

Pour plus de détails, voir Fiche technique et Distribution.

The Price We Pay is a Canadian feature documentary film directed by Harold Crooks. It was inspired by the book La crise fiscale qui vient by Brigitte Alepin, a Canadian tax expert.



The Price We Pay claims that offshore finance and Google, Amazon and the other tech giants of the “cloud” economy are eroding the foundations of the democratic state. It asserts that the web of tax havens - originally created by City of London bankers in the 50s- today puts over half the world’s stock of money beyond reach of public treasuries and that shifting the tax burden from big corporations and the wealthy to the middle and working classes leads to increasing economic and social inequality.

This story is told by journalists, tax justice campaigners and former finance and technology industry insiders.

Experts and participants

  • Thomas Piketty (Paris School of Economics, expert on income and wealth inequality)
  • Angus Cameron (Political Economist, University of Leicester)
  • Nicolas Colin (Inspector of finance with the French Inspection Générale des Finances)
  • Alain Deneault (Researcher - Réseau pour la Justice, Professor of sociology at UQAM)
  • Daniel Lebègue (President of Transparency International, France, former technical adviser to the French Prime Minister's Cabinet in charge of Economy and Financial Affairs, former Banque Nationale de Paris CEO)
  • Saskia Sassen (Sociologist, professor, Columbia University)
  • Stuart Fraser (Former deputy policy chairman at the City of London Corporation)
  • James S. Henry (Lawyer, former chief economist at McKinsey & Co)
  • Ronen Palan (Political Science professor at the City of London University)
  • Richard Rahn (Former Director, Cayman Islands Monetary Authority, Former Chief Economist of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Senior Fellow at the libertarian Cato Institute)
  • Timothy Ridley (Cayman Islands Monetary Authority, Maples and Calder, GlobeOp Financial Services)
  • Nicholas Shaxson (Journalist, author of Poisoned Wells: The Dirty Politics of African Oil and Treasure Islands: Tax Havens and the Men Who Stole the World)
  • Olivier Sivieude, Payart de Fitz-James, Christophe Soucat (Vérifications nationales et internationales des Finances Publiques, Paris)
  • Father William Taylor (Anglo-Catholic vicar, elected to the Corporation of the City of London borough council)
  • John Christensen (Director of the Tax Justice Network, former economic advisor States of Jersey)
  • Krishen Mehta (Senior Global Justice Fellow, former partner PricewaterhouseCoopers)
  • Pascal Saint-Amans (Head of tax policy, OECD, Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development)
  • David Marchant (Investigative journalist and editor of Offshore Alert)
  • Jack Blum (Attorney, chair of Tax Justice Network USA)
  • Jaron Lanier (Computer scientist, virtual reality pioneer, author of You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto and Who Owns the Future?))
  • William Barclay (Chicago Political Economy Group, former Senior Vice-President of Chicago Stock Exchange)
  • Wallace Turbeville (Senior Fellow Demos NYC, former Vice-Président Goldman Sachs)
  • Lord Adair Turner (Fellow, Institute of New Economic Thinking, former Chief Financial Regulator of the UK) 
  • Laura Mcauliffe (Graphic artist, Vancouver)
  • Sam Holloway (Chicago firefighter)

And also Dublin barmen and barwomen, leaders of the National United Nurses at a Robin Hood Tax Rally in New York City, and demonstrators from all over the world...



Sophie Fay from Le Nouvel Observateur considers the documentary "as powerful as Inside Job".

The American critic from Variety, Joe Leyden describes The Price We Pay as a "precise, concise sometimes bland and polished but very credible and strong impact movie".[1] 

Serge Kaganski from Les Inrockuptibles wrote : "The Price We Pay puts a deep finger in the tax fraud and avoidance plague, maybe the heart of political and economical problems".

Steven Frank from Bloomberg wrote "Praise-worthy for making sense of the arcane subject of coporate taxes".

"Portrays how much trouble we're in if we don't start to wrap our heads around this complex issue" said David Barry from National Post.

Jason Gorber from Twitchfilm wrote "One of the strongest docs of the year, on that's both timely and highly provocative".

Besides the movie


In addition to the documentary an interactive platform game was created. Hosted by the website ICI Radio-Canada, the game is called "The Price We Pay : when tax becomes a game, make as much profit as you can without paying tax". Players pretend to be entrepreneurs who want to turn local companies into multinationals and experiment with tax avoidance in several countries (Canada, Brazil, United-States, Ireland, France, Cayman Islands, Luxembourg or Hong Kong).

Awards and Festivals




See also



  1. (en) « The Price We Pay - Toronto film review », sur http://variety.com, (consulté le )
  2. (en) « 2015 Films - Belleville Downtown DocFest », sur http://downtowndocfest.ca, (consulté le )
  3. (en) « Feature Film 2015 Line-Up - Wakefield International Film Festival », sur http://wakefieldfilmfestival.weebly.com, (consulté le )
  4. (en) « The Price We Pay/Official Program 2015/Zagrebdox », sur http://zagrebdox.net (consulté le )
  5. (en) « Film Festival 2015/SaltSpringFest/ThePriceWePay », sur http://saltspringexchange.com/, (consulté le )
  6. (en) « Victoria Film Festival, 2015 Canadian Wave », sur http://victoriafilmfestival.com (consulté le )
  7. (en) « Feature Films - Wakefield International Film Festival - Line up », sur http://wakefieldfilmfestival.weebly.com (consulté le )
  8. « UQAM Coeur des sciences / Le Prix à payer », sur https://coeurdessciences.uqam.ca (consulté le )
  9. (en) « Awareness Film Night - The Price We Pay », sur http://awarenessfilmnight.ca (consulté le )
  10. (en) « Cinema Politica at Sofia International Film festival », sur http://www.cinemapolitica.org, (consulté le )
  11. (en) « CINEMA POLITICA AT DOCUDAYS UA IN UKRAINE », sur http://www.cinemapolitica.org (consulté le )
  12. « The Price We Pay - Open City London Programme 2015 », sur http://opencitylondon.com (consulté le )
  13. (en) « The Price We Pay / Crossroads », sur http://crossroads-festival.org (consulté le )
  14. (en) « The Price We Pay - City University London », sur http://www.taxjustice.net (consulté le )
  15. (en) « Event: Tax Justice to Promote Social Justice, Vienna, 24 Feb », sur http://www.taxjustice.net (consulté le )