
Cyril Dion

Naissance (45 ans)
Nationalité Français
Profession Réalisateur, écrivain
Films notables Demain

Cyril Dion born July 23rd 1978 in Poissy (France), is a writer, film director, poet, and French activist


A​fter studying at the École d'art dramatique Jean-Périmony ​(drama school) and a very brief career as an actor, Cyril Dion ​coordinated projects for the ​'​Fondation Hommes de Parole​'​. ​He organized an israelo-palestinian congress at Caux in 2003, 2005 ​and​ 2006, ​and the first and second world Congress of Imams and Rabbis ​for peace in Brussels and Sevilla

​In 2007, ​he founded with Pierre Rabhi ​and a few friends, the Hummingbird Movement (mouvement Colibris​) . ​He was director until July 2013 an is now the spokesperson and member of the steering comity.

​I​n 2010, ​he was advisor and co-producer with Colibris​ of Thing global act Local by Coline Serreau.

​I​n 2012​, he co-founded Kaizen ​magazine, and was Editor in Chief from March 2012 to April 20145​. ​ ​He is also Editor in Chief of the Domaine du Possible (The field of possibilities) collection at Actes Sud, ​with Jean-Paul Capitani.

​Since he was 17, he writes poetry and in 2014 published a collection of poems (Sitting on the edge) Assis sur le fil​, Table Ronde​ Editions​

He wrote and co-produced with Mélanie Laurent le film documentaire Tomorrow the documentary, released in movie theaters in France on December 2nd 2015​; as well as two books with the Actes Sud Editor.

Tomorrow won the Cesar award for Best Documentary (Oscar equivalent in France)​​in 2016 ​and over one million people went to see it in movie theatres in France. It is now released in over 30 countries.

In september 2016, he will be President of the jury of the documentary movie in Festival Biarritz Amérique latine. In october, he will be Godfather of festival Atmosphère with the french singer Camille and the  FIFF Campus à Namur.

Filmograph​y​ ​and​ bibliograph​y


Tomorrow, co-​directed with Mélanie Laurent, produ​ce​ ​by​ Move Movie, ​released December 2nd 2015


  • Demain, un nouveau monde en marche, Éditions Actes Sud, collection « Domaine du possible », 2015 (ISBN 978-2-330-05585-1)
  • The junior book "Demain, les aventures de Léo, Lou et Pablo à la recherche d'un monde meilleur" (with Mélanie Laurent), éd. Actes Sud Junior / L'amandier, 2015

