


Raffour is a village in Kabylia [1] in M’Chedallah town of Bouira province (wilaya) in Algeria. The village is called Iwaquren in Berber language, which refers to Djurdjura Mountain, where the original village of the population is located.

Before independency of Algeria, Raffour is named in French Les Toiles referring to canvas, installed by the French colonists as a concentration camp for indigenous population after bombardment in May 6th 1957 [2] of the two original villages Iɣzer iwaquren and n Taddert lejdid constituting the whole village of iwaquren (lɛarc iwaquren) in Djurdjura Mountain. Currently, often confused by local people with the word l’étoiles which means stars.


Scientists from Raffour


The village provided hundreds of engineers and dozens of researchers, who left the country and exiled to countries like France, Canada or the United States, due to a lack of state's encouragement. In particular, Fouad SAHRAOUI, at plasma physics laboratory in Ecole Polytechnique, France [3], Mohand KECHADI, at school of computer science computer science building, Dublin [4] Mohammed KECHADI, researcher in electrochemistry and microfluidics [5] or Boutemeur MADJID, at the laboratory of systems and materials for the mechatronics and also member at CERN [6].



  1. « Des «toiles» à Raffour », sur Djazairess (consulté le )
  2. « http://www.lesoirdalgerie.com/articles/2016/05/09/article.php?sid=195933&cid=51 », sur www.lesoirdalgerie.com (consulté le )
  3. « LPP - Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas - UMR 7648 - Fouad Sahraoui », sur www.lpp.fr (consulté le )
  4. « Mohand Kechadi », sur www.cs.ucd.ie (consulté le )
  5. (en) Mohammed Kechadi, Bruno Sotta, Lila Chaal et Bernard Tribollet, « A real time affinity biosensor on an insulated polymer using electric impedance spectroscopy in dielectric microchips », Analyst, vol. 139,‎ (ISSN 1364-5528, DOI 10.1039/C4AN00212A, lire en ligne, consulté le )
  6. « BOUTEMEUR Madjid », sur www.polytech.univ-savoie.fr (consulté le )