
suffixe national internet

.no est le domaine national de premier niveau (country code top level domain : ccTLD) réservé à la Norvège.

Début 1987
Type Domaine national de premier niveau
État Active
Registre UNINETT Norid
Parrainé par UNINETT Norid
Pays Drapeau de la Norvège Norvège
Utilisation actuelle Très utilisé en Norvège; most sites are in second-level names rather than the various third-level registrations available
Restrictions Must be a registered organization in Norway, except under .priv.no, which is open to registration by individuals; specific subdomains have varied requirements; limit of 20 second-level registrations per organization
Structure Registrations can be made at the second level, or at third level beneath various geographic and generic second-level names
Documents Domain name policy for .no
Dispute policies Complaint procedure
Site Web Norid

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