = import2)
Object.assign(module, import2)

/** --- HELPER --- */

let {Pipeline, pipeline: v3_pipeline, AutoProcessor, AutoTokenizer, env, ImageFeatureExtractionPipeline, read_audio, softmax, RawImage, Tensor, ImageSegmentationPipeline, ObjectDetectionPipeline, TextClassificationPipeline, dot} = module

var apis = {};

function setApis(newApis){
    apis = newApis

function setLocalEnv(){
        module.env.backends.onnx.wasm.proxy = false
      module.env.backends.onnx.wasm.wasmPaths = module.env.version[0] == 2 ? 'dist/' : 'dist/v3/'
      module.env.backends.onnx.logLevel = 'error'
      module.env.localModelPath = '_models/'
      module.env.useBrowserCache = false
      module.env.allowRemoteModels = false
      module.env.allowLocalModels = true


function populateMapping(modelsExport){
    for (let name in modelsExport){
        MODEL_CLASS_TO_NAME_MAPPING.set(modelsExport[name], name);
        MODEL_NAME_TO_CLASS_MAPPING.set(name, modelsExport[name]);

async function pipeline(task, model, options = {session_options: {}}){

        await options.dispose_pipe.dispose()

    const pipelineInfo = SUPPORTED_TASKS[task.split('_', 1)[0]];
    if (!pipelineInfo) {
        let ret
        if(v2tasks.join(' ').toLowerCase().includes(task.split('_', 1)[0].replace('-',''))){
            let tmp
            if(module.env.backends.onnx.logLevel != 'warning'){
                tmp = console.warn
                console.warn = ()=>{}
            ret = await module.v2_pipeline(...arguments)
            if(module.env.backends.onnx.logLevel != 'warning'){
                console.warn = tmp
            ret = await v3_pipeline(...arguments)
        return ret

    if(!('session_options' in options)) options.session_options = {}

    const classes = {
        'tokenizer': pipelineInfo.tokenizer,
        'model': pipelineInfo.model,
        'processor': pipelineInfo.processor,
    const modelName = model || pipelineInfo.default.model

    for(let key in classes){
        if(classes[key]) {
            if(!Array.isArray(classes[key])) classes[key] = [classes[key]]
            let loaded

            for(let cls of classes[key]){
                    loaded = await cls.from_pretrained(modelName, options)

            classes[key] = loaded
    classes.task = task
    classes.model.config._name_or_path = modelName
    let pipe = new pipelineInfo.pipeline(classes)
    return pipe

function PreTrainedTokenizer_call(text, options = {}){
    let result = this.v2_call(...arguments)

        result.offset_mapping = get_offsets_mapping.call(this, result, text)

    return result

async function TokenClassificationPipeline_call(text, options = {}){
    let result = await this.v2_call(...arguments)

    if(!Array.isArray(result[0])) result = [result]
    if(!Array.isArray(text)) text = [text]
    get_aggregate_words.call(this, result, options.aggregation_strategy, text)

    return result.length == 1 ? result[0] : result

async function QuestionAnsweringPipeline_call(question, context, options = {}){
    let result = await this.v2_call(...arguments)

    if(!Array.isArray(result)) result = [result]
    if(!Array.isArray(context)) context = [context]
    get_qa_offsets.call(this, result, context)

    return result.length == 1 ? result[0] : result

/** --- RAWAUDIO --- */

 * Save blob file in web.
 * @param {string} path filename
 * @param {Blob} blob
function saveBlob(path, blob){
    // Convert the canvas content to a data URL
    const dataURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob);

    // Create an anchor element with the data URL as the href attribute
    const downloadLink = document.createElement('a');
    downloadLink.href = dataURL;

    // Set the download attribute to specify the desired filename for the downloaded image
    downloadLink.download = path;

    // Trigger the download

    // Clean up: remove the anchor element from the DOM

class RawAudio {

     * Create a new `RawAudio` object.
     * Handles only Float32Array data, with 1 or 2 channels audio
     * @param {Array|Float32Array} audio Float32Array or Array of Float32Array
     * @param {number} sampling_rate
    constructor(audio, sampling_rate) {
        if (!(
                typeof audio == 'object' &&
                ((audio.constructor.name == 'Array' && audio[0]?.constructor.name == 'Float32Array') ||
                (audio.constructor.name == 'Float32Array')) &&
                typeof sampling_rate == 'number'
            )) {
            throw Error('TypeError. Expected audio as Float32Array or [Float32Array, Float32Array], and sampling_rate as number')

        if (audio.constructor.name != 'Array') audio = [audio]
        this.audio = audio
        this.sampling_rate = sampling_rate
        this.interleaved = false

