Bienvenue sur le Wikipédia francophone ! Aoineko 15 jul 2003 à 09:11 (CEST)

Bienvenu. Merci pour l'image des 6 ;-) ant

Que fais-tu sur les fiches années ? Est-ce juste du remplissages ? Supprimes-tu des doublons ?

Quand je passe derrière il y a plein d'info et de nombreux doublonsTreanna 21 jul 2003 à 18:38 (CEST)

serait-il possible de mettre la source des images que tu insères dans la base (cf. Léon Blum) ? cela permettrait de s'assurer qu'il n'y a pas de pb de copyright. Merci. - Panoramix 22 jul 2003 à 18:14 (CEST)

Parti Socialiste d’Aubervilliers

Bon sang de bon soir, pourquoi supprimer la hierarchisation dans la chronologie ? !!!

C'est pour permettre une meilleurs lisibilité !!! Treanna 27 jul 2003 à 21:39 (CEST)

Même si tu mets la source, cela ne suffit pas. Il faut que l'image soit libre de droits ou sous licence GFDL (ce qui n'était pas le cas pour Salvador Dalí, il me semble !). Le statut de la photo de Léon Blum me semble aussi sujet à caution (qui détient les droits ?). - Panoramix 29 jul 2003 à 15:51 (CEST)

Es tu un admin ? Il ya une page quil faudrait bloquer !!! Olie ze kat 6 aoû 2003 à 00:11 (CEST)

J'ai vu que tu a changé le <div> pour une <table> sur Burzum, alors que le manuel de style recommande d'utiliser les <div>, ce qui a mon avis résulte en une source plus lisible, et aussi ne serait-il pas préférable d'utiliser <small> pour les descriptions d'images? Wilbern Cobb 17 aoû 2003 à 09:07 (CEST)

Salut ! À propos des Oscar/César, il me semble que ce qui compte, pour les Oscar, c'est la langue du film (le nom en anglais est "best Foreign Language film"), c'est ce que je tenais à souligner (un film anglais ne pourra donc pas gagner ce prix?). Alors que pour les César, ce qui compte c'est le pays qui a produit le film. D'ailleurs le film qui a gagné cette année, Le pianiste n'est pas en langue française, mais a bien été produit en France. Ffx 17 aoû 2003 à 17:30 (CEST)

Re:Daniel Boyer

Et...on ne s'est pas mis d'accord...


Bonzour, il y a actuellement un debat important pour wikipedia ; le logo international officiel, et le temps presse car il nous reste moins d'une semaine pour faire des suggestions...

Zi tas 5mn, je t'invite à venir sur Utilisateur:Oliezekat/Miwiki pour jetter un tit coup d'oeil zur les 5 propozitions de logo pour Wikipedia que j'ai élaboré à partir de suggestions de la communauté francophone.

Puis à partager tes critiques, remarques, et suggestions sur Discussion Utilisateur:Oliezekat/Miwiki pour me guider dans les prochaines propositions.

La proposition qui sera le plus aimée (si il y en a une) sera envoyée pour participer au concour... Elle sera pô signée de mon nom, mais de celui de la communauté francophone.

Mais rien ne t'empeche d'imaginer (et créer) par toi-meme un logo, puis de le soumettre en ton nom.

olie ze kat 23 aoû 2003 à 01:04 (CEST)

Suite aux votes (dont le tien) sur ma page, jai soumis le logo 5 (et ses déclinaisons) :

Fichier:Miwiki logo5 small.png Fichier:Miwiki logo5-0-1 small.png Fichier:Miwiki logo5-0-2 small.png Fichier:Miwiki logo5-1 small.png Fichier:Miwiki logo5-1-1 small.png

Ils sont présentés sous le numéro 132, ze tinvite à venir voter (encore une fois) pour eux sur la page m:International logos (126-150) pour quils soient selectionnés lors de la grande finale des 10 meilleurs logos.

Jusquau 5 septembre, tu peux voter pour 1 à 10 logos parmis la centaine qui a été soumis.

Merzi, olie ze kat 29 aoû 2003 à 01:48 (CEST)

Au sujet du renomage de François Ier vers François Ier de France, deux choses

  • Il faudrait utiliser déplacer la page plutôt que d'en créer une nouvelle, recopier, et effacer, ce qui fait perdre l'historique
  • Il y a une discussion en cours (un peu a plat en fait) sur la bonne façon de nommer les monarques. Peut être pas urgent d'aller renommer tout le monde entretemps.

