Sujet sur Discussion utilisateur:Hyméros

Ammarpad (discutercontributions)
Hyméros (discutercontributions)

Hello @Ammarpad. The main reason is that (I hope you can access to that page).

This access, tagged as a proxy/bot and abuser, was also used by a vandal, his puppets and Ibkt also. I don't know what can I say to you because I don't see too many alternatives. Seems to be a enterprise network and other Ips in the range are compromised too. I haven't access to checks outside, so I can't check more.

I think Ibkt needs to give to an admin more informations about that specific connexion to clear any doubts.

Sorry if I can't help you more right now.

(pour info @Supertoff)

Ammarpad (discutercontributions)

Hi Hymeros, ibkt is not vandal or abuser, in fact he's a certified trainer in our recognized usergroup. (And as far as I can see he has not made any bad edit (or otherwise) on French wikipedia). Look at his metawiki userpage, meta:user:Ibkt, and his global contribution, he's markedly different from the accounts you blocked (which are now locked) and are apparent in their intent. We use mobile routers in our area mostly and the ranges rapidly change, leading us to be caught in severe IP blocks and abused ranges. (I had to be give Ip-block exemption on for this). So please I kindly request you to unblock him, he's not related to these users at all and there's no any abuse from his account here on French wikipedia or even any Wikimedia wiki.

Hyméros (discutercontributions)

OK, this request of IP-block exemption must be done here Wikipédia:Requête aux administrateurs (you can wrtite in english, no worries). Clearly bad luck when he used that connection. I will support your request.

Ammarpad (discutercontributions)

OK, I phoned him now and asked him to post a request for IP-block exemption, but he says the block is still there, so he cannot edit the page. Please unblock him, so he can make the request. Thank you.

Hyméros (discutercontributions)

He can write in his own page here, not blocked. Or you can ask for him on the admin page, no problem with that. Maybe better and quicker.

Répondre à « Request on block issue. »