Discussion:Claude Closky

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HuffingtonPost.fr September 1, 2012 Article

  • Le Prix Marcel Duchamp 2005 devrait-il être réattribué à LG Williams?, HuffingtonPost.fr, September 1, 2012


-- (d) 4 septembre 2012 à 22:57 (CEST)Répondre

HuffingtonPost.fr September 1, 2012 Article


Discussion [1]

  • Le Prix Marcel Duchamp 2005 devrait-il être réattribué à LG Williams?, HuffingtonPost.fr, September 1, 2012

-- (d) 5 septembre 2012 à 19:16 (CEST)Répondre

I have not read any claim to your assertion for you deletion. If I do not hear anything in 48 hours I will repost.

-- (d) 5 septembre 2012 à 19:16 (CEST)Répondre

  1. I do believe that the wiki user is asking you to support your deletion.
  2. You made the following deletion to an article -- cited below.
  3. Do you have any evidence to support the claim stated in your deletion?
  4. Additionally, do you have any evidence to support that the editors of HuffingPost.fr (#86 website in world rankings) are incompetent or illegitimate?
  5. If you do not have any substantive evidence for your deletion, according to wiki policy users may repost the deletion. Any continued deletion (by yourself or others) is considered abuse under wiki policy.
  6. Finally, under Wiki policies, users have the right to contribute anonymously. You do not have the right to abuse this policy; at every instance you should refrain from hostile name calling attacks and alleged attributions.
  • (actu | diff) 4 septembre 2012 à 11:11‎ Jean-no (discuter | contributions)‎ . . (18 663 octets) (-825)‎ . . (détournement de Wikipédia pour un canular issu du monde de l'art (l'artiste "plagié" n'existe pas réellement et ses oeuvres, en tout cas, n'existent pas)... google-translaté...) (défaire)

--Hellartgirl (d) 5 septembre 2012 à 21:05 (CEST)Répondre

I don't like to talk with IPs, and I don't understand what you are asking to me. (->Jn) (d) 5 septembre 2012 à 19:29 (CEST)Répondre
come on ! your edit was not in real french language, this is not appropriate to Wikipedia. Also, I know that Lawrence Williams has already done pranks. I never said I deny your right to post as an anonymous person, but as I wrote, I don't like that kind of talk, and that is my right too. I know wikipedia policies - I've actualy been admin for a few years -, but I know a little about contemporary art, too. (->Jn) (d) 5 septembre 2012 à 22:01 (CEST)Répondre

Thank you for your patience and input. To be clear, let me make sure I understand what you are saying, so I have your words straight for the record:

This discussion is about the claim you made on behalf of your deletion, period. Wikipedia does not stand behind user's useless conspiracy theories. Therefore, please address the issue for the record:

  1. Is the claim that you are now pursuing one of language and grammar? Is that correct?
  2. If yes, do you now withdraw the reason you originally claimed and wrote in Wiki to support your deletion at the time of the deletion? Namely, your 'hoax' defense: "détournement de Wikipédia pour un canular issu du monde de l'art (l'artiste "plagié" n'existe pas réellement et ses oeuvres, en tout cas, n'existent pas)..."
  3. If yes, are you going to make any new claims before I repost the article since you have no supporting evidence whatsoever concerning your original claim...

Please advise and thank you for your participation in Wikipedia --Hellartgirl (d) 5 septembre 2012 à 22:24 (CEST)Répondre

what conspiracy ? you're obviously in a kind of campaign. The fact you bought a domain name supporting the huffpo's paper a week before it was written is an excellent evidence of it. The grammar and langage was part of my explicit grief when I wrote "google-translated" : means it's not written in french.
I spent a little time searching about Lawrence Williams. It appears he exists as a person, a former art student, a teacher, a minor (at that time anyways) artist,... and a prankster. Is this correct ? (->Jn) (d) 5 septembre 2012 à 22:31 (CEST)Répondre

Thank you again for your patience and reply. I want to be very clear: Are you now are claiming grammer as the single reason for your deletion?

  1. Do you maintain any other claims? or do you have any bona fide evidence that the editors of HuffingPost.fr (#86 website in world rankings) are incompetent or illegitimate?
  2. If you do not have any other substantive evidence for your deletion (a.k.a. conspiracy), according to wiki policy users may repost the deletion. In fact, I will myself repost the entry after I consult you on the grammar of the submission, insofar that it meets your high standards. Any continued deletion (by yourself or others) is considered abuse under wiki policy.

