Hello, I am interested in Molière, and on the talk page for Dom Juan ou le Festin de pierre I posted this question:

I have a question regarding Dom Juan ou le Festin de pierre — forgive me for expressing this in English. I am interested in a contribution to the English language Wikipedia — which seems like a parallell universe, so to speak. I thought I would post a question here, and hope that someone might have an answer. Here’s my question: In the 'Encyclopedia Britanica in the article on Molière, it says: “That [Molière’s] thoughts were busy with contemporary hypocrisy is proved by certain scenes in one of his greatest pieces, the Festin de Pierre, or Don Juan (Feb. 15, 1665) … It was not printed by Moliere, and even by 1682 the publication of the full text was not permitted. Happily the copy of De la Regnie, the chief of the police escaped obliterations, and gave us the full scene of Don Juan and the Beggar.” This scene that was saved by the police must be the earliest existing fragment of the play by Molière. Does anyone know if this actual fragment or scene from the play is preserved, or photographed, for example, the way that Gallica has photographed some rare antique books and texts? Thank you very much.