économie gazière de l'Iran

Le gazoduc Iran-Iraq-Syrie est un projet allant du champ gazier iranien-qatari North Dome (South Pars) vers la Syrie, oú il ira ensuite approvisionner les clients européens.



Le gazoduc est nommé "le gazoduc de l'amitié" par les gouvernements impliqués et "gazoduc islamique" par certaines sources occidentales[1]) is a proposed natural gas pipeline running from the Iranian South Pars / North Dome Gas-Condensate field field towards Europe via Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon to supply European customers as well as Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.[2] Le gazoduc aura 5600 km de long et aura un diamètre de 56 pouces.[2]. Un projet précédent nommé le gazoduc perse A previous proposal, known as the Persian Pipeline, had seen a route from Iran's South Pars to Europe via Turkey; it was apparently abandoned after the Swiss energy company Elektrizitätsgesellschaft Laufenburg halted its contract with Iran in October 2010 in the face of pressure over US sanctions against Iran.[3][4]

Iraq a signé un agrément avec l'Iran en juin 2013 pour y recevoir du gaz naturel pour alimenter les centrales électriques de Baghdad et Diyala.[5]

En juillet 2011, l'Iran, l'Iraq et la Syria said they planned to sign a contract potentially worth around $6bn to construct a pipeline running from South Pars towards Europe, via these countries and Lebanon and then under the Mediterranean to a European country, with a refinery and related infrastructure in Damascus.[2][6][7][8] In November 2012 the United States dismissed reports that construction had begun on the pipeline, saying that this had been claimed repeatedly and that "it never seems to materialize."[9] A framework agreement was to be signed in early 2013, with costs now estimated at $10bn;[10] construction plans were delayed by the Syrian civil war.[11] In December 2012 the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies said that the project "remains doubtful. It is not clear how such a project will be financed given that both Iran and Syria are subject to strict financial sanctions."[12] In July 2015, Iranian Gas Engineering and Development Company (IGEDC) and Pasargad Energy Development Company signed a BOT (build-operate-transfer) contract under which the project owner will provide 25% of finance and National Development Fund of Iran the rest for the construction of IGAT-6.[13]

Ce gazoduc sera un concurrent du Nabucco entre l'Azerbaijan et l'Europe[2] ainsi que du Gazoduc Qatar-Turquie[14].

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atégorie:Énergie en Iran atégorie:Énergie en Irak atégorie:Économie de la Syrie atégorie:Mer Rouge