
Water-Gate water barrier

The Water-Gate is a water barrier made in strong polymer web. It is designed to block and control water. Generally used in flood situations (WL-Series), the Water-Gate also enables to create temporary cofferdams, water supply for firefighters in rural zones (WA-Series), oil/hazmat spill containment and collection (WT-Series) in small streams. The Water-Gate barrier comes as heavy-duty PVC roll. Its design enables water to enter and accumulates at the bottom of the barrier. As the water level rises, the barrier unfolds and swells. It is the built-up pressure of the water that makes the barrier inflates. MegaSecur Inc is the main manufacturer of the Water-Gate barrier. MegaSecur’s head office is located in Victoriaville (Quebec), Canada.

Historical The Water-Gate water barrier is a Quebec invention, which was fully invented and designed by a single man, Daniel Dery. Industrial designer by training,a M. Dery is visionary who is passionate about innovation and industrial design. The idea came to him on New Year’s Eve: Sitting in his living room, eyes glued to the television, watching a rundown of the top stories of 1997. One of the year’s biggest headlines was Manitoba’s Red River flood (one of the worst natural disasters in Canadian history). As he watched hundreds of soldiers and civilians filling and stacking an astronomical number of sandbags to block the threatening waters, a light bulb went off. There had to be a better way. Why not using empty sandbags in which flood water will enter and naturally get trapped inside?

The idea made its way and M. Dery decided to go ahead with the project. He designed a first mockup in its kitchen sink. Impressed by his invention, he made a first test and everything worked as he expected. Driven by his determination and creative spirit, he decided to see the project through to the end.

On the years following 1998, M. Dery participated in numerous competitions in Canada and worldwide in the aim of making people discover its product. In 2000, he won the first prize at “Grand prix Quebecois de l’invention”. In 2001, he obtained the “Grand prix de l’institut de design de Montreal”. He also took part in the “International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva” in which he won the Industrial design prize. In 2001 again, he was invited to take part in a Quebec tv program named “Decouverte” in which he showed its first mockup to the big screen. In 2004, a model of the Water-Gate barrier was displayed at the Montreal Science Center during an exhibition featuring twenty-six Canadian inventors. The same year, he was invited at another Quebec tv show named “La patente” to talk about his product.

In 2012, during an interview with Denis Levesque on TVA Nouvelles, M. Dery said that the Water-Gate was sold in some thirty countries around the world.

Spring 2017

When flood hit Quebec in spring 2017, MegaSecur was not able to equipped municipalities with its protection systems due to a stock shortage. At that time, numerous media including radio and tv channels reached out Daniel Dery and questioned him about his product. Media like journal de Montreal11, Radio Canada 12 and tva nouvelles 13 dedicated complete articles and broadcoast time for M. Dery. la presse + was outraged after seing people still using sandbags to fight floodings. M. Dery entrusted to Journal de Montréal, that only a few million dollars of his business figure were attributable to Quebec. Reason why he dicided to focus his sales into Europe, which became his target market. When asked if the Quebec government would not benefit from using the portative dams made by MegaSecur, prime minister Philippe Couillard confessed that he never heard about this product before. It is only months following the 2017 spring summer that the Water-Gate was tried and approved by Ministère des Transports, de la Mobilité durable et de l'Électrification des transports16 under the registration number: GUQ-02055.

MegaSecur distributes its product around the world. Based in France, MegaSecur Europe, the European division of MegaSecur has been in business for almost 10 years. Other distributors such as Flood Protection Solution20, which is being led by young contractor Simon Crowther [archive] also sale the water barrier. In its web site, Megasecur head office shows a dealer locator where it is possible to see its network distribution all around the world.

The Water-Gate water barrier can adapt to different application including: flooding, anti-pollution, cofferdam, aquatic works.