Bienvenue sur Wikipédia, Wolverène !

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Gratus 25 avril 2014 à 18:17 (CEST)Répondre

Dear Wolverène,

I found you elsewhere than on lb.wikipedia, because Les Meloures keeps blocking me there (right now on not less than 4 or 5 different IPs!). I left a message to you on the discussion corner of the page Cohabitatioun on lb.wikipedia. A certain gentleman called nillespierre intervened (instead of Les Meloures) and, far from adressing the real problem I was mentioning, tried to discredit me by pretending that I made a certain big mistake (well, can be, but: 1° I can't remember, 2° nobody's perfect, 3° he didn't precise what the mistake was about or where I had made it, and 4° I produced a lot of good pages and noone complained).

Anyway, the problem is still there: some people on lb.wikipedia consider that the free encyclopedia is THEIR baby, exclusively, and that you are wrong as soon as you intervene to correct or precise something, or to get it done in a more logical way. See the history of: Vogt, Zäitgeschicht, Cohabitatioun, Bretagne, etc. Whatever I did, it was bad and quickly removed, or my access was blocked! That's not the way a free encyclopedia can grow and be useful to less informed users. I'm not against fair correctors, but I can't admit that some persons always know better or alone and arbitrarily decide to block you whenever they decide. What about liberty of expression? Whoever looks after my work must see that I'm serious and certainly not interested in vandalizing pages or loosing my time in idle discussions.

You might have some influence on reasonable persons like Zinneke or Cayambe... Please, contact them and try to reach a better modus vivendi on lb.wikipedia. I produced dozens of pages that where welcome, apparently; and I have started a certain number of other, new pages. But since I can live without lb.wikipedia, I'm ready to stop all further cooperation if people like Les Meloures do not come to reason.

Best regards,
