Utilisateur:Lannivon/Pollution aux hydrocarbures du M/V Treasure

La pollution aux hydrocarbures du MV Treasure est survenue le 23 juin 2000, lorsque le navire a coulé à six miles au large de la côte de l'Afrique du Sud, tandis que le transport de minerai de fer de la Chine au Brésil. Le navire transportait environ 1 300 tonnes de fuel-oil, dont une partie a été déversée dans l'océan, menaçant la population de manchots africains qui vit sur les îles voisines. Les efforts de nettoyage ont commencé rapidement après l'incident, avec une attention particulière pour sauver les manchots Africains.



MV Treasure était un navire cargo enregistré au Panama. Agé de 17 ans, le navire transportait a load of 140,000 Unité « tonnes » inconnue du modèle {{Conversion}}. ( Unité «  » inconnue du modèle {{Conversion}}.) de minerai de fer depuis la Chine vers le Brésil, au moment de l'accident.[1] Le journal Weekend Argus cita des sources anonymes expliquant que le navire appartenant à Universal Pearls, qui which it claimed to be the same Chinese shipping company that owned the Apollo Sea (which sank off Cape Town's coast in 1994 and caused extensive environmental damage).[2]

Cause of the oil spill


Le M/V Treasure a coulé le 23 juin 2000 à 9,7 km au large des côtes sud-africaines entre Robben Island et Dassen Island à la suite d'une perforation de sa coque. Cependant, la perforation ne fut pas la cause immédiate du naufrage. Les autorités ont voulu remorquer le navire dans un port sud africain pour réparations, mais celui-ci était trop grand pour que la manoeuvre soit possible. Ainsi, il fut ordonné d'éloigner le navire au large, dans une tentative de réduire l'impact environnemental de la pollution aux hydrocarbures. Le M/V Treasure coula alors qu'il était en cours de remorquage dans une mer forte et que la remorque céda. Le navire dériva à l'Est et fini par couler. L'équipage fut hélitreuillé et mis en sécurité.

La quantité et le type de déversement de pétrole


Treasure was estimated to have been carrying 1,300 tons of bunker oil of which 400 tons, approximately 2,680 barrels, spilled into the sea off the coast.[3][4] The pear-shaped slick, about Unité « × » inconnue du modèle {{Conversion}}. (Erreur d’expression : opérateur round inattendu. Unité « 4 » inconnue du modèle {{Conversion}}.) in area, was spotted around noon by Kuswag VII, the Department of Environmental Affairs' oil pollution patrol aircraft.[5] The oil spilled was the ship's own fuel oil, which was of the heaviest and most viscous commercial fuel that can be obtained from petroleum. Bunker oil, also known as fuel oil, is what remains after the lighter fractions (gasoline, kerosene, diesel, etc.) are removed by distillation. The heaviest materials in crude petroleum are not distilled, as their boiling points are too high to be conveniently recovered.[6] As a result, bunker oil is usually very dark in color, more dense, and a significantly more serious contaminant than less-dense oils.

Les effets du déversement


Aside from causing the temporary closing of South Africa's ports and threats to species of gannets, cormorants, and seals, Treasure bunker oil spill was dubbed South Africa's worst environmental disaster, as it seriously threatened its population of African penguins.[7] The spill mainly affected African penguin colonies inhabiting South Africa's Robben and Dassen Islands, which support the largest and third largest colonies of African penguins in the world. The worldwide population of African penguins is numbered at less than 180,000, and is declining.[8] About 150,000 African penguins live off South Africa's coast, 19,000 of which live on Robben Island. The Robben Island nature reserve, home to about 14,000 endangered adult African penguins and 6,000 chicks, was hit badly during their breeding season by the oil spill. Over 20,000 penguins were oiled and approximately 2,000 died.[9]

Les efforts de nettoyage


South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA) spokesman Pim Zandee reported that divers confirmed the ship had suffered structural damage when sinking and that oil globules were rising from cracks in the hull. It was also reported that engine room vents, which leaked a steady stream of oil, were closed off, drastically reducing the amount of oil polluting the surface. The dive team continued to seal oil leakages from the wreck. Three days after the sinking, the dive team reported that very little oil was leaking out of the ship.

Différents types de méthodes ont été utilisées pour le nettoyage du pétrole, dont deux ont inclus les ouvriers de chargement de varech couvert d'huile dans des camions. Ceux-ci furent spécialement conçus pour aspirer des piscines d'huile . En outre, les estacades ont été utilisés pour empêcher l'huile de pénétrer dans la Ville du Cap.

South African company Bio-Matrix was contracted to help clean up the oil slick that was polluting the penguins' habitats. The company used a Canadian product, also called Bio-Matrix, made of sphagnum moss properties, which are notable for their natural ability to soak up oil. Bio-matrix works by encapsulating oil without absorbing water. Bio-Matrix is also effective in helping break down and digest oil.

The African penguin rescue effort was one of the largest bird rescue missions undertaken thanks to its many volunteers and teams of professionals. The rescue effort consisted of washing and rehabilitating already-oiled birds and capturing non-oiled birds as a preemptive measure. Within ten days of the Treasure spill, 20,251 oiled African penguins were admitted into the rehabilitation center in Cape Town, and 90% of the oiled birds were rehabilitated and released. Another 19,500 non-oiled penguins were relocated successfully.

The rehabilitation effort was greatly funded by the International Fund for Animal Welfare, which worked together with the local rehabilitation center, the Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds (SANCCOB), and the International Bird Rescue Center (IBRRC), whose oiled wildlife team took action the same day the cargo ship sank. The 12-week rehabilitation process, which cared for over 20,000 birds, required over 130 international team members supervising over 45,000 volunteers, 400 tons of fish to feed the penguins, 7,000 tons of beach sand used in bird pens, and 302 25 litres ( Unité «  » inconnue du modèle {{Conversion}}.) containers of detergent to wash the oil off the penguins' feathers.

Spot de plongée


Le MV Trésor est aujourd'hui un spot de plongée. Sa grand taille (50 mètres) et son pont principal à moins de 30 mètres de profondeur, conjugué à son emplacement dans le Bloubergstrand (région près de Cape Town en Afrique du Sud), ont contribué à sa popularité. La position approximative de l'épave est 33° 40,3′ S, 18° 19,9′ E.[10]


  1. (en) « Cape Town mops up after oil spill », IOL News,‎ (lire en ligne)
  2. (en) « Oil Slick Off South Africa Coast Shore », Los Angeles Times,‎ (lire en ligne)
  3. (en) « Oil Spill Damage Expected to Grow », Los Angeles,‎ (lire en ligne)
  4. « Approximate conversion factors », BP (consulté le )
  5. (en) Bill Blumenfeld, « Officials move to contain Cape oil spill », IOL News,‎ (lire en ligne)
  6. « Bunker Fuels », Liquid Minerals Group Inc. (consulté le )
  7. (en) Mike Cohen, « Penguins swim for home as South Africa watches online », The Seattle Times,‎ (lire en ligne)
  8. « Helping Save 20,000 Oiled Penguins in Cape Town, South Africa », International Bird Rescue, sur International Bird Rescue, International Bird Rescue (consulté le )
  9. « Mopping up oil with nature's help », Natural Environmental Solutions, sur Natural Environmental Solutions, Bio Matrix Gold (consulté le )
  10. Voy:Diving the Cape Peninsula and False Bay/MV Treasure

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[[Catégorie:2000 en Afrique du Sud]] [[Catégorie:Marée noire]]