I appreciate your input in this matter and submission -- --Hellartgirl (d) 5 septembre 2012 à 22:41 (CEST)Répondre

No, grammar is not the only problem. Huffingtonpost is not a very good source as quite anybody can write on it. I don't understand why an obviously non-french speaking author would write on the french huffingtonpost just to write quite insulting (and false) things about a french artist. What's the point ? What is your cruisade ? (->Jn) (d) 5 septembre 2012 à 22:51 (CEST)Répondre

Thank you again for your input. So I am clear:

  1. Are you now claiming that Le HuffingtonPost.fr, #86 website in the world, a peer-reviewed and professional publication is incompetent or illegitimate? Or, after 5 days and millions of highly educated and informed readers (not to mention the highly educated HP.fr staff) are not intelligent enough to identify or remove a hoax? Is this correct?

--Hellartgirl (d) 5 septembre 2012 à 23:01 (CEST)Répondre

I honestly think it's not very hard to write crap on the huffpo. As it is on wikipedia even if it does not work the same way. You can't call this website "peer-reviewed" : who reviews ? And can you call it a professional publication... ok, are you paid to write ? Anyhow, hoaxes can take place on serious publications. Educated people can be misinformed as much as they miss the right informations.
You ask me a lot to answer to your autoritarian commands ("answer this !") but you don't answer my simple wuestion : what is the point of all that ? (->Jn) (d) 5 septembre 2012 à 23:09 (CEST)Répondre
another thing : do you really believe your paper has been seen by millions ? I seriously doubt it. (->Jn) (d) 5 septembre 2012 à 23:13 (CEST)Répondre

Thank you for your patience and reply. I respect your opinions, even though I regard them as conspiratorial, uninformed and unlearned. After 4 reply's and requests for substantial evidence, you have offered none, except a complete contempt and complete disregard for a highly educated audience and staff at Le HuffingtonPost.com. Personally, I find that attitude contemptible. In any event, at this point I consider this matter closed. If at some time you find evidence in a reliable news source to state your claim I will be more than eager to support it. (Time may prove that you are indeed an astute critic afterall about this or that 'minor artist', who knows?) However, that said, out of a great respect for the Wiki contributors I will ask you to edit the grammar of the original submission:

  • Le 31 août 2012, The Huffington Post la France, publié une diapositive article comparant Closky de travail avec celui d'un artiste californien en:LG Williams. L'article présenté vingt trois diapositives que comparativement presque identique des oeuvres des deux artistes, montrant que la Williams exemples datent de Closky par une à seize ans. L'article contesté la sélection de Closky pour le prix Marcel Duchamp 2005 en raison du manque d'innovation.

I consider this matter closed.

Thank you again for your time and energy in this discussion. --Hellartgirl (d) 5 septembre 2012 à 23:33 (CEST)Répondre

PS: dear respected wiki colleague, I would like to introduce you to Alexa.com. That website will give you the some tools to shed your blindspots.

you know perfectly it is a hoax and you are at the origin of it. So I think it is quite hypocrit to write "I will be more than eager to support it". Of course you won't ! Why would you when you originated all that ! You don't answer my questions, that is a nice clue too, don't you think ? (->Jn) (d) 5 septembre 2012 à 23:47 (CEST)Répondre
one new question you won't answer : if you don't fear peer revewing, why didn't you write your paper on the english speaking huffpo ? (->Jn) (d) 5 septembre 2012 à 23:49 (CEST)Répondre