     * Combines multiple audio channels into one, alterning left / right audio input.
     * @param {boolean} keepOriginalValues keep or not the original non-interleaved audio data
     * @returns {Array} Array of Float32Array
    interleave(keepOriginalValues = false) {
        if (this.audio.length != 2 || this.interleaved == true) {
            console.warn('Could not interleave audios data')

        let audio, res, res2, len, i, offset

        audio = this.audio
        len = audio[0].length
        res = new audio[0].constructor(len)
        res2 = keepOriginalValues ? (new audio[0].constructor(len)) : audio[1]

        for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            res[i] = audio[i % 2][i >> 1]

        for (offset = i, i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            res2[i] = audio[(offset + i) % 2][(offset + i) >> 1]

        if (keepOriginalValues) {
            return [res, res2]
        } else {
            this.interleaved = true
            return this.audio


     * Convert the audio to a wav blob.
     * WAV file specs : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waveform_Audio_File_Format
     * @returns {Blob}
    toBlob() {
        let audio, sampling_rate, wav_header, buf_size, nums

        } = this)
        buf_size = audio[0].buffer.byteLength * audio.length
        wav_header = new Uint8Array([
            82, 73, 70, 70,    //  0: 'RIFF'
            0, 0, 0, 0,        //  4: RIFF size (file size - 8)
            87, 65, 86, 69,    //  8: 'WAVE'
            102, 109, 116, 32, // 12: 'fmt '
            16, 0, 0, 0,       // 16: fmt chunksize
            3, 0,              // 20: format tag (1 int, 3 float)
            audio.length, 0,   // 22: channels
            0, 0, 0, 0,        // 24: sample per sec
            0, 0, 0, 0,        // 28: byte per sec (byte per bloc * sample rate)
            4, 0,              // 32: byte per bloc
            32, 0,             // 34: bits per sample (16 bits int, 32 bits float)
            100, 97, 116, 97,  // 38: 'data'
            0, 0, 0, 0         // 42: data size
        nums = [
            [4, buf_size + wav_header.length - 8],
            [24, sampling_rate],
            [28, 4 * sampling_rate],
            [40, buf_size]

        nums.forEach(([offset, num]) => {
            do {
                wav_header[offset++] = (num & 255)
                num >>= 8
            } while (num > 0)

        if (audio.length == 2 && !this.interleaved) {
            audio = this.interleave(true)

        return new Blob([wav_header, ...audio])

     * Save the audio to a wav file.
     * @param {string} path
    async save(path = 'audio.wav') {
        let fn

        if (apis.IS_BROWSER_ENV) {
            if (apis.IS_WEBWORKER_ENV) {
                throw new Error('Unable to save a file from a Web Worker.')
            fn = saveBlob
        } else if (apis.IS_FS_AVAILABLE) {
            fn = async (path, blob) => {
                let buf = await blob.arrayBuffer()
                buf = new Uint8Array(buf)
                fs.writeFile(path, buf, (err) => {
                    throw new Error(err)
        } else {
            throw new Error('Unable to save because filesystem is disabled in this environment.')

        if (!(/\.wav$/.test(path))) {
            console.warn('Change filename extension to .wav')
            path = path.replace(/\.\w{0,4}$/, '') + '.wav'

        await fn(path, this.toBlob())

async function _call_text_to_waveform(){
    let out = await this.v2_call_text_to_waveform(...arguments);
    return new RawAudio(out.audio, out.sampling_rate);

async function _call_text_to_spectrogram(){
    let out = await this.v2_call_text_to_spectrogram(...arguments);
    return new RawAudio(out.audio, out.sampling_rate);

/** --- REGISTER PIPELINE --- */

 * Get model class from name
 * @param {string} name 
 * @returns 
function getModelClassFromName(name){
    let cls = MODEL_NAME_TO_CLASS_MAPPING.get(name);
    if (!cls) console.warn(name + ' undefined');
    return cls;

 * Get class name from class
 * @param {*} cls 
 * @returns 
function getClassNameFromClass(cls){
    let name = MODEL_CLASS_TO_NAME_MAPPING.get(cls);
    if (!name) name = MODEL_CLASS_TO_NAME_MAPPING.get(cls.constructor);
    if (!name) console.warn(cls + ' undefined');
    return name;

 * Register a custom task pipeline.
 * @param {string} task
 * **Example:** Custom task: audio-feature-extraction.
 * ```javascript
 * import {
 *   Pipeline,
 *   read_audio,
 *   register_pipeline,
 *   pipeline
 * } from '@Xenova/transformers';
 * class AudioFeatureExtractionPipeline extends Pipeline {
 *   async _call(input, kwargs = {}) {
 *     input = await read_audio(input).then(input=>this.processor(input))
 *     let { audio_embeds } = await this.model(input)
 *     return audio_embeds
 *   }
 * }
 * register_pipeline('audio-feature-extraction', {
 *   pipeline: AudioFeatureExtractionPipeline,
 *   model: 'ClapAudioModelWithProjection',
 *   processor: 'AutoProcessor',
 *   default_model: 'Xenova/larger_clap_music_and_speech'
 * })
 * let pipe = await pipeline('audio-feature-extraction');
 * let out = await pipe('https://huggingface.co/datasets/Xenova/transformers.js-docs/resolve/main/jfk.wav')
 * console.log(out)
 * ```
function register_pipeline(
    task, {
        pipeline: pipelineClass,
        default_model = '',
        type = ''
    } = {}
) {
    if (!(
            ('prototype' in pipelineClass) &&
            (pipelineClass.prototype instanceof Pipeline) &&
            ("_call" in pipelineClass.prototype)
        )) {
        throw Error('pipeline class must inherit from Pipeline, and contains _call')

