Discussion:Crime organisé marocain

Dernier commentaire : il y a 3 ans par El Mono Español dans le sujet Erreurs
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Some errors that I have read in the "Morocco" section:

  1. The cultivation area varies considerably from one year to the next, so I see it unrealistic to indicate "47,400 hectares" (1998: 70,000 hectares. 2003: 135,000. 2010: 50,000)
  2. Cannabis plantations are not located "from Al Hoceima to Tangier", as they occur in the mountainous inland regions, such as Sanhaya, Ghomara or Ketama.
  3. The "Middle Ages" is a Western concept. Better to say 7th century
  4. Now (2021) a national law will become cannabis legal in Morocco.
  5. The king did not "encourage" Moroccans to emigrate to Europe (racist connotation?) It was totally an economic question. Nor did Europe "suddenly discover cannabis"

El Mono Español (discuter) 24 avril 2021 à 00:17 (CEST)Répondre

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