Discussion:Passion (philosophie)

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Hum, quel est cet article ? une thèse ? un poème ? un article de recherche ??
Ryo 10:41 fév 24, 2003 (CET)

Texte en anglais déplacé ici:

Philosophy :work’s summary. « If love is suffering, when does it start and when does it stop ? »

The suffering in love is a current subject in literature. But the concept of love and suffering is very different depending on the time. We read some texts and we found three different categories, which show that each people at each time, can have different sensibilities and different point of view.

-Eros-love : The foundation of this love is the need, we love what we don’t have. But when we’ve got it, it’s finished, love disappears.

-Philia-love : You have no interest to love but you love spontaneously. Love between friends would be a good example, the goal is to be happy with the other person. This love disappear and become suffering when monotony settles. If your love is only of this kind, your relationships will all be a failure.

-Agape-love : we could say universal love because you love everybody, even your foes. This love is very difficult to reach.

Love or oneself’s research ?

In fact, people are interdependent, everybody needs recognition. To become himself, the Man needs people’s look. Moreover, for Aristophane, love is a kind of research of a half of ourselves. That’s the research of a fusion-love. But if physical fusion is possible, the fusion of the souls is not and that’s another reason of suffering. This lack of a half is fulfilled by the significant other.

The beginning of love.

Men and Women are very different. And this difference is the spring of love, of attraction but of opposition too, and that’s why love and suffering are so near. Suffering in love can have different springs :

-jealousy -lie -divergence of ideas -problems of finance -fear of losing the other one (death, divorce…)

But this reasons are clean with our time, we can’t say that they are universal. We could classify all this suffering in two categories :physical and psychological. Generally, psychological suffering generates physical suffering

The crisis in the couple, a necessary stage ?

At the beginning of the relationship, everything is pretty, everybody’s happy… But then, we start to see the defects o he other and love decrease. And that’s normal. It’s necessary to have difficulties to reach maturity. Because it’s during difficulties that it’s possible to see if love is strong. Love is not quiet and difficulties are obstacles to overcome. And when you love, your are forced to accept to suffer. .

The position of François Lagasse :

For him, to love is to wish happiness of the other one, (the distinction that we made is to him no longer valid) and so when the other one is not happy, that’s a suffering to the person. And this suffering is often psychic, and that’s the more difficult to support. Love is a gift of oneself too. But that’s the relationship that can be suffering, this is not love. The source of suffering is for him the mourning of what we desire, indeed we are sometimes forced to leave things that are dear to us behind, in order to assure the happiness of the other one. But when we love someone, we sometimes prefer suffer in order to return pleasure. He thinks it’s possible to built a relationship on the difference as though it generates a little suffering. Happiness is possible between two very different people. But if suffering is too important at the point that someone is unhappy there is a problem. But it is difficult to know when does it start and when does it stop, it depends on people.

As we explained before, there is a very complex relationship between love and suffering, so it’s impossible for us to have a strong position on the subject like : « Love and suffering are totaly dfferent and have no common point. »or « love and suffering are both the interpretaion of the same feeling. ».

Conclusion :

The answer to the question of our work was not very easy to encircle. This question being a very personal question, the answer will always depend on the person that it is asked to, of the culture and of the time, people have different points of view. In fact, the reasons of the suffering are often the same but people don’t react in the same way, some people are more sensitive. But it’s not because someone doesn’t react to this suffering that he doesn’t love the other one. So the answer to the question : « When does the suffering stop ? » is not single and universal.

This work shows one more time that love causes irrational feeling in the person it is acted upon and it is therefore very hard to explain.


la passion est_elle redoutable


quelle sont les arguments de la thèse (discuter) 2 décembre 2023 à 12:18 (CET)Répondre

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