
Ronot Society


Ronot society is a French enterprise of [./Https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundry foundry] founded in 1905 by Ernest RONOT when he was 26 years old [1]. It was first named Société de Chaudronnerie et de Construction Mécaniques de Saint-Dizier (Boilermaking and Metallic Manufacturing Society) and became legally Société Ernest Ronot in 1918[2][3]. The society finally takes the legal name of Ronot from 1938 until 2014[4]. It developed in the field of foundry and more particularly in industrial and agricultural boiler-making and expanded its scope of activity along the years. The society is placed into a judicial review in 2008 but it is not enough to save it definitely because it finally closes in a judicial liquidation in 2014[1]. The factory of Ronot Society stopped in 2014, leaving 41 workers in a situation of unemployment[5].

Ernest Ronot is a French entrepreneur, born in 1879 in Chaumont and dead in 1943. During the Exode of Second World War, Ernest Ronot flees from the German invasion of the region and settle in his Villa in Nice in 1939. The factory is requisitioned by the Germans and Ernest Ronot refuses to return to Saint-Dizier as he does not want to collaborate. Thus, he manages his company from Nice, with the help of his cousin Paul Ronot[1].

History and Developments (1905-2014)


The enlargements and developments of Ronot Society


Ernest Ronot opened a foundry factory in 1905 that was entitled Société de chaudronnerie et de constructions mécaniques de Saint-Dizier which he turned into the Society Ernest Ronot in 1918 and finally into Ronot in 1938[1][4]. From 1910 to 1923, he builds a modern factory that he expands to reach 20 000 m2[4].  In 1926, Ernest Ronot orders the construction of a workers’ housing estate that is served by a railway line[3][2][4].

The company started declining in the 1960s, along with the other French industrial enterprises of that time[1][6]. In December 1984, Ronot goes through a court settlement which demonstrate the troubles that the company is facing[7]. In 1986, Ronot is bought by the company Bieber which is another boilermaking industry established in Alsace[1]. Bieber Industry becomes the principal shareholder of Ronot and continues its diversification of activities.  Mid-2006, Ronot acquires the society Samas de Vesoul settled in Haute-Saone and specializing in the commercialization of farm dumpsters, trailers and flatbeds. In 2007, Ronot makes the acquisition of another company manufacturing farm dumpsters in the French department of the Ardennes, Brimont society[8]. Although this society is finally bought by the society Arden Verins in 2009[1], its acquisition marks the Europeanization of Ronot with the creation of its Polish branch[9].  

The size of the company


Chief Executive Officers and Directors


Catalogs and products


Communication and advertisement


The end of a long journey

  1. a b c d e f et g Dominique Perchet, Marie-Louise Varin, Elisabeth Robert-Dehault et Sylvain Roze, « Ronot (Ernest) - Saint-Dizier : no 11 hors-série de la revue Fontes », Fontes,‎ (lire en ligne, consulté le )
  2. a et b « Usine de chaudronnerie dite société de Chaudronnerie et de Constructions Mécaniques de Saint-Dizier, puis S.A. Ernest Ronot », sur www.pop.culture.gouv.fr (consulté le )
  3. a et b Gilles Alvès, Isabelle Harvard et Bruno Decrock, « Recherche - Inventaire Général du Patrimoine Culturel », sur inventaire-chalons.grandest.fr (consulté le )
  4. a b c et d « À boire ! Heureux les assoifés car ils seront abreuvés. Retour sur le colloque de Saint-Dizier. », Fontes, Wassy, ASPM Mairie de Wassy, no 95,‎
  5. Nicolas Frisé, « Aucun repreneur pour Ronot à Saint-Dizier. », Le Journal de la HAUTE-MARNE,‎ 2014, 22 février, p. 2
  6. Claude Sicard, « La France plombée par le déclin de son industrie », sur Revue Politique et Parlementaire, (consulté le )
  7. Françoise Bruneau, Liste par secteur des principales concentrations réalisées dans l'industrie française : 2e semestre 1984, INSEE, (ISBN 2-11-064762-0 et 978-2-11-064762-7, OCLC 465473477, lire en ligne), p. 41
  8. Dominique Charton, « Ronot se forge un destin européen », sur Les Echos, (consulté le )
  9. Dominique Charton, « Matériel agricole : quatre entreprises s'allient en Pologne », sur Les Echos, (consulté le )