Discussion:Institut européen d'administration des affaires

Dernier commentaire : il y a 6 jours par Thieugia1101 dans le sujet Debate on "promotional contents"
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Je pense qu'il n'est pas opportun de maintenir l'article consacré à l'INSEAD sous "Institut européen d'administration des affaires". C'est en effet l'abbréviation originale, mais à l'heure actuelle on trouve sur le site de l'INSEAD ([1] [2])

Is INSEAD an acronym? What does it mean? 40 years ago, when the school was first started, it was common to refer to the school as the European Institute for Business Administration. However, over the years, the school has extended its European roots to Asia, and has become increasing known as INSEAD (pronounced IN-SEE-ADD). It is no longer known as, nor is the name European Institute for Business Administration, used. Like Harvard is Harvard and Wharton is Wharton, INSEAD is INSEAD.

Traduction libre (c'est moi qui souligne):

INSEAD est-il un acronyme ? Que signifie-t-il ? Il y a 40 ans, quand l'école a été créée, elle était souvent appelée Institut européen d'administration des affaires. Cependant, au fil des ans, l'école a étendu ses racines européennes vers l'Asie, et est devenue de plus en plus connue sous le nom d'INSEAD. Elle n'est plus connue sous le nom d'Institut européen d'administration des affaires, nom qui n'est d'ailleurs plus utilisé. De même qu'Harvard est Harvard et Wharton est Wharton, INSEAD est INSEAD.— Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par l'IP (discuter), le 22 janvier 2007 à 16:46 (CET)Répondre

Je pense qu'il faut rester cohérent avec les autres écoles du même genre sur wikipedia : HEC n'est pas trouvé à HEC mais à ECOLE DES HAUTES ETUDES COMMERCIALES. Idem pour l'Essec. Ces écoles ne sont pas identifiées sur wikipedia par leurs acronymes mais par le nom développé. Je pense qu'il faut garder Institut européen d'administration des affaires à l'instar des autres écoles.— Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par l'IP (discuter), le 19 octobre 2015 à 12:43 (CEST)Répondre



Le ton publicitaire n'apparait pas flagrant. Consulter l'école concurrente ESSEC (ou autres écoles ) sur wikipedia, on y trouve un ton bien plus publicitaire encore. VOIR LE DEBAT DANS LA PARTIE COMMENTAIRE DE l'ESSEC !!!... Faire un peu de cosmétique anti-pub éventuellement. Mais guère plus. Par contre, le détail est très informatif et bien écrit, structuré. L'information sur Wikipédia ne doit pas être une plaquette commerciale mais ne doit pas non plus être vidée de toute substance (y compris dans le traitement du ton) ou créant une différence de traitement de l'information entre ces écoles par une chasse aux sorcières exacerbée. (supprimer dans ce cas tout l'aspect trop pub des autres écoles aussi pour garantir notre impartialité wikipédia).— Le message qui précède, non signé, a été déposé par l'IP (discuter), le 19 octobre 2015 à 12:43 (CEST)Répondre

Renommage en INSEAD


Bonjour, pour info, un vote sur l'opportunité de renommage a lieu sur Discussion_Projet:Éducation#Vote. - Lupin (discuter) 17 novembre 2023 à 13:52 (CET)Répondre

Debate on "promotional contents"



I just recovered this old account because the other account @Heyyo2020 was banned by admins. Interesting, while I left messages to debate in a professional manners with those admins on their personal pages, they not only don't reply, such as @Elder N, @Harrieta171, but also move to ban me.

The contents added by me (both @Heyyo2020 and @Thieugia1101) was labelled by those admins to be promotional. Yet, if you look at the section. quoted below, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Institut_europ%C3%A9en_d%27administration_des_affaires&diff=216378666&oldid=216210483 I can tell you that they are the most well written sections, fact-based writing of this entire article, which is being labelled for "uncited contents". At this stage, the article is entirely unencyclopedic because of crazy removal of contents by admin, including my part which is fully cited.

I find this a surprise as my contributions were full cited, written in neutral language, providing facts that are important to understand about the school and above all encyclopedically synthetic. Can the admins involved be specific about your objection? Any fact not cited with third-party link? Any fact that is irrelevant? Any fact that is not synthetic?

You banned my account and remove the contents purely based on proxy and biased impressions. The contents was positive about the school doesn't mean it's promotional if it's factual and provided by third-party.

I also would like to involve relevant contributors to this article, who seem to be more reasonable @Robertsky @Spf121188


P/S:, @Elder N and @Harrieta171, please be professional. At least respond to professional conversations I left on your personal page. Thieugia1101 (discuter) 12 juillet 2024 à 12:46 (CEST)Répondre

I don't think we have interacted here before and my interest on frwiki is passing. My grasp of French is elementary and am only here to make atomic edits when it is interesting enough to do so (and it had mainly being follow-up edits across multiple wikis like updating images of Singapore president).
Thanks for the invite but I will have to seat out on this as I am unfamiliar with the standards which frwiki has developed for itself.
I can however tell you what would have happened if this was on enwiki. First, this account would have been blocked on enwiki for sock puppetry. Second, the reverts would have been similarly made on enwiki as promotional due to the usage of the school website as sources. Robertsky (discuter) 12 juillet 2024 à 16:40 (CEST)Répondre
whelp. Just took a peak at en:INSEAD, I was right, those were also reverted there. Robertsky (discuter) 12 juillet 2024 à 16:41 (CEST)Répondre

My friend @Robertsky said exactly what needed to be said, and covered what my response would be given the point he reached in insisting on this insertion. It was the same thing that happened on pt-wiki, pt:Institut européen d'administration des affaires, several insertions using the institution's own website. And it was considered Cross-wiki-SPAM because it inserted the same things in several Wikis, which led to blocking.

I would also like to say that I am not an administrator, just an ordinary user. Elder N (discuter) 12 juillet 2024 à 17:28 (CEST)Répondre

Guys, “several insertion using institutions own website”? Is that a good reason to revert the whole writing?
About the “citations using institution’s website” that you quoted:
  1. About the school policy limiting students by nationality. It is the policy of the school, if course it comes from their website????
  2. About the stats about entrepreneurship by alum, that’s neutral info and someone else inserted in before i reverted. I’m ok to remove.
  3. Citation about Thjiam, can easily replace with other sources.
So because of these 3 citations (out of like 30), you removed all synthetic writing with full citations from pitchbook, ft, Forbes and so one????
And force me to be banned? Is that a respectful treatment to other contributor’s work? Thieugia1101 (discuter) 13 juillet 2024 à 03:47 (CEST)Répondre
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