Didup 31 aoû 2003 à 16:27 (CEST)


J'avais changé le lien dans toutes les pages de façon à ce que le vrai nom Jacob Robert Oppenheimer (cf. le web, le Robert des noms propres, etc) apparaissent ou en plein nom ou en lien pour faire une création d'article avec la dénomination correcte, mais j'ai vu que tu avais reverté... Pourquoi ?

Je croyais que la norme des noms était de mettre le plein nom, non ?édia:Règles_de_nommage

Bon, maintenant si tout le monde fait comme il veut ça va être le bordel, pas très bon pour une encyclopédie... Nataraja 31 aoû 2003 à 22:06 (CEST)


Harness race: course de trot
Harness horse: cheval d'attelage
Flat racing I do not know


youssef 1 sep 2003 à 16:35 (CEST)

Hi. I have found more quickly the answer thanks your explanations. :Flat race= course de plat

Flat races= courses de plat

Feel free to ask translations for other words. --youssef 1 sep 2003 à 19:10 (CEST)

Excuse-moi, je crois que j'avais bloqué ta page sans le faire en exprès. (Un clic de souris suffit pour bloquer une page). Je viens de débloquer ta page. J'espère que tu m'en excuseras. -- youssef 1 sep 2003 à 21:47 (CEST)

Est-ce que l'affiche d'un film récent comme Indochine n'est pas protégée par un copyright ? Si oui il faudrait la supprimer... MagicTom 14 sep 2003 à 22:09 (CEST)

Some call me a mother of trolls :-)

You are quebecois I suppose ? Do you know if there is a canadian-french translation of fair use ?

Non! Let's see. Once upon a time, a sweet young lady in a Paris embassy was seduced. In those days, she left the country! JacquesD 15 sep 2003 à 01:39 (CEST)

Does she hold France or french men guilty ?

good. I am glad of that :-) Jacques is a name very much used in my family.
Now, it does not change the fact we europeans do not have fair use law in Europe (as I understood). So it is a bit tricky to understand what it is all about. To begin with its very name ! Eh !

À propos des droits d'auteurs sur la page de Chavez, les photos proviennent du site Wikipedia en anglais. Y a-t-il un problème à faire cela? Voir
Dirac 20 sep 2003 à 00:41 (CEST)

JacquesD, that you for your comments. I am a little confused. The Supreme Court in the "Pretty Woman" case does not mention anything along the lines of the comment that appears you have made on my talk page. [1] At the appeal level the issues were clearly what part parody plays in commercial copyright related to fair use. Am I missing something here? Please provide some citation and if it is wrong I will look it over. As far as the date is concerned it. That is what Brian stated, I just corrected the text to be accurate. My understanding is that it is 70 years after the death of the person and that copyright lasts until the end of the year. Thus if copyright expires in 2003 it expires on December 31, 2003. If you subtract seventy years from that you get 1923, thus all works that might enter the public domain in 1923 will do so on January 1, 2004. See Title 17 USC § 305. Duration of copyright: Terminal date. I will look over the Wikipédia:Images sujettes à caution (was [Wikipedia:fair use]) page. Alexei756

JacquesD, once again I am not sure what the problem about the US Supreme Court decision being relevant to fair use is all about. Have you read the Supreme Court decision that I cited above? It is clearly a fair use analysis and thus helpful to understanding the case even if the case history is complex ultimately the issue before the Supreme Court was fair use as related to parody. I cannot undestand how this is not relevant to an article about fair use. If you have any specific writing about this please give me the citation and I will read it and get back to you.

Regarding the dates the law states that copyright extends until the end of the year in which it expires. From what I remember they did this in order to make it easier for accountants, etc., so that royalties would not have to be pro rata for the last year of copyright so if the date that the copyright whould have ended, is, let's say, the 30 January 1923, then it will expire on 31 December 1923. Is that clear? Alexei756 26 sep 2003 à 19:28 (CEST)

Regarding Didup's comment about 17USC105, it is true that anything produced by the US government is in the w:en:public domain (PD). It is part of the copyright law sec. 105 (that is what Didup is citing). However, just because it is on a US government web site does not necessarily mean it is ©free, it may be an archive. Usually it states this if it is not PD. Alexei756 26 sep 2003 à 19:45 (CEST)

Good evening JacquesD.

