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Marshall Field III et Ancetres



  • Activités

MARSHALL FIELD Sr est le fondateur de Marshall Field's, Marshall Field and Company, une célèbre chaine de magasins.

  • 2 mariages:

Nannie Douglas SCOTT


le 3 JAN 1863

1840-189x (décède en France en 1896 ou 1900 de maladie)

3 enfants :

Delia Spencer 'Shaky' CATON


le 5 SEP 1905 (?-1937)



(21/04/1868-27 Novembre 1905) - mort d'un coup de feu, probablement un suicide ou dans une maison close, suivant les sources...)

1 mariage avec Albertine HUCK

(morte d'un cancer en 1915)

3 enfants :

  • Marshall Field III en [1893]
  • Henry "Harry" Field, en [1895]
  • Gwendolyn Mary Field, en [1901]
  • Gwendolyn se marie en 1923 avec Sir Archibald "Charlie" Edmonstone (1898-June 1954)

2 enfants:

* Archibald Bruce Charles Edmonstone en 1934
* Angus Ian Marchall Edmonstone en 1936
  • Henry se marie le 6 FEB 1917 avec nancy PERKINS, puis vit avec peggy MARSH, avec qui il a une fille.

(28 SEP 1893 - 8 NOV 1956 - tumeur au cerveau)

Fondateur du Chicago Sun et de l'Empire Field

a eu 3 femmes:

mariage 8 Fevrier 1915 - 1926

3 enfants:

Audrey Evelyn James Coats


(1892 ou 1902-1968) mariage en 1930

("Marshall pay dearly for their four-year marriage")


Pas d'enfants.

Ruth Pruyn Phipps


(5 MAY 1907-25 JAN 1994) ("Two weeks after the divorce was final, Marshall married one of London's "Bright Young Things." ") le 15 JAN 1936 "In 1961, Ruth Field (Mrs. Marshall Field III) sold Caumsett to the State of New York..."

The Times : "Monday, Nov. 16, 1936:Born. To Marshall Field III, 43, twice-divorced Chicago department store scion; and his third wife, Mrs. Ruth Pruyn Phipps Field: a daughter, their first child (his fourth, her third); in Manhattan"


philantrope : http://www.gwu.edu/~erpapers/mep/displaydoc.cfm?docid=erpn-rutfie

(fille de Robert and Betty (Metcalf) Pruyn)

2 filles :

Enfants de M F III


3 enfants d'Evelyn

Barbara, née en 1918


([...]Barbara [was] institutionalized for periods of time [...] in the 1940s)

mariée 3 fois:

* Anthony A. Bliss de 1937 à 1943
("Twenty-five-year-old Barbara had divorced Anthony Bliss and married Robert Boggs, a physician")
-> une fille Barbara Field Bliss
 * Robert Boggs de 1943 à 1960?
 * Peter Benziger en 1961 ("In 1961, she married Peter Benziger")

Bettine, née en 1923


mariée 2 fois - 7 enfants

*Mc Chesney Goodall en 1943 -> une fille
- divorce en ?
* Eldridge Bruce en 1917  (un afro-américain)

Marshall Field IV


(15 JUIN 1916-1965) - fils d'Evelyn

("Marshall IV was diagnosed a bipolar, and both he and Barbara were institutionalized for periods of time [...] in the 1940s" - "[he] was a troubled man. Besides his continued bouts with depression, he drank heavily and developed a dependence on prescription drugs")

3 femmes :

1) Joanna Bass en 1938- - 2 enfants:

  • Marshall Field V (se marie avec Mrs CONNELLY. -> MF VI marié avec Mrs Louise WALES -> une fille Chloé)
  • Ms Field

2)Katherine (Kay) WOODRUFF (1927-2000) - 12 MAY 1950 - divorce en 1963. -(elle se remarie à Mr Larry Flamming et devient Katherine Fanning, "the editor of the Christian Science Monitor and the Anchorage Daily News", puis se marie à Mr MATTHEWS) - 3 enfants:

3)Lynne TEMPLETON 1964 (33ans) -une fille : Corinne "Cori" Field en 1965

2 enfants de Ruth:



née en 1937 2 mariages :

* Mr Drummond
->une fille Bettina Drummond
* Louis de Flers 1967 
 -devient Countess de Flers.
 NYTimes Apr. 14, 1967 "Phyllis Field Drummond, 30, daughter of the late Marshall Field III, and Louis de Flers, 35, general manager of a French chemical firm; she for the second time, he for the first; in Ridgeland, S.C"
 -en 1976 Traduits le livre "Reflections on Equestrian Art" de Nuno Oliveira (écrit en 1964)
("Phyllis was also [cf Harry fils de Ruth] a bipolar who took her own life")

