Utilisateur:Plyd/Volunteering valuation on Wikipedia

I did a study last year about the value of Wikipedia, as a thesis for my diploma in HEC Paris. Here is the link below. It is written in french and I used French Wikipedia as an example, but the methods used are the same for all languages.

I was looking for indicators on "how to value the job of wikipedians" so my prefered indicator was the increase of pageviews. For a glam giving its material, saying how many views it generated is the best convincing argument imho.

But I searched for a lots of different valuations, with each their own limits. As an example :

  • advertisement value : more or less the market value if a private company would like to make an offer to the foundation, best evaluation is with a simple ratio of pageviews * average page view value.

$8 per 1000 pageviews => $1 600 000 000 per year for all wikipedia with discounted cash flow method (with the internet growth prediction), I get a $8 800 000 000 value. (2% of Apple Market Capitalisation)

    • limitation : the value of wikipedia relays in its contributors and if it was sold, no more contributors would keep writing (and a fork would be done)
    • limitation : the pageview value given by the foundation includes bots...
  • "how much would it cost to write Wikipedia" ? I used the indicator of freelance journalist paid at the "word" and I multiplied by the monthly size increase of Wikipedia.
    • limitation : of course the choice of journalist is discutable, it's not the same job, but it is close enough to be compared.

I used 57,74€ for 1500 signs (a value found in france), which gave me €32 000 000 per month value for french wikipedia, so with a €3000 monthly cost, it gives 900 employees for french wikipedia.

  • I also calculated with a "time spent" indicator, calculated with wikiscan.org (15 minutes max per contribution), which gaves me a more or less same result : 900 full-time contributors on fr.wikipedia.org