
Stamp images


Hi, unless you're a very old stamp designer working for the French government, you can't possibly have the right to put French stamp images into the public domain. All such uploads to commons will have to be deleted. Stan 18:13, 10 January 2007 (UTC)


Hum... 6 on the 9 stamps I downloaded are about 70 years, they come from an old stamps collection from my grant grant father who died in 1941, so normally, as far I m concerned by the law, I sincerily believe that after 70 years, those 6 stamps are in the public domain... now dealing with the last 3 ones, those come from my own stamps collection, and I tried and thought : "if those one don't work, they will be erase... no more".

To conclude, I work on Wikipedia for few monthes, some times I know I walk on the line... but I just feel as a Wikignome and I know there are other people like you who remains (or just inform) me what is the more correct to do....

That s all.... Best Greetings from France

Paris75000 20:09, 10 January 2007 (UTC)

Did you actually look at what "PD-self" says? It claims that you yourself are the copyright holder, which is simply not true - owning a copy of a stamp doesn't give you any more rights than does owning a book or a painting. As for the 70 years idea, see Commons:Timbres/Domaine public. When you make multiple uploads without informing yourself beforehand, you are making more work for other people - that's not a very nice thing to do to them, is it? Stan 20:32, 10 January 2007 (UTC)

Hum... okay, all those stamps (except the hindenburg ones) will be erase cuz the limit timeline is too close... and dealing with my habit to walk on the line it is just about some pictures' domain,... when i write an article or correct others ones (in french or english), noone have to look after me. it's just that I'm a biologist not a lawer...
i hope that's all, i beg ur pardon to make loose ur time on the pictures i downloaded.
Paris75000 20:42, 10 January 2007 (UTC)

Why have 3 french vets been moved?


I am just wondering why 3 of the French vets, have suddenly moved into the unverified category? After much discussion, in December I thought we had come to a reasonable consensus, about who was listed where, and my understanding was that all 3 were recognised as vets in our definition rather than the stricter (and western front orientated) French definition. The moving of the Italian vet who is living in France suggests that who-ever has taken it upon themselves to do this, doesn't understand how the page is laid out. If this vet has been moved because he has not been verified by the French Government, then there is no reason why he would be, he is a veteran of the Italian army - people do move around. Can whoever has done this moving please explain their reasoning? thanks SRwiki 18:44, 17 January 2007 (UTC)

In France, there are only three official WWI veterans.
  • De Cazenave, Louis
  • Grelaud, Jean
  • Ponticelli, Lazarre
The other one do not have the right qualifications to be on this list... I didn't know where to put this other vet so I put them in the last part of the article
Paris75000 21:02, 17 January 2007 (UTC)
Thanks for replying, but I think you are using a different definition of a vet to the rest of us. As far as I can tell the official French definition accepts only those with more than 3 months service, on the Western Front. The definition we are using here, is service anywhere, for any length of time up to 11/11/1918. I suspect the official French definition, is for the purposes of who gets a war pension, rather than who is a veteran.
If you scroll through this discussion page, you will see we have discussed this in great detail
In the case of two of these Vets 1 served in Syria, and one for less than three months, so although not on the official list, are still veterans. The Third vet you moved is an ITALIAN, who just happens to now be living in France, he is never going to be classed as a French Veteran, because he was never in the French Army. But he is an undisputed Veteran of the Italian Army.SRwiki 07:55, 18 January 2007 (UTC)
Finally I notice that Charles Brunier, was awarded service medals for World War 1, but was stripped of them when he was convicted of murder, so another reason he may not be on the official list is that it would be very embarassing for the French Government, if they ended up giving a full state funeral to a convicted murderer. SRwiki 08:06, 18 January 2007 (UTC)

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I just made some modifications to show exactly what are the official and non official living WWI vets in France. I hope you will enjoy them (I think I striked the right balance)
Paris75000 09:00, 18 January 2007 (UTC)

Shouldn't Tuveri be included as a veteran of Italian army?

Salut, je te conseille de jeter un coup d'œil à la page allemande (de:Liste Straßburger Persönlichkeiten), qui contient beaucoup plus de noms. Un ou plusieurs traducteurs devraient passer par-là ! Cordialement, 26 janvier 2007 à 15:12 (CET)

Okay je vais y jeter un coup d'oeil P a r i s - 75 000- Discuter 26 janvier 2007 à 20:55 (CET)

Image:Charge de strasbourg.PNG est une image de licence inconnue

  Image:Charge de strasbourg.PNG Bonjour,

Une image que tu as importée sur Wikipédia, Image:Charge de strasbourg.PNG, ne comporte aucune indication de licence. Merci de lire Aide:Quelle licence utiliser ? et de définir une licence appropriée pour cette image.

Elle sera supprimée si une licence correcte n'est pas définie. Merci de faire le nécessaire ou de remplacer cette image par une compatible avec les règles de Wikipédia.

bilou 30 janvier 2007 à 23:26 (CET)

=> image a supprimer
ok pas de problème, celle la on l'a tous fait ;). Tu la proposes sur WP:SI en expliquant que tu la téléversée par erreur. À l'ocase si tu veux joindre le Projet:Histoire militaire, vu tes centres d'intérêts tu es le bienvenu. bilou 30 janvier 2007 à 23:50 (CET)