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Grace Ineza Umuhoza
Nationalité Rwandaise
Cause défendue Lutte contre la désertification
Lutte contre le réchauffement climatique
Justice climatique

Grace Ineza Umuhoza, born in 1996, is a Rwandan environmental activist and ecofeminist, founder of two climate change education and awareness organizations.

In 2022, it participates in COP27 where it proposes the creation of an international fund intended to cover losses and damage due to global warming, particularly in the most vulnerable countries. She is also participating in COP28.

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Grace Ineza Umuhoza was born in 1996. Attended the APACOPE school (Association of Parents for the Contribution and Promotion of Education) then the Notre-Dame-de-Cîteaux high school in Kigali, she then studied mathematics and physics-chemistry at the University of Rwanda. In 2018, she obtained a Bachelor's degree in water and environmental engineering[1],[2].

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As soon as she finished high school, she imagined the “Baby an Angel” initiative, the aim of which was to offer childcare services while allowing young women to have a job. This project came to her mind after discovering that young mothers are often worried in their professional lives about not being able to trust the people who look after their children and that, on the other hand, many young girls have little Opportunities to work in the field of home help. However, she put her project on hold to concentrate on her studies. The initiative received an African innovation prize in 2016, which helped it attract investors[1].

In 2017, aware of the issues of global warming and therefore ecological transition, Ineza Grace applied for the Moremi Initiative Leadership and Empowerment Development program, intended to train young women wishing to acquire leadership skills and was accepted. She was then selected as a participant in the first forum of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, organized in China[1], following which she founded the Green Fighters[3]. association in Rwanda. This association works in collaboration with the University of Rwanda to train primary school students to take care of the environment. As of April 2018, ten schools are involved in the system and a citizen clean-up allows the collection of a ton of plastic in the Nyarugenge distric[2].

Subsequently, the association was renamed Green Protector and its mission also focused on reforestation and the fight against desertification[4].

Furthermore, Umuhoza founded and became global coordinator of Loss and Damage Youth Coalition[5], an international association bringing together four hundred young people from forty countries. This association campaigns for compensation for losses and damage due to global warming in the most vulnerable countries by the countries that emit the most greenhouse gases[6]. His argument is based on the fact that the average temperature in Rwanda increased by more than 1.4°C between 1971 and 2016, leading in particular to an increase in flooding which particularly impacts rural populations and women[7].

She is participating in COP26 in 2021, during which she says she is disappointed by the slowness of the decisions taken[8]. On June 22, 2023, during the Summit for a New Global Financial Compact held in Paris, she spoke alongside Helena Gualinga, Mitzi Jonelle Tan, Vanessa Nakate and Greta Thunberg[9].

In November 2023 and December 2023, she will speak at COP28 in Dubai. She must also participate in COP 29 in Baku in 2024[5]. Her commitment is described as ecofeminist[5].

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  1. a b et c (en) Sharon Kantengwa, « How 21-year-old Umuhoza plans to fight climate change », sur The New Times, (consulté le )
  2. a et b (en) Lavie Mutanganshuro, « Meet Rwanda’s young “The Green Fighter” », The New Times,‎ (lire en ligne).
  3. (en) Lavie Mutanganshuro, « Rwanda: Meet Rwanda's Young 'Green Fighter' », sur allafrica.com,
  4. (en) Nina Strochlic, « This ecofeminist inspires young people to take action », National Geographic,‎ (lire en ligne).
  5. a b et c « Les 10 personnalités du futur à suivre en 2024 », sur usbeketrica.com (consulté le )
  6. (en) « Ineza Umuhoza Grace », The African Climate Conversation (consulté le ).
  7. (en) Ineza Umuhoza Grace, « Loss and damage in Rwanda: a young climate activist reports », International Institute for Environment and Development (en),‎ (lire en ligne).
  8. (en) « Clean up your mess, young activists tell leaders at COP26 climate summit », sur National Public Radio,
  9. (en) Marie Rabin, « Pour Greta Thunberg, “la planète est en train d’être tuée” », L'Humanité,‎ (lire en ligne).

{{CLEFDETRI:Umuhoza, Ineza}} [[Catégorie:Naissance en 1996]] [[Catégorie:Naissance à Kigali]] [[Catégorie:Personnalité liée au développement durable]] [[Catégorie:Personnalité féminine rwandaise]] [[Catégorie:Écologiste rwandais]]