
La legende de Dick et Dom
Titre original The Legend of Dick and Dom
Genre Série humoristique
Production Jeremy Wooding
Dez McCarthy
Acteurs principaux Dominic Wood
Richard McCourt
Steve Furst
Chloe Bale
Terry Jones
Dave Chapman
Ian Kirkby
Pays d'origine Grande Bretagne
Chaîne d'origine BBC
Nb. de saisons 3 Saisons (1 saison en France)
Nb. d'épisodes 33 (13 ont été diffusé en France)
Durée 30 Minutes
Diff. originale Janvier 2012 – En cours de diffusion sur Arte
Site web http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/shows/the-legend-of-dick-and-dom

Modèle:Infobox television

La légende de Dick et Dom (version française de The Legend of Dick and Dom) est une série britannique de 33 épisodes de 30 minutes répartis en 3 saisons, crée par Jeremy Wooding et Dez McCarthy. La première diffusion en France est de Janvier 2012 à avril 2012 sur arte.Une seconde diffusion est en cours actuellement sur arte



Un terrible fléau s’abat sur le royaume de Fyredor. Leur espoir réside en un jeune magicien qui parcours le royaume à la recherche de tout les ingrédients nécessaires à la fabrication d'un antidote. Plusieurs années passent et il revient avec la potion pour soigner tout le royaume. Les premiers à être guéris sont les princes Dick et Dom, malheureusement Dick fait tomber le flacon contenant l'antidote. Ils se font bannir du royaume pour cette maladresse, et ne pourront revenir qu'avec tous les ingrédients pour refaire l'antidote. Ils se font aider par Mannitol et Lutin : un piètre mage, et une chapardeuse charmante.

Personnages principaux


Prince Dick et prince Dom


Les princes Dick(Richard McCourt) et Dom(Dominic Wood) sont les fils du roi de Fyredor: petit royaume du monde de Tout-en-bas.Gaffeur et pas tres intelligents, c'est sur eux que tout le mode compte pour sauver le royaume de la terrible epidemie qui le ravage. Malgré leurs défauts, ils arrivent tout de meme a la fin de chaque episodes a récupérer un ingredient supplementaire pour la fabrication de l'antidote.Dans le premier episode on apprend que Dom est l'ainé.



Mannitol Chur-Railways (Steve Furst) is a mage who embarks on the quest with Dick, Dom and Lutin. Although he appears to be an experienced wizard, he is appallingly bad at magic, and most of his spells turn out disastrously wrong. His mishaps have included, among other things, turning Dick into a cowpat. Unlike the other characters, he wears a full length, itchy-looking brown robe. He is bald, but (unusually) has long red hair around the sides and a long beard. In the episode Dick's Brain, whenever gruesome things are mentioned (e.g. removing Dick's brain), Mannitol throws up. In an episode called The King of Kong's Conker, Dick and Dom are turned to stone, and can only be restored by the King of Kong's magic touch and Mannitol and Lutin must marry the King's daughters. Mannitol was due to marry Princess Minnie, and, when worrying with Lutin over the effects of their last names, revealed his surname to be Chur-Railways. but Mannitol knows the knowledge of the Items about like the tears of furry and there was a story about it. In 'Land of the Luvies' everyone thought he had been infected by 'luviness' due to his nice optimistic comments about his stay in their village; Therefore they had tied him up to a chair in 'Normans' Lab and left there when Dick revealed himself to be a 'Luvie'.