    if(typeof model == 'string') model = getModelClassFromName(model)
    else if(Array.isArray(model) && typeof model[0] == 'string') model = model.map(x=>getModelClassFromName(x))

    const custom = {
        tokenizer: tokenizer == 'AutoTokenizer' ? AutoTokenizer : tokenizer,
        pipeline: pipelineClass,
        processor: processor == 'AutoProcessor' ? AutoProcessor : processor,
        'default': (!default_model ? '' : {
            model: default_model

    if (task in SUPPORTED_TASKS) {
        for (let key in custom) {
            if (custom[key]) SUPPORTED_TASKS[task][key] = custom[key];
    else SUPPORTED_TASKS[task] = custom;


/** --- FIX INFERENCE --- */

function fixInferenceSession(session_options){
    // fix wasm relative path
    if (apis.IS_BROWSER_ENV) {
        let url = env.backends.onnx.wasm.wasmPaths;
        if (!url.startsWith('http')) {
            env.backends.onnx.wasm.wasmPaths = url[0] == '/' ? location.origin + url : location.href.replace(/[^\/]+$/, '') + url;

    // set log level
    let logLevel = ['verbose', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'fatal'].indexOf(env.backends.onnx.logLevel);
    if (logLevel >= 0) {
        session_options.logVerbosityLevel = session_options.logSeverityLevel = logLevel;


 * Estimate offsets mapping from original context string
 * @param {BatchEncoding|string|string[]|string[][]} search Object with input_ids from tokenizer, array[][] string or ids tokens, or full string
 * @param {string|string[]} context 
 * @param {string} strategy 'none' or 'closest'
 * @param {boolean} caseSensitive
 * @returns {any[]} (char_start, char_end, token)
function get_offsets_mapping(search, context, strategy = 'none') {
    let toReturn, idx, lastIdx, len, contextEncodings;

    if (typeof search == 'object' && 'input_ids' in search) {
        search = search.input_ids.tolist();
    else {
        if (!(Array.isArray(search) && Array.isArray(search[0]))) search = [search];
        if (typeof search[0] == 'string') {
            search = this._call(search, {add_special_tokens: false})
            search = search.input_ids.tolist()
    if (typeof context == 'string') context = [context];

    if(!'none tokenize closest'.includes(strategy)) strategy = 'none'

    if(strategy == 'closest' || strategy == 'tokenize'){
        contextEncodings = this._call(context, {
            add_special_tokens: false,
            return_offsets_mapping: true
        context = []
        contextEncodings.offset_mapping.forEach(offsets => {
            offsets.forEach(offset => {
                context.at(-1)[offset[0]] = offset[2]
        context.forEach((val, key) => {
            context[key] = val.toLowerCase()

    toReturn = []
    search.forEach((tokens, i) => {
        lastIdx = 0;
        if (typeof tokens[0] != 'string') {
            tokens = this.model.convert_ids_to_tokens(tokens);

        tokens.forEach(token => {
            let token2 = token.replace(this.model.config.continuing_subword_prefix, '').toLowerCase()

            idx = context[i].indexOf(strategy == 'none' ? token2 : token, lastIdx);

            // look behind and find closest match
            if (strategy == 'closest' && idx >= 0) {
                let a, substrStart, substrSearch, substrIdx, lastIdx;

                lastIdx = idx;
                for (a = toReturn.at(-1).length - 1; a >= 0; a--) {
                    substrStart = a > 0 ? lastIdx - 1 - (toReturn[i][a][0] - toReturn[i][a - 1][1] + toReturn[i][a][2].length) : 1;

                    if(substrStart <= toReturn[i][a][0]) break;

                    substrSearch = context[i].slice(substrStart, idx);

                    substrIdx = substrSearch.lastIndexOf(toReturn[i][a][2]);
                    if (substrIdx > 0) {
                        lastIdx = substrStart + substrIdx;
                        toReturn[i][a] = [lastIdx, lastIdx + toReturn[i][a][2].length, toReturn[i][a][2]];
                    } else break;


            if (idx < 0) {
                idx = lastIdx;
                len = 0;
            else len = token2.length;

            toReturn.at(-1).push([idx, idx + len, token]);

            lastIdx = idx + len;


    return toReturn;

function get_aggregate_words(toReturn, aggregation_strategy = 'none', texts = ''){

    // start end tokens
    this.tokenizer.get_offsets_mapping(toReturn.map(x=>x.map(x=>x.word)), texts, 'tokenize').forEach((offsets, i) => {
        offsets.forEach((offset, j) => {
            toReturn[i][j].start = offset[0]
            toReturn[i][j].end = offset[1]