(25/12/1938-24/02/2000 - suicide dans une rivière)

elle rentre d'un voyage d'amsterdam avec son pere, sa mere et sa soeur le 20 Aug 1953, à bord du paquebot "ile de france". (voir la liste des passagers)

mariée 4 fois à (dans quel ordre?) "married to her fourth husband, Jean Kay" - new york times, 20/05/99

  • Independent Press-Telegram (Newspaper) - May 27, 1962, Long Beach ...

... Long Beach CHICAGO The wedding of Miss Fiona Field and David Edward place Saturday Rust In a took mony at Chelsea Plantation near Richland, ...

  • Le 5 juillet 1966, le Oakland Tribune (Oakland,California) dit "Fiona Field Rust, 28- year-old wife of National Gallery of Art curator David E. Rust"
  • d'après "The Marshall Field" d'Axel Madsen, "[in 1966] Fiona is getting divorced again". Donc Fiona a déjà été mariée au moins 1 fois avant cette date.
  • Le 20 mai 1999, le New-York Times dit "[David Rust and Fiona Field] split when [her daughter Marina] was about 18 months old,"

1 - inconnu
2 - David Edward Rust 1962 - 1966 
3 - ? 19xx-1973 (divorce 1973 mais de qui?)
4 - Jean Kay, fin 80 (apres 85), début 90, à Loze en France. Il est possible que le mariage avec Jean Kay n'ai été que religieux (il est avéré qu'il s'est marié à l'église près de Caylus vers 90, peut être à Loze - source: FLD/JEK)
  • d'après "The Marshall Field" d'Axel Madsen, "Fiona, as Marshall V put it, "was just crazy and, in 1999, killed herself."

2 enfants de Ruth avant mariage Field:

Harry Phipps


homosexuel - mort d'overdose ('Harry was gay and died of an overdose of heroin in his boyfriend's apartment')

Bobby Phipps


("Bobby Phipps, who was never considered to have any potential")




dédié à :

marshall field III - serge dassault - andre malraux


extrait :

"[Fiona,] héritière du rêve américain, des chasseurs de bisons.[...]Son pionnier d'arriere grand-père, qui a élevé Chicago [...]"


[marshall field III has] founded Chicago’s second newspaper, the Chicago Sun[...]. Marshall Field III was one of Chicago’s most philanthropic citizens, especially where children were concerned.


In 1941, [marshall] Field established the Chicago Sun, selling nearly 900,000 copies on the paper's first day. Within five years, the Sun's daily circulation was 400,000 with a Sunday circulation of 450,000. Field also published Parade, a weekly pictorial supplement, which in 1946 had a circulation of 3.5 million and is still today a core element of many Sunday newspapers



September 12, 1999

"Marina Marshall Rust, the daughter of Fiona Field Kay of Amsterdam and David E. Rust of Washington...

[she] is a granddaughter of the late Marshall Field 3d, the publisher and philanthropist."


January 30, 2000

The New Reign of the Park Avenue Princess

[...]Ms. [Marina Marshall ] Rust, 34[years old], whose great-great-grandfather was Marshall Field of the department store chain[...]



by Marina Marshall Rust

Date Published: 1993

From the great-great-granddaughter of department store magnate Marshall Field, a haunting first novel of three cousins coming of age in the sheltered world of old-money America. Rust tells the moving tale of young Meredith Fraser, who grows up in a paradise haunted by dark secrets, in a family crippled by wealth.


For Week of November 3, 2000

By Michael Miner

Katherine Fanning died two weeks ago. Kay Fanning [...] was the mother of Hollywood producer Ted Field, Marshall Field V's younger half brother,


The Times

Chicago Inheritance

Oct. 1, 1965

"When Marshall Field died, everything was going right for him," said Katherine, his second wife, who divorced him in 1963. She was talking about the publishing business, and her assessment was correct. When Marshall Field IV died fortnight ago at 49 (TIME, Sept. 24), Field Enterprises, Inc., was at its peak. The Chicago Sun-Times, which Field had taken over from his father in 1950, was not only making a profit after long years in the red, it was also closing in on the front-running Chicago Tribune.


