Hello Everyone! This is Decimationist1 Official Wikipedia Page!:) il explain to you guys what is Decimationist1 exactly... Decimationist1 is the name of My Channel on Youtube! :) So my channel on youtube is about some video of me doing fun stuff xD, and playing video games like driver 3, battlefield 3, Unreal Tournament3 etc...., and I upload alot of songs on my channels! Ive already upload like 5 full album and 140+ songs !!!! My genres of music that i upload is <electro,dubstep,Metal and deathmetal.> Im working really hard right now on my channel! So plz guys <<Support Me>> me by subscribing to my channel and like some of my videos and share it with other peoples :)

►My Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/D3cimationist1?feature=mhee

►My Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/Decimationist1

►Official Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/user2806388-1

►Twitter: https://twitter.com/decimationist

►Official Orkut: http://www.orkut.com/Main#Home

►Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/113696600693811229933/posts

►Blogger: http://www.blogger.com/home?pli=1

►Myspace: http://ca.myspace.com/decimationist

►Hotmail: Joeyaube@hotmail.com

►Gmail: Decimationist@gmail.com

►Yahoo Mail: decimationist1@yahoo.com

►TextPlus Username: Decimationist1

►Skype Pseudo: Decimationist1

►Official Website: http://www.decimationist1.tk/

►Wiki Page: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utilisateur:Decimationist1

●Subscribes/Likes/Shares !! Thanx For Supporting Us!!! :D