    // aggregation_strategy
    if (!['none', 'simple', 'first', 'max', 'average'].includes(aggregation_strategy)) {
        console.warn('Unknown aggregation_strategy.');
        aggregation_strategy = 'none';

    let toReturn2 = [], prefix;

    prefix = this.tokenizer.model.config.continuing_subword_prefix

    if (aggregation_strategy != 'none') {
        toReturn2 = Array.from(toReturn);
        toReturn.length = 0;

    // Tagging schemes in NER
    // I => “inside”, O => “outside”, B => “beginning”, E => “end”, S => “single token entity”.
    // Convert to BIO
    toReturn2.forEach(tokens => {
        let tags = '';
        tokens.forEach((token, i) => {
            tags += token.entity[0];
        if (tags.includes('E')) {
            tags = tags.replaceAll(/I(I*)E/g, 'B$1I').replaceAll(/E/g, 'B');
        if (tags.includes('S')) {
            tags = tags.replaceAll(/S/g, 'B');
        tokens.forEach((token, i) => {
            tokens[i].entity = tags[i] + tokens[i].entity.substring(1);

    // Aggregate
    toReturn2.forEach(tokens => {
        let agg_token = {};
        tokens.forEach((token, i) => {
            if (!agg_token.entity) {
                agg_token = {
                    entity: [token.entity],
                    score: [token.score],
                    index: [token.index],
                    word: token.word,
                    start: [token.start],
                    end: [token.end],
            } else {
                agg_token.word += (token.word.includes(prefix) ? '' : ' ') + token.word.replaceAll(prefix, '');

            if (
                i == tokens.length - 1 ||
                (tokens[i + 1].index - token.index > 1) ||
                (tokens[i + 1].entity[0] != 'I' && tokens[i + 1].entity[0] != token.entity[0]) ||
                (aggregation_strategy == 'simple' && tokens[i + 1].entity[0] == 'B')
            ) {
                if (aggregation_strategy == 'simple' || aggregation_strategy == 'first') {
                    agg_token.entity = agg_token.entity[0].substring(2);
                    agg_token.score = agg_token.score[0];
                } else {
                    const _max = Math.max(...agg_token.score);
                    agg_token.entity = agg_token.entity[agg_token.score.indexOf(_max)].substring(2);
                    if (aggregation_strategy == 'max') {
                        agg_token.score = _max;
                    } else if (aggregation_strategy == 'average') {
                        agg_token.score = (arr => arr.reduce((a, b, c, d) => (a + b / d.length), 0))(agg_token.score);
                delete agg_token.index;
                agg_token.start = agg_token.start.at(0)
                agg_token.end = agg_token.end.at(-1)
                agg_token = {};

    return toReturn

function get_qa_offsets(toReturn, context){
    let tmp, input_ids
    input_ids = []
    toReturn.forEach((val, key)=>{
        tmp = this.tokenizer(val.answer, {add_special_tokens: false})

    this.tokenizer.get_offsets_mapping(input_ids, context, 'closest').forEach((offsets, i) => {
        toReturn[i].start = offsets.at(0)[0];
        toReturn[i].end = offsets.at(-1)[1];

    return toReturn

/** --- CUSTOM PIPELINES --- */

function register_custom_pipelines(module){

    class CustomImageFeatureExtractionPipeline extends ImageFeatureExtractionPipeline {
        constructor(options) {
            this.textModel = undefined

         * Get text embeddings
         * @param {string|string[]} texts 
         * @returns 
        async get_text_embeddings(texts) {
            if (!this.textModel) {
                let modelClassName = getClassNameFromClass(this.model)
                if (!['CLIPVisionModelWithProjection'].includes(modelClassName)) {
                    throw new Error('modelText not supported for this model.');
                this.textModel = await (getModelClassFromName(modelClassName.replace('Vision', 'Text'))).from_pretrained(this.model.config._name_or_path);
                this.tokenizer = await AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(this.model.config._name_or_path);

            const text_inputs = this.tokenizer(texts, {
                padding: 'max_length',
                truncation: true
            const {
            } = await this.textModel(text_inputs);

            return text_embeds;

         * Get similarities between image and text embeddings
         * @param {*} object_embeds 
         * @param {*} text_embeds 
         * @returns array of [percentage, index]
        get_similarities(object_embeds, text_embeds) {
            if (object_embeds.normalize) object_embeds = object_embeds.normalize().tolist();
            if (text_embeds.normalize) text_embeds = text_embeds.normalize().tolist();

            if (object_embeds.length > text_embeds.length) {
                [object_embeds, text_embeds] = [text_embeds, object_embeds];

            let similarities = text_embeds.map(
                x => object_embeds.map(y => 100 * dot(x, y))
            similarities = softmax(similarities).map((a, b) => [a, b]).sort((a, b) => b[0] - a[0]);

            return similarities;

    class CustomAudioFeatureExtractionPipeline extends CustomImageFeatureExtractionPipeline {
        // get audio feature from audio
        async _call(url){
            let inputs = await read_audio(url).then(inputs=>this.processor(inputs))
            let {audio_embeds} = await this.model(inputs)

