
Modèle:Infobox Déités D&D

Dans le jeu de rôle Donjons et Dragons, Démogorgon est un puissant Prince Démon. Il s'est auto-proclamé Prince des démons, titre qu'il parvient à garder grâce à sa puissance et son influence et titre qui est ainsi reconnu à la fois par les mortels et les autres démons. Il a également été désigné comme l'un des plus grands méchants dans l'histoire de Donjons et Dragons dans le dernier numéro de Dragon Magazine[1].



Son nom est basé sur celui d'une prétendue divinité païenne plus ou moins démoniaque notamment décrite par Boccace, Rabelais, Folengo, Spencer, Marlowe, Dryden, Milton, Peacock, Shelley, entre autres. Cependant, il est possible que l'apparence et l'histoire du Démogorgon de Donjons et Dragons ne soient pas inspirées par ces auteurs.[2]



Dungeons & Dragons (1974-1976)


Démogorgon apparaît pour la première fois dans le livre Eldritch Wizardry de D&D.

Première édition d'Advanced Dungeons & Dragons


Démogorgon apparaît dans le Bestiaire (en anglais : Monster Manual) (1977).[3]

Dungeons & Dragons


Il apparaît ensuite dans le système de base des Règles immortelles (en anglais : D&D Immortal Rules) (1986).

Seconde édition d'Advanced Dungeons & Dragons


Démogorgon est décrit comme une divinité dans La Mythologie des monstres (en anglais : Monster Mythology (1992).[4]

Troisième édition


Il apparaît ensuite en tant que seigneur démon dans Le Livre de la vile pénombre (en anglais : Book of vile darkness)[5]. Il est l'antagoniste dans l'aventure du Bastion des âmes brisées (Bastion of Broken Souls). Il apparaît également dans le Codex diabolique I : les hordes de l'abîme (Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss (2006))[6]. On le retrouve enfin dans la colonne Démonomicon d'Iggwilv du numéro 357 de Dragon Magazine[7].

Quatrième édition


Démogorgon est l'un des seuls seigneurs démons mentionnés dans la quatrième édition du Bestiaire (2008). Il apparaît sur la couverture du Besitaire 2 (2009) ainsi que dans ses pages[8].

Cinquième édition


Démogorgon est un antagoniste dans l'aventure Hors de l'abîme (Out of the Abyss, 2015).

Il apparaît aussi dans le roman de R.A. Salvatore Archmage, le premier volume de la série Retour à la maison (en anglais : Homecoming). L'archimage Grompf Baenre est manipulé et invoque Démogorgon dans Menzoberranzan. Démogorgon réapparaît dans le second opus de la série, Maestro. Là, il est tué par Drizzt Do'Urden et, selon le plan de Lolth, est supposément supprimé sans avoir la possibilité de retourner dans l'abîme.

Description physique


Démogorgon est un Tanar'ri reptilien (ou amphibien), hermaphrodite qui mesure environ 5,5 mètres de haut et qui a une physionomie plus ou moins humanoïde. Une tête de mandrill sort de chacun de ses deux cous serpentins et ses bras se terminent en longs tentacules. Ses deux têtes ont chacune un esprit distinct, Aameul pour la tête de gauche et Hethradiah pour la tête de droite. L'un des secrets les mieux gardés de Démogorgon, même de ses adorateurs et de ses sbires, est que ses deux personnalités cherchent à se dominer (et même à se tuer) l'une l'autre, ce qu'elles sont incapables de faire car elles sont les deux facettes d'une même existence. En dépit de cette dualité, beaucoup des intrigues liées à Démogorgon tournent autour de la séparation permanente ou de l'unité de ses deux personnalités. Selon les légendes 'kopru, Démogorgon a deux mères, ce qui expliquerait sa double personnalité. Sa peau bleu-vert est recouverte d'écailles de serpent, son corps et ses pattes sont ceux d'un lézard géant et son épaisse queue est fourchue. Son apparence témoigne de son autorité sur les êtres à sang froid comme les serpents, les reptiles et les pieuvres.

