
Carl Emery
Image illustrative de l’article Ilona1203/Brouillon
Contexte général
Sport Kick-boxing
Période active 1987-2006
Site officiel http://www.carlemery.com
Nationalité sportive Drapeau de la Suisse Suisse
Naissance (56 ans)
Lieu de naissance Genève (Drapeau de la Suisse Suisse)
Poids de forme 80 kg (176 lb)

Carl Emery, born in Geneva, is a kick-boxeur and a organiser of swiss sports events Switzerland.



He was the world champion of full-contact kick-boxing in 1994. Undefeated after two European championship titles and a world champion title, Carl Emery stops the professional competition at the age of 26 to enter the Geneva Gendarmerie School{refnec}}.

Full-contact kick-boxing (amateur)
Full-contact kick-boxing professionnel unifié (ISKA) et (WKN)

Après sa carrière de kick-boxeur professionnel, il poursuit la compétition en ju-jitsu de combat, grappling et MMA amateurs, se distinguant, notamment, dans les compétitions suivantes (de mai 1999 à juin 2006) :

Place Category
Event/competition Where Date
3 77 kg (169 lb) Tournoi international (  Italie) Turin
1 77 kg (169 lb) « Midlands Open » (  Angleterre) Worcester
1 77 kg (169 lb) Tournoi international (  Allemagne) Erfurt
2 77 kg (169 lb) Tournoi international (  Angleterre) Birmingham
2 77 kg (169 lb) « Midlands Open » et trophée du meilleur technicien (  Angleterre) Worcester
1 77 kg (169 lb) Tournoi international (  Angleterre) Birmingham
Membre de l'équipe nationale de Ju-Jitsu « Fighting System » 1999-2000-2001-2002 Sélection aux Championnats d'Europe de Leeds (Angleterre)
7 77 kg (169 lb) Championnats du Monde (  Danemark) Copenhaguen November 2000
1 77 kg (169 lb) « Midlands Open » (  Angleterre) Worcester June 2001
2 77 kg (169 lb) « Bavarian Open » (  Allemagne) July 2001
1 85 kg (187 lb) « Northern Championships » (  Angleterre) Carlisle September 2001
1 77 kg (169 lb) « Canadien Challenge North American Championships » (  Canada) Collingwood October 2001
1 85 kg (187 lb) « Canadien Challenge North American Championships » (  Canada) Collingwood October 2002
1 85 kg (187 lb) « Southern Championships » (  Angleterre) Woking April 2002
1 77 kg (169 lb) « Irish Open » (  Irlande du Nord) Belfast Mai 2002
1 85 kg (187 lb) « Midlands Open » (  Angleterre) Worcester June 2002
1 85 kg (187 lb) Championnat Suisse - Champion Suisse Meyrin (  Suisse) June 2004
1 85 kg (187 lb) MMA Submission Wrestling - International Police & Fire Games (  États-Unis) Las Vegas August 2004
1 85 kg (187 lb) Carribean Ju-Jitsu Kumite Open (  Barbade) St-James August 2004
1 80 kg (176 lb) Tournoi international (  Angleterre) Birmingham November 2004
1 80 kg (176 lb) « Northern Championships » (  Angleterre) Newcastle February 2006
1 80 kg (176 lb) MMA Submission Wrestling du « Northern Championships » (  Angleterre) Newcastle February 2006
1 80 kg (176 lb) MMA (full contact jiu-jitsu) - World Martial Arts Games 2006 (  Canada) Victoria June 2006

Other activities


Carl Emery is active in the field of education. He is technical director of fifteen clubs in Switzerland and forty in the rest of the world [ref. necessary]. He is an instructor of tactics and intervention techniques, he was named Police Instructor of the Year 2008 in Valencia (Spain) by the Council of Police and Security Experts.

Along with Billy Murray, he founded The Peace Fighters1, an association that works to bring communities together through the practice of martial arts and combat sports. This foundation is supported by Mary McAleese, President of Ireland.

Billy Murray and Carl Emery are invited to the UN Headquarters on 7 March 2014 to present their work to children. This is the first time that martial artists are officially received by the UN to make a speech.

The activities of Carl Emery led him to overcome the limits of the martial arts since he intervenes, in particular, in the feature film by Jacques Audiard, Rust and Bone in 20122,3. He is also a model for the prestigious watch brand Urwerk for the launch of its model UR-1001 platinum (8 copies in the world at a price of 400 000 US dollars in 2015) 4. Since 1995, Carl Emery has organized numerous sporting events, often with his associates Philippe Brélaz, Olivier Muller and Jean-Daniel Pfund, including the Post Ténébras Cup from 1995 to 2005 and the Geneva Open - World Martial Arts Games.

Billy Murray and Carl Emery are invited to the UN Headquarters on 7 March 2014 to present their work to children. This is the first time that martial artists are officially received by the UN to make a speech.

The activities of Carl Emery led him to overcome the limits of the martial arts since he intervenes, in particular, in the feature film by Jacques Audiard, De Rille et Bones in 2012[1],[2].

He is also a model for the prestigious watch brand Urwerk for the launch of its model UR-1001 platinum (8 copies worldwide at a price of 400 000 US dollars in 2015)[3].

Since 1995, Carl Emery has organized numerous sporting events, often with his associates Philippe Brélaz, Olivier Muller and Jean-Daniel Pfund, including the Post Ténébras Cup from 1995 to 2005 and the Geneva Open - World Martial Arts Games.In April 2018, Carl Emery published a video of him on Youtube, singing and playing John Lennon's "Imagine" piano at Geneva Cornavin station, and creating the Buzz on the Internet.[4]

Notes and references

  1. « Un gendarme genevois dans le prochain film de Jacques Audiard », Tribune de Genève,‎ (lire en ligne, consulté le )
  2. « Un policier genevois tourne avec Marion Cottillard », Le Matin,‎ (lire en ligne, consulté le )
  3. (en) « Carl Emery Stars in the Urwerk UR-1001 ‘Titan’ TV Commercial », sur WKN Switzerland, WKN World Office - World Kickboxing Network, (consulté le )
  4. « Vidéo "Imagine" chantée interprétée au piano par Carl Emery »