You appear not to have understood what I meant in what I wrote sooner; I will please ask you to carefully read again my attempt to communicate with you in english on the french wikipedia, by respect for you since it seems to me we nevertheless understand each other better in english than french. If I am wrong, please correct me, and I will switch to french for the next exchange.

Anthere: You said on Alex's page: I do not think I am now qualified to determine what is or is not fair use. But I think we should take a couple of decisions.

  • Why would you ever make a decision that you are not qualified to make? That is irresponsible and will serve only to drive legitimate Wikipedia contributors away.
    • Respectfully, I read your initial sentence as "she believes to be the only one qualified to determine, or more qualified than us". So my answer meant "I think I begin to have a certain idea of what is fair use rather than not, though not being an expert, I would never affirm my opinion on deciding what is fair and what is not, is golden word." In short, I understand better than 2 weeks ago, to the point I feel more confident to give a not disastrous answer, as I would have 2 weeks ago. Which does not mean I will necessarily be right all the time as you pointed out. I am pretty sure your opinion on the matter is very rich.

You also said: Possibly some will be wrong or unfair. I am sorry about that. This will perhaps be one of the numerous bad moves I make here, but I prefer risking mistakes than getting stuck.

  • How does Wikipedia get stuck? The DMCA protects Wikipedia. That was the purpose for which the statute was created.
    • Sorry. Complete misunderstanding of meaning. I meant internal decision process being stuck, not wikipedia being stopped by legal action. As I said, quite possibly, if I say nothing, the dozens of images will stay as is on the Wikipédia:Images sujettes à caution (was [wikipedia:fair use]); in particular all those you listed.

You seem to think that discrimination is okay. That some of your "friends" can post pictures but others you will delete even though you admit you aren't qualified. (Not qualified is one thing, but you make it worse because you do not check facts before you speak.) I regret, but for someone like me who, as others have pointed out, is (was) one of the most diligent and dedicated contributors here, you seem to have no concern if you drive them away by your unfounded actions. JacquesD 26 sep 2003 à 22:24 (CEST)

No I don't think discrimination is okay. And others do not think it is as well. I also noticed you were a dedicated user, and regret you stopped editing. If you had not been a dedicated user, I would not have spent several hours in the past 10 days, trying to understand better what fair use was and how it could been applied to wikipedia, for wikipedia's sake and yours as well.
I believe I am now among the 4 or 5 wikipedians, perhaps not very qualified, but as qualified as they may realistically be, to give their opinion on a picture. If you choose to decide that I am not qualified, while Looxix (to cite only one) is more qualified, please do ask Looxix to give his opinion on all pictures.
Now, apologies for being slightly sharper, but to my opinion, a little bit of trust from you to those who spent time and energy trying to solve that image issue, from those who spent time and energy trying to cool down things when other editors were thinking of deleting all your images, or even of banning you, would perhaps not be entirely out of line. Please, try to give a bit of trust in those willing to try to look at things with the least biaised view possible. Work with me instead of against me. I won"t promise to save your image, because I am not here to make people happy, but to make a good encyclopedia, but I promise to do my best for my opinion to be given without discrimination.

That Sysops here considered banning me is precisely the danger I have warned about : CHECK first whether it be a User or an Image or Text or what have you. For all of us : Don't talk or act unless you know what you are talking about. It avoids wars, the bubonic plague, and pimples. JacquesD 27 sep 2003 à 16:07 (CEST)

The significance of what you try to tell me here just escape me entirely. Please could you rephrase it ?

is precisely the danger I have warned about is not english proper. Do you mean it is the danger you have been warned about or do you mean the danger you have warned me about ?

The one suggesting you were very problematic is not a sysop, so before attacking sysop, please check your sources as well.

I suspect the aside paragraph is meant to tell me that I am acting wrong while others (the ones saying you are problematic perhaps ?) are right. The understanding of why you are attacking those who try to consider you fairly, or even to save your ass, is just escaping me. You could be willing here to have me ostracized, or you could be trying to have you banned to make a point. Either way, I am not very interested in the matter. I am ready to help people to the point they accept my help, but am not to spend my time fighting for people who at the same time are trying to eat my ankles.

