
Mural Group[1]

Mural is a highly sophisticated and notorious hacker group that has garnered infamy for its extensive involvement in cybercrime, particularly in the realms of extortion and hacking. Operating under various aliases such as "Mural Breachophile," "Mural Flood," "Mural Revv," "Mural Hells," "Mural Uke," "Mural Restrict," "Mural Vice," "Mural Amiri," "Mural Slit," "Mural Kira," and "Mural Murderville," the group's members have become synonymous with digital malfeasance and illicit online activities.


The activities of Mural encompass a wide array of cybercrimes, with extortion being a primary focus of their operations. The group has been implicated in numerous cases of extorting individuals, businesses, and organizations worldwide, leveraging various tactics such as ransomware attacks, data breaches, and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks to coerce victims into paying exorbitant sums of money. It's estimated that Mural has extorted upwards of €500,000 from their victims, leaving a trail of financial devastation in their wake.

In addition to their extortion schemes, Mural has demonstrated a brazen disregard for law enforcement and government institutions by targeting their digital infrastructure. The group has reportedly breached the security systems of organizations such as Interpol, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), and Kodex, compromising sensitive information and undermining the integrity of these agencies' operations. These incursions into the digital realms of law enforcement have raised concerns about the group's potential to disrupt crucial investigations and compromise national security.

Key Members

- Mural Hells: Operating as an ex-extorter and hacktivist, Mural Hells has emerged as one of the leading figures within the group. With a commanding presence on online platforms such as Discord, he has cultivated a reputation for his adeptness in cybercrime and his strategic partnerships with other influential members, including "OG Feds" and "Prophet." Despite his young age, Mural Hells' impact on the group's activities cannot be overstated, as he continues to play a pivotal role in orchestrating cyberattacks and coordinating with fellow members.

- Mural Revv: A former affiliate of the hacktivist collective known as Glorysec, Mural Revv has transitioned into a key operative within Mural, leveraging his expertise in hacking and infiltration to further the group's objectives. Renowned for his ruthlessness and single-minded determination, Mural Revv has earned a reputation as a formidable adversary in the world of cybercrime, demonstrating a willingness to exploit vulnerabilities and employ aggressive tactics to achieve his aims.

- Mural Breachophile: Recognized as a bona fide hacker within the group, Mural Breachophile specializes in penetrating information systems and extracting valuable data for the purposes of extortion. Operating in tandem with Mural Murderville, he has orchestrated numerous high-profile breaches, targeting individuals and organizations alike with the intent of extracting substantial sums of money. Despite his relatively young age, Mural Breachophile's technical proficiency and strategic acumen have positioned him as a formidable asset within the group's ranks.

Legal Action

Despite their best efforts to evade law enforcement scrutiny, many members of Mural have found themselves on the wrong side of the law, facing arrest and prosecution for their illicit activities. Several high-ranking members have been apprehended and subsequently sentenced to lengthy prison terms, underscoring the severity of their offenses and the determination of law enforcement agencies to hold them accountable for their actions. However, the arrest of key members has done little to deter the group's activities, as they continue to operate with impunity, exploiting security vulnerabilities and evading detection through sophisticated means of obfuscation and encryption.

Furthermore, Mural has been implicated in sim swapping schemes, a form of identity theft in which attackers fraudulently gain control of victims' phone numbers to access sensitive accounts and steal funds. It is estimated that the group has orchestrated sim swapping attacks resulting in the theft of over $2 million dollars, further underscoring the extent of their criminal enterprise and the financial harm inflicted upon their victims.


Mural represents a formidable and persistent threat to cybersecurity and law enforcement efforts to combat cybercrime. With their advanced hacking capabilities, strategic partnerships, and brazen disregard for legal boundaries, the group continues to pose a significant challenge to authorities tasked with safeguarding digital infrastructure and preserving the integrity of online ecosystems. As the specter of cybercrime looms ever larger in the digital age, the ongoing battle against groups like Mural underscores the need for enhanced cybersecurity measures, international cooperation, and proactive law enforcement strategies to mitigate the risks posed by malicious actors operating in the digital realm.