27. Marshall Field III, 1893-1957, Chicago newspaper publisher (second wife, Mrs. Audrey Evelyn James Coats; William Dodge James & Evelyn Elizabeth Forbes; Daniel James & Sophia Hall Hitchcock; John Hitchcock & Electa Hall; Eliakim Hall & Eunice Moss; John Moss [IV] & Sarah Thompson; John Moss [III] & Elizabeth Hall [see #26 above], John Thompson & Sarah Culver; Joseph Thompson [her second husband] & Elizabeth Lathrop; Samuel Lathrop & Elizabeth Scudder, see #6 above).


55. Marshall Field IV, 1916-1965, Chicago newspaper publisher, son of Marshall Field III, #27 above, and his first wife, Evelyn Marshall (wife, Joanna Bass; Robert Perkins Bass & Edith Harlan Bird; Perkins Bass & Clara Foster; Joel M. Bass & Katherine Wright Burnham; Walter Burnham & Submit Smith; Benjamin Burnham & Jemima Perkins; Jacob Perkins & Jemima Leonard; Jabez Perkins & Hannah Lathrop, see #13 above).


56. Marshall Field V, b. 1941, Chicago newspaper publisher, son of #55 above & Joanna Bass.



.In 1941, my grandfather, Marshall Field III...


Field, Marshall, V, born in 1941, American business and civic leader, son of Marshall Field IV, born in Charlottesville, Virginia, and educated at...


Frederick W. Field / rap star Tupac

THE NEWS STORY didn't remotely concern rap music. Last Thursday, as the gangsta-rap star Tupac Shakur lay dying in a Las Vegas hospital, The New York Times ran a front-page piece on political fund raising in Hollywood. Yet on close review, an accompanying list of major showbiz contributors to the Democrats revealed rich ties to the sad history of 25-year-old Shakur. One was Frederick W. Field, a scion of the retailing empire Marshall Field and part owner of Interscope Records. It distributes Tupac's recordings on the Death Row ...


fortune 2002 de Frederick W. Field 1,2B$.


Ted Field

An heir to one of America's most famous fortunes--that of the descendants of Marshall Field, department store magnate of Chicago--Ted Field has moved in other directions, forming Interscope Communications and Interscope Records

  • Also Credited As:

Frederick Woodruff Field

  • Born:

on 06/01/53 in Chicago, Illinois

  • Job Titles:



  • Daughter: Candice Lauren Field. born in March 1989; mother, Susie Field
  • Daughter: Chelsea Paige Field. born in November 1990; mother, Susie Field
  • Daughter: Judith Danielle Field. born in 1978; mother Judy Field
  • Daughter: born in November 1987; mother, Susie Field
  • Father: Marshall Field. died 1965 of high concentrations of alcohol and prescription drugs; once institutionalized and given shock treatment
  • Father-in-law: Barry Bollman. Susie's father
  • Half-brother: Marshall Field V. older
  • Mother: Kay Field. father's second wife; divorced 1963
  • Step-father: Larry Fanning.
  • : has two sisters

Significant Others

  • Wife: Barbara Field. second wife; divorced
  • Wife: Judy Field. divorced in 1988
  • Wife: Susie Field. third wife; born c. 1965


The Marshall Fields: The Evolution of an American Business Dynasty

de Axel Madsen


Field, Frederick Woodruff , 48 , inherited and growing

Net Worth: $1.2 bil - Home State: CA Marital Status: divorced , 6 children

The Marshall Field department store heir and Interscope Records impresario became the chief of Artistdirect.com, a company that manages Internet sites for pop stars.


Of the six generations bearing the name Marshall Field, only Marshall II and, as of the present, Marshall VI (married in 1992) had one wife. Marshall Field III and IV each had three wives; Marshall Field V married twice and his half-brother Ted three times

The Marshall Fields: The Evolution of an American Business Dynasty

de Axel Madsen

4 pages with references to fiona field in this book:

1. on Page 225:

"... thirteen and still at home. Eight months after the wedding Ruth gave birth to a daughter, Phyllis. A second daughter, Fiona, was born to Marshall and Ruth on Christmas Day 1938. ... "

2. on Page 293:

"... SUCCESSIONS 293 Cottage for the rest of her life. "So they made a deal," Marshall Field V would remember, "and Moses turned around a month later ... an overdose of heroin in his boyfriend's apartment. Phyllis and Fiona Field, Ruth's two daughters with Marshall III, fared no better. Phyllis was also a bipolar who took her own life, ..."

