Hi Uanfala
Well, it's a pleasure to see someone who's interested in one of these rare dravidian languages. Unfortunately I cannot answer your question about the real value of the so-called central vowels. The sources don't give any IPA equivalents and this is why I let them so. They could as well, I guess, be ʏ ɤ ɵ ɨ !! It's a pity that so many linguists never use this standard to explain the phonetic value of sounds especially for such rare languages, no? Dhegiha (d) 17 juillet 2010 à 20:29 (CEST)Répondre

If you look for French linguists, have a look at the website of the LACITO. This official institution gathers the French linguists fieldworkers and informs about their ongoing project. I know of François Jacquesson who recently worked in South Asia on Tibeto- burman languages.
Dhegiha (d) 17 juillet 2010 à 22:06 (CEST)Répondre