
What you are referring to is just mythology. Hebrews used to tell that story (from Adam to Abraham), it's a creation myth, just like all people had their own. Chinese (some of them) believed in the world being created upon the remains of a dead giant named Pangu, while Inuits believed a "god-crow" fixed the world in place with its beak. And so on, I could quote dozens of such myths.

Face it : the jewish Torah, The christian gospels, the book of Mormon, the Quran of Islam, the book of Urantia, the hindu Vedas, the black book of Yezidi faith, and so on, each claims to be the true word of the true god. The believers of each think the others are fake, through no book has particular advantage on the others. The obvious, logicial answer is they are ALL fake.

A book really inspired by a "god" would be so great no human-created text could ever compete. It would be historically and scientifically accurate, it would be of high moral justice, and would be self-consistant in all points. The bible is none of that.

The bible is factually wrong on many things : it claims there is water "above the sky", that the stars are pinholes on a "firmament", that rabbits chew cud, whales are fishes, bats are birds, a whale can swallow a man (totally impossible, their gut is not wide enough), not to mention the ludicrous creation fairy tale. Maybe there is a "god", but there is NO WAY the bible can be "His word". . Let's focus on the matter at hand : dating the "creation". Modern Jews and western christians use bibles based on the so called "massoretic" text, using the chronologies detailed in it, the creation was calculated to occur about 4000 BC. However, oriental christians have bibles based the Septuagint, a greek translation made in the 2nd century BC, from older, long-lost hebrew manuscripts . The chronology is different (each characters lives 50 to 100 years longer, basically), pointing to a creation around 5500 BC. The Samaritan version of the Torah is different too, and points around 4300 BC.

Those differences show that your bible, far from being an infallible word of God, is one of several possible versions. It's the result of a very long process invoving the being repetedly translated, miscopied, augmented or shortened, sometimes even deliberately altered. It all started when bronze age scribes decided to write down the changing oral traditions of a savage and bigoted tribe of goat herders. Even the choice of what's in the bible and what's not was made by men. For exemple the ethiopian christians have three books in their bible that's not in yours. Some books could be in there but are long-lost, for exemple the Book of Chronicles makes a reference to the Books of Nathan and Gad : those two texts are lost since antiquity.

The hypothetical entity known as "god" played no role whatsoever at any point of the process.