My best JacquesD. You are a pain, but I don't ban people for just being a pain :-)

Jacques, I really think that most uses of small thumbnails will most likely be covered by fair use, but asking permission to use an image on Wikipedia first is always preferential to stating it is fair use. Remember, however, that fair use is a way to allow use without obtaining permission. It is like compulsory licensing (no radio station in the world could exist without it). It is a way to allow information that might otherwise be copyrighted to be used without the permission of the user. If Wikipedia users ask for permission to post thumbnails on Wikipedia then Wikipedia will be known as someone who respects copyright and tries to do it in a permissive way. If someone then learns that someone has posted a thumbnail image on Wikipedia and has reviewed the claim to fair use they can make a DCMA demand under sec. 512 of the copyright law. We can always say that we have a procedure for checking copyright and removing infringing material but if the person posting the thumbnail gives a reasonable fair use argument we will not remove the thumbnail because we have a reasonable belief that the use is covered by sec. 107. Once the sec. 512 notice is received the image will have to be removed "expeditiously" and the person who posted it will have an opportunity to counter their use as being allowable. This is where they can bring up the fair use defense. At that point Bomis or Wikimedia can make an official decision about reposting the image or just keeping it off. After that the ISP has no liability and the copyright holder and/or the user who posted the image will have to go to a US District Court to determine the legal issues, it will be out of our hands at that point, and not before. I don't think this will create a bad reputation for Wikipedia and I think even with all those fair use images that are found on the English Wikipedia as far as I know there has never been any removal based on the DCMA OCILLA provisions. Alexei756 27 sep 2003 à 18:08 (CEST)

JD, I am sorry but I do not agree with your statement that French law does not apply on French law also applies on French law applies whenever someone is looking at an article in France. The question is what French law applies in France. Copyright? probably not, because the document is published on Bomis/Wikimedia's servers in California. But other French laws do apply such as the law of Obligations, specifically delictual and quasi-delictual rights, personality rights are such rights (related to defamation and the right of privacy). Thus when we are posting stuff that is going to be viewed by a lot of people in France, yes we should take issues such as privacy, libel and other delicts in regard to the law of France. Also there may be contractual arguments for the law of France applying in certain circumstances. Some French judges may argue that if someone uses Wikipedia there is a gratiuitous contractual obligation that is created in France under French law, in that case the contract would be interpreted as being under the civil law, not under the contractual law of California or whatever other state (this is one reason that I am working on updating the legal boilerplate on the edit page and the copyrights page). When it comes to copyright law as both the US and France are Berne convention signatories there is some interplay between the copyright law of France, if the article was first published in France and copyright is limited in France the US will not recognize a greater copyright under its law, this is based on the idea of national treatment that is found in the Berne Convention. There was a recent case in the US that dealt with this, a local NYC newspaper that was republishing russian news articles, the judge recognized the Russian copyright of the articles, but then applied the American law, the lawyers for the Russian copyright owners argued that Russian law should apply because there was more connection with Russia than the US, but the Berne Convention in the US has never been recognized as importing foreign law into the US (which often happens in non-copyright cases under the principles of w:en:private international law). Alexei756 27 sep 2003 à 20:01 (CEST)

Btw, I just noticed one of your paragraph that I had not really seen till then. People are taking the habit to write up and down and middle in my talk page, so I miss some stuff sometimes. This might seriously ponder what I said above. But since I wrote it before and you already read it, I am not gonna refactor.

What I wanted to say is that there were no harsh feelings when I wrote about soft appeal to force and fair tries to flattery. I am sure you will recognise your trials at appeal to force. That is no pb to me, and I am rather little sensible to such attempts. That is fair game. I also felt some of your comments as flattery (I may have been wrong). Note that it does not in the least mean it is "wrong" of you to do so. Quite the opposite in reality. Flattery is also part of the game, and the world would be very sad without it. As I stated many times, I *love* flattery. Why not so ? Isnot it more pleasant than insults ? Or rudeness ? Or forcing ? Or intimidation ? Or threats ? Look, when a man wants to seduce a woman, he may do any of the ones above. I prefer "flattery" :-). That is much more pleasant, and a situation where both partners may find happiness, fun and peace, while other methods, if they might be successful for the man to assume his need, are likely to be resented by the woman.

