
genre de plantes

Streptanthus est un genre de végétaux appartenant à la famille des Brassicaceae.

Liste d'espèces


Selon ITIS :

Selon BrassiBase (2019), le genre compte les espèces suivantes[1]:

nom en synonymie
  • Streptanthus albidus Greene
    • Streptanthus albidus subsp. albidus Greene
    • Streptanthus albidus subsp. peramoenus (Greene) Kruckeb.
    • Streptanthus amplexicaulis var. barbarae J.T. Howell
  • Streptanthus angustifolius Nutt.
  • Streptanthus arcuatus Nutt.
  • Streptanthus argutus Greene
  • Streptanthus arizonicus S. Watson
  • Streptanthus asper Greene
  • Streptanthus biolettii Greene
  • Streptanthus boliviensis Muschl.
  • Streptanthus brazoensis Buckley
  • Streptanthus coloradensis A. Nelson
  • Streptanthus coombsae Eastw.
    • Streptanthus cordatus subsp. cordatus Nutt.
    • Streptanthus cordatus subsp. piutensis (J. Howell) D.W. Taylor
  • Streptanthus crassifolius Greene
  • Streptanthus dudleyi Eastw.
  • Streptanthus englerianus Muschl.
  • Streptanthus foliosus Greene
  • Streptanthus glabrifolius Buckley
    • Streptanthus glandulosus subsp. secundus var. hoffmanii Kruckeb.
    • Streptanthus glandulosus subsp. secundus var. sonomensis Kruckeb.
    • Streptanthus glandulosus var. albidus (Greene) Jepson
    • Streptanthus glandulosus var. hoffmanii Kruckeb.
    • Streptanthus glandulosus var. niger (Greene) Munz
    • Streptanthus glandulosus var. sonomensis Kruckeb.
  • Streptanthus lilacinus Hoover
  • Streptanthus linearifolius A. Gray
  • Streptanthus linearis Greene
  • Streptanthus longifolius Benth.
    • Streptanthus maculatus subsp. maculatus Nutt.
    • Streptanthus maculatus subsp. obtusifolius (Hook.) Rollins
  • Streptanthus micranthus A. Gray
  • Streptanthus mildredae Greene
  • Streptanthus niger Greene
  • Streptanthus obtusifolius Hook.
  • Streptanthus orbiculatus Greene
  • Streptanthus parryi Greene
  • Streptanthus peramoenus Greene
  • Streptanthus procerus Brewer
  • Streptanthus pulchellus Greene
  • Streptanthus repandus Nutt.
  • Streptanthus rigidus (Greene) Hoover
  • Streptanthus sagittatus Nutt.
  • Streptanthus sanhedrensis Eastw.
  • Streptanthus secundus Greene
  • Streptanthus sparsiflorus Rollins
  • Streptanthus stenophyllus Rollins
  • Streptanthus suffrutescens Greene
  • Streptanthus tehuelches (Speg.) Gilg & Muschl.
    • Streptanthus tortuosus var. flavescens Jeps.
    • Streptanthus tortuosus var. orbiculatus (Greene) H.M. Hall
    • Streptanthus tortuosus var. pallidus Jeps.
    • Streptanthus tortuosus var. suffrutescens (Greene) Jeps.
    • Streptanthus tortuosus var. tortuosus Kellogg
  • Streptanthus validus (Greene) Cory
  • Streptanthus versicolor Greene
  • Streptanthus virgatus Nutt.
  • Streptanthus wyomingensis A. Nelson


  1. (en) Koch M.A. et al., 2019. Steptanthus sur BrassiBase Tools and biological resources to study characters and traits in the Brassicaceae.

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