Sujet sur Wikipédia:Forum de relecture/Flow

Vojtěch Dostál (discutercontributions)

Hello French Wikipedians, I have a suspicion that two biographical articles deal with an identical person: Bernard-Antoine Nicolet and Bénédict-Alphonse Nicolet. They are born on the same year, in the same town, have similar occupations. However, it's difficult for me to determine that without a grasp of French. Can someone please check?

Eric.LEWIN (discutercontributions)

(deux mots de traduction en français à la fin pour un éventuel non-anglophone de passage intrigué et intéressé).

Good look, thanks for this note. As far as I have looked at, these look really two distinct people, with many distinctive features/events. But I reckognize that it is very puzzling : same family name, very similar first names, born the same year in the same swiss town (though only Bénédict-Alphonse is mentioned in the town article), almost died the same period, almost the same profession !?! Verifyng all the souces (not that much in fact), is a true job for an historian, which I am not. So I let the mystery to the next one that wants to go further… From the history of these articles, Bénédict-Alphonse Nicolet was created in 2006, and Bernard-Antoine Nicolet late in 2013 ; but this last seems to be refered in the famous Bénézit book (which I don't have, there can't verify). If the sources are true, that's a very effective and very very strange coincidence, and more over when considering their "proximity" at an epoch where such a town as St-Imier was probably a not very crowded one (just a feeling about the epoch, I have no clue about this). Very very puzzling !

Vojtěch Dostál nous porte la remarque de l'étrange similarité entre les deux notices bibliographiques de Bernard-Antoine Nicolet et de Bénédict-Alphonse Nicolet, et demande de l'aide pour vérifier qu'il ne s'agit un doublon. Pour moi, incompétent en la matière, mais troublé car selon le bout de texte lu, penchant d'un côté (deux gus aux trajectoires impressionnament proches), puis de l'autre (le même gars, et c'est un canular très travaillé), c'est un travail qui demande de repartir aux sources… Je vais mettre un mot dans la PdD de ces deux articles. Mes deux sous…

Vojtěch Dostál (discutercontributions)
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