Utilisateur:Patrix22/Brouillon 2

Modèle:Lowercase title Modèle:For Modèle:Infobox software

musl is a C standard library intended for operating systems based on the Linux kernel, released under the MIT License.[1] It was developed by Rich Felker with the goal to write a clean, efficient and standards-conformant libc implementation.[2]



Musl was designed from scratch to allow efficient static linking and to have realtime-quality robustness by avoiding races, internal failures on resource exhaustion and various other bad worst-case behaviours present in existing implementations.[2] The dynamic runtime is a single file with stable ABI allowing race-free updates and the static linking support allows an application to be deployed as a single portable binary without significant size overhead.

It claims compatibility with the POSIX 2008 specification and the C11 standard.[3] It also implements most of the widely used non-standard Linux, BSD, and glibc functions.[réf. nécessaire]

Modèle:As of, Linux distributions that use musl as the standard C library include Alpine Linux, Dragora 3, OpenWRT,[4] Sabotage,[5] Morpheus Linux[6] and optionally prebuilt for Void Linux.

See also




  1. « COPYRIGHT », (consulté le )
  2. a et b « Introduction to musl », (consulté le )
  3. « Compatibility », sur wiki.musl-libc.org, (consulté le )
  4. (en) Felix Fietkau, « OpenWrt switches to musl by default », openwrt-devel,‎ (lire en ligne)
  5. Patrix22/Brouillon 2 sur GitHub
  6. « morpheus-base: README » (consulté le )

{{CProLang}} [[Category:C standard library]] [[Category:Free computer libraries]] [[Category:Free software programmed in C]] [[Category:Interfaces of the Linux kernel]] [[Category:Linux APIs]] [[Category:Software using the MIT license]] {{compu-prog-stub}}