Mind you, flattery is not necessarily lying. It may be of course, thoundd out, the return may be quite painful. Now, flattering is mostly a mode of communication where you do not only rely on cold words, but also conveys feelings. The man flattering the woman to go to bed with her is certainly doing it to satisfy himself, but he is doing so with a respect and a consideration for the woman, that perhaps threats or forcing do not. No ? If the person is flattering me, it makes me happy, even though I may consider that it is trying to manipulate me. And if the person is not flattering me, that is even better. In both cases, I see benefits :-)

In short, I was in the spirit of helping you, with sincerity and Wikipedia:WikiLove. Which do not necessarily mean I am entirely blind. That is my choice to do so. I feel less desire to help those who insult me. I am just human. OKAY ?


Félicitation pour les modifications sur Gromiko... C'est du beau boulot

Bien à vous

Alexandre de Patoul

Bonjour Jacques

Pourrais tu désormais suivre les recommandations de description des images telles que décrites dans les fichiers relatifs a Wikipédia:images. A savoir que pour les images copyrightées, il faudrait donner la source de l'image, et dans le cas d'un usage dans le cadre du "fair use", succintemment expliquer pourquoi cette image releve du "fair use" et a quel article le fair use va s'appliquer. Je précise que tous les éditeurs devront désormais respecter ces règles, pas uniquement toi. Pour l'instant, le serveur est trop lent pour qu'on le soumette a des requetes, mais a terme, tous les fichiers images contenu dans Wikipédia devront peu ou prou respecter ces règles. Merci de montrer l exemple a tous :-) Anthere

Bonjour Jacques.
Je sais que tu sais lire le français, je vais utiliser des mots simples. (si tu veux une traduction en anglais, dis le moi).
Tu ne veux pas comprendre que la page Wikipédia:Editeurs problématiques/JacquesD a été créée par Anthere pour cette raison :

Anthere a créé cette page dans un objectif de clarté, et non pas de condamnation. (note ultérieure : afin d'alléger la page Wikipédia:Editeurs problématiques, à l'époque trés encombrée).

Il te faut aussi faire l'effort de lire, attentivement, tout ce qui est écrit chez anthere dans sa page de discussion Discussion Utilisateur:Anthere, sur la tienne aussi, sur toutes les pages qui te concernent Wikipédia:Editeurs problématiques, Wikipédia:Pages à supprimer, et aussi les historiques, que ce soit en anglais ou en français, sinon la communication va devenir impossible.

Tu ne comprends pas anthere parce que tu ne fais pas l'effort de la comprendre.

Et aussi regardes les conseils qu'elle t'a donné pour tes uploads d'image.

Nous avons l'impression que tu ne fais pas l'effort de communication ; avec anthere,le ton et les mots que tu utilises sont injustes (avec Looxix aussi), si j'étais à ta place, essayes de bien tout relire s'il te plaît, je m'excuserais.

Merci à toi. Thanks a lot. 3 oct 2003 à 19:37 (CEST)

Rebonjour Jacques, j'ai renommé la page Wikipédia:Editeurs problématiques/JacquesD en Wikipédia:Editeurs problématiques/Annexe, je crois que c'est mieux, non ?
Tu demandes la suppression de cette page, je ne suis pas d'accord, elle contient des informations très intéressantes sur le "fair use" et aussi elle pose des questions importantes, et puis tu remarqueras il y a aussi des points de vue qui te soutiennent . 4 oct 2003 à 07:18 (CEST)

I am sure you will be glad. I made you a template of a "fair use" type of image for your movie images. I indicated the description of the image, the source is missing (but it is probably no big deal here), the cp status and the explanations given could provide us with a nice justification of the pict use. If you agree with this template, could you use it from now on in all the movie pict please. Thanks and have a good day. Anthere

Bonjour Jacques, c'est quoi cela ? (Pour Mere Anthere), de l'humour, du mépris, du "foutage" de gueule, toi qui l'autre jour te plaignais de ton traitement, trop c'est trop !

(Repeating the same thing overr and over for a movie poster is idiotic), (Repeating the same thing over and over and over and over and over for a public personality is idiotic.) etc , certainement pas, c'est même essentiel, la preuve c'est que je vais demander la suppression d'au moins une de tes images qui n'a pas une description (détaillée tout à l'heure) très convaincante.