            return audio_embeds

        // get audio feature from text
        async get_text_embeddings(texts){
            if (!this.textModel) {
                let modelClassName = getClassNameFromClass(this.model)
                if (!['ClapAudioModelWithProjection'].includes(modelClassName)) {
                    throw new Error('modelText not supported for this model.');
                this.textModel = await (getModelClassFromName(modelClassName.replace('Audio', 'Text'))).from_pretrained(this.model.config._name_or_path);
                this.tokenizer = await AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(this.model.config._name_or_path);

            let text_inputs = this.tokenizer(texts, { padding: true, truncation: true })
            let {text_embeds} = await this.textModel(text_inputs)

            return text_embeds

    class CustomMaskGenerationPipeline extends Pipeline {
        async _call(inputs, coords){
          if(typeof coords != 'undefined' && coords.constructor.name == 'Array'){
            if(coords[0].constructor.name == 'Number'){
              coords = [coords]
          else {
            throw Error('TypeError coords')
          let outputs
          // from image url
          if(typeof inputs == 'string'){
            if(coords[0][0].constructor.name == 'Number') coords = [coords]
            // [[[x, y], [x, y]]]
            inputs = await RawImage.read(inputs);
              let tmp = await this.processor(inputs, coords)
              if(!tmp.input_points) throw new Error('no input_points')
                inputs = tmp
              inputs = await this.processor(inputs, {input_points: coords})
            // inputs_points pixel_values original_sizes reshaped_input_sizes
            outputs = await this.model(inputs);
          // from image embeddings
          else {
            let data = []
            // this.processor.reshape_input_points(input_points, original_sizes, reshaped_input_sizes)
            // this.processor.feature_extractor.add_input_labels(input_labels, input_points)
            for(let i=0; i<coords.length; i++){
              data.push({point: [
                coords[i][0] / inputs.original_sizes[0][1], 
                coords[i][1] / inputs.original_sizes[0][0]
              ], label: 1})
            const reshaped = inputs.reshaped_input_sizes[0]
            const points = data.map(x => [x.point[0] * reshaped[1], x.point[1] * reshaped[0]])
            const labels = data.map(x => BigInt(x.label));
            const input_points = new Tensor(
              [1, 1, points.length, 2],
            const input_labels = new Tensor(
                [1, 1, labels.length],
            outputs = await this.model({
          const masks = await this.processor.post_process_masks(outputs.pred_masks, inputs.original_sizes, inputs.reshaped_input_sizes);
          masks[0].original_sizes = inputs.original_sizes
          masks[0].iou_scores = outputs.iou_scores
          // masks[0].image = RawImage.fromTensor(masks[0][0].mul(255));
          masks[0].image = RawImage.fromTensor(masks[0][0]);
          // image.save('mask.png');
          return masks
        async get_image_embeddings(url){
          let inputs = await RawImage.read(url).then(inputs=>this.processor(inputs));
          let image_embeddings = await this.model.get_image_embeddings(inputs)
          image_embeddings.original_sizes = inputs.original_sizes
          image_embeddings.reshaped_input_sizes = inputs.reshaped_input_sizes
          return image_embeddings
        static to_canvas(masks, canvasId){
          let maskCanvas
          if(typeof canvasId == 'undefined'){
            maskCanvas = document.createElement("canvas")
          } else {
            maskCanvas = document.getElementById(canvasId)
          masks = masks[0]
          maskCanvas.width = masks.original_sizes[0][1];
          maskCanvas.height = masks.original_sizes[0][0];
          const context = maskCanvas.getContext('2d');
          const imageData = context.createImageData(maskCanvas.width, maskCanvas.height);
          // Select best mask
          let scores = masks.iou_scores.data
          const numMasks = scores.length; // 3
          let bestIndex = 0;
          for (let i = 1; i < numMasks; ++i) {
              if (scores[i] > scores[bestIndex]) {
                  bestIndex = i;
          // Fill mask with colour
          const pixelData = imageData.data;
          for (let i = 0; i < pixelData.length; ++i) {
              if (masks.image.data[numMasks * i + bestIndex] === 1) {
                  const offset = 4 * i;
                  pixelData[offset] = 0;       // red
                  pixelData[offset + 1] = 114; // green
                  pixelData[offset + 2] = 189; // blue
                  pixelData[offset + 3] = 255; // alpha
          // Draw image data to context
          context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
          if(typeof canvasId == 'undefined'){

      class CustomImageSegmentationPipeline extends ImageSegmentationPipeline {
        async _call(url){

            if(getClassNameFromClass(this.model) != 'PreTrainedModel'){
                return await super._call(...arguments)

