Bonjour, mais de quoi je me mêle ?... Ce n'est pas avec deux contributions sur Wikipédia français que vous allez me convaincre. Cordialement, huster [m'écrire] 29 avril 2017 à 19:55 (CEST)Répondre

Hi @huster You are right, I don't even speak French (sorry), but I understood what you wrote through Google Translate. I do a lot of work on Wikidata and linking to other authorities (eg Getty AAT). That's why I think that Bouquiniste should be a normal page (not Disambiguation), even though it is tiny: it describes a well-known concept. If it stays as Disambiguation, it cannot be linked to that concept in AAT. So it's better to expand it rather than relegate it to Disambiguation status. --Vladimir Alexiev (discuter) 17 mai 2017 à 14:22 (CEST)Répondre