Et puis s'il te plaît utilise le français, y compris dans le résumé. Merci à toi. 9 oct 2003 à 15:43 (CEST)

Jacques: When demanding one person do something, but not others,: ce n'est pas exact ! violates the United Nations Charter of Human Rights against Discrimination. Tu ne crois pas que c'est un peu comme avec tes images tu vas trop loin et avant d'écrire des choses pareilles : relis-toi, s'il te plaît, merci ! 9 oct 2003 à 21:51 (CEST)

Notification : 17 USC § 108


Jacques, glad to see that you are putting detailed notices on the image description pages regarding fair use. You are really making the French Wikipedia stand out as an example of documenting the reasonable basis for a fair use. I hope others follow your example.

Regarding your note a few days ago about the notice you found on the government archive web site, this is known as a § 108 notice after the part of the copyright act where it comes from, namely 17 USC § 108. All libraries and archives use these notices, usually they put them on their photocopy machines, but as you see it is also equally applicable to the internet. I mentioned on the English Wikipedia and in some mailing lists postings about this notice. I think it is generally a good idea to put on history pages, stuff in the Wikipedia archival database (anything that is not out there in the generally "current version" status). has a much shorter text that they use: "This image may be subject to copyright". It is better to put that text under the image so that people are given notice rather than on some page they have to link too. Alexei756 9 oct 2003 à 20:28 (CEST)


I very deeply thank you for updating the image description. This is very thoughtful of you.

This is important for our readers. And, it is mostly very important for all the images under fair use, for all readers to understand under which context they can use the images Wikipedia provide.

Since you are the main editor providing fair use images, it is very important that you show the way to others. You are somehow, our "leader" on fair use, so you have the role of showing the other users the way. If all your images are clearly labelled in such a way that is consistant with what Alex (a lawyer) explained us on fair use procedure), your images will be examples for all others.

I am aware it is a bit boring to do; but I made you these templates (I will see if others are needed), so that you just have to choose among 4/5 cases and copy the proper one. It won't be very much hassle for you that way.

Incidently, I will remind you that this is really very important for fair use images, more than anything else. Other users have listed fair use images a couple of days ago, and I asked them to provide better images descriptions. I also listed other images than yours on "votes pour suppression". I am talking in particular of the images of user Utilisateur:Twice25, whose name you most helpfully provided at the pump.

I guess that except for a little more work on template for you (my templates are nothing great, but I thought it would be helpful to you since you don't speak french very well I think), my participation to that topic is reaching its end. You will then be quiet again for further participation to our great community project.

Anthere 9 oct 2003 à 22:09 (CEST)


Tu as importé sur le serveur des images sans en préciser la licence et les informations minimales (source, auteur, etc.). Il faut donc que tu remplisses la page de description ; sinon, l'image sera supprimée rapidement. Pour plus d'informations sur les licences, tu peux consulter Quelle licence utiliser ou me contacter.

Merci d'avance.

Ryo 16 déc 2003 à 20:43 (CET)



Je réitère le message de Ryo pour te demander d'ajouter une licence à Image:USOpenTennis.jpg. Merci Tipiac 18 jul 2004 à 15:33 (CEST)

Et aussi Image:Robertgoddard.jpg Tipiac 12 aoû 2004 à 12:28 (CEST)



À ma connaissance, l'histoire de "< 1923, domaine public aux USA" ne fonctionne que pour les œuvres produites aux USA, ce qui n'est assurément pas le cas de cette photo de Proust. David.Monniaux 11 janvier 2006 à 18:22 (CET)Répondre

avertissement suppression|Image:Towrlndn.jpg

Avertissement : suppression image Image:Towrlndn.jpg est proposée à la suppression. Vous êtes invité à donner votre avis sur cette page.

Teofilo @ 15 février 2006 à 09:39 (CET)Répondre

Image:StanislasLeszczynski.jpg est une image de licence inconnue

  Image:StanislasLeszczynski.jpg Bonjour,

Une image que tu as importée sur Wikipédia, Image:StanislasLeszczynski.jpg, ne comporte aucune indication de licence. Merci de lire Aide:Quelle licence utiliser ? et de définir une licence appropriée pour cette image.

