Discussion:Yaeko Mizutani

Dernier commentaire : il y a 2 ans par 慈姑鑑真 dans le sujet Noms alternatifs
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Je suis désolé de ne pas être bon à dactylographier français. Alors s'il vous plaît pardonnez-moi d'écrire en anglais à la place.

Hi, I really appreciate that you French wikipédia users made Yaeko Mizutani Ⅱ's page on wikipédia français.

Let me talk about her aliases, alternative names. It seems that there is a confusion about her aliases because Japanese generally emphasize on registered name at the time cuturally, and on the other hand there's a field "Nom de naissance" on the template of wikipedia.

She was born between Kabuki actor Kan'ya Morita ⅩⅣ as her father and Shimpa actress Yaeko Mizutani(Ⅰ) as her mother.

At that time, her "birth name" was "Yoshie Morita" because Kan'ya Morita's registered surname was also "Morita" (though Kan'ya Morita was a traditional stage name of a line).

But Later, her parents divorced and Yoshie was taken over by her mother. Yaeko Mizutani(Ⅰ) was a stage name and her registered name was Yaeko Matsuno. So from that point, Yoshie Morita changed her registered name as "Yoshie Matsuno" (and it is valid untill today).

Her first stage name was "Yoshie Mizutani" which was named after her true given name "Yoshie" and her mother's stage surname "Mizutani".

Yoshie Mizutani appeared on many films and theater plays on the years. She was well-known on this name even on nowadays. And on 1995 she succeeded her mother's great stage name Yaeko Mizutani as a second.

So, to summerize the points, ①"Yoshie Morita" was her first registered name(=born name). ②"Yoshie Matsuno" is the typical registered name for the most of her lifetime. ③"Yoshie Mizutani" was a well-known stage name for the years. ④"Yaeko MizutaniⅡ" is her current stage name which was succeeded by her mother's stage name. Please reflect those points somewhere on the article. Thanks. --慈姑鑑真 (discuter) 6 mai 2022 à 05:15 (CEST)Répondre

Hello, some biographical details based on appropriate sources have been added to the article's content, according to your suggestion.
It would be appreciated if you could provide a reliable source about her supposed birth name (守田好重/Yoshie Morita). --ContributorQ() 7 mai 2022 à 17:56 (CEST)Répondre
Thank you for adding the details by my suggestions. I'm sorry that I'm not yet to be able to answer your request that can be show the distinctive reliable sources about her supposed birth name. But there is a hint for example, in this article she talks that she was "destinied to be registered into Matsuno-families" so that it is suggested "Matsuno" was not the surname at her birth time.
You might already know it but, in Japanese registering system(戸籍制度), married couples literally unite the surnames(夫婦同姓) (which is very currently being discussed if we change the system) and their child succeeds their surname. Some celebrities choose "common-law marriage" to separate their surnames. But some features shows that Kan'ya and Yaeko(Ⅰ) "formally divorced" in 1950. So We can consider Yaeko(Ⅰ) and Yoshie was in Kan'ya's register(籍).
It may not be the strict answer to you. But It would be appreciated if you take my considerations. thank you. 慈姑鑑真 (discuter) 9 mai 2022 à 12:11 (CEST)Répondre
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