
John W. Hawkinson John Whitney Hawkinson was known mostly as as a collector of antique cars. He was known to many collectores and to persons in his community and entourage by the nickname "Hawkeye" At his death, his collection of antique cars totalled vehichles, with the most recent these vehicles dating to 1931. He also collected numerous other items, especially cameras.

John Hawkinson was born in Hartford, Born in Connecticut, on Sept. 13, 1932. He was the son of John L. Hawkinson ans Laura Whitney Hawkinson (grandaughter of Amos Whitney) He died at his home in Gabriels, NY.

http://www.adirondackdailyenterprise.com/news/local-news/2016/11/a-story-in-cars-hawkeyes-barns-held-treasures/ http://obittree.com/obituary/us/new-york/saranac-lake/fortune---keough-funeral-home/john-hawkinson/2649976/ http://theoldmotor.com/?p=161516 https://localwiki.org/hsl/John_Hawkinson http://justacarguy.blogspot.ca/2016/11/john-hawkinson-died-without-selling-his.html http://articles.courant.com/1995-11-17/news/9511170387_1_clarence-e-whitney-blood-bank-west-hartford http://www.vtauto.org/wheeltracks/wtoct2012.pdf

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