
Lilian Negura


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Naissance May 16 1971
Chisinau, Moldova
Nationalité Canada
Études PhD sociology Laval University
Titres professor
Employeur University of Ottawa
Membre de AISLF, So.Re.Com, AIFRIS
Auteurs associés
Influencé par Serge Moscovici

Lilian Negura is a social psychologist and sociologist, born in Moldova and based in Canada. He is distinguished for his research on power dynamics and the construction of social problems within the framework of social representations. Negura serves as a professor at the School of Social Work at the University of Ottawa, having earned a Ph.D. in Sociology from Laval University.


Lilian Negura was born into an intellectual family in Moldova to parents Ion and Margareta Negura. His father, Ion, was a psychology professor and a deputy in the Moldovan Parliament, and was among those who voted for the country's independence from the USSR in 1991. His mother, Margareta, was a dedicated elementary school teacher, who played a significant role in his early educational influences.

In his youth, Negura actively participated in the Moldovan liberation movements of 1989, which profoundly shaped his perspectives on social issues. He pursued his higher education in social psychology at the University of Iasi in Romania, studying under the mentorship of Professor Adrian Neculau. Negura continued his academic journey in Canada, earning a doctoral degree in sociology from Laval University in Quebec.

In 2005, Negura secured a professorship at the University of Ottawa in the School of Social Work, marking the beginning of a career in academia. His life and academic career have focused on the study and transformation of social representations in a changing society.

Professional and academic roles

Aside from his position at the University of Ottawa, Negura has held a variety of professional and academic roles. In 2021, he was a visiting professor at the Facultà de Medicina of the Università Sapienza di Roma in Italy[1]. From 2023 to 2026, he sat on the CNFS – Volet Université d'Ottawa Research Steering Committee, and in 2021-2022, he was an expert for the Evaluation Committee for the Québec – Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles bilateral collaborative research program[2]. Negura offered his expertise to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as a human rights consultant in the Moldovan government in 2012. Furthermore, he contributed to the nomination of a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair (CRC) in 2021-2022 and represented the University of Ottawa in the international PhD program on social representations, funded by the European Commission's Framework Programme 7 for Research (People section).

Research and contributions

Negura's work primarily explores the influence of social representations on social workers' professional distress, social and health problems, including depression and addiction, and immigration[3]. He has played an active role in numerous research projects funded by prominent grant agencies such as CIHR and SSHRC. One of his articles, published in Sociologies, the journal of the International Association of French-speaking Sociologists, was the most cited article in 2018 according to Google Scholar[4]. Another was recognized by the prestigious publishing company Wiley as the top cited article for 2021-2022 in the Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour[5].

From 2014 to 2017, Negura directed the Research Group on Social Science and Health Interventions (SSHIRG), an interdisciplinary consortium that unites social science and health researchers specializing in health-related social intervention. He has been a proactive member of So.Re.Com[6], an international thematic network, since 2010. Additionally, Negura served as the associate director of the Cahiers internationaux de psychologie sociale at the University of Liège, Belgium[7], from January 2016 to January 2018. His career continues to expand the understanding of social problems and interventions, leaving a lasting impact in the field of social work, sociology and social psychology.

Media activity in Moldova.

Lilian Negura is also an influential figure in mass media, particularly in his home country of Moldova, with a presence as well as in Canada[8] [9]and Russia. He gained recognition in Russia for publishing a widely-read essay on identity[10]. His most noteworthy contributions, however, center on his involvement in Moldova's societal debates[11], where he consistently advocates for democratic transformations in Moldovan society and for the country's integration into the European Union[12].

Negura frequently voices his views on various pertinent issues, emphasizing the importance of democracy and addressing challenging subjects such as the issue of the Russian imperial minority[13], conflicts relating to identity, and linguistic issues[14], among others[15]. His outspoken stance on these matters has made him a prominent commentator on Moldovan society and its path towards further democratic development and European integration. His work continues to inspire and provoke thought within and beyond Moldova's borders, adding a crucial voice to the ongoing discourse surrounding these issues.


·       https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=k21qR28AAAAJ

·       https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lilian-Negura

·       https://lnegura.academia.edu

·       Lilian Negura. (2016) L'intervention en sciences humaines : l'importance des représentations. Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval

·       Negura, L. (2007). Le travail après le communisme. L’émergence d’une nouvelle représentation sociale dans l’espace postsoviétique. Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval

·       Negura, L. (2006). L’analyse de contenu dans l’étude des représentations sociales. SociologieS.

External links

·       https://uniweb.uottawa.ca/members/919

·       https://www.uottawa.ca/faculte-sciences-sociales/travail-social

·       https://crievat.fse.ulaval.ca/membres/membres-statut-regulier/lilian-negura/

·       https://phd.uniroma1.it/web/Lilian-Negura_nC3845_EN.aspx

  2. (en) Proximify, « Members », sur uniweb.uottawa.ca (consulté le )
  3. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lilian-Negura
  4. Lilian Negura, « L’analyse de contenu dans l’étude des représentations sociales », SociologieS,‎ (ISSN 1992-2655, DOI 10.4000/sociologies.993, lire en ligne, consulté le )
  5. (en) Lilian Negura et Nathalie Plante, « The construction of social reality as a process of representational naturalization. The case of the social representation of drugs », Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, vol. 51, no 1,‎ , p. 124–144 (ISSN 0021-8308 et 1468-5914, DOI 10.1111/jtsb.12264, lire en ligne, consulté le )
  6. « SoReCom Joint-IDP | European / International Joint Ph.D. in Social Representation and Communication », sur www.europhd.net (consulté le )
  7. « Les Cahiers Internationaux de Psychologie Sociale N° 129-130 », sur Presses Universitaires de Liège (consulté le )
  8. « Comprendre le monde grâce aux théories du complot », sur La Presse+, (consulté le )
  9. « Légalisation du cannabis : l'impact pour les prochaines générations », sur ici.radio-canada.ca (consulté le )
  10. « Лилиан Негурэ: Как избежать войны идентичностей в Молдавии? - ИА REGNUM », sur regnum.ru (consulté le )
  11. (ro) « Lilian Negura », sur Moldova.org, (consulté le )
  12. (ro) Valentina Ursu, « Nevoia unei maturizări a culturii politice și a electoratului », Radio Europa Liberă,‎ (lire en ligne, consulté le )
  13. (ro) « Cum să evităm războiul identitar în Republica Moldova — ACUM.TV » (consulté le )
  14. (ru) Лилиан Негура, « Как избежать войны идентичностей », sur AVA.MD,‎ (consulté le )
  15. (ro) Lilian Negura, « EDITORIAL/ De ce atâția moldoveni sunt favorabili lumii ruse? », sur Ziarul de Gardă, (consulté le )