Dans le Livre de la vile pénombre, deux têtes de hyènes remplacent ses têtes de mandrill[9]

Démogorgon peut charmer ses ennemis ou les conduire à la folie avec son regard selon que le personnage regarde l'une ou l'autre des têtes du démon.

Demogorgon can charm enemies or drive enemies insane with his gaze, depending on which head's eyes are met; if both heads lock their gazes on a single target simultaneously, Demogorgon can hypnotize foes. His whip-like tail has the ability to drain the life energy right out of a living foe. His tentacles cause living creatures to rot away, as if by some sort of rapid leprosy. Because each head is a separate personality that each controls his body, Demogorgon may act twice as often during combat as he should be able to.

In 4th Edition, the book The Plane Above: Secrets of the Astral Sea and the Monster Manual 2 both state that Demogorgon's two heads are the result of a great battle. Eons ago, Demogorgon, Orcus, and the demon lord Rimmon united to enter the Astral Sea and invade the divine dominion of Kalandurren, home of the god Amoth. Amoth slew Rimmon and nearly cut Demogorgon in half before Orcus killed him. The wound resulted in Demogorgon having two heads.



His title as Prince of Demons is contested and somewhat misleading in that in the chaos of the Abyss there are no official titles and positions. He holds this title through sheer power and the fact no other demon has been able to prove themselves his superior and wrest the name from him. Demogorgon is also known as Lord of All That Swims in Darkness.

The hatred between Orcus and Demogorgon is legendary. He is also a dedicated foe of both Graz'zt and Fraz-Urb'luu. Some of his allies include the Succubus Queen Malcanthet; the currently imprisoned Shami-Amourae was his former consort. In Gary Gygax's Gord the Rogue series, he is the brother of another demon lord called "Mandrillagon." He is served by the minor demon lord Abraxas that controls the 17th layer (Death's Reward) and was allied with the demon lord Ilsidahur who controls the 90th layer, near Demogorgon's realm.

One of Demogorgon's spawn with Malcanthet is the monstrous Arendagrost. According to WG7 he has a son with a mortal woman, the cambion Drumorg.

Demogorgon and the ancient and powerful obyrith Dagon have a sort of alliance. Demogorgon often travels to the domain of the elder demon lord to speak to him and try to gain knowledge and secrets from him or seek his vast wisdom for counsel. Dagon, in turn, always whispers his secrets to one head at a time (never both at once), thus playing a major role in the tension between Demogorgon's heads.

Demogorgon lives on the 88th layer of the Abyss, known as Abysm, the Brine Flats, or Gaping Maw. This is a layer consisting of a great sea of briny water broken by tall, sharp, ugly, rocky prominences rising out of the endless murky water into a sky of yellow mist. Demogorgon's palace is two twin towers shaped very roughly like tightly coiled serpents that are covered with sharp, ugly fin-like features and spines, and crowned at the top with skull-shaped minarets. The two towers are linked by a bridge near the top. Beneath the fortress are reefs and caverns where aboleths, kraken and ixitxachitl dwell, constantly warring with each other and worshipping Demogorgon in his palace above. His towers are said to extend so far beneath the sea that they connect to the layer beneath him where he speaks with the obyrith lord Dagon.

Numerous isles dot the layer, but they all resemble Demogorgon's palace: twin rookeries rising straight out of the sea and into the sky. The only significant landmass of the layer is a vast jungle-covered continent. Here, Demogorgon's capital city of Lemoriax is located.

Cult of Demogorgon


Demogorgon's cult is small compared to those of "true" deities, but much larger than those of most fiends. He is worshiped not only by evil humans, but also by the intelligent rays known as ixitxachitl. Cultists of Demogorgon who are not already demons are often among the most mentally disturbed members of their races.