Elle sera supprimée si une licence correcte n'est pas définie. Merci de faire le nécessaire ou de remplacer cette image par une compatible avec les règles de Wikipédia.

Bilou 5 décembre 2006 à 16:05 (CET)Répondre

Image:JosephJoffre.jpg est une image sans source

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Une image que tu as importée sur Wikipédia, Image:JosephJoffre.jpg, ne comporte aucune indication sur son origine. Merci de lire Wikipédia:Description d'une image#Origine de l'image et de préciser clairement l'origine de l'image.

Elle sera supprimée si une source correcte n'est pas définie. Merci de faire le nécessaire ou de remplacer cette image par une compatible avec les règles de Wikipédia.

Bilou 10 décembre 2006 à 12:18 (CET)Répondre

Image:Venusbeaute.jpg est une image sans source

  Image:Venusbeaute.jpg Bonjour,

Une image que tu as importée sur Wikipédia, Image:Venusbeaute.jpg, ne comporte aucune indication sur son origine. Merci de lire Wikipédia:Description d'une image#Origine de l'image et de préciser clairement l'origine de l'image.

Elle sera supprimée si une source correcte n'est pas définie. Merci de faire le nécessaire ou de remplacer cette image par une compatible avec les règles de Wikipédia.

Bilou 11 décembre 2006 à 13:14 (CET)Répondre

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Une image que tu as importée sur Wikipédia, Image:Michelberger.jpg, ne comporte aucune indication sur son origine. Merci de lire Wikipédia:Description d'une image#Origine de l'image et de préciser clairement l'origine de l'image.

Elle sera supprimée si une source correcte n'est pas définie. Merci de faire le nécessaire ou de remplacer cette image par une compatible avec les règles de Wikipédia.

Bilou 16 décembre 2006 à 10:34 (CET)Répondre

Image:JeanLucGodard.jpg est une image sans source

  Image:JeanLucGodard.jpg Bonjour,

Une image que tu as importée sur Wikipédia, Image:JeanLucGodard.jpg, ne comporte aucune indication sur son origine. Merci de lire Wikipédia:Description d'une image#Origine de l'image et de préciser clairement l'origine de l'image.

Elle sera supprimée si une source correcte n'est pas définie. Merci de faire le nécessaire ou de remplacer cette image par une compatible avec les règles de Wikipédia.

Bilou 16 décembre 2006 à 10:43 (CET)Répondre

Image:ChocolatFilm.jpg est une image sans source

  Image:ChocolatFilm.jpg Bonjour,

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Bilou 16 décembre 2006 à 10:44 (CET)Répondre

Image:FrancoisTruffaut.jpg est une image sans source

  Image:FrancoisTruffaut.jpg Bonjour,

Une image que tu as importée sur Wikipédia, Image:FrancoisTruffaut.jpg, ne comporte aucune indication sur son origine. Merci de lire Wikipédia:Description d'une image#Origine de l'image et de préciser clairement l'origine de l'image.

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Bilou 16 décembre 2006 à 10:45 (CET)Répondre

Image:AirFamille.jpg est une image sans source

  Image:AirFamille.jpg Bonjour,

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Bilou 16 décembre 2006 à 10:46 (CET)Répondre

Image:Moliere 12.jpg est une image sans source

  Image:Moliere 12.jpg Bonjour,

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Bilou 28 décembre 2006 à 06:22 (CET)Répondre

L'article Institut Le Rosey est proposé à la suppression

Page proposée à la suppression


L’article « Institut Le Rosey » est proposé à la suppression (cf. Wikipédia:Pages à supprimer). Après avoir pris connaissance des critères généraux d’admissibilité des articles et des critères spécifiques, vous pourrez donner votre avis sur la page de discussion Discussion:Institut Le Rosey/Suppression.

Le meilleur moyen d’obtenir un consensus pour la conservation de l’article est de fournir des sources secondaires fiables et indépendantes. Si vous ne pouvez trouver de telles sources, c’est que l’article n’est probablement pas admissible. N’oubliez pas que les principes fondateurs de Wikipédia ne garantissent aucun droit à avoir un article sur Wikipédia. Chris a liege (discuter) 27 décembre 2014 à 00:21 (CET)Répondre