wassup :) If you need some intertainment, I suggest you to read the following. I thought it would be cool having an account on the most useful website I use everyday. Thanks God Wiki exists, what would we all do for school research? As I am writing this, I am eating cookies. And it's damn cold in my basement. You see, I hate winter. I guess you don't really care but hey, if it doesn't interest you, just click on the little red 'x' on the top right corner of this page ;) My life isn't much more funny than yours, you know. I live for playing piano and drawing. If it wasn't of these two wonderful activities, I think I would have been a wild boar. For those who are wondering 'What the hell is a wild boar?' well here is your answer: according to Wiki, a Wild boar (also wild pig, Sus scrofa) is a species of the pig genus Sus, part of the biological family Suidae. In other words, it's Pumbaa in the Lion King. Now I am wondering what YOU are doing, probably sitting in front of your computer thinking I've got a little bit too much imagination. You aren't completly wrong. I may be too imaginative, but remember what Einstein said: 'Imagination is more important than knowledge.' Oh and I forgot to tell you, there are great chances that I made some mistakes while writing this text. I apologize, I am french-speaking. If you are kind enough to let me know if something is wrong, I'd be glad to correct it. So I'm gonna continue my little bio by saying that I am a future graphist. I wonder if there's a maximum of characters in this text box...I bet I can fill the whole space available! So I was saying I want to be a graphist. This is probably the program in wich I'll be studying next year in college. In my everyday life, I'm a very emotional person. Every feeling is very strong in my heart, it could be love or hate, everything is kind of exagerated. I enjoy listening to music that reflects my emotions, for example when I am upset, I listen to screamo or metal music. I like every kind of music and I really love talking about it with people, so feel free to tell me what artists you like or what songs you listen to these days! Oh see, you have reached the end of my text ;)