  1. Forgive me, I should know better to think that you might understand the Alexa.com reference, so here is the link that shows Le HuffingtonPost.fr averages around 350,000 readers a day. Sorry to shed another of your illusions.
  2. To repeat, what I said above was that I will support your entry at some later date if and when some highly regarded publication publishes an expose on your supposed conspiracy.
  3. Please edit the text as I don't have much more time tonight for conspiracy theories. I would like to input it immediately. Thank you --Hellartgirl (d) 5 septembre 2012 à 23:55 (CEST)Répondre
I understood the alexa reference. Huffpo has a certain success, but not each individual blog has. It works with quantity and the contribution of a few famous people. Everybody knows how it works. Do you really think your paper has 350 000 readers a day ? Funny.
you talk about conspiracy, I don't, I just talk about a hoax, a prank, as Lawrence Williams already did. I don't like wikipedia getting used for such purposes and I don't apreciate to see my own image used for it either (even if it is your right as it's free content). I sure won't edit your text, why would I ? Are you mocking me ? Once again, you are really unfunny. (->Jn) (d) 6 septembre 2012 à 00:03 (CEST)Répondre
"immediately" --> what's the rush ? Truth finaly finds its way. What's your agenda ? Is it linked to the art-o-rama exhibition that opened the day before you published your paper ? (->Jn) (d) 6 septembre 2012 à 00:08 (CEST)Répondre

In the wiki spirit, I am not asking you to "edit", I am asking you to collaborate (to your liking) with a peer-review, high viewed and valued publication -- which you have offered no proof to invalidate. However, I will not contest your editorial suggestion in regards to grammer. Please participate in the wiki shared experience. I would never mock a fellow wiki. --Hellartgirl (d) 6 septembre 2012 à 00:11 (CEST)Répondre

"Wiki spirit" ? Wikipedia is not wiki (wiki means quick) and it's not a religion. I think I have a good idea of how wikipedia works as I have been editor for eight years and among those years, administor for five years. Wikipedia is not about working for people who make jokes on you, actualy, nobody can force anybody to do anything : it's a free will job. I think you are quite perverse. Myself, I'm just pissed off that a picture I took has been used to harm a friend. (->Jn) (d) 6 septembre 2012 à 00:25 (CEST)Répondre

May I make a simple suggestion, I would leave your personal bias behind you when you login on wiki. Just look at the facts. This the very reason why Andrew Keen in The Cult of the Amateur has so many legitimate grievances with wikipedia. People like you poison the site for no reasons other than "being pissed off" about this or that. Really, Wiki is about substantiated facts and not your infantile feelings-of-the-moment. It is a horrible situation in Wiki to be surrounded by you people and your feelings and your unsubstantiated claims and conspiracies. Please leave wiki alone. You waste our time when we try to make wiki better and informed.

In any even, It has been a pleasure speaking with you, regardless. I value the process and understand if you do not want to collaborate. I will repost shortly since there is no legitimate objections other than "you being pissed off" about something or another. This matter is closed (again).

PS: I am not heartless, poor chap, I do hope you feel better at some point...why don't you have a few pints and sleep it off. --Hellartgirl (d) 6 septembre 2012 à 00:39 (CEST)Répondre

Please, not the Cult of the amateur ! I'm just honnest about why I feel involved. You are not. (->Jn) (d) 6 septembre 2012 à 00:44 (CEST)Répondre

désolé de m'être lancé dans cette conversation en Anglais : puisque cette personne a utilisé google translate (a priori) pour ajouter son paragraphe à l'article, je me suis dit qu'il serait plus facile de discuter en anglais même si c'est une langue que je ne maîtrise pas à la perfection bien sûr. J'aurais du mal à ne pas me ranger à votre avis, même si évidemment, je n'ai rien à dire, je suis personnellement touché par cette histoire et donc, on peut me reprocher d'être partial. Ceci dit je sais pertinemment de quel côté se trouve la vérité. Mais bon c'est justement ça être partial, et il ne suffit pas d'être convaincu de connaître une vérité pour être dans le vrai :-)
enfin objectivement, il y a là une attaque directe contre un artiste et une institution, qui a été précédée une semaine plus tôt par l'achat d'un nom de domaine destiné à relayer l'article du Huffington Post : en dehors de toute question sur le plagiat, la légitimité des reprises par les artistes, etc., Wikipédia ne doit pas servir à de support à des stratégies de communication... (->Jn) (d) 6 septembre 2012 à 12:18 (CEST)Répondre

Photo de l'artiste


A l'heure actuelle, la photo de l'artiste présente dans l'infobox ne représente rien de spécial, et sûrement pas l'artiste lui-même. Je retire donc cette photo car son insertion ici manque totalement de pertinence. --Wiquebekia (discuter) 25 novembre 2015 à 02:47 (CET)Répondre

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