Lutin Mum (Chloe Bale) is the servant of the princes. A very grumpy and querulous person, she was originally a thief. She dislikes the heavy labour she must do, such as carrying the supplies. When the characters get covered in mess (quite frequently) Lutin often complains about it messing up her hair or make-up, even though her hair appears messy and she obviously wears no make-up at all. She proves her toughness, though, in her handling of the princes and Mannitol, as she is rough with them. She is an outspoken critic of Mannitol, calling him an old fool and never listens to him. Lutin showed her courage, too, in The King of Kong's Conker, when she easily defeated a man-eating beast, but later owed this to the fact that she is a woman, not a man. In the same episode, Lutin had to pretend to be Prince Dom (who had been turned to stone), and had to marry a princess called Maxine. She argued with Mannitol over who should marry who; Lutin claimed she could not marry the other princess, Minnie, due to the fact that her surname was Mum, which would make Minnie's name "Minnie Mum". And Dom kissed Lutin on the cheek in one of the series. In the episode, "Tears of Fury" she had had a crush on a man called Jasper that lived within the walls (this led her to turning against the boys when they "killed" the Furies). They end up being girlfriend and boyfriend and actually kiss.This shows her soft side. In 'Land of the Luvies' she used her singing talent to trick the luvies that she had been infected and possessed to escape.



The Beastmaster (Dave Chapman) is a secret enemy who follows Dick & Dom through Bottom World in the second season. All the villains of series 2 work for him, but when they fail to stop the heroes the Beastmaster turns his minions into animals, e.g. Hans becomes a goat, the Hag becomes a slug, the Sirens become sheep. When his evil animals fail him he cooks and eats them, e.g. Jackal the goose, Evil prince dick the rabbit, evil prince dom the dog, evil Lutin the cat and evil Mannitol the guinea pig. He is responsible for the plague. In Haunted he caught the heroes at last.

Cultural references


Throughout the series there are a number of allusions to popular films and television programmes. While most of these are recognisable to a younger audience, there are also a number of references exclusively for mature viewers.

  • In "Hairwolf", Dick responds to the children fleeing at the sight of the gang by saying to Dom, "I thought we were still popular with kids." This is a reference to Dick and Dom in Da Bungalow.
  • "Back to School" features several references to the Harry Potter series, most notably when Dick questions the originality of sending Mannitol to a wizards' academy and asks Dom if it "seems familiar".
  • Upon smashing one of the vials in "The Mists of Time", the gang find themselves falling through a time portal where the Doctor's TARDIS can be seen.
  • In the same episode, Mannitol uses the power of suggestion on two security guards (Ian Kirkby and Dave Chapman, reprising their Harry Batt characters) to allow him and the princes access to Pinewood Studios. The scene is an exact recreation of Obi Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker's entry into Mos Eisley Spaceport in Star Wars, épisode IV : Un nouvel espoir.
  • In the episode of "The Neehi Tribe" it seems to be copying the film Braveheart.[1] When prince Dom waits for the mash to be fired its seems exactly the same as the scene from Braveheart.
  • The pub in "The Tears of Fury" is called The Woolpack after the bar in the ITV soap opera Emmerdale.
  • The eponymous 'beasts' in "The Tears of Fury" are based on the Tribbles from Star Trek.
  • In "Vampire Baby", the POV shot of Baby Alan (Carter Lewis Claret) closing in on the gang as they sleep in the open woodland is modelled after The Evil Dead, while the vampire baby's projectile vomiting onslaught is inspired by The Exorcist.
  • In his closing narration for "Dr Cheese", Terry Jones complains of mistreatment by the programme makers and boasts that he was "in a very popular comedy series a few years ago." The earlier episode "The Mists of Time" also featured Eric Idle's "Money Song".
  • Ian Kirkby and Dave Chapman's guest spots often involve them playing roles in the style of famous comedians or comedy characters. In "Dr Cheese", for example, Kirkby models his eponymous doctor on Eric Morecambe while his clumsy assistant (Chapman) is styled after Frank Spencer.
  • In "Escape" many parts of the episode refer to The Great Escape, including the tunnel being dug behind a stove and one of the workers giving parts to the four prisoners


  1. Braveheart (film)

{{DEFAULTSORT:Legend Of Dick And Dom, The}} [[Category:BBC children's television programmes]] [[Category:2000s British television series]] [[Category:2009 British television programme debuts]] [[Category:BBC television sitcoms]] [[Category:Period television series]] [[Category:Fantasy parodies]] [[fr:La légende de Dick et Dom]]