            this.processor =  await AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(this.modelName)
            // config: { model_type: 'custom' },
            this.model = await AutoModel.from_pretrained(this.modelName)
            config: {
                do_normalize: true,
                do_pad: false,
                do_rescale: true,
                do_resize: true,
                image_mean: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5],
                feature_extractor_type: "ImageFeatureExtractor",
                image_std: [1, 1, 1],
                resample: 2,
                rescale_factor: 0.00392156862745098,
                size: { width: 1024, height: 1024 },
          let image = await RawImage.read(url)
          let inputs = await this.processor(image)
          let outputs = await this.model({ input: inputs.pixel_values })
          let mask = await RawImage.fromTensor(outputs.output[0].mul(255).to('uint8')).resize(image.width, image.height);
          return [{label: 'foreground', mask}]

      class CustomObjectDetectionPipeline extends ObjectDetectionPipeline {
        async _call(url){
            if(getClassNameFromClass(this.model) != 'PreTrainedModel'){
                return await super._call(...arguments)

            this.processor =  await AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(this.modelName)
            // processor.feature_extractor.size = { shortest_edge: 128 }    // (Optional) Update resize value
            this.model = await AutoModel.from_pretrained(this.modelName)
          const context = canvas.getContext('2d', { willReadFrequently: true });
          context.drawImage(video, 0, 0, width, height);
          const pixelData = context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height).data;
          const image = new RawImage(pixelData, width, height, 4);
          let image = await RawImage.read(url);
          let inputs = await this.processor(image)
          const threshold = 0.3;
          const { outputs } = await this.model(inputs);
          const predictions = outputs.tolist();
          const sizes = inputs.reshaped_input_sizes[0].reverse();
          const res = []
          for (const [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, score, id] of predictions) {
              if (score < threshold) break;
              const bbox = [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax].map(x => x.toFixed(2)).join(', ')
              // console.log(`Found "${this.model.config.id2label[id]}" at [${bbox}] with score ${score.toFixed(2)}.`)
              res.push({score, label: this.model.config.id2label[id], box: {xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax}})
          return res

      class CustomZeroShotImageSegmentationPipeline extends Pipeline {
        async _call(url, txt){    
          // Run tokenization
          const texts = txt;
          const text_inputs = this.tokenizer(texts, { padding: true, truncation: true });
          // Read image and run processor
          const image = await RawImage.read(url);
          const image_inputs = await this.processor(image);
          // Run model with both text and pixel inputs
          const { logits } = await this.model({ ...text_inputs, ...image_inputs });
          // logits: Tensor {
          //   dims: [4, 352, 352],
          //   type: 'float32',
          //   data: Float32Array(495616)[ ... ],
          //   size: 495616
          // }
          // Visualize images
          const preds = logits
          preds.imgs = []
          for (let i = 0; i < preds.dims[0]; ++i) {
          preds.labels = texts
          return preds

   * Performs ranking with the CrossEncoder on the given query and documents. Returns a sorted list with the document indices and scores.
   * @param {string} query A single query
   * @param {string[]} documents A list of documents
   * @param {Object} options Options for ranking
   * @param {number} [options.top_k=undefined] Return the top-k documents. If undefined, all documents are returned.
   * @param {number} [options.return_documents=false] If true, also returns the documents. If false, only returns the indices and scores.

  class CustomTextClassificationPipeline extends TextClassificationPipeline {

    async _call(){

        return super._call(...arguments)

      let {model, tokenizer} = this

      async function rank(query, documents, {
          top_k = undefined,
          return_documents = false,
      } = {}) {
          const inputs = tokenizer(
              new Array(documents.length).fill(query),
                  text_pair: documents,
                  padding: true,
                  truncation: true,
          const { logits } = await model(inputs);
          return logits
              .map(([score], i) => ({
                  corpus_id: i,
                  ...(return_documents ? { text: documents[i] } : {})
              .sort((a, b) => b.score - a.score)
              .slice(0, top_k);

      return rank(...arguments)



      register_pipeline('image-feature-extraction', {
        pipeline: CustomImageFeatureExtractionPipeline,
        model: 'AutoModelForImageFeatureExtraction',
        processor: 'AutoProcessor',
        default_model: 'Xenova/vit-base-patch16-224-in21k'

      register_pipeline('audio-feature-extraction', {
        pipeline: CustomAudioFeatureExtractionPipeline,
        model: 'ClapAudioModelWithProjection',
        processor: 'AutoProcessor',
        default_model: 'Xenova/larger_clap_music_and_speech'

      register_pipeline('mask-generation', {
        pipeline: CustomMaskGenerationPipeline,
        model: 'SamModel',
        processor: 'AutoProcessor',
        default_model: 'Xenova/1_slimsam-77-uniform'

      register_pipeline('image-segmentation', {
        pipeline: CustomImageSegmentationPipeline,
        model: ['AutoModelForImageSegmentation', 'AutoModelForSemanticSegmentation', 'AutoModel'],
        processor: 'AutoProcessor',
        default_model: 'briaai/RMBG-1.4'

      register_pipeline('object-detection', {
        pipeline: CustomObjectDetectionPipeline,
        model: ['AutoModelForObjectDetection', 'AutoModel'],
        processor: 'AutoProcessor',
        default_model: 'Xenova/1_gelan-c_all'