3. on Page 297:

"... SUCCESSIONS 297 father, and twelve-year-old Ted Field found themselves holding equal shares of 42.5 percent of the ... daughter was, the third Mrs. Marshall Field III, said, "Little Fiona is now twenty-five [sic], and she's getting divorced again. You know, Mr. Kogan, I don't know what it is about ..."

4. from Back Matter:

"... 334 NOTES AND SOURCES Field III, "Dear Marsh," letter published Oct. 9, 1952. Robert Lasch, ... Successions Marshall Field V, "So they made a deal," and Fiona "was just crazy," to author, May 5, 2001, interview. George B. Young, "a chancy, but wise," quoted in the Chicago ..."

page english

Marshall Field was also the former name of the University of Chicago's first Stagg Field

Modèle:Infobox Biography

Marshall Field (18 août 1834 - 16 janvier 1906) est le fondateur de Marshall Field and Company, "le" grand magasin de Chicago. Il est né dans une ferme à Il est né dans une ferme à Conway dans le Massachusetts aux États-Unis. A l'age de 17 ans, il déménage pour Pittsfield dans le Massachusetts où il a commencé à travailler dans un commerce. En 1856, à l'age de 21 ans, il parti pour Chicago dans l'Illinois et trouve un emploi de responsable du magasin Cooley, Wadsworth and Co., qui changea de nom pour Cooley, Farwell & Co. en 1857. En 1862, profitant de la réorganisation de l'entreprise, il devient associé. La nouvelle société s'appelle Farwell, Field & Co.

En Janvier 1865 Field et un associé, Levi Leiter, acceptent l'offre de devenir senior partners dans l'établissement de Potter Palmer. La nouvelle entreprise s'appelle "Field, Palmer, Leiter & Co." En 1867, après que Field et Leiter eurent essayé de l'écarter, Palmer se retire de la société, qui se nomme maintenant "Field, Leiter & Company". Finalement, en 1881 Field écarte son associé restant, et renomme l'entreprise "Marshall Field and Company".

Grace à ses innovations dans le service client, les slogans "Donnez aux femmes ce qu'elles veulent" et "Le client a toujours raison" sont attribués à Marshall Field. Il a pris une façon de travailler du siècle passé, centrée sur le principe du caveat emptor, ou du "le client est responsable de ce qu'il achète", pour la transformer en une plus moderne, celle du siècle à venir. Remboursement inconditionnel, politique de prix fixe et importations internationales consistent sont les principales innovations de Field, qui sont aujourd'hui devenues courantes dans la plupart des commerces de détail aujourd'hui.

Field a su éviter les intrigues politiques et sociales, en s'occupant de sa famille et se concentrant sur son travail, ainsi qu'en maintenant une activité philanthropique. Il s'est marié à Nannie Scott en 1863. Field a élevé deux enfants avec Scott, Marshall II et Ethel. Après le décès de Scott en 1896, Field se marie avec son amie de longue date Delia Spencer Caton. Ses deux petits-fils, Henry et Marshall III ont été les bénéficiaires de sa succession à partir de sa mort en 1906. Sa fille Ethel s'est mariée à David Beatty, 1st Earl Beatty.

Pendant les évènements de Haymarket Square, les femmes des accusés tentèrent un appel auprès des personnalités locales, dont des entrepreneurs, qui acceptèrent tous sauf Field. Le journaliste et réformateur Henry Demarest Lloyd conduisit à l'époque une campagne nationale pour réclamer la clémence. Bien que certains banquiers tels Lyman J. Gage furent en faveur de la clémence, pensant qu'une modération apporterait une modération dans les relations entre capitaliste et travailleurs. Potter Palmer et Charles Hutchinson étaient tentés d'accepter, mais Marshall Feild ne l'était pas. Bon nombre d'autre personnalités confièrent à Gage qu'ils ne voulaient pas contredire publiquement Field, le plus riche et le plus puissant homme d'affaires de Chicago. [[1]]

Le Field Museum of Natural History (musée d'Histoire Naturelle field) a pris son nom après qu'il eu fait un don de 1000000 de dollars. Field décède à New York City en 1906 à 71 ans d'une pneumonie, contractée pendant une partie de golf avec son neveu, son secrétaire et Robert Todd, le fils ainé d'Abraham Lincoln, le jour du premier de l'an. L'année suivante, le musée Field reçu un don de 8000000 de dollars, comme il l'avait souhaité. Il était un membre actif du Commercial Club of Chicago. Un buste de Marshall Field est érigé aux coté d'autres magnats de l'insdustrie du 20e siècle, en face du Merchandise Mart au nord du fleuve Chicago.

See also



