
Luka Murovec is a Slovenian-born and Berlin-based spatial practitioner who works across the fields of architecture, art, and research, with a focus on enhancing common and public spaces. Since 2014, he has worked as a freelance architect, primarily with the architecture collective raumlaborberlin. Previously, he worked with the art and architecture group realities: united in Berlin and Waltritsch a+u architects in Trieste. Luka is also a partner of Göteborg and has been involved in various projects with all these actors. His website With a keen eye for social and environmental challenges, Luka aims to challenge our perceptions of society and urban living. He is deeply committed to promoting equity and justice and believes that small changes can spark significant societal movements. He believes in the potential of a bottom-up approach and has a strong commitment to inclusion, respect, and collaboration. Luka frequently collaborates with various actors, including architects, builders, artists, urban planners, curators, and youth and sports organizations. His adaptive skills enable him to learn and grow from each partnership and operation.

For Documenta Fifteen, in Kassel, Germany, he designed a durable metal shell sculpture that houses high-definition outdoor speakers and a sub-woofer. The sculpture has a perforated steel front that both protects the speakers and allows for crystal-clear audio artwork to be emitted in public spaces. X is not only a sound diffusion system but also an architectural intervention. It serves as a transversal axis of Direct Media, a department of sound at Kunsthochschule Kassel, and promotes media-specific practices. Furthermore, it has been the subject of a series of publications done in partnership with the Research Network for Philosophy and Technology. The exhibition stand from the 19.09.2022 to 2027.

In 2022 - 2023 he exposes his project: ELSWHERE. King's Cross Elsewhere is a winter installation located on Granary Square in London. The installation, created by Luka Murovec in collaboration with raumlaborberlin, is a 10-meter-high temporary industrial totem that pays tribute to the places that generate power for us to use "Elsewhere." The installation offers an outdoor space where visitors can sit and spend time, encouraging them to reflect on the beauty and complexity of the world and to consider new ways of working together to bring about change. The installation features kaleidoscopic patterns that stimulate the imagination and flags animated by the wind that replicate maps of Dogger Bank, the world's largest offshore wind farm. A pulsating red sphere provides a real-time manifestation of the time spent together, while a continuous message that reads "Learning from experiments in collective management of resources" plays on a loop around the top of the structure. King's Cross Elsewhere invites visitors to contemplate the relationship between energy, resources, and collective management. Article published in ArtDaily

On the 23.04.2022 he designed the exhibition for the Georgian Pavilion at the 59th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia, titled The Milk of Dreams and curated by Cecilia Alemani, and organized by La Biennale di Venezia under the chairmanship of Roberto Cicutto. The exhibition, entitled "I Pity the Garden," was commissioned by Magda Guruli and curated by Giorgi Spanderashvili, Khatia Tchokhonelidze, and Vato Urushadze of In-between Conditions. Nuova Icona served as the local partner and Spazio Punch as the active partner, with exhibitors Mariam Natroshvili and Detu Jincharadze. The exhibition design, by Luka Murovec, is part of the general support provided by The Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Youth of Georgia. The pre-opening of the exhibition will be held on April 20, 21, and 22, and the Awards Ceremony and Inauguration will take place on April 23, 2022. The exhibition invites visitors to explore the relationship between art and nature through a thought-provoking and visually stunning display. [1]

For the Centre Pompidou in Paris, he created and build Art Objects Design: Zombie Punk Love on the 12.05.2022. It was composed of furniture workshops, Debates and Screenings. The materials were reused from previous projects.

Luka executed the exhibition design of the 10th anniversary of the festival Izis, a media art festival on the Slovenian coast in 2022. Name Pipes, it was composed of reused materials.

For the Tresor 31 (a two month exhibition and concert series), in Kraftwerk Berlin he executed the design fabrication. (08.07.2022 to 28.08.2022)

In collaboration with Raumlaborberlin, they designed an exhibition entitled "Connected Alienation" for the CTM Festival 2022, held at Kunstraum Kreuzberg Bethanien in Berlin. The exhibition design was created using simple materials such as reinforced cardboard, wooden laths, and LED lights, and constructed in a way that allows for easy dismantling and reuse of the materials. The exhibition features a series of narrow corridors that create new ways of moving through the gallery. These illuminated passageways provide visitors with an experience of solitude and visual distance while engaging with the audio artworks on display. "Connected Alienation" aims to explore the relationship between technology, society, and the individual, highlighting the ways in which technology both connects and alienates us. The exhibition opened on January 28, 2022, and was part of the CTM Festival, organized by Disk Agency and Club Transmediale. Raumlaborberlin's design for "Connected Alienation" offers visitors a thought-provoking and visually stunning experience while encouraging them to reflect on the impact of technology on contemporary society.

Luka Murovec created a public installation art piece in Ljubljana, Slovenia titled "Svetlobna Gverila/Lighting Guerilla" in 2021. The sculpture is an inflatable light sculpture that illuminates a green courtyard in the center of the city with a calm breathing light. The sculpture represents an independent human, without any authority other than her own, in her most basic essence. It is larger and taller than a human body, symbolizing that humans are more than just their physical matter. The sculpture glows softly and slowly breathes, changing and offering light to a dark and secret public place. During the day, it patiently waits for its time to once again flourish into full life. The exterior of the sculpture is soft and gentle, while the interior is massive and raw, symbolizing daily human interaction with the world. The sculpture is marked with a 6-pointed symbol as a reminder of humble gratitude to the current reality.

Pohorski Biseri (English: Pohorje Pearls) is a public installation art project, research, and video exhibition by Luka Murovec, which opened on December 23, 2020, in Maribor, Slovenia at the Epeka K8 Gallery. The exhibition aims to explore the cultural heritage of the Pohorje Massif Old-growth forest, including its peculiar beliefs, rituals, and mythologies. The installation comprises a video work, backlit photography panels, corresponding spatial design, and an exhibition catalogue. Through this exhibition, Murovec aims to shed light on the mysticism of the Alpine forest people and their deep connection to the forest. Multiples articles have been published on the subject. Local Media Tam Tam article https://kultura.maribor.si/dogodek/ulicna-galerija-zidovska-luka-murovec-2022-12-03-12-00-00/

Together withRaumalbor, they worked on a project in Gothenburg, Seweden: The Blue Park. The Blue Park is a public sauna and floating baths project located in Frihamnen Harbour, Gothenburg, Sweden, and coordinated by raumlaborberlin since 2019. As a continuation of raumlabor's public sauna and pool project from 2014/2015, the project involves refurbishing the sauna for long-term public use and building new amenity buildings that are integrated into the waterside of the former harbor. The project also includes constructing wooden paths and decks that lead into newly planted wetlands, and a new floating bathing platform designed as a collage of the existing pool and several new platforms and bathing facilities. Article from the city of Gothenburg Article

Luka creates playful installations that stimulate both our bodies and our critical minds, aiming to integrate art into our daily lives. His interactive structures awaken our senses through sound, visuals, materials, and textures. Additionally, Luka has a strong connection to both his home country's and host country's culture, history, and people. Among other projects, he operates artistic inclusion programs through his non-governmental organization, Epeka. Luka's creative practice includes art installation, exhibition space design, management of architectural projects intended for public use, and teaching design and collaborative building practices.

New Praxes, New Tools lectures Other Spaces Green dreams discussion series