      register_pipeline('zero-shot-image-segmentation', {
        pipeline: CustomZeroShotImageSegmentationPipeline,
        model: 'CLIPSegForImageSegmentation',
        processor: 'AutoProcessor',
        tokenizer: 'AutoTokenizer',
        default_model: 'Xenova/1_clipseg-rd64-refined'

      register_pipeline('text-classification', {
        pipeline: CustomTextClassificationPipeline,
        model: 'AutoModelForSequenceClassification',
        tokenizer: 'AutoTokenizer',
        default_model: 'mixedbread-ai/mxbai-rerank-xsmall-v1'

    module.CustomImageFeatureExtractionPipeline = CustomImageFeatureExtractionPipeline
    module.CustomAudioFeatureExtractionPipeline = CustomAudioFeatureExtractionPipeline
    module.CustomMaskGenerationPipeline = CustomMaskGenerationPipeline
    module.CustomImageSegmentationPipeline = CustomImageSegmentationPipeline
    module.CustomObjectDetectionPipeline = CustomObjectDetectionPipeline
    module.CustomZeroShotImageSegmentationPipeline = CustomZeroShotImageSegmentationPipeline
    module.CustomTextClassificationPipeline = CustomTextClassificationPipeline

/** --- UNIT TEST --- */

async function runTests(local = true){
    let pipe, res, ctx

    if(local) setLocalEnv()
    console.log('%c ** test wav generation', 'background: blue; color: white');
    pipe = await module.pipeline("text-to-speech", "Xenova/mms-tts-eng", {dispose_pipe: pipe})
    res = await pipe('your dog is really cute')
    res = new module.RawAudio(res.audio, res.sampling_rate)
    // await res.save('test.wav')
    console.log('%c ** test wav interleave', 'background: blue; color: white');
    res = new module.RawAudio([new Float32Array([1, 2, 3]), new Float32Array([1, 2, 3])], 16000)
    console.log('%c ** test getModelClassFromName', 'background: blue; color: white');
    res = module.getModelClassFromName('AutoModel')
    console.log('%c ** test register_pipeline', 'background: blue; color: white');
    class AudioFeatureExtractionPipeline extends module.Pipeline {
      async _call(input, kwargs = {}) {
        input = await module.read_audio(input).then(input=>this.processor(input))
        let { audio_embeds } = await this.model(input)
        return audio_embeds
    module.register_pipeline('testing', {
      pipeline: AudioFeatureExtractionPipeline,
      model: 'ClapAudioModelWithProjection',
      processor: 'AutoProcessor',
      default_model: 'Xenova/larger_clap_music_and_speech'
    pipe = await module.pipeline('testing', '', {dispose_pipe: pipe})
    res = await pipe('https://huggingface.co/datasets/Xenova/transformers.js-docs/resolve/main/jfk.wav')
    console.log('%c ** test no warn log', 'background: blue; color: white');
    if(module.env.version[0] == 3){
      module.env.backends.onnx.logLevel = 'warning'
      pipe = await module.pipeline("text-generation", "Xenova/distilgpt2", {model_file_name: "decoder_model_merged", dispose_pipe: pipe})
      module.env.backends.onnx.logLevel = 'error'
      pipe = await module.pipeline("text-generation", "Xenova/distilgpt2", {model_file_name: "decoder_model_merged", dispose_pipe: pipe})
    console.log('%c ** test token classification aggregation_strategy / start end char', 'background: blue; color: white');
    pipe = await module.pipeline("token-classification", "tarekziade/distilbert-NER", {dispose_pipe: pipe})
    ctx = 'Hugging Face is a technology company that was founded in 2016 by Clément Delangue, Julien Chaumond, and Thomas Wolf.'
    res = await pipe(ctx)
    res = await pipe(ctx, {aggregation_strategy: 'simple'})
    res = await pipe(ctx, {aggregation_strategy: 'average'})
    console.log(ctx.substring(res[1].start, res[1].end))
    console.log('%c ** test question answering start end char / tokenizer get_offsets_mapping', 'background: blue; color: white');
    pipe = await module.pipeline("question-answering", "Xenova/distilbert-base-uncased-distilled-squad", {dispose_pipe: pipe})
    res = await pipe('how old am I?', 'My name is Thomas. I am 30 years old.')
    ctx = 'hello world, hello world, hello world user, user'
    res = pipe.tokenizer(ctx, {return_offsets_mapping: true})
    res = pipe.tokenizer.get_offsets_mapping('hello world user', ctx)
    res = pipe.tokenizer.get_offsets_mapping('hello world user', ctx, 'closest')
    console.log(ctx.substring(res[0].at(0)[0], res[0].at(-1)[1]))
    console.log('%c ** test register_pipeline updating task', 'background: blue; color: white');
    module.register_pipeline('testing', {
      pipeline: module.ImageFeatureExtractionPipeline,
      model: 'AutoModelForImageFeatureExtraction',
      processor: 'AutoProcessor',
      default_model: 'Xenova/1_mobileclip_s0'
    pipe = await module.pipeline('testing', '', {dispose_pipe: pipe})
    console.log(typeof pipe.get_text_embeddings)
    module.register_pipeline('testing', {
      pipeline: module.CustomImageFeatureExtractionPipeline,
    pipe = await module.pipeline('testing', '', {dispose_pipe: pipe})
    console.log(typeof pipe.get_text_embeddings)