The following beings are some of Demogorgon's most infamous servants:

  • Belcheresk, a potent balor and Demogorgon's right hand
  • Major Enderan, a demon in command of a company of stone giant juju zombies
  • Ghorvash, a glabrezu demon who serves Demogorgon as a spymaster
  • War Secretary-General Gromsfed the Drowned, a huge klurichir 4th warchief who is the chief tactician of Demogorgon
  • Saint Kargoth the Betrayer, the first death knight and one of Demogorgon's top generals
  • Kazuul, the exarch of Demogorgon
  • Archpriest Nulonga, an ancient worshiper of Demogorgon
  • Rozvankee, a female lich pirate and one of the best monster creators in the service of Demogorgon
  • Severik, a potent balor who commands the elite mariliths of Demogorgon's bodyguard squad
  • Tharak, an ettin clone of Demogorgon and one of his best monster creations
  • Ulu-Thurg, a bar-igura demon chief assassin of Demogorgon
  • Bagromar and Tetradarian, twin generals of Demogorgon who are clones of the demon lord: Bagromar, clone of the Hethradiah head and Tetradarian clone of the Aameul head

Demogorgon in various campaign settings


Demogorgon in Dragonlance


Demogorgon made an early appearance in the Dragonlance campaign setting in Dragon #85, in the short story "A Stone's Throw Away" by Roger E Moore. The story describes Tasselhoff Burrfoot inadvertently defeating an evil wizard who had temporarily placed Demogorgon under his power.

Demogorgon in Greyhawk


In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting, Demogorgon sometimes goes by the ancient name "Ahmon-Ibor," or "the Sibilant Beast." He is responsible for corrupting the paladin Sir Kargoth and transforming him and thirteen of his fellow Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom into Oerth's first death knights.

Demogorgon in Mystara


Demogorgon is described as female in the 1986 Dungeons & Dragons Immortals Rules.

Demogorgon in other media


Baldur's Gate


In the role-playing video game Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn, it is possible to make a sacrifice to Demogorgon, thus summoning a number of hostile demons. In the expansion pack Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal, an avatar of Demogorgon appears imprisoned in the dungeon known as Watcher's Keep. The player's standard quest is to seal the dungeon in order to keep Demogorgon imprisoned, but the player can also destroy Demogorgon's avatar, sending him back to the Abyss.

The character communicates primarily by forcing the player character to experience visions and emotions and has very little dialogue compared to most other bosses. He speaks only once upon being challenged to battle; his single spoken line is performed by Jim Cummings.



In the game NetHack, Demogorgon wields a combination of stunning, poisoning, disease, and damage attacks. He is infamously the most powerful monster in the game. However, he does not have a fixed place in the game, and is generally only seen when other major demons summon him (a small probability per turn).

Film and television


In the 2016 Netflix series Stranger Things, the antagonistic beast which attacks from the other realm, "The Upside-Down", is referred to as the Demogorgon by Mike and his friends, following the inclusion of the demon in their Dungeons & Dragons campaign earlier in the series.


  1. Jason Bulmahn, James Jacobs, Mike McArtor, Erik Mona, F. Wesley Schneider, Todd Stewart et Jeremy Walker, « 1d20 Villains: D&D's Most Wanted; Preferably Dead », Dragon, Paizo, vol. 32(4), no 359,‎ , p. 54–69
  2. Aardy DeVarque, « Literary Sources of D&D » [archive du ] (consulté le )
  3. Gygax, Gary. Monster Manual (TSR, 1977)
  4. Sargent, Carl. Monster Mythology (TSR, 1992)
  5. Cook, Monte. Book of Vile Darkness (Wizards of the Coast, 2002)
  6. James Jacobs, Erik Mona, et Ed Stark. Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss (Wizards of the Coast, 2006)
  7. Jacobs, James. "Demogorgon: Prince of Demons" Dragon #357 (Paizo Publishing, July 2007)
  8. « Monster Manual 2 », Wizards of the Coast (consulté le )
  9. Monte Cook, « Re: What's so sacred about baboon heads? » [archive du ], Okay... Your Turn, (consulté le )



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