Judaïsme néologue


Hello, thank you for your explanation. I found the table of contents for your reference here, so it seems the author is hu:Schweitzer József (=Joseph), the now retired main Rabbi of the Neolog religious current, who certainly knows what he is speaking about. I also added the equivalent of a sentence from the lead section of the Hungarian WP article (Történelmi kialakulása az Osztrák–Magyar Monarchiában születő reformista irányzathoz kötődik, később azonban visszakanyarodott a zsidóság hagyományőrzőbb, konzervatívabb formáihoz. ~ Its historical formation is linked to the reform movement born in the Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy, but later it turned back to the more traditional and conservative forms of Jewish [things = specificities/life/people]), which hu:User:Iegeb wrote when creating the Hungarian WP article in 2010. And I asked hu:User:ELVe, who is knowledgeable on Hungarian WP about Jewish matters. May I also add that in the Hebrew WP article (though I know very little Hebrew), irányzat is a religious current (a direction/movement, in the text פלג is maybe more like a branch/fraction), and a (religious) denomination is (vallás)felekezet without the suffix -hez (though the Hungarian WP article mentions the split irányzat as a felekezet). Best regards: — Oliv☮ Éppen hozzám? 26 avril 2014 à 16:29 (CEST)Répondre