    console.log('%c ** test custom image feature extraction', 'background: blue; color: white');
    pipe = await pipeline('image-feature-extraction', 'Xenova/1_mobileclip_s0', {quantized: false, dispose_pipe: pipe}) 
    res = await pipe('https://huggingface.co/datasets/Xenova/transformers.js-docs/resolve/main/cats.jpg')
    ctx = await pipe.get_text_embeddings(['cats', 'dogs', 'birds'])
    console.log(pipe.get_similarities(res, ctx))

    console.log('%c ** test custom audio feature extraction', 'background: blue; color: white');
    pipe = await pipeline('audio-feature-extraction', '', {dispose_pipe: pipe})
    res = await pipe('https://huggingface.co/datasets/Xenova/transformers.js-docs/resolve/main/jfk.wav')
    ctx = await pipe.get_text_embeddings(['cats', 'dogs', 'birds', 'man', 'woman'])
    console.log(pipe.get_similarities(res, ctx))

    console.log('%c ** test custom mask generation', 'background: blue; color: white');
    pipe = await pipeline('mask-generation', '', {dispose_pipe: pipe})
    res = await pipe('https://huggingface.co/datasets/Xenova/transformers.js-docs/resolve/main/corgi.jpg', [[340, 250]])
    console.log('%c ** test custom image segmentation', 'background: blue; color: white');
    pipe = await pipeline('image-segmentation', '', {dispose_pipe: pipe})
    res = await pipe('https://huggingface.co/datasets/Xenova/transformers.js-docs/resolve/main/corgi.jpg')

    pipe = await pipeline('image-segmentation', 'Xenova/detr-resnet-50-panoptic', {dispose_pipe: pipe})
    res = await pipe('https://huggingface.co/datasets/Xenova/transformers.js-docs/resolve/main/cats.jpg')

    console.log('%c ** test custom object detection', 'background: blue; color: white');
    pipe = await pipeline('object-detection', '', {dispose_pipe: pipe})
    res = await pipe('https://huggingface.co/datasets/Xenova/transformers.js-docs/resolve/main/city-streets.jpg')
    pipe = await pipeline('object-detection', 'Xenova/0_detr-resnet-50', {dispose_pipe: pipe})
    res = await pipe('https://huggingface.co/datasets/Xenova/transformers.js-docs/resolve/main/city-streets.jpg')

    console.log('%c ** test custom zero-shot-image-segmentation', 'background: blue; color: white');
    pipe = await pipeline('zero-shot-image-segmentation', '', {dispose_pipe: pipe})
    res = await pipe('https://huggingface.co/datasets/Xenova/transformers.js-docs/resolve/main/cats.jpg', ['cat', 'remote', 'wood', 'a jar'])

/** --- MODULE --- */

    setApis({IS_BROWSER_ENV: true});

    module.TextToAudioPipeline.prototype.v2_call_text_to_waveform = module.TextToAudioPipeline.prototype._call_text_to_waveform
    module.TextToAudioPipeline.prototype.v2_call_text_to_spectrogram = module.TextToAudioPipeline.prototype._call_text_to_spectrogram
    module.TextToAudioPipeline.prototype._call_text_to_waveform = _call_text_to_waveform
    module.TextToAudioPipeline.prototype._call_text_to_spectrogram = _call_text_to_spectrogram

    module.saveBlob = saveBlob
    module.RawAudio = RawAudio

    module.getModelClassFromName = getModelClassFromName
    module.getClassNameFromClass = getClassNameFromClass
    module.register_pipeline = register_pipeline

    module.v3_pipeline = module.pipeline
    module.pipeline = pipeline

    module.PreTrainedTokenizer.prototype.get_offsets_mapping = get_offsets_mapping
    module.PreTrainedTokenizer.prototype.v2_call = module.PreTrainedTokenizer.prototype._call
    module.PreTrainedTokenizer.prototype._call = PreTrainedTokenizer_call
    module.TokenClassificationPipeline.prototype.v2_call = module.TokenClassificationPipeline.prototype._call
    module.TokenClassificationPipeline.prototype._call = TokenClassificationPipeline_call
    module.QuestionAnsweringPipeline.prototype.v2_call = module.QuestionAnsweringPipeline.prototype._call
    module.QuestionAnsweringPipeline.prototype._call = QuestionAnsweringPipeline_call

    // import2.register_v3_pipelines(module)

    if(typeof import2 == 'object'){
            ...v2tasks.map(key => ({
                [key]: import2[key]
            module.v2_pipeline = import2.pipeline


    module.runTests = runTests

export default module