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J'ai contacté l'auteur des photos, Siga (de), qui à l'air d'être un spécialiste des insectes. Cordialement — Abalg|discuter le bout de gras avec du e-miel 1 novembre 2008 à 15:41 (CET) Hello, I'm a french wikiworker. An IP has created fr:Lacon punctatus and fr:Lacon. We have some problems ; in fact, the taxonomy of the genus grup is very different with Catalogueoflife, Fauna europa, ITIS or Animal Diversity Web. To Fauna europa, there are 6 species in the genus grup, to the others, only one, Lacon modestus. Could you help us? In advance, thank you! Abalg (fr) PS : You can speak with us in this page : fr:Discuter:LaconRépondre

As a matter of fact, especially in beetles the system and even the mames change often. So, even if I w o u l d be a specialist for Lacon sp. I just could answer "After my opinion...., but after my collegue....." or "Since 2004 it is considered....". Different points of view are settled by special organisations for nomenclature in the sence of determinations (until they are revised :)). So in German wiki we just dicided, to use Fauna Europaea as base. F.E is really good, the only problem is, that it is no longer updated. So we just have to wait, until there is another valid list on the Web. C'est la vie! Siga
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