Discussion:KNM Helge Ingstad

Dernier commentaire : il y a 5 ans par LPLT dans le sujet (en) sources - and what they say
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(en) sources - and what they say

  • (en) "There are no windows on the ship, except on the bridge.
The watch team on the bridge consists of 5 persons.
One chief-of-watch, one assistant-chief-of-watch, and one helmsman.
The last two, have the job of keeping a lookout.
The chief-of-watch and the assistant-chief-of-watch are the ones that navigate.
The last-mentioned is not yet a fully qualified navigator.
The sea is calm and the visibility is clear. [... plus] ten degress Celsius".

Source: Novembre 12 (2018); NRK (de Astrid Rommetveit et al.);
"the war-ship against the oil-tanker". (discuter) 16 novembre 2018 à 03:00 (CET)Répondre
So what ? There is a real problem with your contributions here (cf WP:LE). If you can't contribute at minima in french, it will be very difficult to interact with you, furthermore under permanently changing IPs-- LPLT [discu] 16 novembre 2018 à 16:41 (CET)Répondre
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